Timed in tower spectra from MinB AuAu collisions

The following data are taken with close to perfect timing of tower crates : 0,0,80,80,20,80ns (the final optimal delays differ by 10 ns).

Conditions for MinB Run 5010076 are described in eLog. 8471 events is used below. Both plots below show integrate ADC spectra over range [10,100], ped subtracted . Numerical values are here . 3 panels show: integral, mean , and RMS.

Radial representation for X-axis --> eta bins changes fast. The calibrated sectors 5-8 span X [240-479]. Sector ID= 1+x%60.

The same data in Spiral representation for X-axis --> eta bins changes the slowest. Eta bin = 1+x%60. Note, monotonic change of yield with eta. At eta value of 1 we see less counts.

Below are raw ADC spectra for all 6 crates (pedestals not subtracted). Note the N*32 structure of the noise interspersed with N*256. We are going to make the jet trigger out of this .

Crate 1

Crate 2

Crate 3

Crate 4

Crate 5

Crate 6

Example of an ADC spectrum for ~90K minB events, regular STAR runs 5011048,50,51,54,55,56, pedestal subtracted, 1 channel per bin. Raw data are in black, isolated tower spectrum is in red. Isolated means all neighbours have ADC-ped <5 .

This spectrum would make SETI researcher heappy.