Calibrations_ftpc for AuAu Simulation and Reconstruction

                        simulations                        real data
                     2001-06-15 00:00:00               2001-11-03 00:00:00
table               valid from   contents             valid from   contents 

ftpcAmpSlope       2001-06-14                         2001-11-03
                   00:00:00                           00:00:00          

ftpcCoordTrans     2001-01-01    0,0                  2001-11-03   0.3427,0.
                   00:00:10                           00:00:10

ftpcElectronics    2001-06-14   tZero=2.96            2001-11-03   tZero=2.96
                   00:00:00                           01:30:05 

ftpcGas            2001-06-14    percentAr  = 50       2001-11-03  same as for simulations
                   00:00:00      percentCO2 = 50       01:30:03        
                                 baseTemperature = 25.5 
                                 temperatureDifference = .7
                                 (to be added soon: defaultTemperatureWest    =  ????
                                                    defaultTemperatureEast    =  ????
                                                    temperatureDifference =  -.7
                                   currently in StarDb/ftpc/fptcClusterPars.C:
                                      gasTemperatureWest = 25.8
                                      gasTemperatureEast = 25.1)
ftpcDriftField     2001-06-14                         2001-11-03
                   00:00:00                           01:30:00

ftpcEField         2001-06-14                         2001-11-03
                   00:00:00                           01:30:00 

Drift maps:        2001-06-14                         2001-11-03
ftpcDeflection     00:00:00                           01:30:02

ftpcGasOut          not used for simulations          now contains correct
                    since there is no data from       temperature/pressure
                    slow control                      readings from slow 

ftpcAmpOffset      1996-01-01   no ampoffset          same as for simulations
                    01:01:01    corrections                  
                                applied; all
ftpcTimeOffset     1996-01-01   no timeoffset         same as for simulations
                   01:01:01     corrections                  
                                applied; all


     This page was written by  Janet Seyboth  on February 6, 2003

     Last modified:  February 6, 2003 12:26 CET