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Event Display


The On-Line SVT Monitoring system includes a graphical display of the SVT for hit visualization. It should be possible to display a full wafer or a selected range of anodes and time bins on a given wafer. The display should have flexibility to allow clear visualization of the hit structures and features. It should include gray or color scales, linear or logarithmic scales. It should provide different display methods such a 2-D histograms, contour plot, lego plot and 3-D surface plots.


Visual tools can help a great deal in understanding the response of the detector.


The Hit Display should be linkable with the SVT event display or other STAR event displays.


This allows to examine hits in connection with tracks found by the tracking code in the SVT or the TPC or both.


It should be possible to invoke multiple selection criteria on the data when visualizing hits to select or condition the data being looked at.


Most of the data is usually reasonable. It is usually the rare pathologies that are hard to understand. Being able to set conditions on the data can help a great deal in selecting the pathological events or hits that require special attention and may reflect hardware or software malfunction.


SVT Monitoring system includes a graphical display of the SVT for track reconstruction. The display should allow a selection of representations: 3-dimensional representation, 2-dimensional projection in the transverse plane, conformal mapping, hough transform etc.


At the macroscopic level, tracking is excellent indicator of the performance of both the hardware and software.


The graphical display should include selection of gray or color scales.


The software might be used from different terminal types.


The graphical display should include options contolling whether a detailed or coarse SVT geometry is shown. It should also provide options controlling whether hits, track candidates, or accepted tracks only are shown. It should be possible to invoke multiple selection criteria on the data when visualizing tracks to select or condition the data being looked at.


Justification of requirement


The Track Display should be linkable with the SVT hit display and other STAR event displays.


This allows to examine SVT tracks in connection with tracks found in the TPC or other STAR detectors.


statement of requirement


justification of requirement

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Claude Andre Pruneau
Thu Oct 12 18:01:54 EDT 1995