CTB Pedestals

Here are some plots of pedestal shifts seen for 2001 run. This page is started for runs on 27Aug 2001. Run 2236011 was a pedestal run taken in the morning with all detectors off. Run 2239043 was taken at night of 27Aug with all detectors off. After a long spill beginning ~3am, the beam dumped at about 11am, and while the detectors were all on, a pedestal file was taken, run 2240017. The plots below are differences in means of the pedestal files for the three runs above.

diff of pedestal Means run 2239043 and 2236011

diff of pedestal Means run 2240017 and 2239043

Pedestal update - 31Aug01. diff of pedestal Means run 2243024 and run 2240017