Tower, Pre/Post Shower + SMD ADC
updated 2004-04-09

Looked at MuDst for run 5086037 produced by Jan on April 7.Checked various detector anomalies to be sure indexing in MuDst is ok. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Below is a plot of tower ADC where tower number = (sec-1)*60 + (sub-1)*12 + eta-1
  • Hot tower at 346 corresponds to hot tower 6TD11 in FEE crate 4, ch 46
  • Dead tower at 345 correponds to dead tower 6TD10 in FEE crate 4, ch 45
  • Dead tower at 332 corresponds to dead tower 6TC09 in FEE crate 4, ch 36
  • Dead tower at 380 corresponds to dead tower 7TB09 in FEE crate 4, ch 68

    Below is a plot of Pre1/Pre2/Post tower ADC where tower number = (sec-1)*60 + (sub-1)*12 + eta-1
  • High pedestal in tower 288 corresponds to tower 5E01 which is channel 185 in 5P1

    Below is a plot of SMD U-V planes ADC vs strip number
  • BAD bases in 6S1 shows up in both U and V as they should