Cluster characteristics: Slow Simulator and the 200GeV and 62Gev 2004 AuAu data

The 2004 AuAu (200GeV and 62 GeV) data was used to adjust the FTPC slow simulator "gasGain" parameter so that the maxadc and charge of simulated clusters are as similar to the real data clusters as possible.

Extra peaks appeared in the real data maxadc histograms when a real gain table was used. These peaks are due to a binning effect caused by the fact that maxadc is originally an integer which is multiplied by a gain factor which is almost = 1.

Simulations were run with the gain factor = 3000, 2400 and 2300. The conclusion is that gasGain = 2300 is as good as we can get without investing a lot of work in the slow simulator to adjust the gasGain for temperature and pressure. If more work is done on this, separate "gasGain"s should be used for Ftpc West and Ftpc East.

The data were taken from the AuAu at 200 GeV collisions Reversed Full Field file :
and from the AuAu at 62 GeV collisions Reversed Full Field file :

So in order to match data we change :