Pibero run his "parallel to z" tracker on run 7137035
  • Results are posted at http://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/heavy/pibero/BeamBackground2006/
  • Below is me rendering of Pibero's histograms:
    Beam bckg TPC only analysis: degrade resolution and subtract X-Y slice from Z=+60m and - 60m
    Conclusion: beam bckg is localized on the West and ~uniform on the East. We have more shealding on the east.

    Beam bckg TPC tracks are matched to EMC towers with low threshold of 200 MeV.
    Conclusion:vcisible beam bckg source at Z=+50, Y=-30cm (on the West) ,br> hitting Endcap inner towers in sector 8E,9A .

    The script