Tower Fast Simulator

Fast simulator of the E-EMC tower response converts energy loss in the tower tails generated by GEANT directly to ADC using eta-dependent conversion factor. The following assumptions are made:
  1. energy deposit in any tail is equal to the sum of contribution from all particles passing its volume. Number of fibers within the tail and type of scintillator is ignored.
  2. all fibers transport to PMT 100% of energy deposited, except tails with a total deposit below 100 keV.
  3. total Geant energy deposit is recorded as in StEvent
  4. ADC=4095 * geantEnergy /0.05 /60GeV / cosh(eta) is recorded as in StEvent

Details of the code

Decoding of E-EMC hits in StEvent

   TOWERS: det = kEndcapEmcTowerId
     sector 1-12   -->module 0-11
     subsector A-E -->submodule 0-4  
     jeta 1-12     -->eta  0-11
   PRE1-, PRE2-, POST-shower: all det = kEndcapEmcPreshowerId
     sector,subsector,eta : the same
     add 0, 5, or 10 to submodule for PRE1-, PRE2-, POST-shower

   SmdU : det=kEndcapSmdUStripId
   SmdV : det=kEndcapSmdVStripId
     sector 1-12    -->module 0-11
     stripID 1-288  -->eta 0-287
                    -->submodule=0 (not used)

StEEmcFastMaker::Make() {

 EEmcMCData  *evIN->readEventFromChain(this); // acquire E-EMC hit/track list

 EEevent eeveRaw; 
 evIN->write(&eeveRaw); // copy E-EMC hit/track to local TTree

 EEevent  eeveRaw.sumRawMC(eeve); //convert it to hit/tail list

  EE2ST(eeve, stevent); // add hit/tail list to StEvent
