# # TCU Bit definition # # TF21 # 0 MTD 1 ET 2 ITE 3 ITW 4 TOF_TotMultTh0 : total multiplicity threshold bit 5 TOF_Sector1Th0 : TOF sector 1 Threshold bit 6 TOF_Sector2Th0 7 TOF_Sector3Th0 8 TOF_Sector4Th0 9 TOF_Sector5Th0 10 TOF_Sector6Th0 11 12 13 14 15 # # VT21 # 16 BBCsmallTacDiffWin : BBC small-tile TAC difference in window 17 BBCEsmallTh0 : BBC small-tile East ADC sum > th 18 BBCWsmallTh0 : BBC small-tile West ADC sum > th 19 BBClargeTacDiffWin : BBC large-tile TAC difference in window 20 BBCElargeTh0 : BBC large-tile East ADC sum > th 21 BBCWlargeTh0 : BBC large-tile West ADC sum > th 22 ZDCTacDiffWin : ZDC TAC difference in window 23 ZDCETh0 : ZDC East ADC sum > th 24 ZDCWTh0 : ZDC West ADC sum > th 25 ZDCEfrontTh0 : ZDC East Front ADC > th 26 ZDCEbackTh0 : ZDC East Back ADC > th 27 ZDCWfrontTh0 : ZDC West Front ADC > th 28 ZDCWbackTh0 : ZDC West Back ADC > th 29 VPDTacDiffWin : VPD TAC difference in window 30 VPDETh0 : VPD East ADC sum > th 31 VPDWTh0 : VPD West ADC sum > th # # EM21 48 BEMC-HT0 : Barrel HT bits 49 BEMC-HT1 50 BEMC-HT2 51 BEMC-HT3 52 EEMC-HT0 : Endcap HT bits 53 EEMC-HT1 54 JP1 : JP1, unified over the BEMC+EEMC 55 JP2 : JP2, unified over the BEMC+EEMC 56 BJP1 : BJP1 for the 18 BEMC-only patches 57 BJP2 : BJP2 for the 18 BEMC-only patches 58 EJP1 : EJP1 for the 6 EEMC-only patches 59 EJP2 : EJP2 for the 6 EEMC-only patches 60 AJP : AJP for BEMC and EEMC but NOT the boundary 61 BAJP : BAJP for the BEMC-only patches 62 EAJP : EAJP for the EEMC-only patches # # RAT bd # 64 rat-0 65 rat-1 66 rat-2 67 rat-3 68 rat-4 69 rat-5 70 rat-6 71 rat-7 72 rat-8 73 rat-9 74 rat-10 75 rat-11 76 rat-12 77 rat-13 78 rat-14 79 rat-15 # # FP21 # 80 FMSsmallClusTh0 : Cluster threshold bits from the FMS small cells 81 FMSsmallClusTh1 82 FMSsmallClusTh2 83 FMSsmallMulClusTh0 : Multiple cluster thrshld bits from FMS small cells 84 FMSsmallMulClusTh1 85 FMSsmallMulClusTh2 86 FMSsmallHT : HT threshold bit from the FMS small cells 87 FMSlargeClusTh0 : Cluster threshold bits from the FMS large cells 88 FMSlargeClusTh1 89 FMSlargeClusTh2 90 FMSlargeMulClusTh0 : Multiple cluster thrshld bits from FMS large cells 91 FMSlargeMulClusTh1 92 FMSlargeMulClusTh2 93 FMSlargeHT : HT threshold bit from the FMS large cells 94 FPE : FPE trigger bit # # ST-21 # 96 SpcTrgDetBit0 : 3-bit special trigger request from selected detector 97 SpcTrgDetBit1 98 SpcTrgDetBit2 99 DetGrpBit0 : 4-bit number encoding detector 0 to 15 making request 100 DetGrpBit1 101 DetGrpBit2 102 DetGrpBit3 110 ZeroBias 111 Random