TTLIN J15 BBCWIN J30 BBCEIN J71 HEADERIN J75 BB102IN J66 (0-3) quad-hits-East T/B/N/S (4-7) quad-hits-West T/B/N/S (8/9) hits-in-inner circle East/West (10/11) hits-in-outer circle East/West (12-13) ADC-East/West > th0 (14-15) ADC-East/West > th1 LD301IN1 J58 (0) MTD (1) TOF (2) Any FMS ADC > threshold-0 (3) Any FMS ADC > threshold-1 (4) FPDE or FMS-LED (5) UPC-J/? (6) Any EEMC HT > threshold 3 (7/8) BEMC HT bits (coding three thresholds) (9) Any BEMC HT > threshold 4 (10) VPD (11) Pre-scaled VPD (12) BBC (13) Pre-scaled BBC (14) Pre-scaled ZDCE (15) Zero bias VT201IN J49 (0) BBC-tac0 TAC windows (1) BBC-tac1 (2) ZDC-tac0 (3) ZDC-tac1 (4-7) 4 MSB of ZDC TAC-Difference (8-10) 3 MSB of Large Tile TAC-Difference (11-14) 4 MSB of Small Tile TAC-Difference (15) Photon-pretrigger GLINKIN J60 BB101IN J70 (0-3) quad-hits-East T/B/N/S (4-7) quad-hits-West T/B/N/S (8/9) hits-in-inner circle East/West (10/11) hits-in-outer circle East/West (12-13) ADC-East/West > th0 (14-15) ADC-East/West > th1 FP201IN J54 (0) NE > R1 (1) SE > R1 (2) NE > R2 (3) SE > R2 (4) NE > R0 and SE > R0 and Sum_E > R9 (5) At least one FMS ADC > threshold 0 (6) At least one FMS ADC > threshold 1 (7-15) Unused EM201IN J50 (0) High tower threshold 3 BARREL (1) Masked high tower threshold 4 BARREL (2/3) First 3 high tower threshold bits BARREL (4) Unused (5) J/? topology bit (Barrel East and West, no Endcap) (6) Unused (7) High tower threshold 3 ENDCAP (8) Masked high tower threshold 4 ENDCAP (9/10) First 3 high tower threshold bits ENDCAP (11-15) Unused LD301IN2 J69 (0) MTD (1) TOF (2) Any FMS ADC > threshold-0 (3) Any FMS ADC > threshold-1 (4) FPDE or FMS-LED (5) UPC-J/? (6) Any EEMC HT > threshold 3 (7/8) BEMC HT bits (coding three thresholds) (9) Any BEMC HT > threshold 4 (10) VPD (11) Pre-scaled VPD (12) BBC (13) Pre-scaled BBC (14) Pre-scaled ZDCE (15) Zero bias ZD101IN J52 (0) zdc1 > ADC-th0E * dead time R6*104ns (1) zdc2 > ADC-th0W * dead time R6*104ns (2) zdc1 > ADC-th1E * dead time R7*104ns (3) zdc2 > ADC-th1W * dead time R7*104ns (4) time1-window-E * deadtime R8*104ns (5) time2-Window-W * dead time R8*104ns (6) att. Sum > th * dead time R9*104ns BX202IN J51 EMPTYIN2 J53 RCCIN J61 (0) RHIC Strobe (1) address latch (2) Run Stop (3) Address Halt EMPTYIN4 J57 TCUIN J59 EMPTYIN5 J55 REVTICKIN J56