Slopes for isolated towers from MinB AuAu collisions

  • Data Taken with HV set F files:

    1. HV files used located on eemc-sc in /home/online/VxWorks/indiana/HVSys/HVset_iv_F
      In general voltages for 5TA-8TE were not changed, details are given in Renee's table in the previous entry . One exception is 7TB10 which was calibrated only by the slope method from run2003. The HV for this tube was lowered from 791(setE) to 779 (setF). SetE == SetF except for change to 7TB10.
    2. fraction of run 5041059 (fast DAQ mode), ~235K events,
    3. no towers were masked out while checking isolation
    4. actual pedestal subtracted
    5. all other analysis details remain the same as for previous entry

    Spectra of slopes for all Towers : spectra
    The green thick line is the target slope +/- 1 RMS from iv_F, dashed magenta line is average from iv_B
    Jan's Slope Output ASCII File : slopes. Format: index, tower, tube , slope, errSlope, integral, RMS. root histos
    Slope Analysis for HV set F here