HV for towers set v_C, relative matching based on MIPs from pp200 from 2004

    INPUT: HV set v_B~= last HV set in 2004
  1. Computer friendly files with current tower gains & P-names. Gains below are determinded from MIP's (or slopes normalized to MIP's) from pp200 data taken in 2004. Detail of MIP calibration .

    File format: P-name, tower, flag, gain (ch/GeV), errGain (ch/GeV)
    Table for: sectors 5-8 , sectors 1-4 & 9-12 .
    flagA :
    0 - gain OK
    1 - gain not known
    2 - gain deviates by more then +/- 30% from goal
    3 - CW based was replaced during 2004 shutdown
    4 - PMT based was replaced during 2004 shutdown
    script used to generte the files : do1.tcl
    Subsectors with reversed order of towers vs. PMT names (aka P-names): "02TA 02TB 04TB 04TC 04TD 04TE 05TA 05TB 05TD 05TE"

  2. Use HVset_v_B to obtain corresponding voltage, PMT name and cell ID for each tower and gain listed in Jan's files. Most recent files have been updated (1/2/05) and are linked below:
    1. sector 1
    2. sector 2
    3. sector 3
    4. sector 4
    5. sector 5
    6. sector 6
    7. sector 7
    8. sector 8
    9. sector 9
    10. sector 10
    11. sector 11
    12. sector 12
    Files are also located at:
    /star/u/eemcdb/2005/HVset_v_B/ on rcas machines
    /home/online/VxWorks/indiana/HVSys/HVset_v_B/ on eemc-sc.starp.bnl.gov


    The input file is the previous programs output (ratio.dat) and the output is the new .epics files (find below). Towers with flagA = 0 & 2 were changed if they were outside of 10% of the ideal gain. Towers with flagA = 3 were changed if the given gain was not zero and was outside of 10% of the goal.

  3. Macros used to determine the new HV files
    GainAverage.C Run this file first.
    The input files are called TowerGain1.dat and TowerGain5.dat and are from Jan's table for sectors (1-4 & 9-12) and sectors 5-8 respectively. The output of this file is ratio.dat . This tells you the ratio of the tube's gain to the average gain for it's corresponding tower as well as flagA and flagB.

    ChangeVolt.C Run this file second.

  4. Plots
    1. Gain of Towers sorted by etabin (PS) Blue points are the gain of the towers. The red dot with bar is the average for that bin.
    2. HV change (PS)
      First plot is average HV change vs etabin. The reason for the large stray of bins 5 & 9 is due to only one PMT being changed for that etabin.
      Second plot is number of PMT's changed vs etabin.
    3. Width of HV change (PS)
      The width is the average of the absolute value of high_voltage change. The value for etabin = 8 is zero because no tubes were changed for that etabin.
    4. Gain Distribution (PS)
      Gain Distribution for various eta bins. Old gain distribution is in brown. New gain distribution is the plot directly below and is in red.

  5. Tables
    1. Averages
      Table with average gain, etabin, # of towers used, gain spread
    2. The summary CSV table with old/new HV for 720 towers in sectors 1-12, showing what has been changed.
      Table columns :flagA, flagB, Tower, Tube, cell_ID, oldGain, newGain, gChangeFactor, Old_HV, New_HV, hvChangeFactor
      flagA: as above
      flagB 0 - not used in determining average, 1 - used in determining average

OUTPUT: new HV set v_C (towers only)

  • HV files in the epics format
    1. sector 1
    2. sector 2
    3. sector 3
    4. sector 4
    5. sector 5
    6. sector 6
    7. sector 7
    8. sector 8
    9. sector 9
    10. sector 10
    11. sector 11
    12. sector 12

    Physical location of this page: /star/u/balewski/WWW-E/high_voltage/2005/hvTw_v_C