Monday (22. Sep.) |
8:30 |
registration |
9:00 |
John Harris |
Welcome and Introduction |
9:15 |
Rodolfo Sassot |
Status of gluon polarization studies and prospects at an EIC |
9:45 |
John Londergan |
Intrinsic sea quarks in the nucleon |
10:15 |
coffee |
10:45 |
Wally Melnitchouk |
Spin dependent parton distributions at large x |
11:15 |
Martin Hentschinski |
On the physical DGLAP evolution of structure functions |
11:45 |
Marco Stratmann |
Nuclear PDFs: Status and Prospects |
12.15 |
lunch |
14:00 |
Ian Cloet |
Status of the EMC effect |
14:30 |
Mark Strikman |
Triggering on Exotic Fock states in nuclei at large x |
15:00 |
Boris Kopeliovich |
Electron collisions with polarized protons in vicinity of pion pole |
15:30 |
coffee |
16:00 |
Thomas Ullrich |
Yale Physics Club (Colloquium) |
17:30 |
Welcome reception |
Tuesday (23. Sep.) |
9:00 |
Andrea Bressan |
Measurements of transverse momentum dependent effects in COMPASS |
9:30 |
Patrizia Rossi |
SIDIS asymmetries at JLab |
10:00 |
Harut Avagyan |
Di-hadron measurements at JLab |
10:30 |
coffee |
11:00 |
JH Lee |
Di-hadron correlations at a future EIC |
11:30 |
Frank Sabatie |
Experimental status of studies of GPDs |
12.00 |
lunch |
14:00 |
Jianwei Qiu |
Jettiness in e+A collisions |
14:30 |
Misak Sargsian |
Short-range NN correlations at JLab and at a future EIC, and possible implications for nuclear astrophysics |
15:00 |
Hongxi Xing |
NLO computations of pT-broadening and proof of twist-4 factorization |
15:30 |
coffee |
16:00 |
Sebastian Baunack |
Strangeness contribution to the nucleon form factors |
16:30 |
Georges Azuelos |
Higgs and BSM physics at the LHeC |
17:00 |
discussion (topic TBA) |
Wednesday (24. Sep.) |
9:00 |
Bob McKeown |
Physics Opportunities and Capabilities at MEIC |
9:30 |
Berndt Mueller |
Physics Opportunities and Capabilities at eRHIC |
10:00 |
Dario Pellegrini |
The LHeC Project |
10:30 |
coffee |
11:00 |
Anna Stasto |
High Parton Density Physics at an LHeC |
11:30 |
Alex Kovner |
Small-x physics and JIMWLK at NLO |
12.00 |
lunch |
14:00 |
Christian Weiss |
Probing chiral dynamis at an EIC |
14:30 |
Maxim Polyakov |
Chiral theory for GPDs |
15:00 |
Andreas Schafer |
Lattice studies of GPDs and TMDs |
15:30 |
coffee |
16:00 |
Matt Sievert |
Orbital angular momentum and the Sivers sign flip |
16:30 |
Stan Brodsky |
Higgs and BSM physics at the LHeC |
17:00 |
discussion (topic TBA) |
Thursday (25. Sep.) |
9:00 |
Piet Mulders |
Color Entanglement and universality of TMDs |
9:30 |
Alexei Prokudin |
Transverse single spin asymmetries and TMD evolution |
10:00 |
Feng Yuan |
TMDs at small x |
10:30 |
coffee |
11:00 |
Zhongbo Kang |
QCD evolution of TMDs |
11:30 |
Andreas Metz |
Linearly polarized gluons in nuclei |
12:00 |
lunch |
14:00 |
Adrian Dumitru |
Prospects in pA collisions: What will we learn about CGC at hadron colliders in future |
14:30 |
Yuri Kovchegov |
Next-to-leading log small-x evolution |
15:00 |
Amir Rezaeian |
Di-photon production from the CGC |
15:30 |
coffee |
16:00 |
Tuomas Lappi |
Diffractive Physics at an EIC |
16:30 |
Ivan Vitev |
Jet quenching and Soft Collinear Effective Theory |
17:00 |
discussion (topic TBA) |
19:00? |
Social dinner |
Friday(26. Sep.) |
9:00 |
Barbara Jacak |
Why a card-carrying heavy ion physicist is really excited about the EIC |
9:30 |
Soeren Schlichting |
The initial state and thermalization in A+A collisions |
10:00 |
Anna Sta´sto |
Collinear + small-x factorization of inclusive hadron production in pA |
10:30 |
coffee |
11:00 |
Mickey Chiu |
Results from d+Au collisions at RHIC and prospects in p+Au |
11:30 |
Megan Connors |
Latest Results and Prospects from pPb collisions at the LHC |
12.00 |
lunch |
14:00 |
Joakim Nystrand |
Results from UPC in pA and AA at RHIC and LHC |