This page describes the HV calibration of the eemc towers.

Run 6073013 was used to calculate gains from slopes. HV was changed if gain was more than 15% from ideal.

  1. Macros used to determine the new HV files
    1. GainAverage.C Run this file first.
      The input file is R6073013-invSlope.dat . and is from Jan.
      The output of this file is ratio.dat and ratio.csv . Columns are: tube,flagA,flagB,flagC,flagD,flagE,tower,etabin,oldGain,gChangeFactor See /protected/spin/millane/eemc/HV_calibration/towers/ for meaning of flags
    2. changeVolt.C Run this file second.

      Input of this macro is the output from gainAverage.C. Output is summary files found below

  2. Plots
    1. Gain of Towers sorted by etabin
      (PS) (.gif) (macro)
      Black points are the gain of the towers. pink line is the average, red lines are average +/- 10%. Canvas divided into two parts. Second part doesn't include outlayers.
    2. HV change info
      (PS) (.gif) (macro)

      4 plots on one canvas. # of PMT's which had their HV changed, average HV change, absolute value of HV change, maximum HV change

    3. Gain Distribution (PS) (.gif) (macro)

      12 plots, one for each etabin, showing current gain in blue, yellow line which is ideal gain, 2 pink lines representing the boundaries of +/- 10%

  3. Tables
    1. (csv) (dat)

      Summary file with: etabin,sector,flagA,flagB,flagC,flagD,flagE,flagF,tower,tube,CWid,oldGain,newGain,gChngFact,oldHV,newHv,hvChngFact See /protected/spin/millane/eemc/HV_calibration/towers/ for meaning of flags

  4. .epics files
    1. Sector 1
    2. Sector 2
    3. Sector 3
    4. Sector 4
    5. Sector 5
    6. Sector 6
    7. Sector 7
    8. Sector 8
    9. Sector 9
    10. Sector 10
    11. Sector 11
    12. Sector 12