Instruction to build & load pedestals for EEMC FEEs

    B U I L D new pedestals for FEE from muDst w/ ezTree

  1. It is assumed you have already regular STAR muDst w/ ezTree produced.
    Only on January 11, 2005 you need to login to special account and go to special directory.
    Login to any rcas6nnn as user=eemcdb
    ssh -l eemcdb
    rterm (go to new window)
    cd /star/data05/scratch/eemcdb/2005B

  2. The macro is at $STAR/StRoot/StEEmcPool/muEztFeePed/macros/rdEztFeePed.C
    Copy rdEztFeePed.C to your area & edit to point to the proper muDst ( # of events is set to 3000, what is enough)

    root4star rdEztFeePed.C

  3. The text output shows the Gaussian fit results for all 6x128 channels. Format:
    name   Nentries chi2  gaus_ampl gaus_mean gaus_sig err_ampl err_mean err_sig 
    cr1-ch000     1570   21.540   508.820    14.48    1.17  15.73    0.03   0.02
    cr1-ch001     1570    7.717   591.958    17.87    1.02  19.37    0.03   0.02
  4. If you are unhappy with the fitting range for individual channels, there is an option to change it by editing rdEztFeePed.C. Add more special cases following:
        // Fit range max -low, max+high, default: max-5, max+4
        if(cr==4 && chan==13)  ret=pedH->fitPed(h,8); 
        if(cr==4 && chan==95)  ret=pedH->fitPed(h,20); 
        if(cr==5 && chan==95)  ret=pedH->fitPed(h,12,12); 
        else   ret=pedH->fitPed(h);
    Remember to send to CVS the latest version of rdEztFeePed.C, or whatever you did will be lost during nest update of the code.

  5. The 6x4=24 ped4-files are written in to:
    -rw-rw-r--    1 online   online         96 Apr 16 12:07 crate3board1.ped4
    -rw-rw-r--    1 online   online         68 Apr 16 12:07 crate3board2.ped4
    -rw-rw-r--    1 online   online         64 Apr 16 12:07 crate3board3.ped4
    In the same directory one gets a summary ped4-file 'all' (for easier view) and histograms stored in ./feePed4/feePed.hist.root may be viewed with
    root.exe 'plFeePed.C(5,2)' <==(crate,j) --> chan=16*j, ...+16

    Load pedestals to FEE
  6. Log onto eemc-sc as user online
  7. Go to the directory containing the pedestal files and copy your files to a subdirectory there.
  8. cd /home/online/mini/tcl/ped
    mkdir MM.DD.YYYY 
    scp -r* MM.DD.YYYY  
  9. Look at the files. Network problems have been known to corrupt them...
  10. cat MM.DD.YYYY/crate1board1.ped4
  11. Set permissions to be non-writable.
  12. chmod -w MM.DD.YYY/*
  13. Change the symbolic link so it points to your new directory
  14. rm current
    ln -s MM.DD.YYYY current
  15. Open the tower-fee GUI and hit "load all" to load the new pedestals into the GUI.
  16. Hit the "write all" button to write the "current" configuration to all crates.
  17. Read back the values and check them against the files.