Preliminary Pre/Post Shower (PQR) gains for pp200 runs
(using SMD mip method)

  • Input: ~1.6M minB pp events from 2004 run.
  • The PQR gains were obtained by fitting the ADC-ped spectrum by Gaussian+Landau, where the Landau's MPV is considered to be the gain for that particular tower.
  • Figures 1 and 2 show comparisons with Dave's which was obtained using TPC mips for preshower 1 and preshower 2, respectively. Tower ID is calculated as = η+ (subsector-1)*12.

    Figure 1 : PreShower 1

    Figure 2 : PreShower 2

  • I also calculated the PQR gains for pp200 data using the Integration method, and here are some ADC-ped spectra for some towers chosen randomly from sector#5 for preshower 1:
    05PA04 , 05PB05 , 05PC11 , 05PD12 , and 05PE02

  • Figures 3-5 shows comparison between SMD mips gains and Integration gains for P, Q, and R planes in sector#5, respectively, for pp200 data.

    Figure 3 : PreShower 1

    Figure 4 : PreShower 2

    Figure 5 : PostShower

  • Figures 6 and 7 shows comparison between TPC mips (Dave's) gains and Integration gains for P and Q planes in sector#5, respectively.

    Figure 6 : PreShower 1

    Figure 7 : PreShower 2