void yESTAR() { gSystem->Load("libGeom"); new TGeoManager("devE", "devE | dyson"); Double_t dx,dy,dz; Double_t dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2; Double_t vert[20], par[20]; Double_t theta, phi, h1, bl1, tl1, alpha1, h2, bl2, tl2, alpha2; Double_t twist; Double_t origin[3]; Double_t rmin, rmax, rmin1, rmax1, rmin2, rmax2; Double_t r, rlo, rhi; Double_t phi1, phi2; Double_t a,b; Double_t point[3], norm[3]; Double_t rin, stin, rout, stout; Double_t thx, phx, thy, phy, thz, phz; Double_t alpha, theta1, theta2, phi1, phi2, dphi; Double_t tr[3], rot[9]; Double_t z, density, radl, absl, w; Double_t lx,ly,lz,tx,ty,tz; Double_t xvert[50], yvert[50]; Double_t zsect,x0,y0,scale0; Int_t nel, numed, nz, nedges, nvert; TGeoBoolNode *pBoolNode = 0; // MATERIALS, MIXTURES AND TRACKING MEDIA // Mixture: CaveGeo_Concrete nel = 2; density = 2.500000; pMat1 = new TGeoMixture("CaveGeo_Concrete", nel,density); a = 28.085500; z = 14.000000; w = 0.467435; // SI pMat1->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 15.999400; z = 8.000000; w = 0.532565; // O pMat1->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); pMat1->SetIndex(0); // Medium: CaveGeo_HALL CaveGeo_HALL_Standard numed = 1; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed1 = new TGeoMedium("CaveGeo_HALL CaveGeo_HALL_Standard", numed,pMat1, par); // Material: CaveGeo_Air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat2 = new TGeoMaterial("CaveGeo_Air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat2->SetIndex(1); // Medium: CaveGeo_CAVE CaveGeo_CAVE_Something numed = 2; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 100.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed2 = new TGeoMedium("CaveGeo_CAVE CaveGeo_CAVE_Something", numed,pMat2, par); // Material: MagpGeo_Air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat3 = new TGeoMaterial("MagpGeo_Air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat3->SetIndex(2); // Medium: MagpGeo_MAGP MagpGeo_MAGP_Standard numed = 3; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed3 = new TGeoMedium("MagpGeo_MAGP MagpGeo_MAGP_Standard", numed,pMat3, par); // Medium: MagpGeo_COIL None numed = 4; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed4 = new TGeoMedium("MagpGeo_COIL None", numed,pMat3, par); // Material: MagpGeo_Aluminium a = 26.980000; z = 13.000000; density = 2.700000; radl = 8.875105; absl = 37.200000; pMat4 = new TGeoMaterial("MagpGeo_Aluminium", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat4->SetIndex(3); // Medium: MagpGeo_MCSE None numed = 5; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed5 = new TGeoMedium("MagpGeo_MCSE None", numed,pMat4, par); // Medium: MagpGeo_MRET None numed = 6; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed6 = new TGeoMedium("MagpGeo_MRET None", numed,pMat3, par); // Material: MagpGeo_Iron a = 55.850000; z = 26.000000; density = 7.870000; radl = 1.757717; absl = 17.100000; pMat5 = new TGeoMaterial("MagpGeo_Iron", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat5->SetIndex(4); // Medium: MagpGeo_MBAR None numed = 8; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed8 = new TGeoMedium("MagpGeo_MBAR None", numed,pMat5, par); // Medium: MagpGeo_MPTV None numed = 9; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed9 = new TGeoMedium("MagpGeo_MPTV None", numed,pMat5, par); // Medium: MagpGeo_MPCV None numed = 10; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed10 = new TGeoMedium("MagpGeo_MPCV None", numed,pMat4, par); // Medium: MagpGeo_MTCL None numed = 11; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed11 = new TGeoMedium("MagpGeo_MTCL None", numed,pMat4, par); // Medium: MagpGeo_MRGV None numed = 12; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed12 = new TGeoMedium("MagpGeo_MRGV None", numed,pMat5, par); // Material: PipeGeo_Air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat6 = new TGeoMaterial("PipeGeo_Air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat6->SetIndex(5); // Medium: PipeGeo_PIPE PipeGeo_PIPE_Standard numed = 13; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed13 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PIPE PipeGeo_PIPE_Standard", numed,pMat6, par); // Material: PipeGeo_Berillium a = 9.010000; z = 4.000000; density = 1.848000; radl = 34.459958; absl = 36.700000; pMat7 = new TGeoMaterial("PipeGeo_Berillium", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat7->SetIndex(6); // Medium: PipeGeo_PIPC None numed = 14; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed14 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PIPC None", numed,pMat7, par); // Material: PipeGeo_Pvacuum a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.000000; radl = 3041260928.119308; absl = 6750000170.519347; pMat8 = new TGeoMaterial("PipeGeo_Pvacuum", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat8->SetIndex(7); // Medium: PipeGeo_PVAC None numed = 15; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed15 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PVAC None", numed,pMat8, par); // Material: PipeGeo_Pipe a = 26.980000; z = 13.000000; density = 2.700000; radl = 8.875105; absl = 37.200000; pMat9 = new TGeoMaterial("PipeGeo_Pipe", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat9->SetIndex(8); // Medium: PipeGeo_PIPO None numed = 16; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed16 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PIPO None", numed,pMat9, par); // Medium: PipeGeo_PVAO None numed = 17; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed17 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PVAO None", numed,pMat8, par); // Medium: PipeGeo_PIPI None numed = 18; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed18 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PIPI None", numed,pMat9, par); // Medium: PipeGeo_PVAI None numed = 19; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed19 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PVAI None", numed,pMat8, par); // Medium: PipeGeo_PIPT None numed = 20; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed20 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PIPT None", numed,pMat9, par); // Medium: PipeGeo_PVAT None numed = 21; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed21 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PVAT None", numed,pMat8, par); // Material: PipeGeo_Iron a = 55.850000; z = 26.000000; density = 7.870000; radl = 1.757717; absl = 17.100000; pMat10 = new TGeoMaterial("PipeGeo_Iron", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat10->SetIndex(9); // Medium: PipeGeo_PIPB None numed = 22; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed22 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PIPB None", numed,pMat10, par); // Medium: PipeGeo_PVAB None numed = 23; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed23 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PVAB None", numed,pMat8, par); // Medium: PipeGeo_PFLO None numed = 24; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed24 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PFLO None", numed,pMat10, par); // Medium: PipeGeo_PFLT None numed = 25; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed25 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PFLT None", numed,pMat10, par); // Medium: PipeGeo_PIPS None numed = 26; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed26 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PIPS None", numed,pMat10, par); // Medium: PipeGeo_PVAS None numed = 27; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed27 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PVAS None", numed,pMat8, par); // Medium: PipeGeo_PRIS None numed = 28; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed28 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PRIS None", numed,pMat6, par); // Medium: PipeGeo_PRIB None numed = 30; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed30 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PRIB None", numed,pMat10, par); // Mixture: PipeGeo_Mli nel = 4; density = 1.826670; pMat11 = new TGeoMixture("PipeGeo_Mli", nel,density); a = 12.010700; z = 6.000000; w = 0.339230; // C pMat11->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 1.007940; z = 1.000000; w = 0.022775; // H pMat11->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 15.999400; z = 8.000000; w = 0.180755; // O pMat11->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 26.981538; z = 13.000000; w = 0.457240; // AL pMat11->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); pMat11->SetIndex(10); // Medium: PipeGeo_PWRP None numed = 31; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed31 = new TGeoMedium("PipeGeo_PWRP None", numed,pMat11, par); // Material: BbcmGeo_Air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat12 = new TGeoMaterial("BbcmGeo_Air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat12->SetIndex(11); // Medium: BbcmGeo_BBCM BbcmGeo_BBCM_Standard numed = 32; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed32 = new TGeoMedium("BbcmGeo_BBCM BbcmGeo_BBCM_Standard", numed,pMat12, par); // Medium: BbcmGeo_BBCA BbcmGeo_BBCA_Standard numed = 33; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed33 = new TGeoMedium("BbcmGeo_BBCA BbcmGeo_BBCA_Standard", numed,pMat12, par); // Medium: BbcmGeo_THXM BbcmGeo_THXM_Standard numed = 34; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed34 = new TGeoMedium("BbcmGeo_THXM BbcmGeo_THXM_Standard", numed,pMat12, par); // Medium: BbcmGeo_SHXT BbcmGeo_SHXT_Standard numed = 35; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed35 = new TGeoMedium("BbcmGeo_SHXT BbcmGeo_SHXT_Standard", numed,pMat12, par); // Mixture: BbcmGeo_Alkap nel = 4; density = 1.432000; pMat13 = new TGeoMixture("BbcmGeo_Alkap", nel,density); a = 12.010700; z = 6.000000; w = 0.587061; // C pMat13->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 1.007940; z = 1.000000; w = 0.039413; // H pMat13->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 15.999400; z = 8.000000; w = 0.312808; // O pMat13->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 26.981538; z = 13.000000; w = 0.060718; // AL pMat13->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); pMat13->SetIndex(12); // Medium: BbcmGeo_CLAD None numed = 36; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed36 = new TGeoMedium("BbcmGeo_CLAD None", numed,pMat13, par); // Material: BbcmGeo_Cpolystyren a = 11.153000; z = 5.615000; density = 1.032000; radl = 42.900887; absl = 67500.000000; pMat14 = new TGeoMaterial("BbcmGeo_Cpolystyren", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat14->SetIndex(13); // Medium: BbcmGeo_BPOL None numed = 37; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed37 = new TGeoMedium("BbcmGeo_BPOL None", numed,pMat14, par); // Material: VpddGeo2_Air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat15 = new TGeoMaterial("VpddGeo2_Air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat15->SetIndex(14); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBEM None numed = 44; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed44 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBEM None", numed,pMat15, par); // Material: VpddGeo2_Aluminium a = 26.980000; z = 13.000000; density = 2.700000; radl = 8.875105; absl = 37.200000; pMat16 = new TGeoMaterial("VpddGeo2_Aluminium", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat16->SetIndex(15); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBEH None numed = 45; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed45 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBEH None", numed,pMat16, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBEV None numed = 46; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed46 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBEV None", numed,pMat16, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBEW None numed = 47; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed47 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBEW None", numed,pMat16, par); // Material: VpddGeo2_Iron a = 55.850000; z = 26.000000; density = 7.870000; radl = 1.757717; absl = 17.100000; pMat19 = new TGeoMaterial("VpddGeo2_Iron", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat19->SetIndex(18); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBSS None numed = 59; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed59 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBSS None", numed,pMat19, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBSA None numed = 48; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed48 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBSA None", numed,pMat15, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBAA None numed = 49; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed49 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBAA None", numed,pMat16, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBSB None numed = 50; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed50 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBSB None", numed,pMat15, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBAB None numed = 51; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed51 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBAB None", numed,pMat16, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBSC None numed = 52; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed52 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBSC None", numed,pMat15, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBAC None numed = 53; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed53 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBAC None", numed,pMat16, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBBC None numed = 54; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed54 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBBC None", numed,pMat16, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBCC None numed = 55; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed55 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBCC None", numed,pMat16, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBSD None numed = 56; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed56 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBSD None", numed,pMat16, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBSE None numed = 57; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed57 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBSE None", numed,pMat16, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBSF None numed = 58; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed58 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBSF None", numed,pMat19, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBSG None numed = 60; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed60 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBSG None", numed,pMat19, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_IBSH None numed = 61; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed61 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_IBSH None", numed,pMat19, par); // Material: ZcalGeo_Air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat20 = new TGeoMaterial("ZcalGeo_Air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat20->SetIndex(19); // Medium: ZcalGeo_ZCAL ZcalGeo_ZCAL_Standard numed = 62; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed62 = new TGeoMedium("ZcalGeo_ZCAL ZcalGeo_ZCAL_Standard", numed,pMat20, par); // Material: ZcalGeo_Iron a = 55.850000; z = 26.000000; density = 7.870000; radl = 1.757717; absl = 17.100000; pMat21 = new TGeoMaterial("ZcalGeo_Iron", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat21->SetIndex(20); // Medium: ZcalGeo_PIPH None numed = 63; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed63 = new TGeoMedium("ZcalGeo_PIPH None", numed,pMat21, par); // Material: ZcalGeo_Vacuum a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.000001; radl = 36647193.258052; absl = 67500000.000000; pMat22 = new TGeoMaterial("ZcalGeo_Vacuum", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat22->SetIndex(21); // Medium: ZcalGeo_PVAH None numed = 64; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed64 = new TGeoMedium("ZcalGeo_PVAH None", numed,pMat22, par); // Medium: ZcalGeo_PLAT None numed = 65; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed65 = new TGeoMedium("ZcalGeo_PLAT None", numed,pMat21, par); // Medium: ZcalGeo_PLVA None numed = 66; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed66 = new TGeoMedium("ZcalGeo_PLVA None", numed,pMat22, par); // Material: ZcalGeo_Dirty_lead a = 207.190000; z = 82.000000; density = 11.350000; radl = 0.561705; absl = 18.500000; pMat23 = new TGeoMaterial("ZcalGeo_Dirty_lead", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat23->SetIndex(22); // Medium: ZcalGeo_QCAL None numed = 67; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed67 = new TGeoMedium("ZcalGeo_QCAL None", numed,pMat23, par); // Material: ZcalGeo_Scintillator a = 11.153000; z = 5.615000; density = 1.032000; radl = 42.900887; absl = 18.500000; pMat24 = new TGeoMaterial("ZcalGeo_Scintillator", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat24->SetIndex(23); // Medium: ZcalGeo_QSCI None numed = 69; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed69 = new TGeoMedium("ZcalGeo_QSCI None", numed,pMat24, par); // Medium: ZcalGeo_PIPJ None numed = 70; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed70 = new TGeoMedium("ZcalGeo_PIPJ None", numed,pMat21, par); // Medium: ZcalGeo_PVAJ None numed = 71; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed71 = new TGeoMedium("ZcalGeo_PVAJ None", numed,pMat22, par); // Material: BtofGeo7_Air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat25 = new TGeoMaterial("BtofGeo7_Air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat25->SetIndex(24); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BTOF BtofGeo7_BTOF_Standard numed = 72; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed72 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BTOF BtofGeo7_BTOF_Standard", numed,pMat25, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BTOH None numed = 73; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed73 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BTOH None", numed,pMat25, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BSEC None numed = 74; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed74 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BSEC None", numed,pMat25, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BTRA None numed = 75; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed75 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BTRA None", numed,pMat25, par); // Material: BtofGeo7_Aluminium a = 26.980000; z = 13.000000; density = 2.700000; radl = 8.875105; absl = 37.200000; pMat26 = new TGeoMaterial("BtofGeo7_Aluminium", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat26->SetIndex(25); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BXTR None numed = 76; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed76 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BXTR None", numed,pMat26, par); // Mixture: BtofGeo7_Honeycomb nel = 3; density = 0.730000; pMat27 = new TGeoMixture("BtofGeo7_Honeycomb", nel,density); a = 27.000000; z = 13.000000; w = 0.010500; // AL pMat27->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 14.000000; z = 7.000000; w = 0.739500; // N pMat27->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 9.000000; z = 4.500000; w = 0.250000; // BE pMat27->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); pMat27->SetIndex(26); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BRTC None numed = 77; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed77 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BRTC None", numed,pMat27, par); // Mixture: BtofGeo7_Rpcgas nel = 4; density = 0.004550; pMat28 = new TGeoMixture("BtofGeo7_Rpcgas", nel,density); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.026268; // H pMat28->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.253144; // C pMat28->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 19.000000; z = 9.000000; w = 0.709629; // F pMat28->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 32.000000; z = 16.000000; w = 0.010959; // S pMat28->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); pMat28->SetIndex(27); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BGMT None numed = 78; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed78 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BGMT None", numed,pMat28, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BRMD None numed = 79; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed79 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BRMD None", numed,pMat28, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BRHC None numed = 80; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed80 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BRHC None", numed,pMat27, par); // Mixture: BtofGeo7_G10 nel = 4; density = 1.700000; pMat29 = new TGeoMixture("BtofGeo7_G10", nel,density); a = 28.080000; z = 14.000000; w = 0.280000; // SI pMat29->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.467126; // O pMat29->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.220690; // C pMat29->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.032184; // H pMat29->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); pMat29->SetIndex(28); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BRCB None numed = 81; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed81 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BRCB None", numed,pMat29, par); // Mixture: BtofGeo7_Mylar nel = 3; density = 1.390000; pMat30 = new TGeoMixture("BtofGeo7_Mylar", nel,density); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.625000; // C pMat30->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.042000; // H pMat30->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.333000; // O pMat30->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); pMat30->SetIndex(29); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BRMY None numed = 82; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed82 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BRMY None", numed,pMat30, par); // Material: BtofGeo7_Carbon a = 12.010000; z = 6.000000; density = 2.265000; radl = 18.761206; absl = 49.900000; pMat31 = new TGeoMaterial("BtofGeo7_Carbon", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat31->SetIndex(30); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BRGR None numed = 83; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed83 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BRGR None", numed,pMat31, par); // Mixture: BtofGeo7_Glass nel = 2; density = 2.500000; pMat32 = new TGeoMixture("BtofGeo7_Glass", nel,density); a = 28.085500; z = 14.000000; w = 0.467435; // SI pMat32->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 15.999400; z = 8.000000; w = 0.532565; // O pMat32->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); pMat32->SetIndex(31); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BROG None numed = 84; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed84 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BROG None", numed,pMat32, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BRDT None numed = 85; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed85 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BRDT None", numed,pMat28, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BRSG BtofGeo7_BRSG_Sensitive numed = 87; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed87 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BRSG BtofGeo7_BRSG_Sensitive", numed,pMat28, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BRIG None numed = 86; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed86 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BRIG None", numed,pMat32, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BUPC None numed = 89; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed89 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BUPC None", numed,pMat25, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BTFE None numed = 90; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed90 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BTFE None", numed,pMat29, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BUND None numed = 91; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed91 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BUND None", numed,pMat25, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BTFT None numed = 92; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed92 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BTFT None", numed,pMat26, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BASE None numed = 93; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed93 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BASE None", numed,pMat26, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BARM None numed = 94; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed94 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BARM None", numed,pMat26, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BANG None numed = 95; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed95 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BANG None", numed,pMat26, par); // Medium: BtofGeo7_BCOV None numed = 96; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed96 = new TGeoMedium("BtofGeo7_BCOV None", numed,pMat26, par); // Material: MutdGeo4_Air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat35 = new TGeoMaterial("MutdGeo4_Air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat35->SetIndex(34); // Medium: MutdGeo4_MUTD None numed = 98; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed98 = new TGeoMedium("MutdGeo4_MUTD None", numed,pMat35, par); // Material: TpceGeo3a_Air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat36 = new TGeoMaterial("TpceGeo3a_Air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat36->SetIndex(35); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TPCE TpceGeo3a_TPCE_Standard numed = 99; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.248853; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 1.150550; // stmin pMed99 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TPCE TpceGeo3a_TPCE_Standard", numed,pMat36, par); // Mixture: TpceGeo3a_Mylar nel = 3; density = 1.390000; pMat39 = new TGeoMixture("TpceGeo3a_Mylar", nel,density); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.625000; // C pMat39->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.042000; // H pMat39->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.333000; // O pMat39->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); pMat39->SetIndex(38); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TPCM TpceGeo3a_TPCM_Tpcm_mylar numed = 104; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.212557; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.031138; // stmin pMed104 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TPCM TpceGeo3a_TPCM_Tpcm_mylar", numed,pMat39, par); // Material: TpceGeo3a_Aluminium a = 26.980000; z = 13.000000; density = 2.700000; radl = 8.875105; absl = 37.200000; pMat40 = new TGeoMaterial("TpceGeo3a_Aluminium", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat40->SetIndex(39); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TIFC TpceGeo3a_TIFC_Tifc_aluminium numed = 105; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.182960; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033442; // stmin pMed105 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TIFC TpceGeo3a_TIFC_Tifc_aluminium", numed,pMat40, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TIKA TpceGeo3a_TIKA_Tika_mylar numed = 106; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.212557; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.031138; // stmin pMed106 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TIKA TpceGeo3a_TIKA_Tika_mylar", numed,pMat39, par); // Mixture: TpceGeo3a_Nomex nel = 3; density = 0.064000; pMat41 = new TGeoMixture("TpceGeo3a_Nomex", nel,density); a = 12.010700; z = 6.000000; w = 0.599840; // C pMat41->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 1.007940; z = 1.000000; w = 0.080542; // H pMat41->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 15.999400; z = 8.000000; w = 0.319618; // O pMat41->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); pMat41->SetIndex(40); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TINX TpceGeo3a_TINX_Tinx_nomex numed = 107; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.242015; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 135061.000000; // stmin pMed107 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TINX TpceGeo3a_TINX_Tinx_nomex", numed,pMat41, par); // Mixture: TpceGeo3a_Adhesive nel = 3; density = 1.200000; pMat42 = new TGeoMixture("TpceGeo3a_Adhesive", nel,density); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.625000; // C pMat42->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.041667; // H pMat42->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.333333; // O pMat42->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); pMat42->SetIndex(41); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TIAD TpceGeo3a_TIAD_Tiad_adhesive numed = 108; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.215210; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033412; // stmin pMed108 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TIAD TpceGeo3a_TIAD_Tiad_adhesive", numed,pMat42, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TOFC TpceGeo3a_TOFC_Tofc_aluminium numed = 109; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.182960; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033442; // stmin pMed109 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TOFC TpceGeo3a_TOFC_Tofc_aluminium", numed,pMat40, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TOAD TpceGeo3a_TOAD_Toad_mylar numed = 110; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.212557; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.031138; // stmin pMed110 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TOAD TpceGeo3a_TOAD_Toad_mylar", numed,pMat39, par); // Material: TpceGeo3a_Copper a = 63.540000; z = 29.000000; density = 8.960000; radl = 1.435029; absl = 14.800000; pMat43 = new TGeoMaterial("TpceGeo3a_Copper", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat43->SetIndex(42); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TOFS TpceGeo3a_TOFS_Tofs_copper numed = 111; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.250000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.028139; // stmin pMed111 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TOFS TpceGeo3a_TOFS_Tofs_copper", numed,pMat43, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TOKA TpceGeo3a_TOKA_Toka_mylar numed = 112; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.212557; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.031138; // stmin pMed112 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TOKA TpceGeo3a_TOKA_Toka_mylar", numed,pMat39, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TONX TpceGeo3a_TONX_Tonx_nomex numed = 113; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.242015; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.135061; // stmin pMed113 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TONX TpceGeo3a_TONX_Tonx_nomex", numed,pMat41, par); // Material: TpceGeo3a_Nitrogen_gas a = 14.010000; z = 7.000000; density = 0.001000; radl = 37843.359416; absl = 75400.000000; pMat44 = new TGeoMaterial("TpceGeo3a_Nitrogen_gas", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat44->SetIndex(43); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TOIG TpceGeo3a_TOIG_Toig_nitrogen_gas numed = 114; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.248893; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 1.145540; // stmin pMed114 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TOIG TpceGeo3a_TOIG_Toig_nitrogen_gas", numed,pMat44, par); // Mixture: TpceGeo3a_Al_honeycomb nel = 3; density = 0.282000; pMat45 = new TGeoMixture("TpceGeo3a_Al_honeycomb", nel,density); a = 27.000000; z = 13.000000; w = 0.010500; // AL pMat45->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 14.000000; z = 7.000000; w = 0.739500; // N pMat45->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 9.000000; z = 4.500000; w = 0.250000; // BE pMat45->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); pMat45->SetIndex(44); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TOHA TpceGeo3a_TOHA_Toha_al_honeycomb numed = 115; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.233280; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.070769; // stmin pMed115 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TOHA TpceGeo3a_TOHA_Toha_al_honeycomb", numed,pMat45, par); // Mixture: TpceGeo3a_P10 nel = 3; density = 0.001541; pMat37 = new TGeoMixture("TpceGeo3a_P10", nel,density); a = 39.948000; z = 18.000000; w = 0.957286; // AR pMat37->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 12.010700; z = 6.000000; w = 0.031980; // C pMat37->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 1.007940; z = 1.000000; w = 0.010735; // H pMat37->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); pMat37->SetIndex(36); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TPGV TpceGeo3a_TPGV_Tpgv_p10 numed = 100; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.248246; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 1.605940; // stmin pMed100 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TPGV TpceGeo3a_TPGV_Tpgv_p10", numed,pMat37, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TPSS TpceGeo3a_TPSS_Tpss_whatever numed = 101; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.248246; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 1.605940; // stmin pMed101 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TPSS TpceGeo3a_TPSS_Tpss_whatever", numed,pMat37, par); // Material: TpceGeo3a_Sensitive_gas a = 38.691489; z = 17.436170; density = 0.001541; radl = 13017.798856; absl = 0.000000; pMat38 = new TGeoMaterial("TpceGeo3a_Sensitive_gas", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat38->SetIndex(37); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TPAD TpceGeo3a_TPAD_Tpad_p10 numed = 102; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 2.875000; // stemax par[5] = 0.001754; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.024906; // stmin pMed102 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TPAD TpceGeo3a_TPAD_Tpad_p10", numed,pMat38, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TPAD TpceGeo3a_TPAD_Tpad_p10 numed = 103; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 4.875000; // stemax par[5] = 0.001754; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.024906; // stmin pMed103 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TPAD TpceGeo3a_TPAD_Tpad_p10", numed,pMat38, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TSWH TpceGeo3a_TSWH_Tswh_standard numed = 116; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.248853; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 1.150550; // stmin pMed116 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TSWH TpceGeo3a_TSWH_Tswh_standard", numed,pMat36, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TSAW TpceGeo3a_TSAW_Standard numed = 117; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.248853; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 1.150550; // stmin pMed117 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TSAW TpceGeo3a_TSAW_Standard", numed,pMat36, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TBRW TpceGeo3a_TBRW_Tbrw_aluminium numed = 131; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.182960; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033442; // stmin pMed131 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TBRW TpceGeo3a_TBRW_Tbrw_aluminium", numed,pMat40, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TWRB TpceGeo3a_TWRB_Twrb_aluminium numed = 132; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.182960; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033442; // stmin pMed132 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TWRB TpceGeo3a_TWRB_Twrb_aluminium", numed,pMat40, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TWBT TpceGeo3a_TWBT_Twbt_aluminium numed = 133; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.182960; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033442; // stmin pMed133 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TWBT TpceGeo3a_TWBT_Twbt_aluminium", numed,pMat40, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TWTR TpceGeo3a_TWTR_Twtr_aluminium numed = 137; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.182960; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033442; // stmin pMed137 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TWTR TpceGeo3a_TWTR_Twtr_aluminium", numed,pMat40, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TWMR TpceGeo3a_TWMR_Twmr_aluminium numed = 138; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.182960; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033442; // stmin pMed138 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TWMR TpceGeo3a_TWMR_Twmr_aluminium", numed,pMat40, par); // Mixture: TpceGeo3a_Water_pipe nel = 3; density = 2.321550; pMat47 = new TGeoMixture("TpceGeo3a_Water_pipe", nel,density); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.010655; // H pMat47->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.085237; // O pMat47->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 27.000000; z = 14.000000; w = 0.904108; // SI pMat47->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); pMat47->SetIndex(46); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TCOO TpceGeo3a_TCOO_Tcoo_h2o_pipe numed = 126; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.184746; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.034830; // stmin pMed126 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TCOO TpceGeo3a_TCOO_Tcoo_h2o_pipe", numed,pMat47, par); // Mixture: TpceGeo3a_Cables nel = 4; density = 2.680000; pMat48 = new TGeoMixture("TpceGeo3a_Cables", nel,density); a = 63.540000; z = 29.000000; w = 0.586000; // CU pMat48->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 12.010000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.259000; // C pMat48->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 15.999000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.138000; // O pMat48->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 1.007940; z = 1.000000; w = 0.017000; // H pMat48->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); pMat48->SetIndex(47); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TCAB TpceGeo3a_TCAB_Tcab_cables numed = 141; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.172513; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.038832; // stmin pMed141 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TCAB TpceGeo3a_TCAB_Tcab_cables", numed,pMat48, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TSAS TpceGeo3a_TSAS_Tsas_standard numed = 118; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.248853; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 1.150550; // stmin pMed118 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TSAS TpceGeo3a_TSAS_Tsas_standard", numed,pMat36, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TALS TpceGeo3a_TALS_Tals_aluminium numed = 119; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.182960; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033442; // stmin pMed119 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TALS TpceGeo3a_TALS_Tals_aluminium", numed,pMat40, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_THOL TpceGeo3a_THOL_Thol_air numed = 120; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.248853; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 1.150550; // stmin pMed120 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_THOL TpceGeo3a_THOL_Thol_air", numed,pMat36, par); // Mixture: TpceGeo3a_G10 nel = 4; density = 1.700000; pMat46 = new TGeoMixture("TpceGeo3a_G10", nel,density); a = 28.080000; z = 14.000000; w = 0.280000; // SI pMat46->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.467126; // O pMat46->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.220690; // C pMat46->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.032184; // H pMat46->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); pMat46->SetIndex(45); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_FEES TpceGeo3a_FEES_Fees_g10 numed = 121; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.203130; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033381; // stmin pMed121 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_FEES TpceGeo3a_FEES_Fees_g10", numed,pMat46, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TSGT TpceGeo3a_TSGT_Tsgt_g10 numed = 122; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.203130; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033381; // stmin pMed122 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TSGT TpceGeo3a_TSGT_Tsgt_g10", numed,pMat46, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TRIB TpceGeo3a_TRIB_Trib_aluminium numed = 123; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.182960; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033442; // stmin pMed123 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TRIB TpceGeo3a_TRIB_Trib_aluminium", numed,pMat40, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TWIR TpceGeo3a_TWIR_Twir_g10 numed = 124; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.203130; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033381; // stmin pMed124 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TWIR TpceGeo3a_TWIR_Twir_g10", numed,pMat46, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TWAS TpceGeo3a_TWAS_Twas_standard numed = 125; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.248853; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 1.150550; // stmin pMed125 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TWAS TpceGeo3a_TWAS_Twas_standard", numed,pMat36, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_FEEA TpceGeo3a_FEEA_Feea_std numed = 127; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.248853; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 1.150550; // stmin pMed127 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_FEEA TpceGeo3a_FEEA_Feea_std", numed,pMat36, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_FEEP TpceGeo3a_FEEP_Feep_aluminium numed = 128; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.182960; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033442; // stmin pMed128 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_FEEP TpceGeo3a_FEEP_Feep_aluminium", numed,pMat40, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_FEER TpceGeo3a_FEER_Feer_aluminium numed = 129; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.182960; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033442; // stmin pMed129 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_FEER TpceGeo3a_FEER_Feer_aluminium", numed,pMat40, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_FEEI TpceGeo3a_FEEI_Feei_g10 numed = 130; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.203130; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033381; // stmin pMed130 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_FEEI TpceGeo3a_FEEI_Feei_g10", numed,pMat46, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TWRI TpceGeo3a_TWRI_Twri_standard numed = 134; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.248853; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 1.150550; // stmin pMed134 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TWRI TpceGeo3a_TWRI_Twri_standard", numed,pMat36, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TWRC TpceGeo3a_TWRC_Twrc_aluminium numed = 135; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.182960; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033442; // stmin pMed135 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TWRC TpceGeo3a_TWRC_Twrc_aluminium", numed,pMat40, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TWRG TpceGeo3a_TWRG_Twrg_aluminium numed = 136; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.182960; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033442; // stmin pMed136 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TWRG TpceGeo3a_TWRG_Twrg_aluminium", numed,pMat40, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TRDO TpceGeo3a_TRDO_Trdo_whatever numed = 139; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.248853; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 1.150550; // stmin pMed139 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TRDO TpceGeo3a_TRDO_Trdo_whatever", numed,pMat36, par); // Medium: TpceGeo3a_TRDC TpceGeo3a_TRDC_Trdc_g10 numed = 140; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.203130; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.033381; // stmin pMed140 = new TGeoMedium("TpceGeo3a_TRDC TpceGeo3a_TRDC_Trdc_g10", numed,pMat46, par); // Material: IdsmGeo1_Air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat49 = new TGeoMaterial("IdsmGeo1_Air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat49->SetIndex(48); // Medium: IdsmGeo1_IDSM None numed = 142; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed142 = new TGeoMedium("IdsmGeo1_IDSM None", numed,pMat49, par); // Mixture: IdsmGeo1_Cfrpmix nel = 4; density = 1.780000; pMat50 = new TGeoMixture("IdsmGeo1_Cfrpmix", nel,density); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.062000; // O pMat50->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.892000; // C pMat50->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.019000; // H pMat50->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 35.500000; z = 17.000000; w = 0.027000; // CL pMat50->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); pMat50->SetIndex(49); // Medium: IdsmGeo1_SUCA None numed = 143; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed143 = new TGeoMedium("IdsmGeo1_SUCA None", numed,pMat50, par); // Mixture: IdsmGeo1_Sucbmix nel = 7; density = 2.460000; pMat51 = new TGeoMixture("IdsmGeo1_Sucbmix", nel,density); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.043000; // O pMat51->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.635000; // C pMat51->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.014000; // H pMat51->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 35.500000; z = 17.000000; w = 0.019000; // CL pMat51->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); a = 27.000000; z = 13.000000; w = 0.017000; // AL pMat51->DefineElement(4,a,z,w); a = 47.900000; z = 22.000000; w = 0.260000; // TI pMat51->DefineElement(5,a,z,w); a = 50.900000; z = 23.000000; w = 0.012000; // V pMat51->DefineElement(6,a,z,w); pMat51->SetIndex(50); // Medium: IdsmGeo1_SUCB None numed = 144; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed144 = new TGeoMedium("IdsmGeo1_SUCB None", numed,pMat51, par); // Medium: IdsmGeo1_SUCC None numed = 145; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed145 = new TGeoMedium("IdsmGeo1_SUCC None", numed,pMat50, par); // Mixture: IdsmGeo1_Sucdmix nel = 7; density = 2.370000; pMat52 = new TGeoMixture("IdsmGeo1_Sucdmix", nel,density); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.048000; // O pMat52->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.694000; // C pMat52->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.015000; // H pMat52->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 35.500000; z = 17.000000; w = 0.021000; // CL pMat52->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); a = 27.000000; z = 13.000000; w = 0.013000; // AL pMat52->DefineElement(4,a,z,w); a = 47.900000; z = 22.000000; w = 0.200000; // TI pMat52->DefineElement(5,a,z,w); a = 50.900000; z = 23.000000; w = 0.009000; // V pMat52->DefineElement(6,a,z,w); pMat52->SetIndex(51); // Medium: IdsmGeo1_SUCD None numed = 146; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed146 = new TGeoMedium("IdsmGeo1_SUCD None", numed,pMat52, par); // Medium: IdsmGeo1_SUCE None numed = 147; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed147 = new TGeoMedium("IdsmGeo1_SUCE None", numed,pMat50, par); // Mixture: IdsmGeo1_Alpure nel = 1; density = 2.800000; pMat53 = new TGeoMixture("IdsmGeo1_Alpure", nel,density); a = 26.981538; z = 13.000000; w = 1.000000; // AL pMat53->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); pMat53->SetIndex(52); // Medium: IdsmGeo1_SUCF None numed = 148; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed148 = new TGeoMedium("IdsmGeo1_SUCF None", numed,pMat53, par); // Medium: IdsmGeo1_SUCG None numed = 149; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed149 = new TGeoMedium("IdsmGeo1_SUCG None", numed,pMat53, par); // Mixture: IdsmGeo1_Fr4 nel = 4; density = 1.800000; pMat54 = new TGeoMixture("IdsmGeo1_Fr4", nel,density); a = 28.080000; z = 14.000000; w = 0.281000; // SI pMat54->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.467000; // O pMat54->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.220000; // C pMat54->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.032000; // H pMat54->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); pMat54->SetIndex(53); // Medium: IdsmGeo1_TPRT None numed = 150; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed150 = new TGeoMedium("IdsmGeo1_TPRT None", numed,pMat54, par); // Mixture: IdsmGeo1_Alumina nel = 2; density = 3.900000; pMat55 = new TGeoMixture("IdsmGeo1_Alumina", nel,density); a = 26.981538; z = 13.000000; w = 0.529251; // AL pMat55->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 15.999400; z = 8.000000; w = 0.470749; // O pMat55->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); pMat55->SetIndex(54); // Medium: IdsmGeo1_TPRR None numed = 151; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed151 = new TGeoMedium("IdsmGeo1_TPRR None", numed,pMat55, par); // Mixture: IdsmGeo1_Railmix nel = 5; density = 3.384000; pMat56 = new TGeoMixture("IdsmGeo1_Railmix", nel,density); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.032000; // O pMat56->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.471000; // C pMat56->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.011000; // H pMat56->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 35.500000; z = 17.000000; w = 0.014000; // CL pMat56->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); a = 27.000000; z = 13.000000; w = 0.472000; // AL pMat56->DefineElement(4,a,z,w); pMat56->SetIndex(55); // Medium: IdsmGeo1_FGRL None numed = 152; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed152 = new TGeoMedium("IdsmGeo1_FGRL None", numed,pMat56, par); // Mixture: IdsmGeo1_Cablemix nel = 9; density = 1.755000; pMat57 = new TGeoMixture("IdsmGeo1_Cablemix", nel,density); a = 28.080000; z = 14.000000; w = 0.131000; // SI pMat57->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.117000; // O pMat57->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.193000; // C pMat57->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.024000; // H pMat57->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); a = 27.000000; z = 13.000000; w = 0.143000; // AL pMat57->DefineElement(4,a,z,w); a = 63.500000; z = 29.000000; w = 0.106000; // CU pMat57->DefineElement(5,a,z,w); a = 19.000000; z = 9.000000; w = 0.254000; // F pMat57->DefineElement(6,a,z,w); a = 23.000000; z = 11.000000; w = 0.015000; // NA pMat57->DefineElement(7,a,z,w); a = 40.100000; z = 20.000000; w = 0.017000; // CA pMat57->DefineElement(8,a,z,w); pMat57->SetIndex(56); // Medium: IdsmGeo1_FGHV None numed = 153; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed153 = new TGeoMedium("IdsmGeo1_FGHV None", numed,pMat57, par); // Material: FgtdGeo3_Air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat58 = new TGeoMaterial("FgtdGeo3_Air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat58->SetIndex(57); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGTM None numed = 154; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed154 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGTM None", numed,pMat58, par); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGTD None numed = 155; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed155 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGTD None", numed,pMat58, par); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGTQ None numed = 156; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed156 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGTQ None", numed,pMat58, par); // Mixture: FgtdGeo3_Nomexmix nel = 8; density = 0.090000; pMat59 = new TGeoMixture("FgtdGeo3_Nomexmix", nel,density); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.090000; // O pMat59->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.796000; // C pMat59->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.023000; // H pMat59->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 35.500000; z = 17.000000; w = 0.019000; // CL pMat59->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); a = 14.000000; z = 7.000000; w = 0.025000; // N pMat59->DefineElement(4,a,z,w); a = 27.000000; z = 13.000000; w = 0.002000; // AL pMat59->DefineElement(5,a,z,w); a = 63.500000; z = 29.000000; w = 0.039000; // CU pMat59->DefineElement(6,a,z,w); a = 39.900000; z = 18.000000; w = 0.006000; // AR pMat59->DefineElement(7,a,z,w); pMat59->SetIndex(58); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGVN None numed = 157; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed157 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGVN None", numed,pMat59, par); // Mixture: FgtdGeo3_Fr4 nel = 4; density = 1.800000; pMat60 = new TGeoMixture("FgtdGeo3_Fr4", nel,density); a = 28.080000; z = 14.000000; w = 0.281000; // SI pMat60->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.467000; // O pMat60->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.220000; // C pMat60->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.032000; // H pMat60->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); pMat60->SetIndex(59); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGQA None numed = 158; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed158 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGQA None", numed,pMat60, par); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGQB None numed = 159; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed159 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGQB None", numed,pMat60, par); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGQC None numed = 160; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed160 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGQC None", numed,pMat60, par); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGQD None numed = 161; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed161 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGQD None", numed,pMat60, par); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGQE None numed = 162; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed162 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGQE None", numed,pMat60, par); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGQF None numed = 163; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed163 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGQF None", numed,pMat60, par); // Material: FgtdGeo3_Sensitive_fgt_gas a = 32.437820; z = 14.836000; density = 0.001801; radl = 12558.423745; absl = 67500.000000; pMat61 = new TGeoMaterial("FgtdGeo3_Sensitive_fgt_gas", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat61->SetIndex(60); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGZC None numed = 164; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed164 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGZC None", numed,pMat61, par); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGXA None numed = 165; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed165 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGXA None", numed,pMat60, par); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGXB None numed = 166; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed166 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGXB None", numed,pMat60, par); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGXC None numed = 167; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed167 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGXC None", numed,pMat60, par); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGXD None numed = 168; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed168 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGXD None", numed,pMat60, par); // Mixture: FgtdGeo3_Gemmix nel = 6; density = 0.079000; pMat62 = new TGeoMixture("FgtdGeo3_Gemmix", nel,density); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.095000; // O pMat62->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.301000; // C pMat62->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.011000; // H pMat62->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 14.000000; z = 7.000000; w = 0.032000; // N pMat62->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); a = 63.500000; z = 29.000000; w = 0.547000; // CU pMat62->DefineElement(4,a,z,w); a = 39.900000; z = 18.000000; w = 0.014000; // AR pMat62->DefineElement(5,a,z,w); pMat62->SetIndex(61); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGVG None numed = 169; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed169 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGVG None", numed,pMat62, par); // Mixture: FgtdGeo3_Readmix nel = 7; density = 0.356000; pMat63 = new TGeoMixture("FgtdGeo3_Readmix", nel,density); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.160000; // O pMat63->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.508000; // C pMat63->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.020000; // H pMat63->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 14.000000; z = 7.000000; w = 0.051000; // N pMat63->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); a = 27.000000; z = 13.000000; w = 0.003000; // AL pMat63->DefineElement(4,a,z,w); a = 63.500000; z = 29.000000; w = 0.255000; // CU pMat63->DefineElement(5,a,z,w); a = 39.900000; z = 18.000000; w = 0.003000; // AR pMat63->DefineElement(6,a,z,w); pMat63->SetIndex(62); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGVR None numed = 170; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed170 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGVR None", numed,pMat63, par); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGVE None numed = 171; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed171 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGVE None", numed,pMat58, par); // Mixture: FgtdGeo3_Termmix nel = 7; density = 2.550000; pMat64 = new TGeoMixture("FgtdGeo3_Termmix", nel,density); a = 28.100000; z = 14.000000; w = 0.141000; // SI pMat64->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.196000; // O pMat64->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.419000; // C pMat64->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.008000; // H pMat64->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); a = 63.500000; z = 29.000000; w = 0.156000; // CU pMat64->DefineElement(4,a,z,w); a = 207.000000; z = 82.000000; w = 0.032000; // PB pMat64->DefineElement(5,a,z,w); a = 118.700000; z = 50.000000; w = 0.048000; // SN pMat64->DefineElement(6,a,z,w); pMat64->SetIndex(63); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGWA None numed = 172; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed172 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGWA None", numed,pMat64, par); // Mixture: FgtdGeo3_Apvmix nel = 8; density = 2.535000; pMat65 = new TGeoMixture("FgtdGeo3_Apvmix", nel,density); a = 28.100000; z = 14.000000; w = 0.191000; // SI pMat65->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.339000; // O pMat65->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.213000; // C pMat65->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.028000; // H pMat65->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); a = 35.500000; z = 17.000000; w = 0.009000; // CL pMat65->DefineElement(4,a,z,w); a = 63.500000; z = 29.000000; w = 0.122000; // CU pMat65->DefineElement(5,a,z,w); a = 207.000000; z = 82.000000; w = 0.039000; // PB pMat65->DefineElement(6,a,z,w); a = 118.700000; z = 50.000000; w = 0.059000; // SN pMat65->DefineElement(7,a,z,w); pMat65->SetIndex(64); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGWB None numed = 173; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed173 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGWB None", numed,pMat65, par); // Mixture: FgtdGeo3_Conmix nel = 10; density = 1.816000; pMat66 = new TGeoMixture("FgtdGeo3_Conmix", nel,density); a = 28.100000; z = 14.000000; w = 0.122000; // SI pMat66->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.225000; // O pMat66->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.297000; // C pMat66->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.023000; // H pMat66->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); a = 14.000000; z = 7.000000; w = 0.009000; // N pMat66->DefineElement(4,a,z,w); a = 63.500000; z = 29.000000; w = 0.045000; // CU pMat66->DefineElement(5,a,z,w); a = 55.800000; z = 26.000000; w = 0.055000; // FE pMat66->DefineElement(6,a,z,w); a = 58.700000; z = 28.000000; w = 0.022000; // NI pMat66->DefineElement(7,a,z,w); a = 207.000000; z = 82.000000; w = 0.081000; // PB pMat66->DefineElement(8,a,z,w); a = 118.700000; z = 50.000000; w = 0.121000; // SN pMat66->DefineElement(9,a,z,w); pMat66->SetIndex(65); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGWC None numed = 174; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed174 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGWC None", numed,pMat66, par); // Mixture: FgtdGeo3_Brass nel = 2; density = 8.400000; pMat67 = new TGeoMixture("FgtdGeo3_Brass", nel,density); a = 63.500000; z = 29.000000; w = 0.630000; // CU pMat67->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 65.400000; z = 30.000000; w = 0.370000; // ZN pMat67->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); pMat67->SetIndex(66); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGWD None numed = 175; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed175 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGWD None", numed,pMat67, par); // Mixture: FgtdGeo3_Hvmix nel = 9; density = 3.009000; pMat68 = new TGeoMixture("FgtdGeo3_Hvmix", nel,density); a = 28.100000; z = 14.000000; w = 0.113000; // SI pMat68->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.241000; // O pMat68->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.248000; // C pMat68->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.023000; // H pMat68->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); a = 63.500000; z = 29.000000; w = 0.109000; // CU pMat68->DefineElement(4,a,z,w); a = 55.800000; z = 26.000000; w = 0.019000; // FE pMat68->DefineElement(5,a,z,w); a = 52.000000; z = 24.000000; w = 0.008000; // CR pMat68->DefineElement(6,a,z,w); a = 207.000000; z = 82.000000; w = 0.096000; // PB pMat68->DefineElement(7,a,z,w); a = 118.700000; z = 50.000000; w = 0.143000; // SN pMat68->DefineElement(8,a,z,w); pMat68->SetIndex(67); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGWE None numed = 176; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed176 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGWE None", numed,pMat68, par); // Medium: FgtdGeo3_FGTH None numed = 177; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed177 = new TGeoMedium("FgtdGeo3_FGTH None", numed,pMat58, par); // Material: CalbGeo2_Air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat69 = new TGeoMaterial("CalbGeo2_Air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat69->SetIndex(68); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CALB CalbGeo2_CALB_Standard numed = 178; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed178 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CALB CalbGeo2_CALB_Standard", numed,pMat69, par); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CHLV None numed = 179; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed179 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CHLV None", numed,pMat69, par); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CPHI None numed = 180; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed180 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CPHI None", numed,pMat69, par); // Material: CalbGeo2_Iron_cszo a = 55.850000; z = 26.000000; density = 7.870000; radl = 1.757717; absl = 17.100000; pMat70 = new TGeoMaterial("CalbGeo2_Iron_cszo", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat70->SetIndex(69); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CSZO None numed = 181; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed181 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CSZO None", numed,pMat70, par); // Material: CalbGeo2_Iron_cszu a = 55.850000; z = 26.000000; density = 7.870000; radl = 1.757717; absl = 17.100000; pMat71 = new TGeoMaterial("CalbGeo2_Iron_cszu", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat71->SetIndex(70); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CSZU None numed = 182; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed182 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CSZU None", numed,pMat71, par); // Material: CalbGeo2_Alu_cspt a = 26.980000; z = 13.000000; density = 2.700000; radl = 8.875105; absl = 37.200000; pMat72 = new TGeoMaterial("CalbGeo2_Alu_cspt", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat72->SetIndex(71); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CSPT None numed = 183; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed183 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CSPT None", numed,pMat72, par); // Material: CalbGeo2_Alu_cspb a = 26.980000; z = 13.000000; density = 2.700000; radl = 8.875105; absl = 37.200000; pMat73 = new TGeoMaterial("CalbGeo2_Alu_cspb", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat73->SetIndex(72); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CSPB None numed = 184; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed184 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CSPB None", numed,pMat73, par); // Material: CalbGeo2_Alu_cbtw a = 26.980000; z = 13.000000; density = 2.700000; radl = 8.875105; absl = 37.200000; pMat74 = new TGeoMaterial("CalbGeo2_Alu_cbtw", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat74->SetIndex(73); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CBTW None numed = 185; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed185 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CBTW None", numed,pMat74, par); // Material: CalbGeo2_Cron_cslg a = 55.850000; z = 26.000000; density = 7.870000; radl = 1.757717; absl = 17.100000; pMat75 = new TGeoMaterial("CalbGeo2_Cron_cslg", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat75->SetIndex(74); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CSLG None numed = 186; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed186 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CSLG None", numed,pMat75, par); // Material: CalbGeo2_Iron_cstp a = 55.850000; z = 26.000000; density = 7.870000; radl = 1.757717; absl = 17.100000; pMat76 = new TGeoMaterial("CalbGeo2_Iron_cstp", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat76->SetIndex(75); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CSTP None numed = 187; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed187 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CSTP None", numed,pMat76, par); // Mixture: CalbGeo2_Cellulose nel = 3; density = 0.350000; pMat77 = new TGeoMixture("CalbGeo2_Cellulose", nel,density); a = 12.010000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.285714; // C pMat77->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.476190; // H pMat77->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.238095; // O pMat77->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); pMat77->SetIndex(76); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CSUP None numed = 188; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed188 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CSUP None", numed,pMat77, par); // Material: CalbGeo2_Cpolystyren a = 11.153000; z = 5.615000; density = 1.032000; radl = 42.900887; absl = 67500.000000; pMat78 = new TGeoMaterial("CalbGeo2_Cpolystyren", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat78->SetIndex(77); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CSCI None numed = 189; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed189 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CSCI None", numed,pMat78, par); // Material: CalbGeo2_Lead_cpbp a = 207.190000; z = 82.000000; density = 11.350000; radl = 0.561705; absl = 18.500000; pMat79 = new TGeoMaterial("CalbGeo2_Lead_cpbp", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat79->SetIndex(78); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CPBP None numed = 190; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed190 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CPBP None", numed,pMat79, par); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CSMD None numed = 191; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed191 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CSMD None", numed,pMat77, par); // Mixture: CalbGeo2_G10 nel = 4; density = 1.700000; pMat80 = new TGeoMixture("CalbGeo2_G10", nel,density); a = 28.080000; z = 14.000000; w = 0.280000; // SI pMat80->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.467126; // O pMat80->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.220690; // C pMat80->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.032184; // H pMat80->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); pMat80->SetIndex(79); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CSMG None numed = 192; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed192 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CSMG None", numed,pMat80, par); // Material: CalbGeo2_Alu_csda a = 26.980000; z = 13.000000; density = 2.700000; radl = 8.875105; absl = 37.200000; pMat81 = new TGeoMaterial("CalbGeo2_Alu_csda", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat81->SetIndex(80); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CSDA None numed = 193; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed193 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CSDA None", numed,pMat81, par); // Mixture: CalbGeo2_Sens_gas nel = 3; density = 0.001801; pMat83 = new TGeoMixture("CalbGeo2_Sens_gas", nel,density); a = 39.950000; z = 18.000000; w = 0.900000; // AR pMat83->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 12.010000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.027289; // C pMat83->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.072711; // O pMat83->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); pMat83->SetIndex(82); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CSHI None numed = 195; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed195 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CSHI None", numed,pMat83, par); // Material: CalbGeo2_Alu_csmc a = 26.980000; z = 13.000000; density = 2.700000; radl = 8.875105; absl = 37.200000; pMat84 = new TGeoMaterial("CalbGeo2_Alu_csmc", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat84->SetIndex(83); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CSMC None numed = 196; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed196 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CSMC None", numed,pMat84, par); // Material: CalbGeo2_Alu_csmb a = 26.980000; z = 13.000000; density = 2.700000; radl = 8.875105; absl = 37.200000; pMat85 = new TGeoMaterial("CalbGeo2_Alu_csmb", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat85->SetIndex(84); // Medium: CalbGeo2_CSMB None numed = 197; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed197 = new TGeoMedium("CalbGeo2_CSMB None", numed,pMat85, par); // Material: EcalGeo6_Ecal_air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat86 = new TGeoMaterial("EcalGeo6_Ecal_air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat86->SetIndex(85); // Medium: EcalGeo6_ECAL None numed = 198; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed198 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_ECAL None", numed,pMat86, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_EAGA None numed = 199; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed199 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_EAGA None", numed,pMat86, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_ECGH None numed = 223; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed223 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_ECGH None", numed,pMat86, par); // Mixture: EcalGeo6_Ecal_steel nel = 3; density = 8.030000; pMat87 = new TGeoMixture("EcalGeo6_Ecal_steel", nel,density); a = 51.996000; z = 24.000000; w = 0.190000; // CR pMat87->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 58.693400; z = 28.000000; w = 0.090000; // NI pMat87->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 55.845000; z = 26.000000; w = 0.720000; // FE pMat87->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); pMat87->SetIndex(86); // Medium: EcalGeo6_ECHC None numed = 224; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed224 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_ECHC None", numed,pMat87, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_EMSS None numed = 200; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed200 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_EMSS None", numed,pMat87, par); // Material: EcalGeo6_Ecal_aluminium a = 26.980000; z = 13.000000; density = 2.700000; radl = 8.875105; absl = 37.200000; pMat88 = new TGeoMaterial("EcalGeo6_Ecal_aluminium", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat88->SetIndex(87); // Medium: EcalGeo6_EFLP None numed = 201; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed201 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_EFLP None", numed,pMat88, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_ECVO None numed = 202; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed202 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_ECVO None", numed,pMat86, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_EMOD None numed = 203; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed203 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_EMOD None", numed,pMat86, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_ESEC None numed = 204; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed204 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_ESEC None", numed,pMat86, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_EMGT None numed = 205; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed205 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_EMGT None", numed,pMat86, par); // Material: EcalGeo6_Ecal_polystyren a = 11.153000; z = 5.615000; density = 1.032000; radl = 42.900887; absl = 67500.000000; pMat89 = new TGeoMaterial("EcalGeo6_Ecal_polystyren", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat89->SetIndex(88); // Medium: EcalGeo6_EPER None numed = 206; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed206 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_EPER None", numed,pMat89, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_ETAR None numed = 207; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed207 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_ETAR None", numed,pMat89, par); // Material: EcalGeo6_Ecal_aluplate a = 26.980000; z = 13.000000; density = 2.700000; radl = 8.875105; absl = 37.200000; pMat90 = new TGeoMaterial("EcalGeo6_Ecal_aluplate", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat90->SetIndex(89); // Medium: EcalGeo6_EALP None numed = 208; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed208 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_EALP None", numed,pMat90, par); // Material: EcalGeo6_Ecal_scint a = 11.153000; z = 5.615000; density = 1.032000; radl = 42.900887; absl = 67500.000000; pMat91 = new TGeoMaterial("EcalGeo6_Ecal_scint", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat91->SetIndex(90); // Medium: EcalGeo6_ESCI None numed = 209; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed209 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_ESCI None", numed,pMat91, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_ERAD None numed = 210; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed210 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_ERAD None", numed,pMat87, par); // Mixture: EcalGeo6_Ecal_pballoy nel = 4; density = 11.350000; pMat92 = new TGeoMixture("EcalGeo6_Ecal_pballoy", nel,density); a = 118.710000; z = 50.000000; w = 0.014000; // SN pMat92->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 40.078000; z = 20.000000; w = 0.000750; // CA pMat92->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 26.981500; z = 13.000000; w = 0.000300; // AL pMat92->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 207.190000; z = 82.000000; w = 0.984950; // PB pMat92->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); pMat92->SetIndex(91); // Medium: EcalGeo6_ELED None numed = 211; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed211 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_ELED None", numed,pMat92, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_ESSP None numed = 220; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed220 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_ESSP None", numed,pMat87, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_ERCM None numed = 221; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed221 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_ERCM None", numed,pMat87, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_EPSB None numed = 222; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed222 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_EPSB None", numed,pMat87, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_ESHM None numed = 212; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed212 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_ESHM None", numed,pMat86, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_ERSM None numed = 219; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed219 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_ERSM None", numed,pMat87, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_ESPL None numed = 213; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed213 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_ESPL None", numed,pMat86, par); // Medium: EcalGeo6_EXSG None numed = 214; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed214 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_EXSG None", numed,pMat86, par); // Material: EcalGeo6_Ecal_smdstrip a = 11.153000; z = 5.615000; density = 1.032000; radl = 42.900887; absl = 67500.000000; pMat93 = new TGeoMaterial("EcalGeo6_Ecal_smdstrip", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat93->SetIndex(92); // Medium: EcalGeo6_EHMS None numed = 215; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed215 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_EHMS None", numed,pMat93, par); // Mixture: EcalGeo6_Ebls nel = 4; density = 1.306786; pMat94 = new TGeoMixture("EcalGeo6_Ebls", nel,density); a = 12.889000; z = 6.465000; w = 0.050651; // C pMat94->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 19.103000; z = 9.549000; w = 0.139382; // F pMat94->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 11.154000; z = 5.615000; w = 0.564089; // B pMat94->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 28.080000; z = 14.000000; w = 0.245878; // SI pMat94->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); pMat94->SetIndex(93); // Medium: EcalGeo6_EBLS None numed = 216; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed216 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_EBLS None", numed,pMat94, par); // Mixture: EcalGeo6_Efls nel = 3; density = 1.640870; pMat95 = new TGeoMixture("EcalGeo6_Efls", nel,density); a = 18.017000; z = 9.013000; w = 0.765766; // F pMat95->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 19.103000; z = 9.549000; w = 0.144788; // F pMat95->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 12.889000; z = 6.465000; w = 0.089447; // C pMat95->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); pMat95->SetIndex(94); // Medium: EcalGeo6_EFLS None numed = 217; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed217 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_EFLS None", numed,pMat95, par); // Mixture: EcalGeo6_Pvc_spacer nel = 3; density = 1.668000; pMat96 = new TGeoMixture("EcalGeo6_Pvc_spacer", nel,density); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.048036; // H pMat96->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.384289; // C pMat96->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 35.453000; z = 17.000000; w = 0.567675; // CL pMat96->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); pMat96->SetIndex(95); // Medium: EcalGeo6_EXPS None numed = 218; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed218 = new TGeoMedium("EcalGeo6_EXPS None", numed,pMat96, par); // Material: FsceGeo_Air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat105 = new TGeoMaterial("FsceGeo_Air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat105->SetIndex(104); // Medium: FsceGeo_FSCE FsceGeo_FSCE_Standard numed = 247; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed247 = new TGeoMedium("FsceGeo_FSCE FsceGeo_FSCE_Standard", numed,pMat105, par); // Mixture: FsceGeo_Wse nel = 3; density = 8.297000; pMat106 = new TGeoMixture("FsceGeo_Wse", nel,density); a = 183.840000; z = 74.000000; w = 0.995054; // W pMat106->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 12.010700; z = 6.000000; w = 0.004946; // C pMat106->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 1.007940; z = 1.000000; w = 0.000000; // H pMat106->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); pMat106->SetIndex(105); // Medium: FsceGeo_FSCT FsceGeo_FSCT_Sensitive numed = 248; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed248 = new TGeoMedium("FsceGeo_FSCT FsceGeo_FSCT_Sensitive", numed,pMat106, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_VPDD VpddGeo2_VPDD_Standard numed = 38; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed38 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_VPDD VpddGeo2_VPDD_Standard", numed,pMat15, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_VRNG None numed = 39; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed39 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_VRNG None", numed,pMat15, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_VDET None numed = 40; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed40 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_VDET None", numed,pMat16, par); // Medium: VpddGeo2_VDTI None numed = 41; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed41 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_VDTI None", numed,pMat15, par); // Material: VpddGeo2_Lead a = 207.190000; z = 82.000000; density = 11.350000; radl = 0.561705; absl = 18.500000; pMat17 = new TGeoMaterial("VpddGeo2_Lead", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat17->SetIndex(16); // Medium: VpddGeo2_VCNV None numed = 42; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed42 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_VCNV None", numed,pMat17, par); // Mixture: VpddGeo2_Polystyren nel = 2; density = 1.032000; pMat18 = new TGeoMixture("VpddGeo2_Polystyren", nel,density); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.923000; // C pMat18->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.077000; // H pMat18->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); pMat18->SetIndex(17); // Medium: VpddGeo2_VRAD VpddGeo2_VRAD_Sensitive numed = 43; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed43 = new TGeoMedium("VpddGeo2_VRAD VpddGeo2_VRAD_Sensitive", numed,pMat18, par); // Material: FpdmGeo3_Air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat97 = new TGeoMaterial("FpdmGeo3_Air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat97->SetIndex(96); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FBOX FpdmGeo3_FBOX_Standard numed = 225; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed225 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FBOX FpdmGeo3_FBOX_Standard", numed,pMat97, par); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FTOW None numed = 226; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed226 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FTOW None", numed,pMat97, par); // Material: FpdmGeo3_Aluminium a = 26.980000; z = 13.000000; density = 2.700000; radl = 8.875105; absl = 37.200000; pMat98 = new TGeoMaterial("FpdmGeo3_Aluminium", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat98->SetIndex(97); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FWAL None numed = 227; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed227 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FWAL None", numed,pMat98, par); // Mixture: FpdmGeo3_Pbg nel = 5; density = 3.860000; pMat99 = new TGeoMixture("FpdmGeo3_Pbg", nel,density); a = 207.190000; z = 82.000000; w = 0.607120; // PB pMat99->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 39.102000; z = 19.000000; w = 0.023240; // K pMat99->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 28.088000; z = 14.000000; w = 0.147710; // SI pMat99->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 15.999000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.220410; // O pMat99->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); a = 74.922000; z = 33.000000; w = 0.001520; // AS pMat99->DefineElement(4,a,z,w); pMat99->SetIndex(98); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FLGR FpdmGeo3_FLGR_Leadglass numed = 228; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed228 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FLGR FpdmGeo3_FLGR_Leadglass", numed,pMat99, par); // Material: FpdmGeo3_Iron a = 55.850000; z = 26.000000; density = 7.870000; radl = 1.757717; absl = 17.100000; pMat100 = new TGeoMaterial("FpdmGeo3_Iron", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat100->SetIndex(99); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FUMT None numed = 229; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed229 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FUMT None", numed,pMat100, par); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FPCT FpdmGeo3_FPCT_Photcath numed = 230; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed230 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FPCT FpdmGeo3_FPCT_Photcath", numed,pMat97, par); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FSHM None numed = 232; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed232 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FSHM None", numed,pMat97, par); // Mixture: FpdmGeo3_G10 nel = 4; density = 1.700000; pMat102 = new TGeoMixture("FpdmGeo3_G10", nel,density); a = 28.080000; z = 14.000000; w = 0.280000; // SI pMat102->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 16.000000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.467126; // O pMat102->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 12.000000; z = 6.000000; w = 0.220690; // C pMat102->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 1.000000; z = 1.000000; w = 0.032184; // H pMat102->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); pMat102->SetIndex(101); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FXGT None numed = 233; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed233 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FXGT None", numed,pMat102, par); // Material: FpdmGeo3_Cpolystyren a = 11.153000; z = 5.615000; density = 1.032000; radl = 42.900887; absl = 67500.000000; pMat103 = new TGeoMaterial("FpdmGeo3_Cpolystyren", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat103->SetIndex(102); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FHMS None numed = 234; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed234 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FHMS None", numed,pMat103, par); // Mixture: FpdmGeo3_F2 nel = 5; density = 3.610000; pMat104 = new TGeoMixture("FpdmGeo3_F2", nel,density); a = 207.190000; z = 82.000000; w = 0.417740; // PB pMat104->DefineElement(0,a,z,w); a = 39.102000; z = 19.000000; w = 0.041510; // K pMat104->DefineElement(1,a,z,w); a = 28.088000; z = 14.000000; w = 0.210470; // SI pMat104->DefineElement(2,a,z,w); a = 15.999000; z = 8.000000; w = 0.293300; // O pMat104->DefineElement(3,a,z,w); a = 22.990000; z = 11.000000; w = 0.037100; // NA pMat104->DefineElement(4,a,z,w); pMat104->SetIndex(103); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FLXF FpdmGeo3_FLXF_Leadglass numed = 244; // medium number par[0] = 1.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed244 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FLXF FpdmGeo3_FLXF_Leadglass", numed,pMat104, par); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FALU None numed = 245; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed245 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FALU None", numed,pMat98, par); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FENC None numed = 235; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed235 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FENC None", numed,pMat100, par); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FEAC None numed = 236; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed236 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FEAC None", numed,pMat100, par); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FEBC None numed = 237; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed237 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FEBC None", numed,pMat97, par); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FECC None numed = 238; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed238 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FECC None", numed,pMat100, par); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FEEC None numed = 242; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed242 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FEEC None", numed,pMat100, par); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FETC None numed = 243; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed243 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FETC None", numed,pMat97, par); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FESC None numed = 241; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed241 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FESC None", numed,pMat97, par); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FEDC None numed = 239; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed239 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FEDC None", numed,pMat100, par); // Medium: FpdmGeo3_FERC None numed = 240; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed240 = new TGeoMedium("FpdmGeo3_FERC None", numed,pMat97, par); // Material: UpstGeo_Air a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.001205; radl = 30412.608513; absl = 67500.000000; pMat107 = new TGeoMaterial("UpstGeo_Air", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat107->SetIndex(106); // Medium: UpstGeo_UPST UpstGeo_UPST_Standard numed = 249; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed249 = new TGeoMedium("UpstGeo_UPST UpstGeo_UPST_Standard", numed,pMat107, par); // Material: UpstGeo_Iron a = 55.850000; z = 26.000000; density = 7.870000; radl = 1.757717; absl = 17.100000; pMat108 = new TGeoMaterial("UpstGeo_Iron", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat108->SetIndex(107); // Medium: UpstGeo_PUPD None numed = 250; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed250 = new TGeoMedium("UpstGeo_PUPD None", numed,pMat108, par); // Material: UpstGeo_Vacuum a = 14.610000; z = 7.300000; density = 0.000001; radl = 36647193.258052; absl = 67500000.000000; pMat109 = new TGeoMaterial("UpstGeo_Vacuum", a,z,density,radl,absl); pMat109->SetIndex(108); // Medium: UpstGeo_PVAD None numed = 251; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed251 = new TGeoMedium("UpstGeo_PVAD None", numed,pMat109, par); // Medium: UpstGeo_PUPE None numed = 252; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed252 = new TGeoMedium("UpstGeo_PUPE None", numed,pMat108, par); // Medium: UpstGeo_PVAE None numed = 253; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed253 = new TGeoMedium("UpstGeo_PVAE None", numed,pMat109, par); // Medium: UpstGeo_PUPF None numed = 254; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed254 = new TGeoMedium("UpstGeo_PUPF None", numed,pMat108, par); // Medium: UpstGeo_DXMG None numed = 255; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed255 = new TGeoMedium("UpstGeo_DXMG None", numed,pMat108, par); // Medium: UpstGeo_DCON None numed = 256; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed256 = new TGeoMedium("UpstGeo_DCON None", numed,pMat108, par); // Medium: UpstGeo_DVAC None numed = 257; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed257 = new TGeoMedium("UpstGeo_DVAC None", numed,pMat109, par); // Medium: UpstGeo_PUPG None numed = 258; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed258 = new TGeoMedium("UpstGeo_PUPG None", numed,pMat108, par); // Medium: UpstGeo_PVAG None numed = 259; // medium number par[0] = 0.000000; // isvol par[1] = 1.000000; // ifield par[2] = 20.000000; // fieldm par[3] = 20.000000; // tmaxfd par[4] = 10.000000; // stemax par[5] = 0.000000; // deemax par[6] = 0.010000; // epsil par[7] = 0.000000; // stmin pMed259 = new TGeoMedium("UpstGeo_PVAG None", numed,pMat109, par); // TRANSFORMATION MATRICES // Combi transformation: pos_MCSE_in_COIL_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 30.950001; pMatrix4 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MCSE_in_COIL_1"); pMatrix4->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MCSE_in_COIL_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -30.950001; pMatrix5 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MCSE_in_COIL_2"); pMatrix5->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MCSE_in_COIL_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 89.050003; pMatrix6 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MCSE_in_COIL_3"); pMatrix6->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MCSE_in_COIL_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -89.050003; pMatrix7 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MCSE_in_COIL_4"); pMatrix7->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MCSE_in_COIL_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 147.169998; pMatrix8 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MCSE_in_COIL_5"); pMatrix8->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MCSE_in_COIL_6 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -147.169998; pMatrix9 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MCSE_in_COIL_6"); pMatrix9->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MCSE_in_COIL_7 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 205.250000; pMatrix10 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MCSE_in_COIL_7"); pMatrix10->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MCSE_in_COIL_8 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -205.250000; pMatrix11 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MCSE_in_COIL_8"); pMatrix11->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MCS1_in_COIL_9 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 249.000000; pMatrix12 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MCS1_in_COIL_9"); pMatrix12->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MCS1_in_COIL_10 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -249.000000; pMatrix13 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MCS1_in_COIL_10"); pMatrix13->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MCSE_in_COIL_11 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 288.350006; pMatrix14 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MCSE_in_COIL_11"); pMatrix14->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MCSE_in_COIL_12 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -288.350006; pMatrix15 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MCSE_in_COIL_12"); pMatrix15->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MBAR_in_MSEC_1 dx = 333.290009; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_MBAR_in_MSEC thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix19 = new TGeoRotation("rot_MBAR_in_MSEC",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix18 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MBAR_in_MSEC_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix19); // Combi transformation: pos_MPTV_in_MAGP_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 310.006989; pMatrix23 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MPTV_in_MAGP_1"); pMatrix23->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MPCV_in_MPTV_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 9.000000; pMatrix22 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MPCV_in_MPTV_1"); pMatrix22->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MTCL_in_MPCV_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.750000; pMatrix21 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MTCL_in_MPCV_1"); pMatrix21->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MPTV_in_MAGP_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -310.006989; // Rotation: rot_MPTV_in_MAGP thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix25 = new TGeoRotation("rot_MPTV_in_MAGP",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix24 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MPTV_in_MAGP_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix25); // Combi transformation: pos_MRGV_in_MAGP_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 313.700012; pMatrix26 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MRGV_in_MAGP_1"); pMatrix26->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_MRGV_in_MAGP_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -313.700012; // Rotation: rot_MRGV_in_MAGP thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix28 = new TGeoRotation("rot_MRGV_in_MAGP",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix27 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_MRGV_in_MAGP_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix28); // Combi transformation: pos_PIPC_in_PIPE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 38.099998; pMatrix31 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PIPC_in_PIPE_1"); pMatrix31->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_PIPO_in_PIPE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 229.599991; pMatrix33 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PIPO_in_PIPE_1"); pMatrix33->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_PIPI_in_PIPE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 401.000000; pMatrix35 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PIPI_in_PIPE_1"); pMatrix35->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_PIPT_in_PIPE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 420.000000; pMatrix37 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PIPT_in_PIPE_1"); pMatrix37->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_PIPB_in_PIPE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 433.500000; pMatrix39 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PIPB_in_PIPE_1"); pMatrix39->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_PFLO_in_PIPE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 385.000000; pMatrix40 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PFLO_in_PIPE_1"); pMatrix40->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_PFLT_in_PIPE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 417.000000; pMatrix41 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PFLT_in_PIPE_1"); pMatrix41->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_PIPS_in_PIPE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 596.000000; pMatrix43 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PIPS_in_PIPE_1"); pMatrix43->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_PRIS_in_PIPE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 401.000000; pMatrix46 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PRIS_in_PIPE_1"); pMatrix46->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_PWRP_in_PIPE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 150.000000; pMatrix47 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PWRP_in_PIPE_1"); pMatrix47->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_PIPE_in_CAVE_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_PIPE_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix50 = new TGeoRotation("rot_PIPE_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix49 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PIPE_in_CAVE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix50); // Combi transformation: pos_BBCM_in_CAVE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 374.239990; pMatrix85 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BBCM_in_CAVE_1"); pMatrix85->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BBCA_in_BBCM_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 1.500000; pMatrix67 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BBCA_in_BBCM_1"); pMatrix67->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THXM_in_BBCA_1 dx = 2.409861; dy = 12.521998; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix56 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THXM_in_BBCA_1"); pMatrix56->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SHXT_in_THXM_1 dx = 4.819720; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix53 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SHXT_in_THXM_1"); pMatrix53->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SHXT_in_THXM_2 dx = -2.409860; dy = 4.174000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix54 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SHXT_in_THXM_2"); pMatrix54->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SHXT_in_THXM_3 dx = -2.409859; dy = -4.174000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix55 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SHXT_in_THXM_3"); pMatrix55->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THXM_in_BBCA_2 dx = -9.639438; dy = 8.348001; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_THXM_in_BBCA thx = 90.000000; phx = 60.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 150.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix58 = new TGeoRotation("rot_THXM_in_BBCA",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix57 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THXM_in_BBCA_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix58); // Combi transformation: pos_THXM_in_BBCA_3 dx = -12.049299; dy = -4.173998; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_THXM_in_BBCA thx = 90.000000; phx = 120.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 210.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix60 = new TGeoRotation("rot_THXM_in_BBCA",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix59 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THXM_in_BBCA_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix60); // Combi transformation: pos_THXM_in_BBCA_4 dx = -2.409858; dy = -12.521999; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_THXM_in_BBCA thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 270.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix62 = new TGeoRotation("rot_THXM_in_BBCA",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix61 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THXM_in_BBCA_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix62); // Combi transformation: pos_THXM_in_BBCA_5 dx = 9.639439; dy = -8.348000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_THXM_in_BBCA thx = 90.000000; phx = 240.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 330.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix64 = new TGeoRotation("rot_THXM_in_BBCA",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix63 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THXM_in_BBCA_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix64); // Combi transformation: pos_THXM_in_BBCA_6 dx = 12.049300; dy = 4.173996; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_THXM_in_BBCA thx = 90.000000; phx = 300.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 30.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix66 = new TGeoRotation("rot_THXM_in_BBCA",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix65 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THXM_in_BBCA_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix66); // Combi transformation: pos_BBC1_in_BBCM_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -1.500000; pMatrix84 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BBC1_in_BBCM_2"); pMatrix84->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THX1_in_BBC1_1 dx = 9.640015; dy = 50.091003; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix73 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THX1_in_BBC1_1"); pMatrix73->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SHX1_in_THX1_1 dx = 19.280035; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix70 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SHX1_in_THX1_1"); pMatrix70->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SHX1_in_THX1_2 dx = -9.640018; dy = 16.697000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix71 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SHX1_in_THX1_2"); pMatrix71->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SHX1_in_THX1_3 dx = -9.640016; dy = -16.697001; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix72 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SHX1_in_THX1_3"); pMatrix72->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THX1_in_BBC1_2 dx = -38.560074; dy = 33.393997; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_THXM_in_BBCA thx = 90.000000; phx = 60.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 150.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix75 = new TGeoRotation("rot_THXM_in_BBCA",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix74 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THX1_in_BBC1_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix75); // Combi transformation: pos_THX1_in_BBC1_3 dx = -48.200089; dy = -16.697006; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_THXM_in_BBCA thx = 90.000000; phx = 120.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 210.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix77 = new TGeoRotation("rot_THXM_in_BBCA",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix76 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THX1_in_BBC1_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix77); // Combi transformation: pos_THX1_in_BBC1_4 dx = -9.640011; dy = -50.091003; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_THXM_in_BBCA thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 270.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix79 = new TGeoRotation("rot_THXM_in_BBCA",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix78 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THX1_in_BBC1_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix79); // Combi transformation: pos_THX1_in_BBC1_5 dx = 38.560070; dy = -33.394005; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_THXM_in_BBCA thx = 90.000000; phx = 240.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 330.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix81 = new TGeoRotation("rot_THXM_in_BBCA",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix80 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THX1_in_BBC1_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix81); // Combi transformation: pos_THX1_in_BBC1_6 dx = 48.200089; dy = 16.697012; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_THXM_in_BBCA thx = 90.000000; phx = 300.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 30.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix83 = new TGeoRotation("rot_THXM_in_BBCA",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix82 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THX1_in_BBC1_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix83); // Combi transformation: pos_BBCM_in_CAVE_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -374.239990; // Rotation: rot_BBCM_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix87 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BBCM_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix86 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BBCM_in_CAVE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix87); // Combi transformation: pos_IBEM_in_CAVE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -16.510000; dz = 540.450012; pMatrix119 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBEM_in_CAVE_1"); pMatrix119->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBEH_in_IBEM_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 4.711700; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix114 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBEH_in_IBEM_1"); pMatrix114->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBE1_in_IBEM_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = -4.711700; dz = 11.430000; pMatrix115 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBE1_in_IBEM_2"); pMatrix115->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBEV_in_IBEM_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 11.430000; pMatrix116 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBEV_in_IBEM_1"); pMatrix116->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBEW_in_IBEM_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 1.153750; dz = -136.017006; // Rotation: rot_IBEW_in_IBEM thx = 90.000000; phx = 270.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 180.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix118 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBEW_in_IBEM",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix117 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBEW_in_IBEM_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix118); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSS_in_IBEM_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -128.750000; // Rotation: rot_IBSS_in_IBEM thx = 180.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix176 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSS_in_IBEM",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix175 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSS_in_IBEM_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix176); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSS_in_IBEM_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 126.845000; // Rotation: rot_IBSS_in_IBEM thx = 180.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix178 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSS_in_IBEM",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix177 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSS_in_IBEM_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix178); // Combi transformation: pos_IBEM_in_CAVE_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = -16.510000; dz = -542.355012; // Rotation: rot_IBEM_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix121 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBEM_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix120 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBEM_in_CAVE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix121); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSA_in_CAVE_1 dx = 24.110001; dy = -60.099998; dz = 692.909973; pMatrix125 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSA_in_CAVE_1"); pMatrix125->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBAA_in_IBSA_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -3.335000; pMatrix122 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBAA_in_IBSA_1"); pMatrix122->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBAA_in_IBSA_2 dx = -3.335000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_IBAA_in_IBSA thx = 180.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix124 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBAA_in_IBSA",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix123 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBAA_in_IBSA_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix124); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSA_in_CAVE_2 dx = -24.110001; dy = -60.099998; dz = 692.909973; // Rotation: rot_IBSA_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 270.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix127 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSA_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix126 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSA_in_CAVE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix127); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSA_in_CAVE_3 dx = 24.110001; dy = -60.099998; dz = -694.814973; // Rotation: rot_IBSA_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 270.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix129 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSA_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix128 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSA_in_CAVE_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix129); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSA_in_CAVE_4 dx = -24.110001; dy = -60.099998; dz = -694.814973; // Rotation: rot_IBSA_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 270.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix131 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSA_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix130 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSA_in_CAVE_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix131); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSB_in_CAVE_1 dx = 24.110001; dy = -69.500000; dz = 631.200012; // Rotation: rot_IBSB_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 135.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 45.000000; phz = 90.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix136 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSB_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix135 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSB_in_CAVE_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix136); // Combi transformation: pos_IBAB_in_IBSB_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 3.335000; pMatrix132 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBAB_in_IBSB_1"); pMatrix132->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBAB_in_IBSB_2 dx = -3.335000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_IBAB_in_IBSB thx = 180.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix134 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBAB_in_IBSB",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix133 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBAB_in_IBSB_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix134); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSB_in_CAVE_2 dx = -24.110001; dy = -69.500000; dz = 631.200012; // Rotation: rot_IBSB_in_CAVE thx = 135.000000; phx = 270.000000; thy = 135.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix138 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSB_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix137 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSB_in_CAVE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix138); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSB_in_CAVE_3 dx = 24.110001; dy = -69.500000; dz = -633.105012; // Rotation: rot_IBSB_in_CAVE thx = 45.000000; phx = 270.000000; thy = 45.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 180.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix140 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSB_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix139 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSB_in_CAVE_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix140); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSB_in_CAVE_4 dx = -24.110001; dy = -69.500000; dz = -633.105012; // Rotation: rot_IBSB_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 45.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 135.000000; phz = 90.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix142 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSB_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix141 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSB_in_CAVE_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix142); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSC_in_CAVE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -23.600000; dz = 581.099976; pMatrix148 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSC_in_CAVE_1"); pMatrix148->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBAC_in_IBSC_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 4.760000; pMatrix143 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBAC_in_IBSC_1"); pMatrix143->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBAC_in_IBSC_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -4.760000; pMatrix144 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBAC_in_IBSC_2"); pMatrix144->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBBC_in_IBSC_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 1.685000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix145 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBBC_in_IBSC_1"); pMatrix145->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBCC_in_IBSC_1 dx = 20.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix146 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBCC_in_IBSC_1"); pMatrix146->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBCC_in_IBSC_2 dx = -20.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix147 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBCC_in_IBSC_2"); pMatrix147->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSC_in_CAVE_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = -23.600000; dz = -583.004976; // Rotation: rot_IBSC_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix150 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSC_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix149 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSC_in_CAVE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix150); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -11.010000; dz = 397.700012; pMatrix151 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_1"); pMatrix151->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = -11.010000; dz = 442.799988; pMatrix152 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_2"); pMatrix152->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = -11.010000; dz = -399.605012; // Rotation: rot_IBSD_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix154 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSD_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix153 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix154); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = -11.010000; dz = -444.704988; // Rotation: rot_IBSD_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix156 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSD_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix155 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix156); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = -7.200000; dz = 397.700012; pMatrix157 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_5"); pMatrix157->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_6 dx = 0.000000; dy = -7.200000; dz = 442.799988; pMatrix158 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_6"); pMatrix158->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_7 dx = 0.000000; dy = -7.200000; dz = -399.605012; // Rotation: rot_IBSD_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix160 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSD_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix159 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix160); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_8 dx = 0.000000; dy = -7.200000; dz = -444.704988; // Rotation: rot_IBSD_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix162 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSD_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix161 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSD_in_CAVE_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix162); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_1 dx = 6.990000; dy = -13.440000; dz = 397.700012; pMatrix163 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_1"); pMatrix163->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_2 dx = -6.990000; dy = -13.440000; dz = 397.700012; pMatrix164 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_2"); pMatrix164->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_3 dx = 6.990000; dy = -13.440000; dz = 442.799988; pMatrix165 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_3"); pMatrix165->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_4 dx = -6.990000; dy = -13.440000; dz = 442.799988; pMatrix166 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_4"); pMatrix166->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_5 dx = 6.990000; dy = -13.440000; dz = -399.605012; pMatrix167 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_5"); pMatrix167->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_6 dx = -6.990000; dy = -13.440000; dz = -399.605012; pMatrix168 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_6"); pMatrix168->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_7 dx = 6.990000; dy = -13.440000; dz = -444.704988; pMatrix169 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_7"); pMatrix169->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_8 dx = -6.990000; dy = -13.440000; dz = -444.704988; pMatrix170 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSE_in_CAVE_8"); pMatrix170->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSF_in_CAVE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -16.510000; dz = 411.700012; // Rotation: rot_IBSF_in_CAVE thx = 180.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix172 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSF_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix171 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSF_in_CAVE_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix172); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSF_in_CAVE_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = -16.510000; dz = -413.605012; // Rotation: rot_IBSF_in_CAVE thx = 180.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix174 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSF_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix173 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSF_in_CAVE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix174); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = 395.160012; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix180 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix179 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix180); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = 395.160012; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix182 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix181 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix182); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = 400.240012; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix184 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix183 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix184); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = 400.240012; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix186 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix185 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix186); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = 440.259988; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix188 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix187 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix188); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_6 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = 440.259988; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix190 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix189 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix190); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_7 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = 445.339988; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix192 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix191 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix192); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_8 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = 445.339988; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix194 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix193 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix194); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_9 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = -397.065012; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix196 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix195 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix196); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_10 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = -397.065012; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix198 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix197 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix198); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_11 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = -402.145012; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix200 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix199 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix200); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_12 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = -402.145012; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix202 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix201 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix202); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_13 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = -442.164988; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix204 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix203 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_13", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix204); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_14 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = -442.164988; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix206 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix205 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_14", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix206); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_15 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = -447.244988; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix208 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix207 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_15", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix208); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_16 dx = 0.000000; dy = -17.570000; dz = -447.244988; // Rotation: rot_IBSG_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix210 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSG_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix209 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSG_in_CAVE_16", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix210); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_1 dx = 6.350000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 397.700012; // Rotation: rot_IBSH_in_CAVE thx = 180.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix212 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSH_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix211 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix212); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_2 dx = -6.350000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 397.700012; // Rotation: rot_IBSH_in_CAVE thx = 180.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix214 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSH_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix213 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix214); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_3 dx = 6.350000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -399.605012; // Rotation: rot_IBSH_in_CAVE thx = 180.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix216 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSH_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix215 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix216); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_4 dx = -6.350000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -399.605012; // Rotation: rot_IBSH_in_CAVE thx = 180.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix218 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSH_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix217 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix218); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_5 dx = 7.620000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 442.799988; // Rotation: rot_IBSH_in_CAVE thx = 180.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix220 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSH_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix219 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix220); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_6 dx = -7.620000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 442.799988; // Rotation: rot_IBSH_in_CAVE thx = 180.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix222 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSH_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix221 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix222); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_7 dx = 7.620000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -444.704988; // Rotation: rot_IBSH_in_CAVE thx = 180.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix224 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSH_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix223 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix224); // Combi transformation: pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_8 dx = -7.620000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -444.704988; // Rotation: rot_IBSH_in_CAVE thx = 180.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix226 = new TGeoRotation("rot_IBSH_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix225 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_IBSH_in_CAVE_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix226); // Combi transformation: pos_ZCAL_in_CAVE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 1767.660000; pMatrix240 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ZCAL_in_CAVE_1"); pMatrix240->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_PIPH_in_ZCAL_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -116.649994; pMatrix228 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PIPH_in_ZCAL_1"); pMatrix228->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_PLAT_in_ZCAL_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 17.170012; pMatrix231 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PLAT_in_ZCAL_1"); pMatrix231->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_PLVA_in_PLAT_1 dx = 11.100000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix229 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PLVA_in_PLAT_1"); pMatrix229->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_PLVA_in_PLAT_2 dx = -11.100000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix230 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PLVA_in_PLAT_2"); pMatrix230->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_QCAL_in_ZCAL_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 122.640015; pMatrix234 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_QCAL_in_ZCAL_1"); pMatrix234->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_QSCI_in_QDIV_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.200000; pMatrix233 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_QSCI_in_QDIV_1"); pMatrix233->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_PIPJ_in_ZCAL_1 dx = 12.820000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 109.380013; // Rotation: rot_PIPJ_in_ZCAL thx = 91.074000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 1.074000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix237 = new TGeoRotation("rot_PIPJ_in_ZCAL",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix236 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PIPJ_in_ZCAL_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix237); // Combi transformation: pos_PIPJ_in_ZCAL_2 dx = -12.820000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 109.380013; // Rotation: rot_PIPJ_in_ZCAL thx = 88.926000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 1.074000; phz = 180.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix239 = new TGeoRotation("rot_PIPJ_in_ZCAL",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix238 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_PIPJ_in_ZCAL_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix239); // Combi transformation: pos_ZCAL_in_CAVE_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -1767.660000; // Rotation: rot_ZCAL_in_CAVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix242 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ZCAL_in_CAVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix241 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ZCAL_in_CAVE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix242); // Combi transformation: pos_BTOH_in_BTOF_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 123.000000; // Rotation: rot_BTOH_in_BTOF thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix471 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BTOH_in_BTOF",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix470 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BTOH_in_BTOF_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix471); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 108.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 198.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix351 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix350 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix351); // Combi transformation: pos_BTRA_in_BSEC_1 dx = 214.570003; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix349 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BTRA_in_BSEC_1"); pMatrix349->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BXTR_in_BTRA_1 dx = 1.055000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 2.699997; pMatrix334 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BXTR_in_BTRA_1"); pMatrix334->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRTC_in_BXTR_1 dx = -1.701000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix330 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRTC_in_BXTR_1"); pMatrix330->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_1 dx = 0.056000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 114.740006; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix266 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix265 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix266); // Combi transformation: pos_BRHC_in_BRMD_1 dx = 0.775000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.350000; pMatrix254 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRHC_in_BRMD_1"); pMatrix254->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRCB_in_BRMD_1 dx = 0.500000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix255 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRCB_in_BRMD_1"); pMatrix255->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMY_in_BRMD_1 dx = 0.407500; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.350000; pMatrix256 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMY_in_BRMD_1"); pMatrix256->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRGR_in_BRMD_1 dx = 0.383500; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix257 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRGR_in_BRMD_1"); pMatrix257->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BROG_in_BRMD_1 dx = 0.342000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix258 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BROG_in_BRMD_1"); pMatrix258->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRDT_in_BRMD_1 dx = 0.106000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix259 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRDT_in_BRMD_1"); pMatrix259->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRSG_in_BRDT_1 dx = 0.190000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix243 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRSG_in_BRDT_1"); pMatrix243->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRIG_in_BRDT_1 dx = 0.152000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix244 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRIG_in_BRDT_1"); pMatrix244->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRSG_in_BRDT_2 dx = 0.114000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix245 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRSG_in_BRDT_2"); pMatrix245->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRIG_in_BRDT_2 dx = 0.076000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix246 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRIG_in_BRDT_2"); pMatrix246->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRSG_in_BRDT_3 dx = 0.038000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix247 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRSG_in_BRDT_3"); pMatrix247->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRIG_in_BRDT_3 dx = -0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix248 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRIG_in_BRDT_3"); pMatrix248->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRSG_in_BRDT_4 dx = -0.038000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix249 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRSG_in_BRDT_4"); pMatrix249->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRIG_in_BRDT_4 dx = -0.076000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix250 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRIG_in_BRDT_4"); pMatrix250->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRSG_in_BRDT_5 dx = -0.114000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix251 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRSG_in_BRDT_5"); pMatrix251->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRIG_in_BRDT_5 dx = -0.152000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix252 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRIG_in_BRDT_5"); pMatrix252->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRSG_in_BRDT_6 dx = -0.190000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix253 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRSG_in_BRDT_6"); pMatrix253->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BROG_in_BRMD_2 dx = -0.130000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix260 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BROG_in_BRMD_2"); pMatrix260->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRGR_in_BRMD_2 dx = -0.171500; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix261 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRGR_in_BRMD_2"); pMatrix261->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMY_in_BRMD_2 dx = -0.195500; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix262 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMY_in_BRMD_2"); pMatrix262->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRCB_in_BRMD_2 dx = -0.288000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix263 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRCB_in_BRMD_2"); pMatrix263->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRHC_in_BRMD_2 dx = -0.563000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.350000; pMatrix264 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRHC_in_BRMD_2"); pMatrix264->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_2 dx = -2.404000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 108.750006; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix268 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix267 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix268); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_3 dx = 0.056000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 102.460007; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix270 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix269 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix270); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_4 dx = -2.404000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 96.610006; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix272 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix271 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix272); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_5 dx = 0.056000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 90.210007; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix274 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix273 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix274); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_6 dx = -2.404000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 84.510006; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix276 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix275 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix276); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_7 dx = -0.874000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 77.460007; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 106.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 16.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix278 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix277 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix278); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_8 dx = -0.344000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 71.130005; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 106.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 16.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix280 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix279 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix280); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_9 dx = -0.094000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 64.820007; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 110.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 20.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix282 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix281 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix282); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_10 dx = -0.024000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 58.520004; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 112.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 22.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix284 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix283 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix284); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_11 dx = -0.044000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 52.180008; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 112.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 22.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix286 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix285 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix286); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_12 dx = 0.006000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 45.750008; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 112.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 22.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix288 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix287 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix288); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_13 dx = 0.006000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 39.260002; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 112.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 22.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix290 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix289 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_13", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix290); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_14 dx = -0.044000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 32.730003; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 112.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 22.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix292 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix291 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_14", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix292); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_15 dx = -0.374000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 26.240005; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 116.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 26.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix294 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix293 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_15", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix294); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_16 dx = -0.594000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 19.640007; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 116.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 26.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix296 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix295 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_16", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix296); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_17 dx = -0.594000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 12.870003; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 116.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 26.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix298 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix297 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_17", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix298); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_18 dx = -0.594000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 6.000008; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 116.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 26.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix300 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix299 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_18", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix300); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_19 dx = -0.384000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -1.049995; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 120.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 30.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix302 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix301 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_19", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix302); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_20 dx = -0.384000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -8.119987; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 120.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 30.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix304 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix303 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_20", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix304); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_21 dx = -0.284000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -15.349998; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 122.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 32.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix306 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix305 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_21", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix306); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_22 dx = -0.284000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -22.629997; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 122.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 32.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix308 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix307 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_22", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix308); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_23 dx = -0.284000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -30.019997; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 122.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 32.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix310 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix309 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_23", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix310); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_24 dx = -0.284000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -37.549995; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 122.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 32.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix312 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix311 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_24", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix312); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_25 dx = -0.284000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -45.169991; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 122.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 32.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix314 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix313 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_25", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix314); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_26 dx = -0.284000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -52.900002; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 122.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 32.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix316 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix315 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_26", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix316); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_27 dx = -0.284000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -60.749992; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 122.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 32.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix318 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix317 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_27", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix318); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_28 dx = -0.284000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -68.759987; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 122.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 32.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix320 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix319 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_28", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix320); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_29 dx = -0.284000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -76.849998; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 122.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 32.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix322 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix321 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_29", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix322); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_30 dx = -0.284000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -85.070000; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 122.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 32.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix324 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix323 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_30", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix324); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_31 dx = -0.284000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -93.439995; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 122.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 32.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix326 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix325 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_31", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix326); // Combi transformation: pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_32 dx = -0.284000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -101.909996; // Rotation: rot_BRMD_in_BGMT thx = 122.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 32.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix328 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BRMD_in_BGMT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix327 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BRMD_in_BGMT_32", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix328); // Combi transformation: pos_BUPC_in_BXTR_1 dx = 3.999000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix333 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BUPC_in_BXTR_1"); pMatrix333->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BTFE_in_BUPC_1 dx = -1.466000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix331 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BTFE_in_BUPC_1"); pMatrix331->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BTFE_in_BUPC_2 dx = -0.116000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix332 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BTFE_in_BUPC_2"); pMatrix332->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BUND_in_BTRA_1 dx = -5.755000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 15.050003; pMatrix348 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BUND_in_BTRA_1"); pMatrix348->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BTFT_in_BUND_1 dx = 0.900000; dy = -8.895000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix335 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BTFT_in_BUND_1"); pMatrix335->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BTFT_in_BUND_2 dx = 0.900000; dy = 8.895000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix336 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BTFT_in_BUND_2"); pMatrix336->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BTFT_in_BUND_3 dx = 0.435000; dy = -7.940001; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix337 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BTFT_in_BUND_3"); pMatrix337->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BTFT_in_BUND_4 dx = 0.435000; dy = 7.940001; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix338 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BTFT_in_BUND_4"); pMatrix338->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BTFT_in_BUND_5 dx = -0.260000; dy = -6.745000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix339 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BTFT_in_BUND_5"); pMatrix339->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BTFT_in_BUND_6 dx = -0.260000; dy = 6.745000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix340 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BTFT_in_BUND_6"); pMatrix340->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BASE_in_BUND_1 dx = -0.855000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix341 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BASE_in_BUND_1"); pMatrix341->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BARM_in_BUND_1 dx = 0.695000; dy = -6.516258; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix342 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BARM_in_BUND_1"); pMatrix342->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BARM_in_BUND_2 dx = 0.695000; dy = 6.516258; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix343 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BARM_in_BUND_2"); pMatrix343->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BANG_in_BUND_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -5.011259; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix344 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BANG_in_BUND_1"); pMatrix344->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BANG_in_BUND_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 5.011259; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BANG_in_BUND thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix346 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BANG_in_BUND",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix345 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BANG_in_BUND_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix346); // Combi transformation: pos_BCOV_in_BUND_1 dx = -0.215000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix347 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BCOV_in_BUND_1"); pMatrix347->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 114.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 204.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix353 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix352 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix353); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 120.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 210.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix355 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix354 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix355); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 126.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 216.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix357 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix356 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix357); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 132.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 222.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix359 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix358 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix359); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_6 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 138.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 228.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix361 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix360 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix361); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_7 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 144.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 234.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix363 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix362 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix363); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_8 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 150.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 240.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix365 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix364 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix365); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_9 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 156.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 246.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix367 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix366 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix367); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_10 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 162.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 252.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix369 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix368 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix369); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_11 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 168.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 258.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix371 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix370 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix371); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_12 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 174.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 264.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix373 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix372 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix373); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_13 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 270.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix375 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix374 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_13", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix375); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_14 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 186.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 276.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix377 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix376 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_14", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix377); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_15 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 192.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 282.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix379 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix378 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_15", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix379); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_16 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 198.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 288.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix381 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix380 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_16", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix381); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_17 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 204.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 294.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix383 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix382 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_17", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix383); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_18 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 210.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 300.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix385 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix384 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_18", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix385); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_19 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 216.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 306.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix387 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix386 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_19", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix387); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_20 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 222.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 312.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix389 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix388 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_20", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix389); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_21 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 228.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 318.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix391 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix390 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_21", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix391); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_22 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 234.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 324.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix393 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix392 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_22", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix393); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_23 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 240.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 330.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix395 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix394 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_23", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix395); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_24 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 246.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 336.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix397 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix396 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_24", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix397); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_25 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 252.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 342.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix399 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix398 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_25", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix399); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_26 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 258.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 348.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix401 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix400 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_26", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix401); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_27 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 264.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 354.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix403 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix402 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_27", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix403); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_28 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 270.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 360.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix405 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix404 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_28", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix405); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_29 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 276.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 6.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix407 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix406 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_29", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix407); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_30 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 282.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 12.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix409 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix408 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_30", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix409); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_31 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 288.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 18.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix411 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix410 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_31", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix411); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_32 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 294.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 24.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix413 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix412 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_32", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix413); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_33 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 300.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 30.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix415 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix414 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_33", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix415); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_34 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 306.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 36.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix417 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix416 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_34", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix417); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_35 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 312.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 42.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix419 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix418 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_35", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix419); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_36 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 318.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 48.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix421 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix420 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_36", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix421); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_37 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 324.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 54.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix423 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix422 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_37", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix423); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_38 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 330.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 60.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix425 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix424 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_38", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix425); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_39 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 336.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 66.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix427 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix426 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_39", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix427); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_40 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 342.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 72.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix429 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix428 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_40", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix429); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_41 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix431 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix430 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_41", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix431); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_42 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix433 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix432 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_42", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix433); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_43 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 360.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix435 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix434 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_43", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix435); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_44 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix437 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix436 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_44", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix437); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_45 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix439 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix438 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_45", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix439); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_46 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 18.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 108.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix441 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix440 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_46", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix441); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_47 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 24.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 114.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix443 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix442 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_47", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix443); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_48 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 30.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 120.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix445 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix444 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_48", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix445); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_49 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 36.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 126.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix447 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix446 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_49", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix447); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_50 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 42.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 132.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix449 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix448 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_50", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix449); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_51 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 48.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 138.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix451 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix450 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_51", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix451); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_52 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 54.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 144.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix453 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix452 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_52", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix453); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_53 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 60.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 150.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix455 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix454 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_53", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix455); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_54 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 66.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 156.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix457 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix456 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_54", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix457); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_55 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 72.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 162.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix459 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix458 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_55", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix459); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_56 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 78.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 168.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix461 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix460 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_56", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix461); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_57 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 84.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 174.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix463 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix462 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_57", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix463); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_58 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 180.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix465 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix464 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_58", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix465); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_59 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 96.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 186.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix467 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix466 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_59", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix467); // Combi transformation: pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_60 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_BSEC_in_BTOH thx = 90.000000; phx = 102.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 192.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix469 = new TGeoRotation("rot_BSEC_in_BTOH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix468 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BSEC_in_BTOH_60", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix469); // Combi transformation: pos_BTOH_in_BTOF_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -123.000000; pMatrix472 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_BTOH_in_BTOF_2"); pMatrix472->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPGV_in_TPCE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 105.001900; // Rotation: rot_TPGV_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 75.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 345.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix646 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TPGV_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix645 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPGV_in_TPCE_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix646); // Combi transformation: pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TPSS_in_TPGV thx = 90.000000; phx = 15.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 105.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix622 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TPSS_in_TPGV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix621 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix622); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_1 dx = 58.849998; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix475 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_1"); pMatrix475->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_2 dx = 60.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix476 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_2"); pMatrix476->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_3 dx = 61.150002; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix477 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_3"); pMatrix477->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_4 dx = 63.650002; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix478 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_4"); pMatrix478->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_5 dx = 64.800003; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix479 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_5"); pMatrix479->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_6 dx = 65.950005; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix480 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_6"); pMatrix480->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_7 dx = 68.449997; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix481 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_7"); pMatrix481->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_8 dx = 69.599998; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix482 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_8"); pMatrix482->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_9 dx = 70.750000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix483 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_9"); pMatrix483->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_10 dx = 73.250000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix484 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_10"); pMatrix484->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_11 dx = 74.400002; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix485 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_11"); pMatrix485->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_12 dx = 75.550003; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix486 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_12"); pMatrix486->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_13 dx = 78.049995; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix487 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_13"); pMatrix487->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_14 dx = 79.199997; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix488 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_14"); pMatrix488->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_15 dx = 80.349998; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix489 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_15"); pMatrix489->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_16 dx = 82.849998; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix490 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_16"); pMatrix490->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_17 dx = 84.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix491 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_17"); pMatrix491->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_18 dx = 85.150002; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix492 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_18"); pMatrix492->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_19 dx = 87.650002; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix493 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_19"); pMatrix493->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_20 dx = 88.800003; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix494 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_20"); pMatrix494->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_21 dx = 89.950005; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix495 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_21"); pMatrix495->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_22 dx = 92.449997; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix496 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_22"); pMatrix496->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_23 dx = 93.599998; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix497 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_23"); pMatrix497->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_24 dx = 94.750000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix498 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_24"); pMatrix498->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_25 dx = 97.650002; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix499 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_25"); pMatrix499->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_26 dx = 98.800003; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix500 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_26"); pMatrix500->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_27 dx = 99.950005; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix501 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_27"); pMatrix501->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_28 dx = 102.849998; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix502 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_28"); pMatrix502->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_29 dx = 104.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix503 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_29"); pMatrix503->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_30 dx = 105.150002; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix504 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_30"); pMatrix504->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_31 dx = 108.049995; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix505 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_31"); pMatrix505->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_32 dx = 109.199997; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix506 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_32"); pMatrix506->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_33 dx = 110.349998; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix507 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_33"); pMatrix507->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_34 dx = 113.250000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix508 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_34"); pMatrix508->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_35 dx = 114.400002; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix509 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_35"); pMatrix509->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_36 dx = 115.550003; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix510 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_36"); pMatrix510->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_37 dx = 118.449997; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix511 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_37"); pMatrix511->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_38 dx = 119.599998; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix512 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_38"); pMatrix512->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_39 dx = 120.750000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix513 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_39"); pMatrix513->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_40 dx = 125.245003; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix514 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_40"); pMatrix514->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_41 dx = 127.195000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix515 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_41"); pMatrix515->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_42 dx = 129.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix516 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_42"); pMatrix516->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_43 dx = 131.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix517 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_43"); pMatrix517->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_44 dx = 133.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix518 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_44"); pMatrix518->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_45 dx = 135.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix519 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_45"); pMatrix519->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_46 dx = 137.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix520 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_46"); pMatrix520->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_47 dx = 139.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix521 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_47"); pMatrix521->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_48 dx = 141.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix522 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_48"); pMatrix522->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_49 dx = 143.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix523 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_49"); pMatrix523->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_50 dx = 145.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix524 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_50"); pMatrix524->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_51 dx = 147.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix525 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_51"); pMatrix525->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_52 dx = 149.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix526 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_52"); pMatrix526->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_53 dx = 151.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix527 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_53"); pMatrix527->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_54 dx = 153.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix528 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_54"); pMatrix528->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_55 dx = 155.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix529 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_55"); pMatrix529->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_56 dx = 157.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix530 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_56"); pMatrix530->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_57 dx = 159.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix531 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_57"); pMatrix531->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_58 dx = 161.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix532 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_58"); pMatrix532->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_59 dx = 163.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix533 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_59"); pMatrix533->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_60 dx = 165.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix534 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_60"); pMatrix534->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_61 dx = 167.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix535 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_61"); pMatrix535->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_62 dx = 169.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix536 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_62"); pMatrix536->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_63 dx = 171.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix537 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_63"); pMatrix537->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_64 dx = 173.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix538 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_64"); pMatrix538->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_65 dx = 175.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix539 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_65"); pMatrix539->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_66 dx = 177.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix540 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_66"); pMatrix540->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_67 dx = 179.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix541 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_67"); pMatrix541->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_68 dx = 181.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix542 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_68"); pMatrix542->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_69 dx = 183.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix543 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_69"); pMatrix543->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_70 dx = 185.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix544 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_70"); pMatrix544->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_71 dx = 187.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix545 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_71"); pMatrix545->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_72 dx = 189.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix546 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_72"); pMatrix546->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_73 dx = 191.145004; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.699992; pMatrix547 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_73"); pMatrix547->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_74 dx = 58.849998; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix548 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_74"); pMatrix548->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_75 dx = 60.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix549 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_75"); pMatrix549->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_76 dx = 61.150002; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix550 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_76"); pMatrix550->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_77 dx = 63.650002; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix551 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_77"); pMatrix551->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_78 dx = 64.800003; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix552 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_78"); pMatrix552->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_79 dx = 65.950005; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix553 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_79"); pMatrix553->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_80 dx = 68.449997; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix554 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_80"); pMatrix554->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_81 dx = 69.599998; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix555 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_81"); pMatrix555->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_82 dx = 70.750000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix556 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_82"); pMatrix556->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_83 dx = 73.250000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix557 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_83"); pMatrix557->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_84 dx = 74.400002; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix558 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_84"); pMatrix558->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_85 dx = 75.550003; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix559 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_85"); pMatrix559->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_86 dx = 78.049995; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix560 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_86"); pMatrix560->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_87 dx = 79.199997; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix561 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_87"); pMatrix561->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_88 dx = 80.349998; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix562 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_88"); pMatrix562->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_89 dx = 82.849998; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix563 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_89"); pMatrix563->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_90 dx = 84.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix564 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_90"); pMatrix564->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_91 dx = 85.150002; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix565 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_91"); pMatrix565->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_92 dx = 87.650002; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix566 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_92"); pMatrix566->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_93 dx = 88.800003; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix567 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_93"); pMatrix567->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_94 dx = 89.950005; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix568 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_94"); pMatrix568->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_95 dx = 92.449997; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix569 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_95"); pMatrix569->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_96 dx = 93.599998; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix570 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_96"); pMatrix570->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_97 dx = 94.750000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix571 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_97"); pMatrix571->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_98 dx = 97.650002; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix572 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_98"); pMatrix572->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_99 dx = 98.800003; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix573 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_99"); pMatrix573->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_100 dx = 99.950005; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix574 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_100"); pMatrix574->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_101 dx = 102.849998; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix575 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_101"); pMatrix575->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_102 dx = 104.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix576 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_102"); pMatrix576->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_103 dx = 105.150002; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix577 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_103"); pMatrix577->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_104 dx = 108.049995; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix578 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_104"); pMatrix578->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_105 dx = 109.199997; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix579 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_105"); pMatrix579->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_106 dx = 110.349998; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix580 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_106"); pMatrix580->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_107 dx = 113.250000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix581 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_107"); pMatrix581->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_108 dx = 114.400002; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix582 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_108"); pMatrix582->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_109 dx = 115.550003; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix583 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_109"); pMatrix583->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_110 dx = 118.449997; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix584 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_110"); pMatrix584->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_111 dx = 119.599998; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix585 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_111"); pMatrix585->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_112 dx = 120.750000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.098106; pMatrix586 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPAD_in_TPSS_112"); pMatrix586->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_113 dx = 125.245003; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix587 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_113"); pMatrix587->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_114 dx = 127.195000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix588 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_114"); pMatrix588->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_115 dx = 129.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix589 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_115"); pMatrix589->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_116 dx = 131.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix590 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_116"); pMatrix590->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_117 dx = 133.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix591 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_117"); pMatrix591->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_118 dx = 135.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix592 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_118"); pMatrix592->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_119 dx = 137.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix593 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_119"); pMatrix593->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_120 dx = 139.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix594 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_120"); pMatrix594->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_121 dx = 141.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix595 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_121"); pMatrix595->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_122 dx = 143.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix596 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_122"); pMatrix596->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_123 dx = 145.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix597 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_123"); pMatrix597->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_124 dx = 147.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix598 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_124"); pMatrix598->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_125 dx = 149.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix599 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_125"); pMatrix599->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_126 dx = 151.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix600 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_126"); pMatrix600->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_127 dx = 153.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix601 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_127"); pMatrix601->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_128 dx = 155.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix602 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_128"); pMatrix602->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_129 dx = 157.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix603 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_129"); pMatrix603->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_130 dx = 159.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix604 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_130"); pMatrix604->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_131 dx = 161.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix605 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_131"); pMatrix605->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_132 dx = 163.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix606 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_132"); pMatrix606->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_133 dx = 165.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix607 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_133"); pMatrix607->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_134 dx = 167.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix608 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_134"); pMatrix608->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_135 dx = 169.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix609 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_135"); pMatrix609->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_136 dx = 171.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix610 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_136"); pMatrix610->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_137 dx = 173.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix611 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_137"); pMatrix611->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_138 dx = 175.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix612 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_138"); pMatrix612->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_139 dx = 177.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix613 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_139"); pMatrix613->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_140 dx = 179.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix614 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_140"); pMatrix614->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_141 dx = 181.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix615 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_141"); pMatrix615->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_142 dx = 183.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix616 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_142"); pMatrix616->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_143 dx = 185.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix617 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_143"); pMatrix617->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_144 dx = 187.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix618 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_144"); pMatrix618->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_145 dx = 189.195007; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix619 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_145"); pMatrix619->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_146 dx = 191.145004; dy = 0.000000; dz = 104.298111; pMatrix620 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPA1_in_TPSS_146"); pMatrix620->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TPSS_in_TPGV thx = 90.000000; phx = 45.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 135.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix624 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TPSS_in_TPGV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix623 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix624); // Combi transformation: pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TPSS_in_TPGV thx = 90.000000; phx = 75.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 165.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix626 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TPSS_in_TPGV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix625 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix626); // Combi transformation: pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TPSS_in_TPGV thx = 90.000000; phx = 105.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 195.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix628 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TPSS_in_TPGV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix627 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix628); // Combi transformation: pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TPSS_in_TPGV thx = 90.000000; phx = 135.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix630 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TPSS_in_TPGV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix629 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix630); // Combi transformation: pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_6 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TPSS_in_TPGV thx = 90.000000; phx = 165.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 255.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix632 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TPSS_in_TPGV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix631 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix632); // Combi transformation: pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_7 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TPSS_in_TPGV thx = 90.000000; phx = 195.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 285.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix634 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TPSS_in_TPGV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix633 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix634); // Combi transformation: pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_8 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TPSS_in_TPGV thx = 90.000000; phx = 225.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 315.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix636 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TPSS_in_TPGV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix635 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix636); // Combi transformation: pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_9 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TPSS_in_TPGV thx = 90.000000; phx = 255.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 345.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix638 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TPSS_in_TPGV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix637 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix638); // Combi transformation: pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_10 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TPSS_in_TPGV thx = 90.000000; phx = 285.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 15.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix640 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TPSS_in_TPGV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix639 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix640); // Combi transformation: pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_11 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TPSS_in_TPGV thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix642 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TPSS_in_TPGV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix641 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix642); // Combi transformation: pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_12 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TPSS_in_TPGV thx = 90.000000; phx = 345.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 75.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix644 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TPSS_in_TPGV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix643 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPSS_in_TPGV_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix644); // Combi transformation: pos_TPGV_in_TPCE_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -105.001900; // Rotation: rot_TPGV_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 105.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 195.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix648 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TPGV_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix647 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPGV_in_TPCE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix648); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1242 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1241 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1242); // Combi transformation: pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_1 dx = 121.582176; dy = 0.000000; dz = 223.994999; pMatrix838 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_1"); pMatrix838->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TWRB_in_TSAW_1 dx = 123.012711; dy = -31.061157; dz = 218.929993; // Rotation: rot_TWRB_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix840 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TWRB_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix839 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TWRB_in_TSAW_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix840); // Combi transformation: pos_TWR1_in_TSAW_2 dx = 123.012711; dy = -32.486156; dz = 223.994995; // Rotation: rot_TWRB_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix842 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TWRB_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix841 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TWR1_in_TSAW_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix842); // Combi transformation: pos_TWR2_in_TSAW_3 dx = 123.012711; dy = 31.061157; dz = 218.929993; // Rotation: rot_TWRB_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1168 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TWRB_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1167 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TWR2_in_TSAW_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1168); // Combi transformation: pos_TWR3_in_TSAW_4 dx = 123.012711; dy = 32.486156; dz = 223.994995; // Rotation: rot_TWRB_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1170 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TWRB_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1169 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TWR3_in_TSAW_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1170); // Combi transformation: pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_2 dx = 180.624329; dy = -48.398144; dz = 223.994999; // Rotation: rot_TBRW_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 345.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 75.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1172 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TBRW_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1171 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1172); // Combi transformation: pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_3 dx = 138.451355; dy = -37.097927; dz = 223.994999; // Rotation: rot_TBRW_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 345.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 75.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1174 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TBRW_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1173 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1174); // Combi transformation: pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_4 dx = 105.824020; dy = -28.355461; dz = 223.994999; // Rotation: rot_TBRW_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 345.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 75.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1176 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TBRW_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1175 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1176); // Combi transformation: pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_5 dx = 66.428619; dy = -17.799496; dz = 223.994999; // Rotation: rot_TBRW_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 345.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 75.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1178 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TBRW_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1177 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1178); // Combi transformation: pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_6 dx = 180.624329; dy = 48.398144; dz = 223.994999; // Rotation: rot_TBRW_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 15.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 105.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1180 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TBRW_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1179 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1180); // Combi transformation: pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_7 dx = 138.451355; dy = 37.097927; dz = 223.994999; // Rotation: rot_TBRW_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 15.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 105.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1182 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TBRW_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1181 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1182); // Combi transformation: pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_8 dx = 105.824020; dy = 28.355461; dz = 223.994999; // Rotation: rot_TBRW_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 15.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 105.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1184 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TBRW_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1183 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1184); // Combi transformation: pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_9 dx = 66.428619; dy = 17.799496; dz = 223.994999; // Rotation: rot_TBRW_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 15.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 105.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1186 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TBRW_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1185 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TBRW_in_TSAW_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1186); // Combi transformation: pos_TC1O_in_TSAW_1 dx = 189.740601; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440007; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1221 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1220 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC1O_in_TSAW_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1221); // Combi transformation: pos_TC11_in_TSAW_2 dx = 173.740601; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440007; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1223 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1222 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC11_in_TSAW_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1223); // Combi transformation: pos_TC12_in_TSAW_3 dx = 157.740601; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440007; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1225 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1224 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC12_in_TSAW_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1225); // Combi transformation: pos_TC13_in_TSAW_4 dx = 141.740601; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440007; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1227 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1226 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC13_in_TSAW_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1227); // Combi transformation: pos_TC14_in_TSAW_5 dx = 125.040604; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440007; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1229 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1228 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC14_in_TSAW_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1229); // Combi transformation: pos_TC15_in_TSAW_6 dx = 110.040604; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440007; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1231 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1230 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC15_in_TSAW_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1231); // Combi transformation: pos_TC16_in_TSAW_7 dx = 106.540604; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440007; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1233 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1232 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC16_in_TSAW_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1233); // Combi transformation: pos_TC17_in_TSAW_8 dx = 92.040604; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440007; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1235 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1234 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC17_in_TSAW_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1235); // Combi transformation: pos_TCAB_in_TSAW_1 dx = 123.943108; dy = -30.960455; dz = 262.710022; // Rotation: rot_TCAB_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1237 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCAB_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1236 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCAB_in_TSAW_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1237); // Combi transformation: pos_TCA1_in_TSAW_2 dx = 123.943108; dy = 30.960455; dz = 262.710022; // Rotation: rot_TCAB_in_TSAW thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1239 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCAB_in_TSAW",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1238 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCA1_in_TSAW_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1239); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_1 dx = 115.804665; dy = -20.192999; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix662 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_1"); pMatrix662->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_2 dx = 115.804665; dy = -12.115800; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix663 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_2"); pMatrix663->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_3 dx = 115.804665; dy = -4.038600; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix664 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_3"); pMatrix664->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_4 dx = 115.804665; dy = 4.038600; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix665 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_4"); pMatrix665->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_5 dx = 115.804665; dy = 12.115800; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix666 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_5"); pMatrix666->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_6 dx = 115.804665; dy = 20.192999; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix667 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_6"); pMatrix667->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_7 dx = 111.804161; dy = -19.121120; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix668 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_7"); pMatrix668->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_8 dx = 111.804161; dy = -9.560560; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix669 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_8"); pMatrix669->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_9 dx = 111.804161; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix670 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_9"); pMatrix670->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_10 dx = 111.804161; dy = 9.560560; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix671 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_10"); pMatrix671->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_11 dx = 111.804161; dy = 19.121120; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix672 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_11"); pMatrix672->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_12 dx = 107.803658; dy = -18.049240; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix673 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_12"); pMatrix673->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_13 dx = 107.803658; dy = -9.024620; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix674 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_13"); pMatrix674->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_14 dx = 107.803658; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix675 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_14"); pMatrix675->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_15 dx = 107.803658; dy = 9.024620; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix676 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_15"); pMatrix676->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_16 dx = 107.803658; dy = 18.049240; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix677 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_16"); pMatrix677->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_17 dx = 103.803154; dy = -16.977360; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix678 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_17"); pMatrix678->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_18 dx = 103.803154; dy = 16.977360; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix679 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_18"); pMatrix679->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_19 dx = 99.802650; dy = -15.905480; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix680 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_19"); pMatrix680->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_20 dx = 99.802650; dy = -7.952740; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix681 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_20"); pMatrix681->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_21 dx = 99.802650; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix682 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_21"); pMatrix682->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_22 dx = 99.802650; dy = 7.952740; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix683 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_22"); pMatrix683->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_23 dx = 99.802650; dy = 15.905480; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix684 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_23"); pMatrix684->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_24 dx = 95.802147; dy = -14.833600; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix685 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_24"); pMatrix685->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_25 dx = 95.802147; dy = -4.947920; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix686 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_25"); pMatrix686->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_26 dx = 95.802147; dy = 4.947920; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix687 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_26"); pMatrix687->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_27 dx = 95.802147; dy = 14.833600; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix688 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_27"); pMatrix688->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_28 dx = 91.801643; dy = -13.761721; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix689 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_28"); pMatrix689->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_29 dx = 91.801643; dy = -4.589780; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix690 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_29"); pMatrix690->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_30 dx = 91.801643; dy = 4.589780; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix691 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_30"); pMatrix691->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_31 dx = 91.801643; dy = 13.761721; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix692 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_31"); pMatrix692->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_32 dx = 87.801140; dy = -12.688570; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix693 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_32"); pMatrix693->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_33 dx = 87.801140; dy = -4.354830; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix694 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_33"); pMatrix694->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_34 dx = 87.801140; dy = 4.354830; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix695 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_34"); pMatrix695->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_35 dx = 87.801140; dy = 12.688570; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix696 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_35"); pMatrix696->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_36 dx = 83.800636; dy = -12.001500; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix697 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_36"); pMatrix697->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_37 dx = 83.800636; dy = -4.000500; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix698 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_37"); pMatrix698->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_38 dx = 83.800636; dy = 4.000500; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix699 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_38"); pMatrix699->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_39 dx = 83.800636; dy = 12.001500; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix700 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_39"); pMatrix700->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_40 dx = 79.800133; dy = -10.546080; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix701 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_40"); pMatrix701->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_41 dx = 79.800133; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix702 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_41"); pMatrix702->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_42 dx = 79.800133; dy = 10.546080; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix703 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_42"); pMatrix703->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_43 dx = 75.799629; dy = -9.474200; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix704 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_43"); pMatrix704->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_44 dx = 75.799629; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix705 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_44"); pMatrix705->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_45 dx = 75.799629; dy = 9.474200; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix706 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_45"); pMatrix706->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_46 dx = 71.799126; dy = -8.402320; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix707 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_46"); pMatrix707->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_47 dx = 71.799126; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix708 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_47"); pMatrix708->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_48 dx = 71.799126; dy = 8.402320; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix709 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_48"); pMatrix709->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_49 dx = 67.798622; dy = -7.810500; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix710 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_49"); pMatrix710->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_50 dx = 67.798622; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix711 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_50"); pMatrix711->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_51 dx = 67.798622; dy = 7.810500; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix712 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_51"); pMatrix712->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_52 dx = 63.798122; dy = -6.257290; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix713 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_52"); pMatrix713->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_53 dx = 63.798122; dy = 6.257290; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix714 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_53"); pMatrix714->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_54 dx = 59.797623; dy = -5.185410; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix715 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_54"); pMatrix715->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THOL_in_TALS_55 dx = 59.797623; dy = 5.185410; dz = 210.556244; pMatrix716 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THOL_in_TALS_55"); pMatrix716->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TRIB_in_TSAS_1 dx = 86.090477; dy = -21.264359; dz = 214.656250; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix720 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix719 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRIB_in_TSAS_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix720); // Combi transformation: pos_TWIR_in_TSAS_1 dx = 86.090477; dy = -22.188044; dz = 209.047089; // Rotation: rot_TWIR_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix722 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TWIR_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix721 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TWIR_in_TSAS_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix722); // Combi transformation: pos_TRI1_in_TSAS_2 dx = 86.090477; dy = 21.264359; dz = 214.656250; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix724 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix723 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRI1_in_TSAS_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix724); // Combi transformation: pos_TWI1_in_TSAS_2 dx = 86.090477; dy = 22.188044; dz = 209.047089; // Rotation: rot_TWIR_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix726 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TWIR_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix725 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TWI1_in_TSAS_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix726); // Combi transformation: pos_TRI2_in_TSAS_3 dx = 118.987287; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.656249; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix728 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix727 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRI2_in_TSAS_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix728); // Combi transformation: pos_TRI3_in_TSAS_4 dx = 109.555000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.656249; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix730 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix729 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRI3_in_TSAS_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix730); // Combi transformation: pos_TRI4_in_TSAS_5 dx = 93.553001; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.656249; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix732 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix731 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRI4_in_TSAS_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix732); // Combi transformation: pos_TRI5_in_TSAS_6 dx = 77.550995; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.656249; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix734 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix733 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRI5_in_TSAS_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix734); // Combi transformation: pos_TRI6_in_TSAS_7 dx = 61.548999; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.656249; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix736 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix735 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRI6_in_TSAS_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix736); // Combi transformation: pos_TRI7_in_TSAS_8 dx = 53.133975; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.656249; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix738 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix737 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRI7_in_TSAS_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix738); // Combi transformation: pos_TRI8_in_TSAS_9 dx = 111.390144; dy = -14.338300; dz = 214.656249; pMatrix739 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRI8_in_TSAS_9"); pMatrix739->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TRI8_in_TSAS_10 dx = 111.390144; dy = 14.338300; dz = 214.656249; pMatrix740 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRI8_in_TSAS_10"); pMatrix740->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TRI8_in_TSAS_11 dx = 95.388145; dy = -9.893300; dz = 214.656249; pMatrix741 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRI8_in_TSAS_11"); pMatrix741->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TRI8_in_TSAS_12 dx = 95.388145; dy = 9.893300; dz = 214.656249; pMatrix742 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRI8_in_TSAS_12"); pMatrix742->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TRI9_in_TSAS_13 dx = 56.134987; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.656249; pMatrix743 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRI9_in_TSAS_13"); pMatrix743->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOO_in_TWAS_1 dx = 85.042725; dy = -17.280254; dz = 220.565999; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix746 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix745 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOO_in_TWAS_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix746); // Combi transformation: pos_TCO1_in_TWAS_2 dx = 85.042725; dy = 17.280254; dz = 220.565999; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix748 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix747 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCO1_in_TWAS_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix748); // Combi transformation: pos_TCO2_in_TWAS_3 dx = 115.317558; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix750 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix749 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCO2_in_TWAS_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix750); // Combi transformation: pos_TCO3_in_TWAS_4 dx = 111.317055; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix761 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix760 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCO3_in_TWAS_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix761); // Combi transformation: pos_TCO4_in_TWAS_5 dx = 107.316551; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix768 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix767 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCO4_in_TWAS_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix768); // Combi transformation: pos_TCO5_in_TWAS_6 dx = 103.316048; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix775 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix774 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCO5_in_TWAS_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix775); // Combi transformation: pos_TCO6_in_TWAS_7 dx = 99.315544; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix779 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix778 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCO6_in_TWAS_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix779); // Combi transformation: pos_TCO7_in_TWAS_8 dx = 95.315041; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix786 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix785 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCO7_in_TWAS_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix786); // Combi transformation: pos_TCO8_in_TWAS_9 dx = 91.314537; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix792 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix791 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCO8_in_TWAS_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix792); // Combi transformation: pos_TCO9_in_TWAS_10 dx = 87.314034; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix798 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix797 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCO9_in_TWAS_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix798); // Combi transformation: pos_TCO0_in_TWAS_11 dx = 83.313530; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix804 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix803 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCO0_in_TWAS_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix804); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOa_in_TWAS_12 dx = 79.313026; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix810 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix809 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOa_in_TWAS_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix810); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOb_in_TWAS_13 dx = 75.312523; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix815 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix814 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOb_in_TWAS_13", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix815); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOc_in_TWAS_14 dx = 71.312019; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix820 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix819 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOc_in_TWAS_14", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix820); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOd_in_TWAS_15 dx = 67.311516; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix825 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix824 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOd_in_TWAS_15", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix825); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOe_in_TWAS_16 dx = 63.311016; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix830 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix829 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOe_in_TWAS_16", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix830); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOf_in_TWAS_17 dx = 59.310516; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix834 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix833 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOf_in_TWAS_17", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix834); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_1 dx = 116.555426; dy = -20.192999; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix754 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_1"); pMatrix754->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEER_in_FEEA_1 dx = -0.836041; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix752 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEER_in_FEEA_1"); pMatrix752->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEI_in_FEEA_1 dx = 0.410718; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.500000; pMatrix753 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEI_in_FEEA_1"); pMatrix753->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_2 dx = 116.555426; dy = -12.115800; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix755 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_2"); pMatrix755->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_3 dx = 116.555426; dy = -4.038600; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix756 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_3"); pMatrix756->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_4 dx = 116.555426; dy = 4.038600; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix757 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_4"); pMatrix757->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_5 dx = 116.555426; dy = 12.115800; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix758 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_5"); pMatrix758->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_6 dx = 116.555426; dy = 20.192999; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix759 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_6"); pMatrix759->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_7 dx = 112.554922; dy = -19.121120; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix762 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_7"); pMatrix762->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_8 dx = 112.554922; dy = -9.560560; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix763 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_8"); pMatrix763->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_9 dx = 112.554922; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix764 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_9"); pMatrix764->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_10 dx = 112.554922; dy = 9.560560; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix765 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_10"); pMatrix765->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_11 dx = 112.554922; dy = 19.121120; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix766 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_11"); pMatrix766->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_12 dx = 108.554419; dy = -18.049240; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix769 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_12"); pMatrix769->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_13 dx = 108.554419; dy = -9.024620; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix770 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_13"); pMatrix770->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_14 dx = 108.554419; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix771 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_14"); pMatrix771->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_15 dx = 108.554419; dy = 9.024620; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix772 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_15"); pMatrix772->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_16 dx = 108.554419; dy = 18.049240; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix773 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_16"); pMatrix773->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_17 dx = 104.553915; dy = -16.977360; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix776 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_17"); pMatrix776->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_18 dx = 104.553915; dy = 16.977360; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix777 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_18"); pMatrix777->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_19 dx = 100.553412; dy = -15.905480; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix780 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_19"); pMatrix780->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_20 dx = 100.553412; dy = -7.952740; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix781 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_20"); pMatrix781->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_21 dx = 100.553412; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix782 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_21"); pMatrix782->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_22 dx = 100.553412; dy = 7.952740; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix783 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_22"); pMatrix783->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_23 dx = 100.553412; dy = 15.905480; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix784 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_23"); pMatrix784->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_24 dx = 96.552908; dy = -14.833600; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix787 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_24"); pMatrix787->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_25 dx = 96.552908; dy = -4.947920; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix788 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_25"); pMatrix788->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_26 dx = 96.552908; dy = 4.947920; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix789 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_26"); pMatrix789->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_27 dx = 96.552908; dy = 14.833600; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix790 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_27"); pMatrix790->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_28 dx = 92.552405; dy = -13.761721; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix793 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_28"); pMatrix793->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_29 dx = 92.552405; dy = -4.589780; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix794 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_29"); pMatrix794->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_30 dx = 92.552405; dy = 4.589780; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix795 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_30"); pMatrix795->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_31 dx = 92.552405; dy = 13.761721; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix796 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_31"); pMatrix796->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_32 dx = 88.551901; dy = -12.688570; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix799 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_32"); pMatrix799->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_33 dx = 88.551901; dy = -4.354830; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix800 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_33"); pMatrix800->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_34 dx = 88.551901; dy = 4.354830; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix801 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_34"); pMatrix801->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_35 dx = 88.551901; dy = 12.688570; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix802 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_35"); pMatrix802->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_36 dx = 84.551398; dy = -12.001500; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix805 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_36"); pMatrix805->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_37 dx = 84.551398; dy = -4.000500; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix806 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_37"); pMatrix806->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_38 dx = 84.551398; dy = 4.000500; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix807 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_38"); pMatrix807->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_39 dx = 84.551398; dy = 12.001500; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix808 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_39"); pMatrix808->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_40 dx = 80.550894; dy = -10.546080; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix811 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_40"); pMatrix811->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_41 dx = 80.550894; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix812 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_41"); pMatrix812->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_42 dx = 80.550894; dy = 10.546080; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix813 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_42"); pMatrix813->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_43 dx = 76.550391; dy = -9.474200; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix816 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_43"); pMatrix816->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_44 dx = 76.550391; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix817 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_44"); pMatrix817->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_45 dx = 76.550391; dy = 9.474200; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix818 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_45"); pMatrix818->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_46 dx = 72.549887; dy = -8.402320; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix821 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_46"); pMatrix821->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_47 dx = 72.549887; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix822 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_47"); pMatrix822->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_48 dx = 72.549887; dy = 8.402320; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix823 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_48"); pMatrix823->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_49 dx = 68.549383; dy = -7.810500; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix826 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_49"); pMatrix826->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_50 dx = 68.549383; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix827 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_50"); pMatrix827->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_51 dx = 68.549383; dy = 7.810500; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix828 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_51"); pMatrix828->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_52 dx = 64.548884; dy = -6.257290; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix831 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_52"); pMatrix831->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_53 dx = 64.548884; dy = 6.257290; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix832 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_53"); pMatrix832->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_54 dx = 60.548384; dy = -5.185410; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix835 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_54"); pMatrix835->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_55 dx = 60.548384; dy = 5.185410; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix836 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWAS_55"); pMatrix836->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_1 dx = 187.617554; dy = -38.163498; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix844 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_1"); pMatrix844->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_2 dx = 187.617554; dy = -29.479240; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix845 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_2"); pMatrix845->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_3 dx = 187.617554; dy = -20.769581; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix846 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_3"); pMatrix846->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_4 dx = 187.617554; dy = -10.718800; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix847 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_4"); pMatrix847->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_5 dx = 187.617554; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix848 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_5"); pMatrix848->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_6 dx = 187.617554; dy = 10.718800; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix849 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_6"); pMatrix849->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_7 dx = 187.617554; dy = 20.769581; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix850 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_7"); pMatrix850->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_8 dx = 187.617554; dy = 29.479240; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix851 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_8"); pMatrix851->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_9 dx = 187.617554; dy = 38.163498; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix852 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_9"); pMatrix852->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_10 dx = 183.617050; dy = -38.163498; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix853 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_10"); pMatrix853->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_11 dx = 183.617050; dy = -29.479240; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix854 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_11"); pMatrix854->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_12 dx = 183.617050; dy = -20.769581; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix855 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_12"); pMatrix855->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_13 dx = 183.617050; dy = -10.718800; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix856 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_13"); pMatrix856->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_14 dx = 183.617050; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix857 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_14"); pMatrix857->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_15 dx = 183.617050; dy = 10.718800; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix858 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_15"); pMatrix858->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_16 dx = 183.617050; dy = 20.769581; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix859 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_16"); pMatrix859->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_17 dx = 183.617050; dy = 29.479240; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix860 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_17"); pMatrix860->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_18 dx = 183.617050; dy = 38.163498; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix861 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_18"); pMatrix861->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_19 dx = 179.616547; dy = -36.177219; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix862 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_19"); pMatrix862->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_20 dx = 179.616547; dy = -28.138121; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix863 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_20"); pMatrix863->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_21 dx = 179.616547; dy = -16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix864 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_21"); pMatrix864->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_22 dx = 179.616547; dy = -8.039100; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix865 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_22"); pMatrix865->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_23 dx = 179.616547; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix866 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_23"); pMatrix866->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_24 dx = 179.616547; dy = 8.039100; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix867 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_24"); pMatrix867->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_25 dx = 179.616547; dy = 16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix868 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_25"); pMatrix868->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_26 dx = 179.616547; dy = 28.138121; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix869 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_26"); pMatrix869->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_27 dx = 179.616547; dy = 36.177219; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix870 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_27"); pMatrix870->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_28 dx = 175.616043; dy = -36.177219; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix871 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_28"); pMatrix871->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_29 dx = 175.616043; dy = -28.138121; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix872 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_29"); pMatrix872->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_30 dx = 175.616043; dy = -16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix873 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_30"); pMatrix873->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_31 dx = 175.616043; dy = -8.039100; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix874 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_31"); pMatrix874->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_32 dx = 175.616043; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix875 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_32"); pMatrix875->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_33 dx = 175.616043; dy = 8.039100; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix876 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_33"); pMatrix876->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_34 dx = 175.616043; dy = 16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix877 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_34"); pMatrix877->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_35 dx = 175.616043; dy = 28.138121; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix878 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_35"); pMatrix878->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_36 dx = 175.616043; dy = 36.177219; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix879 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_36"); pMatrix879->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_37 dx = 171.615555; dy = -34.168079; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix880 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_37"); pMatrix880->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_38 dx = 171.615555; dy = -25.458420; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix881 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_38"); pMatrix881->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_39 dx = 171.615555; dy = -16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix882 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_39"); pMatrix882->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_40 dx = 171.615555; dy = -8.039100; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix883 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_40"); pMatrix883->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_41 dx = 171.615555; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix884 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_41"); pMatrix884->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_42 dx = 171.615555; dy = 8.039100; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix885 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_42"); pMatrix885->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_43 dx = 171.615555; dy = 16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix886 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_43"); pMatrix886->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_44 dx = 171.615555; dy = 25.458420; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix887 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_44"); pMatrix887->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_45 dx = 171.615555; dy = 34.168079; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix888 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_45"); pMatrix888->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_46 dx = 167.615051; dy = -34.168079; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix889 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_46"); pMatrix889->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_47 dx = 167.615051; dy = -25.458420; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix890 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_47"); pMatrix890->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_48 dx = 167.615051; dy = -16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix891 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_48"); pMatrix891->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_49 dx = 167.615051; dy = -8.039100; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix892 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_49"); pMatrix892->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_50 dx = 167.615051; dy = 8.039100; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix893 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_50"); pMatrix893->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_51 dx = 167.615051; dy = 16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix894 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_51"); pMatrix894->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_52 dx = 167.615051; dy = 25.458420; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix895 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_52"); pMatrix895->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_53 dx = 167.615051; dy = 34.168079; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix896 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_53"); pMatrix896->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_54 dx = 163.614548; dy = -32.156399; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix897 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_54"); pMatrix897->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_55 dx = 163.614548; dy = -24.117300; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix898 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_55"); pMatrix898->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_56 dx = 163.614548; dy = -16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix899 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_56"); pMatrix899->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_57 dx = 163.614548; dy = -5.359400; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix900 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_57"); pMatrix900->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_58 dx = 163.614548; dy = 5.359400; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix901 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_58"); pMatrix901->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_59 dx = 163.614548; dy = 16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix902 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_59"); pMatrix902->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_60 dx = 163.614548; dy = 24.117300; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix903 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_60"); pMatrix903->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_61 dx = 163.614548; dy = 32.156399; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix904 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_61"); pMatrix904->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_62 dx = 159.614044; dy = -32.156399; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix905 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_62"); pMatrix905->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_63 dx = 159.614044; dy = -24.117300; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix906 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_63"); pMatrix906->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_64 dx = 159.614044; dy = -16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix907 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_64"); pMatrix907->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_65 dx = 159.614044; dy = -5.359400; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix908 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_65"); pMatrix908->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_66 dx = 159.614044; dy = 5.359400; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix909 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_66"); pMatrix909->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_67 dx = 159.614044; dy = 16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix910 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_67"); pMatrix910->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_68 dx = 159.614044; dy = 24.117300; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix911 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_68"); pMatrix911->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_69 dx = 159.614044; dy = 32.156399; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix912 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_69"); pMatrix912->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_70 dx = 155.613556; dy = -30.149799; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix913 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_70"); pMatrix913->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_71 dx = 155.613556; dy = -21.437599; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix914 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_71"); pMatrix914->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_72 dx = 155.613556; dy = -13.398500; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix915 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_72"); pMatrix915->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_73 dx = 155.613556; dy = -5.359400; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix916 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_73"); pMatrix916->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_74 dx = 155.613556; dy = 5.359400; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix917 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_74"); pMatrix917->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_75 dx = 155.613556; dy = 13.398500; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix918 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_75"); pMatrix918->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_76 dx = 155.613556; dy = 21.437599; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix919 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_76"); pMatrix919->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_77 dx = 155.613556; dy = 30.149799; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix920 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_77"); pMatrix920->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_78 dx = 151.613052; dy = -30.149799; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix921 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_78"); pMatrix921->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_79 dx = 151.613052; dy = -21.437599; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix922 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_79"); pMatrix922->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_80 dx = 151.613052; dy = -13.398500; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix923 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_80"); pMatrix923->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_81 dx = 151.613052; dy = -5.359400; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix924 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_81"); pMatrix924->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_82 dx = 151.613052; dy = 5.359400; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix925 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_82"); pMatrix925->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_83 dx = 151.613052; dy = 13.398500; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix926 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_83"); pMatrix926->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_84 dx = 151.613052; dy = 21.437599; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix927 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_84"); pMatrix927->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_85 dx = 151.613052; dy = 30.149799; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix928 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_85"); pMatrix928->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_86 dx = 147.612549; dy = -28.138121; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix929 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_86"); pMatrix929->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_87 dx = 147.612549; dy = -19.428461; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix930 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_87"); pMatrix930->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_88 dx = 147.612549; dy = -10.718800; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix931 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_88"); pMatrix931->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_89 dx = 147.612549; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix932 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_89"); pMatrix932->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_90 dx = 147.612549; dy = 10.718800; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix933 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_90"); pMatrix933->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_91 dx = 147.612549; dy = 19.428461; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix934 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_91"); pMatrix934->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_92 dx = 147.612549; dy = 28.138121; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix935 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_92"); pMatrix935->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_93 dx = 143.612045; dy = -28.138121; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix936 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_93"); pMatrix936->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_94 dx = 143.612045; dy = -19.428461; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix937 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_94"); pMatrix937->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_95 dx = 143.612045; dy = -10.718800; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix938 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_95"); pMatrix938->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_96 dx = 143.612045; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix939 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_96"); pMatrix939->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_97 dx = 143.612045; dy = 10.718800; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix940 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_97"); pMatrix940->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_98 dx = 143.612045; dy = 19.428461; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix941 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_98"); pMatrix941->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_99 dx = 143.612045; dy = 28.138121; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix942 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_99"); pMatrix942->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_100 dx = 139.611542; dy = -25.455881; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix943 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_100"); pMatrix943->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_101 dx = 139.611542; dy = -17.419319; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix944 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_101"); pMatrix944->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_102 dx = 139.611542; dy = -8.709660; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix945 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_102"); pMatrix945->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_103 dx = 139.611542; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix946 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_103"); pMatrix946->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_104 dx = 139.611542; dy = 8.709660; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix947 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_104"); pMatrix947->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_105 dx = 139.611542; dy = 17.419319; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix948 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_105"); pMatrix948->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_106 dx = 139.611542; dy = 25.455881; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix949 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_106"); pMatrix949->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_107 dx = 135.611053; dy = -25.455881; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix950 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_107"); pMatrix950->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_108 dx = 135.611053; dy = -17.419319; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix951 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_108"); pMatrix951->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_109 dx = 135.611053; dy = -8.709660; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix952 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_109"); pMatrix952->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_110 dx = 135.611053; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix953 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_110"); pMatrix953->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_111 dx = 135.611053; dy = 8.709660; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix954 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_111"); pMatrix954->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_112 dx = 135.611053; dy = 17.419319; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix955 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_112"); pMatrix955->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_113 dx = 135.611053; dy = 25.455881; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix956 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_113"); pMatrix956->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_114 dx = 131.610550; dy = -24.117300; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix957 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_114"); pMatrix957->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_115 dx = 131.610550; dy = -16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix958 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_115"); pMatrix958->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_116 dx = 131.610550; dy = -8.039100; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix959 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_116"); pMatrix959->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_117 dx = 131.610550; dy = 0.000000; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix960 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_117"); pMatrix960->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_118 dx = 131.610550; dy = 8.039100; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix961 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_118"); pMatrix961->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_119 dx = 131.610550; dy = 16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix962 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_119"); pMatrix962->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_120 dx = 131.610550; dy = 24.117300; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix963 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_120"); pMatrix963->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_121 dx = 127.610046; dy = -24.117300; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix964 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_121"); pMatrix964->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_122 dx = 127.610046; dy = -16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix965 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_122"); pMatrix965->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_123 dx = 127.610046; dy = -8.039100; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix966 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_123"); pMatrix966->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_124 dx = 127.610046; dy = 8.039100; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix967 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_124"); pMatrix967->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_125 dx = 127.610046; dy = 16.078199; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix968 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_125"); pMatrix968->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_THO1_in_TAL1_126 dx = 127.610046; dy = 24.117300; dz = 210.962646; pMatrix969 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_THO1_in_TAL1_126"); pMatrix969->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TRI0_in_TSA1_1 dx = 156.910217; dy = -40.240063; dz = 214.859451; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix973 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix972 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRI0_in_TSA1_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix973); // Combi transformation: pos_TWI2_in_TSA1_1 dx = 156.910217; dy = -41.163750; dz = 209.453491; // Rotation: rot_TWIR_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix975 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TWIR_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix974 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TWI2_in_TSA1_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix975); // Combi transformation: pos_TRIa_in_TSA1_2 dx = 156.910217; dy = 40.240063; dz = 214.859451; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix977 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix976 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRIa_in_TSA1_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix977); // Combi transformation: pos_TWI3_in_TSA1_2 dx = 156.910217; dy = 41.163750; dz = 209.453491; // Rotation: rot_TWIR_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix979 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TWIR_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix978 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TWI3_in_TSA1_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix979); // Combi transformation: pos_TRIb_in_TSA1_3 dx = 190.345512; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.859449; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix981 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix980 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRIb_in_TSA1_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix981); // Combi transformation: pos_TRIc_in_TSA1_4 dx = 181.367881; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.859449; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix983 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix982 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRIc_in_TSA1_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix983); // Combi transformation: pos_TRId_in_TSA1_5 dx = 173.369423; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.859449; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix985 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix984 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRId_in_TSA1_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix985); // Combi transformation: pos_TRIe_in_TSA1_6 dx = 165.368416; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.859449; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix987 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix986 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRIe_in_TSA1_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix987); // Combi transformation: pos_TRIf_in_TSA1_7 dx = 157.367424; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.859449; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix989 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix988 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRIf_in_TSA1_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix989); // Combi transformation: pos_TRIg_in_TSA1_8 dx = 149.368965; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.859449; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix991 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix990 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRIg_in_TSA1_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix991); // Combi transformation: pos_TRIh_in_TSA1_9 dx = 141.367958; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.859449; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix993 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix992 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRIh_in_TSA1_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix993); // Combi transformation: pos_TRIi_in_TSA1_10 dx = 133.369499; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.859449; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix995 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix994 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRIi_in_TSA1_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix995); // Combi transformation: pos_TRIj_in_TSA1_11 dx = 123.853389; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.859449; // Rotation: rot_TRIB_in_TSAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix997 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TRIB_in_TSAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix996 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRIj_in_TSA1_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix997); // Combi transformation: pos_TRIk_in_TSA1_12 dx = 177.368652; dy = 21.907499; dz = 214.859449; pMatrix998 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRIk_in_TSA1_12"); pMatrix998->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TRIk_in_TSA1_13 dx = 177.368652; dy = -21.907499; dz = 214.859449; pMatrix999 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRIk_in_TSA1_13"); pMatrix999->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TRIl_in_TSA1_14 dx = 161.367920; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.859449; pMatrix1000 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRIl_in_TSA1_14"); pMatrix1000->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TRIm_in_TSA1_15 dx = 153.368195; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.859449; pMatrix1001 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRIm_in_TSA1_15"); pMatrix1001->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TRIn_in_TSA1_16 dx = 127.842461; dy = 0.000000; dz = 214.859449; pMatrix1002 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRIn_in_TSA1_16"); pMatrix1002->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOg_in_TWA1_1 dx = 156.770752; dy = -36.010216; dz = 220.565999; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1005 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1004 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOg_in_TWA1_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1005); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOh_in_TWA1_2 dx = 156.770752; dy = 36.010216; dz = 220.565999; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1007 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1006 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOh_in_TWA1_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1007); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOi_in_TWA1_3 dx = 187.130844; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1009 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1008 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOi_in_TWA1_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1009); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOj_in_TWA1_4 dx = 183.130341; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1020 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1019 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOj_in_TWA1_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1020); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOk_in_TWA1_5 dx = 179.129837; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1031 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1030 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOk_in_TWA1_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1031); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOl_in_TWA1_6 dx = 175.129333; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1042 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1041 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOl_in_TWA1_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1042); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOm_in_TWA1_7 dx = 171.128845; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1053 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1052 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOm_in_TWA1_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1053); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOn_in_TWA1_8 dx = 167.128342; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1064 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1063 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOn_in_TWA1_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1064); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOo_in_TWA1_9 dx = 163.127838; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1074 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1073 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOo_in_TWA1_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1074); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOp_in_TWA1_10 dx = 159.127335; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1084 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1083 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOp_in_TWA1_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1084); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOq_in_TWA1_11 dx = 155.126846; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1094 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1093 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOq_in_TWA1_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1094); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOr_in_TWA1_12 dx = 151.126343; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1104 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1103 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOr_in_TWA1_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1104); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOs_in_TWA1_13 dx = 147.125839; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1114 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1113 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOs_in_TWA1_13", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1114); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOt_in_TWA1_14 dx = 143.125336; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1123 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1122 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOt_in_TWA1_14", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1123); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOu_in_TWA1_15 dx = 139.124832; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1132 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1131 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOu_in_TWA1_15", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1132); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOv_in_TWA1_16 dx = 135.124344; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1141 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1140 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOv_in_TWA1_16", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1141); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOw_in_TWA1_17 dx = 131.123840; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1150 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1149 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOw_in_TWA1_17", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1150); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOx_in_TWA1_18 dx = 127.123344; dy = 0.000000; dz = 218.914993; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TWAS thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1159 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TWAS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1158 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOx_in_TWA1_18", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1159); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_1 dx = 188.368719; dy = -38.163498; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1010 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_1"); pMatrix1010->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_2 dx = 188.368719; dy = -29.479240; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1011 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_2"); pMatrix1011->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_3 dx = 188.368719; dy = -20.769581; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1012 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_3"); pMatrix1012->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_4 dx = 188.368719; dy = -10.718800; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1013 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_4"); pMatrix1013->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_5 dx = 188.368719; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1014 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_5"); pMatrix1014->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_6 dx = 188.368719; dy = 10.718800; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1015 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_6"); pMatrix1015->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_7 dx = 188.368719; dy = 20.769581; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1016 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_7"); pMatrix1016->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_8 dx = 188.368719; dy = 29.479240; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1017 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_8"); pMatrix1017->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_9 dx = 188.368719; dy = 38.163498; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1018 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_9"); pMatrix1018->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_10 dx = 184.368216; dy = -38.163498; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1021 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_10"); pMatrix1021->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_11 dx = 184.368216; dy = -29.479240; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1022 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_11"); pMatrix1022->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_12 dx = 184.368216; dy = -20.769581; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1023 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_12"); pMatrix1023->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_13 dx = 184.368216; dy = -10.718800; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1024 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_13"); pMatrix1024->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_14 dx = 184.368216; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1025 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_14"); pMatrix1025->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_15 dx = 184.368216; dy = 10.718800; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1026 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_15"); pMatrix1026->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_16 dx = 184.368216; dy = 20.769581; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1027 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_16"); pMatrix1027->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_17 dx = 184.368216; dy = 29.479240; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1028 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_17"); pMatrix1028->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_18 dx = 184.368216; dy = 38.163498; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1029 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_18"); pMatrix1029->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_19 dx = 180.367712; dy = -36.177219; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1032 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_19"); pMatrix1032->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_20 dx = 180.367712; dy = -28.138121; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1033 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_20"); pMatrix1033->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_21 dx = 180.367712; dy = -16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1034 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_21"); pMatrix1034->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_22 dx = 180.367712; dy = -8.039100; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1035 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_22"); pMatrix1035->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_23 dx = 180.367712; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1036 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_23"); pMatrix1036->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_24 dx = 180.367712; dy = 8.039100; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1037 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_24"); pMatrix1037->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_25 dx = 180.367712; dy = 16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1038 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_25"); pMatrix1038->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_26 dx = 180.367712; dy = 28.138121; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1039 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_26"); pMatrix1039->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_27 dx = 180.367712; dy = 36.177219; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1040 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_27"); pMatrix1040->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_28 dx = 176.367209; dy = -36.177219; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1043 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_28"); pMatrix1043->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_29 dx = 176.367209; dy = -28.138121; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1044 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_29"); pMatrix1044->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_30 dx = 176.367209; dy = -16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1045 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_30"); pMatrix1045->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_31 dx = 176.367209; dy = -8.039100; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1046 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_31"); pMatrix1046->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_32 dx = 176.367209; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1047 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_32"); pMatrix1047->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_33 dx = 176.367209; dy = 8.039100; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1048 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_33"); pMatrix1048->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_34 dx = 176.367209; dy = 16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1049 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_34"); pMatrix1049->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_35 dx = 176.367209; dy = 28.138121; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1050 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_35"); pMatrix1050->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_36 dx = 176.367209; dy = 36.177219; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1051 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_36"); pMatrix1051->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_37 dx = 172.366720; dy = -34.168079; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1054 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_37"); pMatrix1054->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_38 dx = 172.366720; dy = -25.458420; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1055 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_38"); pMatrix1055->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_39 dx = 172.366720; dy = -16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1056 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_39"); pMatrix1056->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_40 dx = 172.366720; dy = -8.039100; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1057 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_40"); pMatrix1057->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_41 dx = 172.366720; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1058 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_41"); pMatrix1058->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_42 dx = 172.366720; dy = 8.039100; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1059 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_42"); pMatrix1059->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_43 dx = 172.366720; dy = 16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1060 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_43"); pMatrix1060->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_44 dx = 172.366720; dy = 25.458420; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1061 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_44"); pMatrix1061->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_45 dx = 172.366720; dy = 34.168079; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1062 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_45"); pMatrix1062->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_46 dx = 168.366217; dy = -34.168079; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1065 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_46"); pMatrix1065->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_47 dx = 168.366217; dy = -25.458420; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1066 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_47"); pMatrix1066->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_48 dx = 168.366217; dy = -16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1067 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_48"); pMatrix1067->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_49 dx = 168.366217; dy = -8.039100; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1068 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_49"); pMatrix1068->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_50 dx = 168.366217; dy = 8.039100; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1069 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_50"); pMatrix1069->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_51 dx = 168.366217; dy = 16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1070 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_51"); pMatrix1070->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_52 dx = 168.366217; dy = 25.458420; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1071 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_52"); pMatrix1071->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_53 dx = 168.366217; dy = 34.168079; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1072 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_53"); pMatrix1072->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_54 dx = 164.365713; dy = -32.156399; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1075 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_54"); pMatrix1075->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_55 dx = 164.365713; dy = -24.117300; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1076 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_55"); pMatrix1076->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_56 dx = 164.365713; dy = -16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1077 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_56"); pMatrix1077->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_57 dx = 164.365713; dy = -5.359400; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1078 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_57"); pMatrix1078->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_58 dx = 164.365713; dy = 5.359400; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1079 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_58"); pMatrix1079->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_59 dx = 164.365713; dy = 16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1080 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_59"); pMatrix1080->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_60 dx = 164.365713; dy = 24.117300; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1081 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_60"); pMatrix1081->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_61 dx = 164.365713; dy = 32.156399; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1082 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_61"); pMatrix1082->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_62 dx = 160.365210; dy = -32.156399; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1085 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_62"); pMatrix1085->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_63 dx = 160.365210; dy = -24.117300; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1086 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_63"); pMatrix1086->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_64 dx = 160.365210; dy = -16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1087 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_64"); pMatrix1087->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_65 dx = 160.365210; dy = -5.359400; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1088 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_65"); pMatrix1088->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_66 dx = 160.365210; dy = 5.359400; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1089 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_66"); pMatrix1089->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_67 dx = 160.365210; dy = 16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1090 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_67"); pMatrix1090->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_68 dx = 160.365210; dy = 24.117300; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1091 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_68"); pMatrix1091->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_69 dx = 160.365210; dy = 32.156399; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1092 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_69"); pMatrix1092->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_70 dx = 156.364722; dy = -30.149799; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1095 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_70"); pMatrix1095->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_71 dx = 156.364722; dy = -21.437599; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1096 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_71"); pMatrix1096->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_72 dx = 156.364722; dy = -13.398500; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1097 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_72"); pMatrix1097->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_73 dx = 156.364722; dy = -5.359400; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1098 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_73"); pMatrix1098->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_74 dx = 156.364722; dy = 5.359400; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1099 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_74"); pMatrix1099->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_75 dx = 156.364722; dy = 13.398500; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1100 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_75"); pMatrix1100->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_76 dx = 156.364722; dy = 21.437599; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1101 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_76"); pMatrix1101->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_77 dx = 156.364722; dy = 30.149799; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1102 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_77"); pMatrix1102->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_78 dx = 152.364218; dy = -30.149799; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1105 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_78"); pMatrix1105->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_79 dx = 152.364218; dy = -21.437599; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1106 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_79"); pMatrix1106->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_80 dx = 152.364218; dy = -13.398500; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1107 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_80"); pMatrix1107->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_81 dx = 152.364218; dy = -5.359400; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1108 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_81"); pMatrix1108->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_82 dx = 152.364218; dy = 5.359400; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1109 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_82"); pMatrix1109->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_83 dx = 152.364218; dy = 13.398500; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1110 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_83"); pMatrix1110->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_84 dx = 152.364218; dy = 21.437599; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1111 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_84"); pMatrix1111->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_85 dx = 152.364218; dy = 30.149799; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1112 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_85"); pMatrix1112->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_86 dx = 148.363714; dy = -28.138121; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1115 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_86"); pMatrix1115->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_87 dx = 148.363714; dy = -19.428461; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1116 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_87"); pMatrix1116->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_88 dx = 148.363714; dy = -10.718800; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1117 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_88"); pMatrix1117->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_89 dx = 148.363714; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1118 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_89"); pMatrix1118->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_90 dx = 148.363714; dy = 10.718800; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1119 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_90"); pMatrix1119->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_91 dx = 148.363714; dy = 19.428461; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1120 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_91"); pMatrix1120->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_92 dx = 148.363714; dy = 28.138121; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1121 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_92"); pMatrix1121->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_93 dx = 144.363211; dy = -28.138121; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1124 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_93"); pMatrix1124->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_94 dx = 144.363211; dy = -19.428461; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1125 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_94"); pMatrix1125->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_95 dx = 144.363211; dy = -10.718800; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1126 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_95"); pMatrix1126->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_96 dx = 144.363211; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1127 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_96"); pMatrix1127->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_97 dx = 144.363211; dy = 10.718800; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1128 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_97"); pMatrix1128->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_98 dx = 144.363211; dy = 19.428461; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1129 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_98"); pMatrix1129->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_99 dx = 144.363211; dy = 28.138121; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1130 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_99"); pMatrix1130->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_100 dx = 140.362707; dy = -25.455881; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1133 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_100"); pMatrix1133->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_101 dx = 140.362707; dy = -17.419319; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1134 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_101"); pMatrix1134->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_102 dx = 140.362707; dy = -8.709660; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1135 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_102"); pMatrix1135->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_103 dx = 140.362707; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1136 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_103"); pMatrix1136->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_104 dx = 140.362707; dy = 8.709660; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1137 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_104"); pMatrix1137->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_105 dx = 140.362707; dy = 17.419319; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1138 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_105"); pMatrix1138->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_106 dx = 140.362707; dy = 25.455881; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1139 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_106"); pMatrix1139->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_107 dx = 136.362219; dy = -25.455881; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1142 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_107"); pMatrix1142->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_108 dx = 136.362219; dy = -17.419319; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1143 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_108"); pMatrix1143->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_109 dx = 136.362219; dy = -8.709660; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1144 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_109"); pMatrix1144->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_110 dx = 136.362219; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1145 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_110"); pMatrix1145->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_111 dx = 136.362219; dy = 8.709660; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1146 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_111"); pMatrix1146->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_112 dx = 136.362219; dy = 17.419319; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1147 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_112"); pMatrix1147->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_113 dx = 136.362219; dy = 25.455881; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1148 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_113"); pMatrix1148->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_114 dx = 132.361716; dy = -24.117300; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1151 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_114"); pMatrix1151->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_115 dx = 132.361716; dy = -16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1152 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_115"); pMatrix1152->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_116 dx = 132.361716; dy = -8.039100; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1153 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_116"); pMatrix1153->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_117 dx = 132.361716; dy = 0.000000; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1154 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_117"); pMatrix1154->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_118 dx = 132.361716; dy = 8.039100; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1155 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_118"); pMatrix1155->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_119 dx = 132.361716; dy = 16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1156 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_119"); pMatrix1156->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_120 dx = 132.361716; dy = 24.117300; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1157 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_120"); pMatrix1157->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_121 dx = 128.361212; dy = -24.117300; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1160 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_121"); pMatrix1160->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_122 dx = 128.361212; dy = -16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1161 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_122"); pMatrix1161->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_123 dx = 128.361212; dy = -8.039100; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1162 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_123"); pMatrix1162->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_124 dx = 128.361212; dy = 8.039100; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1163 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_124"); pMatrix1163->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_125 dx = 128.361212; dy = 16.078199; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1164 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_125"); pMatrix1164->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_126 dx = 128.361212; dy = 24.117300; dz = 219.755358; pMatrix1165 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FEEA_in_TWA1_126"); pMatrix1165->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOy_in_TRDO_1 dx = 140.776215; dy = 36.470875; dz = 248.760010; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TRDO thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1194 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TRDO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1193 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOy_in_TRDO_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1194); // Combi transformation: pos_TCOz_in_TRDO_2 dx = 140.776215; dy = -36.470875; dz = 248.760010; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TRDO thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1196 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TRDO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1195 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TCOz_in_TRDO_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1196); // Combi transformation: pos_TC1O_in_TRDO_3 dx = 189.740601; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440002; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TRDO thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1198 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TRDO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1197 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC1O_in_TRDO_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1198); // Combi transformation: pos_TC11_in_TRDO_4 dx = 173.740601; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440002; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TRDO thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1200 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TRDO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1199 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC11_in_TRDO_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1200); // Combi transformation: pos_TRDC_in_TRDO_1 dx = 175.508408; dy = 0.000000; dz = 241.210007; pMatrix1201 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRDC_in_TRDO_1"); pMatrix1201->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TC12_in_TRDO_5 dx = 157.740601; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440002; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TRDO thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1203 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TRDO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1202 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC12_in_TRDO_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1203); // Combi transformation: pos_TRDC_in_TRDO_2 dx = 159.508408; dy = 0.000000; dz = 241.210007; pMatrix1204 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRDC_in_TRDO_2"); pMatrix1204->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TC13_in_TRDO_6 dx = 141.740601; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440002; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TRDO thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1206 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TRDO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1205 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC13_in_TRDO_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1206); // Combi transformation: pos_TRDC_in_TRDO_3 dx = 143.508408; dy = 0.000000; dz = 241.210007; pMatrix1207 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRDC_in_TRDO_3"); pMatrix1207->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TC14_in_TRDO_7 dx = 125.040604; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440002; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TRDO thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1209 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TRDO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1208 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC14_in_TRDO_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1209); // Combi transformation: pos_TRDC_in_TRDO_4 dx = 126.808411; dy = 0.000000; dz = 241.210007; pMatrix1210 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRDC_in_TRDO_4"); pMatrix1210->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TC15_in_TRDO_8 dx = 110.040604; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440002; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TRDO thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1212 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TRDO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1211 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC15_in_TRDO_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1212); // Combi transformation: pos_TRDC_in_TRDO_5 dx = 111.808411; dy = 0.000000; dz = 241.210007; pMatrix1213 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRDC_in_TRDO_5"); pMatrix1213->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TC16_in_TRDO_9 dx = 106.540604; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440002; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TRDO thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1215 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TRDO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1214 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC16_in_TRDO_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1215); // Combi transformation: pos_TC17_in_TRDO_10 dx = 92.040604; dy = 0.000000; dz = 248.440002; // Rotation: rot_TCOO_in_TRDO thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1217 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TCOO_in_TRDO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1216 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TC17_in_TRDO_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1217); // Combi transformation: pos_TRDC_in_TRDO_6 dx = 93.808411; dy = 0.000000; dz = 241.210007; pMatrix1218 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TRDC_in_TRDO_6"); pMatrix1218->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1244 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1243 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1244); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 30.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 120.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1246 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1245 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1246); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 30.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 120.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1248 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1247 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1248); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 60.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 150.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1250 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1249 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1250); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_6 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 60.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 150.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1252 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1251 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1252); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_7 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 180.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1254 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1253 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1254); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_8 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 180.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1256 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1255 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1256); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_9 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 120.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 210.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1258 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1257 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1258); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_10 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 120.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 210.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1260 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1259 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1260); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_11 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 150.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 240.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1262 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1261 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1262); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_12 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 150.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 240.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1264 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1263 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1264); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_13 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 270.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1266 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1265 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_13", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1266); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_14 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 270.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1268 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1267 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_14", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1268); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_15 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 210.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 300.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1270 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1269 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_15", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1270); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_16 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 210.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 300.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1272 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1271 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_16", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1272); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_17 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 240.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 330.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1274 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1273 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_17", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1274); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_18 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 240.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 330.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1276 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1275 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_18", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1276); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_19 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 270.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 360.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1278 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1277 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_19", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1278); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_20 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 270.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 360.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1280 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1279 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_20", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1280); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_21 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 300.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 30.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1282 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1281 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_21", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1282); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_22 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 300.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 30.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1284 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1283 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_22", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1284); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_23 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 330.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 60.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1286 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1285 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_23", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1286); // Combi transformation: pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_24 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TSWH_in_TPCE thx = 90.000000; phx = 330.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 60.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1288 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TSWH_in_TPCE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1287 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TSWH_in_TPCE_24", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1288); // Combi transformation: pos_SUCB_in_IDSM_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 55.350000; pMatrix1291 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SUCB_in_IDSM_1"); pMatrix1291->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SUCC_in_IDSM_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 59.550000; pMatrix1292 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SUCC_in_IDSM_1"); pMatrix1292->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SUCD_in_IDSM_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 63.410000; pMatrix1293 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SUCD_in_IDSM_1"); pMatrix1293->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SUCE_in_IDSM_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 144.520000; pMatrix1294 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SUCE_in_IDSM_1"); pMatrix1294->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SUCF_in_IDSM_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 224.520000; pMatrix1295 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SUCF_in_IDSM_1"); pMatrix1295->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SUCG_in_IDSM_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 225.400000; pMatrix1296 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SUCG_in_IDSM_1"); pMatrix1296->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SUCB_in_IDSM_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -55.350000; pMatrix1297 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SUCB_in_IDSM_2"); pMatrix1297->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SUCC_in_IDSM_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -59.550000; // Rotation: rot_SUCC_in_IDSM thx = 90.000000; phx = -0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 270.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1299 = new TGeoRotation("rot_SUCC_in_IDSM",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1298 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SUCC_in_IDSM_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1299); // Combi transformation: pos_SUCD_in_IDSM_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -63.410000; pMatrix1300 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SUCD_in_IDSM_2"); pMatrix1300->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SUCE_in_IDSM_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -144.520000; pMatrix1301 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SUCE_in_IDSM_2"); pMatrix1301->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SUCF_in_IDSM_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -224.520000; pMatrix1302 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SUCF_in_IDSM_2"); pMatrix1302->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_SUCG_in_IDSM_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -225.400000; pMatrix1303 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_SUCG_in_IDSM_2"); pMatrix1303->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPRT_in_IDSM_1 dx = -7.725584; dy = 42.300300; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1304 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPRT_in_IDSM_1"); pMatrix1304->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPRT_in_IDSM_2 dx = -15.864422; dy = 39.966487; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1305 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPRT_in_IDSM_2"); pMatrix1305->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_TPRR_in_IDSM_1 dx = -11.852406; dy = 41.334253; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_TPRR_in_IDSM thx = 90.000000; phx = 106.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 196.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1307 = new TGeoRotation("rot_TPRR_in_IDSM",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1306 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_TPRR_in_IDSM_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1307); // Combi transformation: pos_FGRL_in_IDSM_1 dx = 39.892353; dy = 11.438976; dz = 146.570000; pMatrix1308 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGRL_in_IDSM_1"); pMatrix1308->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGRL_in_IDSM_2 dx = -39.892268; dy = -11.439271; dz = 146.570000; pMatrix1309 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGRL_in_IDSM_2"); pMatrix1309->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_1 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 75.000000; pMatrix1310 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_1"); pMatrix1310->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_2 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 85.000000; pMatrix1311 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_2"); pMatrix1311->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_3 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 95.000000; pMatrix1312 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_3"); pMatrix1312->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_4 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 105.000000; pMatrix1313 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_4"); pMatrix1313->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_5 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1314 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_5"); pMatrix1314->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_6 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1315 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_6"); pMatrix1315->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_7 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1316 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_7"); pMatrix1316->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_8 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1317 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_8"); pMatrix1317->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_9 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1318 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_9"); pMatrix1318->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_10 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1319 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_10"); pMatrix1319->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_11 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1320 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_11"); pMatrix1320->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_12 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1321 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_12"); pMatrix1321->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_13 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1322 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_13"); pMatrix1322->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_14 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1323 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_14"); pMatrix1323->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_15 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1324 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_15"); pMatrix1324->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_16 dx = 4.908053; dy = -40.705172; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1325 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_16"); pMatrix1325->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_17 dx = 5.777470; dy = -41.600731; dz = 85.000000; pMatrix1326 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_17"); pMatrix1326->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_18 dx = 5.777470; dy = -41.600731; dz = 95.000000; pMatrix1327 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_18"); pMatrix1327->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_19 dx = 5.777470; dy = -41.600731; dz = 105.000000; pMatrix1328 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_19"); pMatrix1328->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_20 dx = 5.777470; dy = -41.600731; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1329 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_20"); pMatrix1329->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_21 dx = 5.777470; dy = -41.600731; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1330 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_21"); pMatrix1330->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_22 dx = 5.777470; dy = -41.600731; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1331 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_22"); pMatrix1331->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_23 dx = 5.777470; dy = -41.600731; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1332 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_23"); pMatrix1332->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_24 dx = 5.777470; dy = -41.600731; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1333 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_24"); pMatrix1333->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_25 dx = 5.777470; dy = -41.600731; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1334 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_25"); pMatrix1334->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_26 dx = 5.777470; dy = -41.600731; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1335 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_26"); pMatrix1335->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_27 dx = 5.777470; dy = -41.600731; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1336 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_27"); pMatrix1336->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_28 dx = 5.777470; dy = -41.600731; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1337 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_28"); pMatrix1337->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_29 dx = 5.777470; dy = -41.600731; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1338 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_29"); pMatrix1338->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_30 dx = 5.777470; dy = -41.600731; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1339 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_30"); pMatrix1339->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_31 dx = 5.777470; dy = -41.600731; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1340 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_31"); pMatrix1340->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_32 dx = 10.222849; dy = -39.705080; dz = 95.000000; pMatrix1341 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_32"); pMatrix1341->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_33 dx = 10.222849; dy = -39.705080; dz = 105.000000; pMatrix1342 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_33"); pMatrix1342->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_34 dx = 10.222849; dy = -39.705080; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1343 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_34"); pMatrix1343->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_35 dx = 10.222849; dy = -39.705080; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1344 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_35"); pMatrix1344->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_36 dx = 10.222849; dy = -39.705080; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1345 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_36"); pMatrix1345->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_37 dx = 10.222849; dy = -39.705080; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1346 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_37"); pMatrix1346->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_38 dx = 10.222849; dy = -39.705080; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1347 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_38"); pMatrix1347->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_39 dx = 10.222849; dy = -39.705080; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1348 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_39"); pMatrix1348->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_40 dx = 10.222849; dy = -39.705080; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1349 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_40"); pMatrix1349->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_41 dx = 10.222849; dy = -39.705080; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1350 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_41"); pMatrix1350->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_42 dx = 10.222849; dy = -39.705080; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1351 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_42"); pMatrix1351->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_43 dx = 10.222849; dy = -39.705080; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1352 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_43"); pMatrix1352->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_44 dx = 10.222849; dy = -39.705080; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1353 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_44"); pMatrix1353->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_45 dx = 10.222849; dy = -39.705080; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1354 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_45"); pMatrix1354->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_46 dx = 11.202574; dy = -40.478418; dz = 105.000000; pMatrix1355 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_46"); pMatrix1355->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_47 dx = 11.202574; dy = -40.478418; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1356 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_47"); pMatrix1356->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_48 dx = 11.202574; dy = -40.478418; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1357 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_48"); pMatrix1357->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_49 dx = 11.202574; dy = -40.478418; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1358 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_49"); pMatrix1358->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_50 dx = 11.202574; dy = -40.478418; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1359 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_50"); pMatrix1359->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_51 dx = 11.202574; dy = -40.478418; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1360 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_51"); pMatrix1360->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_52 dx = 11.202574; dy = -40.478418; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1361 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_52"); pMatrix1361->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_53 dx = 11.202574; dy = -40.478418; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1362 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_53"); pMatrix1362->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_54 dx = 11.202574; dy = -40.478418; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1363 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_54"); pMatrix1363->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_55 dx = 11.202574; dy = -40.478418; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1364 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_55"); pMatrix1364->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_56 dx = 11.202574; dy = -40.478418; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1365 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_56"); pMatrix1365->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_57 dx = 11.202574; dy = -40.478418; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1366 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_57"); pMatrix1366->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_58 dx = 11.202574; dy = -40.478418; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1367 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_58"); pMatrix1367->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_59 dx = 15.359780; dy = -38.014170; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1368 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_59"); pMatrix1368->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_60 dx = 15.359780; dy = -38.014170; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1369 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_60"); pMatrix1369->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_61 dx = 15.359780; dy = -38.014170; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1370 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_61"); pMatrix1370->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_62 dx = 15.359780; dy = -38.014170; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1371 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_62"); pMatrix1371->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_63 dx = 15.359780; dy = -38.014170; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1372 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_63"); pMatrix1372->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_64 dx = 15.359780; dy = -38.014170; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1373 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_64"); pMatrix1373->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_65 dx = 15.359780; dy = -38.014170; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1374 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_65"); pMatrix1374->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_66 dx = 15.359780; dy = -38.014170; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1375 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_66"); pMatrix1375->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_67 dx = 15.359780; dy = -38.014170; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1376 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_67"); pMatrix1376->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_68 dx = 15.359780; dy = -38.014170; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1377 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_68"); pMatrix1377->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_69 dx = 15.359780; dy = -38.014170; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1378 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_69"); pMatrix1378->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_70 dx = 15.359780; dy = -38.014170; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1379 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_70"); pMatrix1379->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_71 dx = 16.432766; dy = -38.651833; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1380 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_71"); pMatrix1380->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_72 dx = 16.432766; dy = -38.651833; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1381 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_72"); pMatrix1381->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_73 dx = 16.432766; dy = -38.651833; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1382 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_73"); pMatrix1382->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_74 dx = 16.432766; dy = -38.651833; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1383 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_74"); pMatrix1383->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_75 dx = 16.432766; dy = -38.651833; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1384 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_75"); pMatrix1384->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_76 dx = 16.432766; dy = -38.651833; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1385 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_76"); pMatrix1385->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_77 dx = 16.432766; dy = -38.651833; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1386 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_77"); pMatrix1386->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_78 dx = 16.432766; dy = -38.651833; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1387 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_78"); pMatrix1387->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_79 dx = 16.432766; dy = -38.651833; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1388 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_79"); pMatrix1388->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_80 dx = 16.432766; dy = -38.651833; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1389 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_80"); pMatrix1389->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_81 dx = 16.432766; dy = -38.651833; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1390 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_81"); pMatrix1390->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_82 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 75.000000; pMatrix1391 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_82"); pMatrix1391->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_83 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 85.000000; pMatrix1392 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_83"); pMatrix1392->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_84 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 95.000000; pMatrix1393 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_84"); pMatrix1393->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_85 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 105.000000; pMatrix1394 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_85"); pMatrix1394->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_86 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1395 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_86"); pMatrix1395->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_87 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1396 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_87"); pMatrix1396->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_88 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1397 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_88"); pMatrix1397->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_89 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1398 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_89"); pMatrix1398->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_90 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1399 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_90"); pMatrix1399->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_91 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1400 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_91"); pMatrix1400->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_92 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1401 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_92"); pMatrix1401->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_93 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1402 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_93"); pMatrix1402->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_94 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1403 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_94"); pMatrix1403->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_95 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1404 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_95"); pMatrix1404->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_96 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1405 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_96"); pMatrix1405->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_97 dx = 6.126817; dy = -40.539636; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1406 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_97"); pMatrix1406->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_98 dx = 7.022705; dy = -41.408714; dz = 85.000000; pMatrix1407 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_98"); pMatrix1407->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_99 dx = 7.022705; dy = -41.408714; dz = 95.000000; pMatrix1408 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_99"); pMatrix1408->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_100 dx = 7.022705; dy = -41.408714; dz = 105.000000; pMatrix1409 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_100"); pMatrix1409->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_101 dx = 7.022705; dy = -41.408714; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1410 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_101"); pMatrix1410->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_102 dx = 7.022705; dy = -41.408714; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1411 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_102"); pMatrix1411->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_103 dx = 7.022705; dy = -41.408714; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1412 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_103"); pMatrix1412->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_104 dx = 7.022705; dy = -41.408714; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1413 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_104"); pMatrix1413->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_105 dx = 7.022705; dy = -41.408714; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1414 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_105"); pMatrix1414->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_106 dx = 7.022705; dy = -41.408714; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1415 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_106"); pMatrix1415->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_107 dx = 7.022705; dy = -41.408714; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1416 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_107"); pMatrix1416->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_108 dx = 7.022705; dy = -41.408714; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1417 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_108"); pMatrix1417->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_109 dx = 7.022705; dy = -41.408714; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1418 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_109"); pMatrix1418->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_110 dx = 7.022705; dy = -41.408714; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1419 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_110"); pMatrix1419->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_111 dx = 7.022705; dy = -41.408714; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1420 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_111"); pMatrix1420->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_112 dx = 7.022705; dy = -41.408714; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1421 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_112"); pMatrix1421->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_113 dx = 11.409223; dy = -39.380574; dz = 95.000000; pMatrix1422 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_113"); pMatrix1422->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_114 dx = 11.409223; dy = -39.380574; dz = 105.000000; pMatrix1423 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_114"); pMatrix1423->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_115 dx = 11.409223; dy = -39.380574; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1424 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_115"); pMatrix1424->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_116 dx = 11.409223; dy = -39.380574; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1425 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_116"); pMatrix1425->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_117 dx = 11.409223; dy = -39.380574; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1426 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_117"); pMatrix1426->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_118 dx = 11.409223; dy = -39.380574; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1427 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_118"); pMatrix1427->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_119 dx = 11.409223; dy = -39.380574; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1428 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_119"); pMatrix1428->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_120 dx = 11.409223; dy = -39.380574; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1429 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_120"); pMatrix1429->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_121 dx = 11.409223; dy = -39.380574; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1430 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_121"); pMatrix1430->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_122 dx = 11.409223; dy = -39.380574; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1431 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_122"); pMatrix1431->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_123 dx = 11.409223; dy = -39.380574; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1432 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_123"); pMatrix1432->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_124 dx = 11.409223; dy = -39.380574; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1433 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_124"); pMatrix1433->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_125 dx = 11.409223; dy = -39.380574; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1434 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_125"); pMatrix1434->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_126 dx = 11.409223; dy = -39.380574; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1435 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_126"); pMatrix1435->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_127 dx = 12.411703; dy = -40.124178; dz = 105.000000; pMatrix1436 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_127"); pMatrix1436->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_128 dx = 12.411703; dy = -40.124178; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1437 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_128"); pMatrix1437->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_129 dx = 12.411703; dy = -40.124178; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1438 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_129"); pMatrix1438->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_130 dx = 12.411703; dy = -40.124178; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1439 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_130"); pMatrix1439->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_131 dx = 12.411703; dy = -40.124178; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1440 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_131"); pMatrix1440->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_132 dx = 12.411703; dy = -40.124178; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1441 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_132"); pMatrix1441->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_133 dx = 12.411703; dy = -40.124178; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1442 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_133"); pMatrix1442->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_134 dx = 12.411703; dy = -40.124178; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1443 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_134"); pMatrix1443->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_135 dx = 12.411703; dy = -40.124178; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1444 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_135"); pMatrix1444->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_136 dx = 12.411703; dy = -40.124178; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1445 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_136"); pMatrix1445->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_137 dx = 12.411703; dy = -40.124178; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1446 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_137"); pMatrix1446->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_138 dx = 12.411703; dy = -40.124178; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1447 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_138"); pMatrix1447->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_139 dx = 12.411703; dy = -40.124178; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1448 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_139"); pMatrix1448->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_140 dx = 16.493123; dy = -37.536341; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1449 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_140"); pMatrix1449->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_141 dx = 16.493123; dy = -37.536341; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1450 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_141"); pMatrix1450->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_142 dx = 16.493123; dy = -37.536341; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1451 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_142"); pMatrix1451->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_143 dx = 16.493123; dy = -37.536341; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1452 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_143"); pMatrix1452->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_144 dx = 16.493123; dy = -37.536341; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1453 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_144"); pMatrix1453->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_145 dx = 16.493123; dy = -37.536341; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1454 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_145"); pMatrix1454->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_146 dx = 16.493123; dy = -37.536341; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1455 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_146"); pMatrix1455->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_147 dx = 16.493123; dy = -37.536341; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1456 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_147"); pMatrix1456->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_148 dx = 16.493123; dy = -37.536341; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1457 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_148"); pMatrix1457->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_149 dx = 16.493123; dy = -37.536341; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1458 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_149"); pMatrix1458->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_150 dx = 16.493123; dy = -37.536341; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1459 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_150"); pMatrix1459->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_151 dx = 16.493123; dy = -37.536341; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1460 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_151"); pMatrix1460->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_152 dx = 17.584753; dy = -38.141532; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1461 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_152"); pMatrix1461->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_153 dx = 17.584753; dy = -38.141532; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1462 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_153"); pMatrix1462->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_154 dx = 17.584753; dy = -38.141532; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1463 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_154"); pMatrix1463->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_155 dx = 17.584753; dy = -38.141532; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1464 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_155"); pMatrix1464->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_156 dx = 17.584753; dy = -38.141532; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1465 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_156"); pMatrix1465->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_157 dx = 17.584753; dy = -38.141532; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1466 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_157"); pMatrix1466->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_158 dx = 17.584753; dy = -38.141532; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1467 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_158"); pMatrix1467->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_159 dx = 17.584753; dy = -38.141532; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1468 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_159"); pMatrix1468->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_160 dx = 17.584753; dy = -38.141532; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1469 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_160"); pMatrix1469->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_161 dx = 17.584753; dy = -38.141532; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1470 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_161"); pMatrix1470->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_162 dx = 17.584753; dy = -38.141532; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1471 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_162"); pMatrix1471->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_163 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 75.000000; pMatrix1472 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_163"); pMatrix1472->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_164 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 85.000000; pMatrix1473 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_164"); pMatrix1473->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_165 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 95.000000; pMatrix1474 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_165"); pMatrix1474->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_166 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 105.000000; pMatrix1475 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_166"); pMatrix1475->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_167 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1476 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_167"); pMatrix1476->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_168 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1477 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_168"); pMatrix1477->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_169 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1478 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_169"); pMatrix1478->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_170 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1479 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_170"); pMatrix1479->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_171 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1480 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_171"); pMatrix1480->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_172 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1481 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_172"); pMatrix1481->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_173 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1482 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_173"); pMatrix1482->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_174 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1483 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_174"); pMatrix1483->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_175 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1484 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_175"); pMatrix1484->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_176 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1485 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_176"); pMatrix1485->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_177 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1486 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_177"); pMatrix1486->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_178 dx = 7.340066; dy = -40.337618; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1487 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_178"); pMatrix1487->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_179 dx = 8.261620; dy = -41.179432; dz = 85.000000; pMatrix1488 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_179"); pMatrix1488->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_180 dx = 8.261620; dy = -41.179432; dz = 95.000000; pMatrix1489 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_180"); pMatrix1489->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_181 dx = 8.261620; dy = -41.179432; dz = 105.000000; pMatrix1490 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_181"); pMatrix1490->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_182 dx = 8.261620; dy = -41.179432; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1491 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_182"); pMatrix1491->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_183 dx = 8.261620; dy = -41.179432; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1492 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_183"); pMatrix1492->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_184 dx = 8.261620; dy = -41.179432; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1493 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_184"); pMatrix1493->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_185 dx = 8.261620; dy = -41.179432; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1494 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_185"); pMatrix1494->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_186 dx = 8.261620; dy = -41.179432; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1495 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_186"); pMatrix1495->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_187 dx = 8.261620; dy = -41.179432; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1496 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_187"); pMatrix1496->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_188 dx = 8.261620; dy = -41.179432; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1497 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_188"); pMatrix1497->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_189 dx = 8.261620; dy = -41.179432; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1498 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_189"); pMatrix1498->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_190 dx = 8.261620; dy = -41.179432; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1499 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_190"); pMatrix1499->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_191 dx = 8.261620; dy = -41.179432; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1500 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_191"); pMatrix1500->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_192 dx = 8.261620; dy = -41.179432; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1501 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_192"); pMatrix1501->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_193 dx = 8.261620; dy = -41.179432; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1502 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_193"); pMatrix1502->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_194 dx = 12.585329; dy = -39.020629; dz = 95.000000; pMatrix1503 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_194"); pMatrix1503->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_195 dx = 12.585329; dy = -39.020629; dz = 105.000000; pMatrix1504 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_195"); pMatrix1504->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_196 dx = 12.585329; dy = -39.020629; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1505 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_196"); pMatrix1505->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_197 dx = 12.585329; dy = -39.020629; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1506 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_197"); pMatrix1506->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_198 dx = 12.585329; dy = -39.020629; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1507 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_198"); pMatrix1507->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_199 dx = 12.585329; dy = -39.020629; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1508 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_199"); pMatrix1508->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_200 dx = 12.585329; dy = -39.020629; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1509 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_200"); pMatrix1509->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_201 dx = 12.585329; dy = -39.020629; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1510 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_201"); pMatrix1510->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_202 dx = 12.585329; dy = -39.020629; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1511 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_202"); pMatrix1511->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_203 dx = 12.585329; dy = -39.020629; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1512 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_203"); pMatrix1512->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_204 dx = 12.585329; dy = -39.020629; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1513 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_204"); pMatrix1513->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_205 dx = 12.585329; dy = -39.020629; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1514 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_205"); pMatrix1514->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_206 dx = 12.585329; dy = -39.020629; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1515 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_206"); pMatrix1515->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_207 dx = 12.585329; dy = -39.020629; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1516 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_207"); pMatrix1516->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_208 dx = 13.609663; dy = -39.733828; dz = 105.000000; pMatrix1517 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_208"); pMatrix1517->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_209 dx = 13.609663; dy = -39.733828; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1518 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_209"); pMatrix1518->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_210 dx = 13.609663; dy = -39.733828; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1519 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_210"); pMatrix1519->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_211 dx = 13.609663; dy = -39.733828; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1520 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_211"); pMatrix1520->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_212 dx = 13.609663; dy = -39.733828; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1521 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_212"); pMatrix1521->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_213 dx = 13.609663; dy = -39.733828; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1522 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_213"); pMatrix1522->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_214 dx = 13.609663; dy = -39.733828; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1523 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_214"); pMatrix1523->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_215 dx = 13.609663; dy = -39.733828; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1524 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_215"); pMatrix1524->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_216 dx = 13.609663; dy = -39.733828; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1525 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_216"); pMatrix1525->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_217 dx = 13.609663; dy = -39.733828; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1526 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_217"); pMatrix1526->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_218 dx = 13.609663; dy = -39.733828; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1527 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_218"); pMatrix1527->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_219 dx = 13.609663; dy = -39.733828; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1528 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_219"); pMatrix1528->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_220 dx = 13.609663; dy = -39.733828; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1529 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_220"); pMatrix1529->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_221 dx = 17.611623; dy = -37.024731; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1530 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_221"); pMatrix1530->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_222 dx = 17.611623; dy = -37.024731; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1531 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_222"); pMatrix1531->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_223 dx = 17.611623; dy = -37.024731; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1532 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_223"); pMatrix1532->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_224 dx = 17.611623; dy = -37.024731; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1533 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_224"); pMatrix1533->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_225 dx = 17.611623; dy = -37.024731; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1534 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_225"); pMatrix1534->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_226 dx = 17.611623; dy = -37.024731; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1535 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_226"); pMatrix1535->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_227 dx = 17.611623; dy = -37.024731; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1536 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_227"); pMatrix1536->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_228 dx = 17.611623; dy = -37.024731; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1537 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_228"); pMatrix1537->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_229 dx = 17.611623; dy = -37.024731; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1538 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_229"); pMatrix1538->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_230 dx = 17.611623; dy = -37.024731; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1539 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_230"); pMatrix1539->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_231 dx = 17.611623; dy = -37.024731; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1540 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_231"); pMatrix1540->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_232 dx = 17.611623; dy = -37.024731; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1541 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_232"); pMatrix1541->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_233 dx = 18.720915; dy = -37.596906; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1542 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_233"); pMatrix1542->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_234 dx = 18.720915; dy = -37.596906; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1543 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_234"); pMatrix1543->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_235 dx = 18.720915; dy = -37.596906; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1544 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_235"); pMatrix1544->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_236 dx = 18.720915; dy = -37.596906; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1545 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_236"); pMatrix1545->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_237 dx = 18.720915; dy = -37.596906; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1546 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_237"); pMatrix1546->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_238 dx = 18.720915; dy = -37.596906; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1547 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_238"); pMatrix1547->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_239 dx = 18.720915; dy = -37.596906; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1548 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_239"); pMatrix1548->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_240 dx = 18.720915; dy = -37.596906; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1549 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_240"); pMatrix1549->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_241 dx = 18.720915; dy = -37.596906; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1550 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_241"); pMatrix1550->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_242 dx = 18.720915; dy = -37.596906; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1551 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_242"); pMatrix1551->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_243 dx = 18.720915; dy = -37.596906; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1552 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_243"); pMatrix1552->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_244 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 75.000000; pMatrix1553 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_244"); pMatrix1553->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_245 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 85.000000; pMatrix1554 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_245"); pMatrix1554->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_246 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 95.000000; pMatrix1555 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_246"); pMatrix1555->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_247 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 105.000000; pMatrix1556 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_247"); pMatrix1556->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_248 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 115.000000; pMatrix1557 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_248"); pMatrix1557->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_249 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 125.000000; pMatrix1558 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_249"); pMatrix1558->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_250 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 135.000000; pMatrix1559 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_250"); pMatrix1559->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_251 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 145.000000; pMatrix1560 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_251"); pMatrix1560->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_252 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 155.000000; pMatrix1561 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_252"); pMatrix1561->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_253 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 165.000000; pMatrix1562 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_253"); pMatrix1562->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_254 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 175.000000; pMatrix1563 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_254"); pMatrix1563->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_255 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 185.000000; pMatrix1564 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_255"); pMatrix1564->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_256 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 195.000000; pMatrix1565 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_256"); pMatrix1565->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_257 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 205.000000; pMatrix1566 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_257"); pMatrix1566->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_258 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 215.000000; pMatrix1567 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_258"); pMatrix1567->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_259 dx = 8.546711; dy = -40.099298; dz = 225.000000; pMatrix1568 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGHV_in_IDSM_259"); pMatrix1568->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGTM_in_IDSM_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 96.934998; pMatrix1707 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGTM_in_IDSM_1"); pMatrix1707->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGTD_in_FGTM_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -25.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGTD_in_FGTM thx = 90.000000; phx = 345.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 75.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1692 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGTD_in_FGTM",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1691 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGTD_in_FGTM_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1692); // Combi transformation: pos_FGTQ_in_FGTD_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGTQ_in_FGTD thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1684 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGTQ_in_FGTD",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1683 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGTQ_in_FGTD_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1684); // Combi transformation: pos_FGVN_in_FGTQ_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -2.735000; pMatrix1591 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGVN_in_FGTQ_1"); pMatrix1591->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQA_in_FGVN_1 dx = 0.625000; dy = 24.875001; dz = -0.545000; pMatrix1570 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQA_in_FGVN_1"); pMatrix1570->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQB_in_FGVN_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.545000; pMatrix1571 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQB_in_FGVN_1"); pMatrix1571->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQC_in_FGVN_1 dx = 24.875001; dy = 0.625000; dz = -0.545000; pMatrix1572 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQC_in_FGVN_1"); pMatrix1572->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQD_in_FGVN_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.545000; pMatrix1573 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQD_in_FGVN_1"); pMatrix1573->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQE_in_FGVN_1 dx = 31.222319; dy = 18.760262; dz = -0.545000; // Rotation: rot_FGQE_in_FGVN thx = 90.000000; phx = 301.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 31.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1575 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGQE_in_FGVN",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1574 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQE_in_FGVN_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1575); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQF_in_FGVN_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.545000; pMatrix1576 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQF_in_FGVN_1"); pMatrix1576->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQA_in_FGVN_2 dx = 0.625000; dy = 24.875001; dz = 0.538000; pMatrix1577 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQA_in_FGVN_2"); pMatrix1577->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQB_in_FGVN_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.538000; pMatrix1578 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQB_in_FGVN_2"); pMatrix1578->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQC_in_FGVN_2 dx = 24.875001; dy = 0.625000; dz = 0.538000; pMatrix1579 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQC_in_FGVN_2"); pMatrix1579->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQD_in_FGVN_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.538000; pMatrix1580 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQD_in_FGVN_2"); pMatrix1580->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQE_in_FGVN_2 dx = 31.222319; dy = 18.760262; dz = 0.538000; // Rotation: rot_FGQE_in_FGVN thx = 90.000000; phx = 301.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 31.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1582 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGQE_in_FGVN",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1581 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQE_in_FGVN_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1582); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQF_in_FGVN_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.538000; pMatrix1583 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQF_in_FGVN_2"); pMatrix1583->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQA_in_FGVN_3 dx = 0.625000; dy = 24.875001; dz = 0.333000; pMatrix1584 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQA_in_FGVN_3"); pMatrix1584->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQB_in_FGVN_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.333000; pMatrix1585 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQB_in_FGVN_3"); pMatrix1585->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQC_in_FGVN_3 dx = 24.875001; dy = 0.625000; dz = 0.333000; pMatrix1586 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQC_in_FGVN_3"); pMatrix1586->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQD_in_FGVN_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.333000; pMatrix1587 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQD_in_FGVN_3"); pMatrix1587->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQE_in_FGVN_3 dx = 31.222319; dy = 18.760262; dz = 0.333000; // Rotation: rot_FGQE_in_FGVN thx = 90.000000; phx = 301.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 31.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1589 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGQE_in_FGVN",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1588 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQE_in_FGVN_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1589); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQF_in_FGVN_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.333000; pMatrix1590 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQF_in_FGVN_3"); pMatrix1590->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGZC_in_FGTQ_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -1.935000; pMatrix1618 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGZC_in_FGTQ_1"); pMatrix1618->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQA_in_FGZC_1 dx = 0.625000; dy = 24.875001; dz = -0.057000; pMatrix1592 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQA_in_FGZC_1"); pMatrix1592->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQB_in_FGZC_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.057000; pMatrix1593 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQB_in_FGZC_1"); pMatrix1593->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQC_in_FGZC_1 dx = 24.875001; dy = 0.625000; dz = -0.057000; pMatrix1594 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQC_in_FGZC_1"); pMatrix1594->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQD_in_FGZC_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.057000; pMatrix1595 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQD_in_FGZC_1"); pMatrix1595->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQE_in_FGZC_1 dx = 31.222319; dy = 18.760262; dz = -0.057000; // Rotation: rot_FGQE_in_FGZC thx = 90.000000; phx = 301.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 31.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1597 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGQE_in_FGZC",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1596 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQE_in_FGZC_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1597); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQF_in_FGZC_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.057000; pMatrix1598 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQF_in_FGZC_1"); pMatrix1598->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXA_in_FGZC_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.057000; pMatrix1599 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXA_in_FGZC_1"); pMatrix1599->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXB_in_FGZC_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.057000; pMatrix1600 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXB_in_FGZC_1"); pMatrix1600->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXC_in_FGZC_1 dx = 12.437500; dy = 21.542382; dz = -0.057000; // Rotation: rot_FGXC_in_FGZC thx = 90.000000; phx = 60.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 150.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1602 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGXC_in_FGZC",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1601 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXC_in_FGZC_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1602); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXD_in_FGZC_1 dx = 20.503151; dy = 11.837500; dz = -0.057000; // Rotation: rot_FGXD_in_FGZC thx = 90.000000; phx = 30.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 120.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1604 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGXD_in_FGZC",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1603 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXD_in_FGZC_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1604); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQA_in_FGZC_2 dx = 0.625000; dy = 24.875001; dz = 0.057000; pMatrix1605 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQA_in_FGZC_2"); pMatrix1605->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQB_in_FGZC_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.057000; pMatrix1606 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQB_in_FGZC_2"); pMatrix1606->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQC_in_FGZC_2 dx = 24.875001; dy = 0.625000; dz = 0.057000; pMatrix1607 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQC_in_FGZC_2"); pMatrix1607->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQD_in_FGZC_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.057000; pMatrix1608 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQD_in_FGZC_2"); pMatrix1608->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQE_in_FGZC_2 dx = 31.222319; dy = 18.760262; dz = 0.057000; // Rotation: rot_FGQE_in_FGZC thx = 90.000000; phx = 301.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 31.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1610 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGQE_in_FGZC",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1609 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQE_in_FGZC_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1610); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQF_in_FGZC_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.057000; pMatrix1611 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQF_in_FGZC_2"); pMatrix1611->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXA_in_FGZC_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.057000; pMatrix1612 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXA_in_FGZC_2"); pMatrix1612->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXB_in_FGZC_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.057000; pMatrix1613 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXB_in_FGZC_2"); pMatrix1613->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXC_in_FGZC_2 dx = 12.437500; dy = 21.542382; dz = 0.057000; // Rotation: rot_FGXC_in_FGZC thx = 90.000000; phx = 60.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 150.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1615 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGXC_in_FGZC",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1614 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXC_in_FGZC_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1615); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXD_in_FGZC_2 dx = 20.503151; dy = 11.837500; dz = 0.057000; // Rotation: rot_FGXD_in_FGZC thx = 90.000000; phx = 30.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 120.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1617 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGXD_in_FGZC",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1616 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXD_in_FGZC_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1617); // Combi transformation: pos_FGVG_in_FGTQ_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -1.473000; pMatrix1658 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGVG_in_FGTQ_1"); pMatrix1658->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQA_in_FGVG_1 dx = 0.625000; dy = 24.875001; dz = 0.212000; pMatrix1619 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQA_in_FGVG_1"); pMatrix1619->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQB_in_FGVG_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.212000; pMatrix1620 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQB_in_FGVG_1"); pMatrix1620->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQC_in_FGVG_1 dx = 24.875001; dy = 0.625000; dz = 0.212000; pMatrix1621 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQC_in_FGVG_1"); pMatrix1621->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQD_in_FGVG_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.212000; pMatrix1622 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQD_in_FGVG_1"); pMatrix1622->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQE_in_FGVG_1 dx = 31.222319; dy = 18.760262; dz = 0.212000; // Rotation: rot_FGQE_in_FGVG thx = 90.000000; phx = 301.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 31.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1624 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGQE_in_FGVG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1623 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQE_in_FGVG_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1624); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQF_in_FGVG_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.212000; pMatrix1625 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQF_in_FGVG_1"); pMatrix1625->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXA_in_FGVG_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.212000; pMatrix1626 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXA_in_FGVG_1"); pMatrix1626->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXB_in_FGVG_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.212000; pMatrix1627 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXB_in_FGVG_1"); pMatrix1627->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXC_in_FGVG_1 dx = 12.437500; dy = 21.542382; dz = 0.212000; // Rotation: rot_FGXC_in_FGVG thx = 90.000000; phx = 60.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 150.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1629 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGXC_in_FGVG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1628 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXC_in_FGVG_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1629); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXD_in_FGVG_1 dx = 20.503151; dy = 11.837500; dz = 0.212000; // Rotation: rot_FGXD_in_FGVG thx = 90.000000; phx = 30.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 120.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1631 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGXD_in_FGVG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1630 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXD_in_FGVG_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1631); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQA_in_FGVG_2 dx = 0.625000; dy = 24.875001; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1632 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQA_in_FGVG_2"); pMatrix1632->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQC_in_FGVG_2 dx = 24.875001; dy = 0.625000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1634 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQC_in_FGVG_2"); pMatrix1634->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQE_in_FGVG_2 dx = 31.222319; dy = 18.760262; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGQE_in_FGVG thx = 90.000000; phx = 301.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 31.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1637 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGQE_in_FGVG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1636 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQE_in_FGVG_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1637); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXC_in_FGVG_2 dx = 12.437500; dy = 21.542382; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGXC_in_FGVG thx = 90.000000; phx = 60.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 150.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1642 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGXC_in_FGVG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1641 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXC_in_FGVG_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1642); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXD_in_FGVG_2 dx = 20.503151; dy = 11.837500; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGXD_in_FGVG thx = 90.000000; phx = 30.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 120.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1644 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGXD_in_FGVG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1643 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXD_in_FGVG_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1644); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQA_in_FGVG_3 dx = 0.625000; dy = 24.875001; dz = -0.212000; pMatrix1645 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQA_in_FGVG_3"); pMatrix1645->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQB_in_FGVG_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.212000; pMatrix1646 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQB_in_FGVG_3"); pMatrix1646->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQC_in_FGVG_3 dx = 24.875001; dy = 0.625000; dz = -0.212000; pMatrix1647 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQC_in_FGVG_3"); pMatrix1647->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQD_in_FGVG_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.212000; pMatrix1648 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQD_in_FGVG_3"); pMatrix1648->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQE_in_FGVG_3 dx = 31.222319; dy = 18.760262; dz = -0.212000; // Rotation: rot_FGQE_in_FGVG thx = 90.000000; phx = 301.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 31.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1650 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGQE_in_FGVG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1649 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQE_in_FGVG_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1650); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQF_in_FGVG_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.212000; pMatrix1651 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQF_in_FGVG_3"); pMatrix1651->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXA_in_FGVG_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.212000; pMatrix1652 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXA_in_FGVG_3"); pMatrix1652->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXB_in_FGVG_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.212000; pMatrix1653 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXB_in_FGVG_3"); pMatrix1653->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXC_in_FGVG_3 dx = 12.437500; dy = 21.542382; dz = -0.212000; // Rotation: rot_FGXC_in_FGVG thx = 90.000000; phx = 60.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 150.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1655 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGXC_in_FGVG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1654 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXC_in_FGVG_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1655); // Combi transformation: pos_FGXD_in_FGVG_3 dx = 20.503151; dy = 11.837500; dz = -0.212000; // Rotation: rot_FGXD_in_FGVG thx = 90.000000; phx = 30.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 120.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1657 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGXD_in_FGVG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1656 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGXD_in_FGVG_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1657); // Combi transformation: pos_FGVR_in_FGTQ_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -1.044000; pMatrix1666 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGVR_in_FGTQ_1"); pMatrix1666->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQA_in_FGVR_1 dx = 0.625000; dy = 24.875001; dz = 0.009000; pMatrix1659 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQA_in_FGVR_1"); pMatrix1659->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQB_in_FGVR_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.009000; pMatrix1660 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQB_in_FGVR_1"); pMatrix1660->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQC_in_FGVR_1 dx = 24.875001; dy = 0.625000; dz = 0.009000; pMatrix1661 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQC_in_FGVR_1"); pMatrix1661->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQD_in_FGVR_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.009000; pMatrix1662 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQD_in_FGVR_1"); pMatrix1662->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQE_in_FGVR_1 dx = 31.222319; dy = 18.760262; dz = 0.009000; // Rotation: rot_FGQE_in_FGVR thx = 90.000000; phx = 301.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 31.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1664 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGQE_in_FGVR",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1663 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQE_in_FGVR_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1664); // Combi transformation: pos_FGQF_in_FGVR_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.009000; pMatrix1665 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGQF_in_FGVR_1"); pMatrix1665->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGVE_in_FGTQ_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 1.229000; pMatrix1682 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGVE_in_FGTQ_1"); pMatrix1682->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGWA_in_FGVE_1 dx = 11.155000; dy = 0.700000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1667 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGWA_in_FGVE_1"); pMatrix1667->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGWA_in_FGVE_2 dx = 0.700000; dy = 11.155000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGWA_in_FGVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 180.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1669 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGWA_in_FGVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1668 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGWA_in_FGVE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1669); // Combi transformation: pos_FGWB_in_FGVE_1 dx = 24.875001; dy = 0.130000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1670 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGWB_in_FGVE_1"); pMatrix1670->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGWB_in_FGVE_2 dx = 0.130000; dy = 24.875001; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGWB_in_FGVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 180.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1672 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGWB_in_FGVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1671 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGWB_in_FGVE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1672); // Combi transformation: pos_FGWC_in_FGVE_1 dx = 38.595002; dy = 2.250000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1673 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGWC_in_FGVE_1"); pMatrix1673->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_FGWC_in_FGVE_2 dx = 2.250000; dy = 38.595002; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGWC_in_FGVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 180.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1675 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGWC_in_FGVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1674 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGWC_in_FGVE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1675); // Combi transformation: pos_FGWD_in_FGVE_1 dx = 38.347001; dy = 6.073568; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGWD_in_FGVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 270.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1677 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGWD_in_FGVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1676 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGWD_in_FGVE_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1677); // Combi transformation: pos_FGWD_in_FGVE_2 dx = 6.073568; dy = 38.347001; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGWD_in_FGVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 360.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1679 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGWD_in_FGVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1678 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGWD_in_FGVE_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1679); // Combi transformation: pos_FGWE_in_FGVE_1 dx = 31.222319; dy = 18.760262; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGWE_in_FGVE thx = 90.000000; phx = 301.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 31.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1681 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGWE_in_FGVE",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1680 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGWE_in_FGVE_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1681); // Combi transformation: pos_FGTQ_in_FGTD_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGTQ_in_FGTD thx = 90.000000; phx = 270.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1686 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGTQ_in_FGTD",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1685 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGTQ_in_FGTD_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1686); // Combi transformation: pos_FGTQ_in_FGTD_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGTQ_in_FGTD thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 270.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1688 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGTQ_in_FGTD",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1687 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGTQ_in_FGTD_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1688); // Combi transformation: pos_FGTQ_in_FGTD_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGTQ_in_FGTD thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 180.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1690 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGTQ_in_FGTD",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1689 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGTQ_in_FGTD_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1690); // Combi transformation: pos_FGTH_in_FGTM_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -15.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGTH_in_FGTM thx = 90.000000; phx = 345.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 75.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1698 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGTH_in_FGTM",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1697 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGTH_in_FGTM_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1698); // Combi transformation: pos_FGTQ_in_FGTH_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGTQ_in_FGTH thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1694 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGTQ_in_FGTH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1693 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGTQ_in_FGTH_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1694); // Combi transformation: pos_FGTQ_in_FGTH_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGTQ_in_FGTH thx = 90.000000; phx = 270.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1696 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGTQ_in_FGTH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1695 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGTQ_in_FGTH_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1696); // Combi transformation: pos_FGTH_in_FGTM_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -5.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGTH_in_FGTM thx = 90.000000; phx = 345.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 75.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1700 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGTH_in_FGTM",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1699 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGTH_in_FGTM_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1700); // Combi transformation: pos_FGTH_in_FGTM_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 5.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGTH_in_FGTM thx = 90.000000; phx = 345.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 75.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1702 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGTH_in_FGTM",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1701 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGTH_in_FGTM_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1702); // Combi transformation: pos_FGTH_in_FGTM_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 15.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGTH_in_FGTM thx = 90.000000; phx = 345.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 75.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1704 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGTH_in_FGTM",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1703 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGTH_in_FGTM_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1704); // Combi transformation: pos_FGTH_in_FGTM_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 25.000000; // Rotation: rot_FGTH_in_FGTM thx = 90.000000; phx = 345.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 75.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1706 = new TGeoRotation("rot_FGTH_in_FGTM",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1705 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_FGTH_in_FGTM_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1706); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 78.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 168.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1875 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1874 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1875); // Combi transformation: pos_CBTW_in_CPHI_1 dx = 224.452500; dy = 0.000000; dz = 128.739739; pMatrix1712 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CBTW_in_CPHI_1"); pMatrix1712->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_1 dx = 223.976250; dy = 9.470639; dz = 17.061900; pMatrix1713 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_1"); pMatrix1713->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_2 dx = 223.976250; dy = -9.470639; dz = 17.061900; pMatrix1714 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_2"); pMatrix1714->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_1 dx = 236.983597; dy = 11.864784; dz = 17.061900; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 3.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 93.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1716 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1715 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1716); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_2 dx = 236.983597; dy = -11.864784; dz = 17.061900; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 357.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 87.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1718 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1717 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1718); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_3 dx = 223.976250; dy = 9.470639; dz = 34.121899; pMatrix1719 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_3"); pMatrix1719->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_4 dx = 223.976250; dy = -9.470639; dz = 34.121899; pMatrix1720 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_4"); pMatrix1720->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_3 dx = 236.983597; dy = 11.864784; dz = 34.121899; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 3.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 93.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1722 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1721 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1722); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_4 dx = 236.983597; dy = -11.864784; dz = 34.121899; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 357.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 87.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1724 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1723 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1724); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_5 dx = 223.976250; dy = 9.470639; dz = 51.181899; pMatrix1725 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_5"); pMatrix1725->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_6 dx = 223.976250; dy = -9.470639; dz = 51.181899; pMatrix1726 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_6"); pMatrix1726->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_5 dx = 236.983597; dy = 11.864784; dz = 51.181899; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 3.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 93.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1728 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1727 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1728); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_6 dx = 236.983597; dy = -11.864784; dz = 51.181899; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 357.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 87.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1730 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1729 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1730); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_7 dx = 223.976250; dy = 9.470639; dz = 68.241898; pMatrix1731 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_7"); pMatrix1731->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_8 dx = 223.976250; dy = -9.470639; dz = 68.241898; pMatrix1732 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_8"); pMatrix1732->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_7 dx = 236.983597; dy = 11.864784; dz = 68.241898; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 3.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 93.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1734 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1733 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1734); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_8 dx = 236.983597; dy = -11.864784; dz = 68.241898; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 357.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 87.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1736 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1735 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1736); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_9 dx = 223.976250; dy = 9.470639; dz = 85.301898; pMatrix1737 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_9"); pMatrix1737->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_10 dx = 223.976250; dy = -9.470639; dz = 85.301898; pMatrix1738 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_10"); pMatrix1738->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_9 dx = 236.983597; dy = 11.864784; dz = 85.301898; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 3.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 93.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1740 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1739 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1740); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_10 dx = 236.983597; dy = -11.864784; dz = 85.301898; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 357.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 87.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1742 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1741 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1742); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_11 dx = 223.976250; dy = 9.470639; dz = 102.361897; pMatrix1743 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_11"); pMatrix1743->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_12 dx = 223.976250; dy = -9.470639; dz = 102.361897; pMatrix1744 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_12"); pMatrix1744->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_11 dx = 236.983597; dy = 11.864784; dz = 102.361897; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 3.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 93.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1746 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1745 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1746); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_12 dx = 236.983597; dy = -11.864784; dz = 102.361897; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 357.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 87.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1748 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1747 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1748); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_13 dx = 223.976250; dy = 9.470639; dz = 119.421897; pMatrix1749 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_13"); pMatrix1749->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_14 dx = 223.976250; dy = -9.470639; dz = 119.421897; pMatrix1750 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_14"); pMatrix1750->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_13 dx = 236.983597; dy = 11.864784; dz = 119.421897; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 3.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 93.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1752 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1751 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_13", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1752); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_14 dx = 236.983597; dy = -11.864784; dz = 119.421897; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 357.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 87.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1754 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1753 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_14", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1754); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_15 dx = 223.976250; dy = 9.470639; dz = 136.481896; pMatrix1755 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_15"); pMatrix1755->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_16 dx = 223.976250; dy = -9.470639; dz = 136.481896; pMatrix1756 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_16"); pMatrix1756->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_15 dx = 236.983597; dy = 11.864784; dz = 136.481896; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 3.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 93.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1758 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1757 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_15", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1758); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_16 dx = 236.983597; dy = -11.864784; dz = 136.481896; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 357.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 87.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1760 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1759 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_16", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1760); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_17 dx = 223.976250; dy = 9.470639; dz = 153.541896; pMatrix1761 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_17"); pMatrix1761->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_18 dx = 223.976250; dy = -9.470639; dz = 153.541896; pMatrix1762 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_18"); pMatrix1762->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_17 dx = 236.983597; dy = 11.864784; dz = 153.541896; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 3.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 93.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1764 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1763 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_17", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1764); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_18 dx = 236.983597; dy = -11.864784; dz = 153.541896; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 357.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 87.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1766 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1765 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_18", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1766); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_19 dx = 223.976250; dy = 9.470639; dz = 170.601895; pMatrix1767 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_19"); pMatrix1767->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_20 dx = 223.976250; dy = -9.470639; dz = 170.601895; pMatrix1768 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_20"); pMatrix1768->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_19 dx = 236.983597; dy = 11.864784; dz = 170.601895; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 3.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 93.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1770 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1769 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_19", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1770); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_20 dx = 236.983597; dy = -11.864784; dz = 170.601895; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 357.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 87.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1772 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1771 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_20", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1772); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_21 dx = 223.976250; dy = 9.470639; dz = 187.661895; pMatrix1773 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_21"); pMatrix1773->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_22 dx = 223.976250; dy = -9.470639; dz = 187.661895; pMatrix1774 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_22"); pMatrix1774->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_21 dx = 236.983597; dy = 11.864784; dz = 187.661895; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 3.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 93.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1776 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1775 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_21", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1776); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_22 dx = 236.983597; dy = -11.864784; dz = 187.661895; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 357.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 87.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1778 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1777 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_22", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1778); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_23 dx = 223.976250; dy = 9.470639; dz = 204.721894; pMatrix1779 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_23"); pMatrix1779->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_24 dx = 223.976250; dy = -9.470639; dz = 204.721894; pMatrix1780 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_24"); pMatrix1780->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_23 dx = 236.983597; dy = 11.864784; dz = 204.721894; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 3.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 93.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1782 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1781 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_23", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1782); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_24 dx = 236.983597; dy = -11.864784; dz = 204.721894; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 357.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 87.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1784 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1783 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_24", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1784); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_25 dx = 223.976250; dy = 9.470639; dz = 221.781894; pMatrix1785 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_25"); pMatrix1785->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_26 dx = 223.976250; dy = -9.470639; dz = 221.781894; pMatrix1786 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_26"); pMatrix1786->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_25 dx = 236.983597; dy = 11.864784; dz = 221.781894; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 3.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 93.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1788 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1787 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_25", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1788); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_26 dx = 236.983597; dy = -11.864784; dz = 221.781894; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 357.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 87.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1790 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1789 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_26", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1790); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_27 dx = 223.976250; dy = 9.470639; dz = 238.841893; pMatrix1791 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_27"); pMatrix1791->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_28 dx = 223.976250; dy = -9.470639; dz = 238.841893; pMatrix1792 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_28"); pMatrix1792->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_27 dx = 236.983597; dy = 11.864784; dz = 238.841893; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 3.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 93.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1794 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1793 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_27", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1794); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_28 dx = 236.983597; dy = -11.864784; dz = 238.841893; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 357.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 87.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1796 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1795 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_28", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1796); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_29 dx = 223.976250; dy = 9.470639; dz = 252.846477; pMatrix1797 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_29"); pMatrix1797->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_30 dx = 223.976250; dy = -9.470639; dz = 252.846477; pMatrix1798 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSLG_in_CPHI_30"); pMatrix1798->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_29 dx = 236.983597; dy = 11.864784; dz = 252.846477; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 3.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 93.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1800 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1799 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_29", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1800); // Combi transformation: pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_30 dx = 236.983597; dy = -11.864784; dz = 252.846477; // Rotation: rot_CSTP_in_CPHI thx = 90.000000; phx = 357.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 87.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1802 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSTP_in_CPHI",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1801 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSTP_in_CPHI_30", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1802); // Combi transformation: pos_CSCI_in_CSUP_1 dx = 225.714999; dy = 0.000000; dz = 129.942517; pMatrix1803 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSCI_in_CSUP_1"); pMatrix1803->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPBP_in_CSUP_1 dx = 226.274999; dy = 0.000000; dz = 129.942517; pMatrix1804 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPBP_in_CSUP_1"); pMatrix1804->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSC1_in_CSUP_2 dx = 226.834994; dy = 0.000000; dz = 130.586458; pMatrix1805 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSC1_in_CSUP_2"); pMatrix1805->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPB1_in_CSUP_2 dx = 227.394994; dy = 0.000000; dz = 130.586458; pMatrix1806 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPB1_in_CSUP_2"); pMatrix1806->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSC2_in_CSU1_1 dx = 227.904989; dy = 0.000000; dz = 131.230398; pMatrix1808 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSC2_in_CSU1_1"); pMatrix1808->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPB2_in_CSU1_1 dx = 228.414989; dy = 0.000000; dz = 131.230398; pMatrix1809 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPB2_in_CSU1_1"); pMatrix1809->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSC3_in_CSU1_2 dx = 228.924993; dy = 0.000000; dz = 131.816849; pMatrix1810 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSC3_in_CSU1_2"); pMatrix1810->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPB3_in_CSU1_2 dx = 229.434993; dy = 0.000000; dz = 131.816849; pMatrix1811 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPB3_in_CSU1_2"); pMatrix1811->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSC4_in_CSU1_3 dx = 229.944998; dy = 0.000000; dz = 132.403301; pMatrix1812 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSC4_in_CSU1_3"); pMatrix1812->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPB4_in_CSU1_3 dx = 230.454998; dy = 0.000000; dz = 132.403301; pMatrix1813 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPB4_in_CSU1_3"); pMatrix1813->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSMD_in_CSU1_1 dx = 231.723602; dy = 0.000000; dz = 132.882252; pMatrix1838 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSMD_in_CSU1_1"); pMatrix1838->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSMG_in_CSMD_1 dx = -0.893600; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1814 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSMG_in_CSMD_1"); pMatrix1814->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSMG_in_CSMD_2 dx = 0.893600; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1815 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSMG_in_CSMD_2"); pMatrix1815->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSDA_in_CSMD_1 dx = -0.389300; dy = 0.000000; dz = -72.818553; pMatrix1819 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSDA_in_CSMD_1"); pMatrix1819->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSHI_in_CSME_1 dx = -0.253400; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1817 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSHI_in_CSME_1"); pMatrix1817->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSH1_in_CSME_2 dx = -0.117500; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1818 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSH1_in_CSME_2"); pMatrix1818->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSD1_in_CSMD_2 dx = -0.389300; dy = 0.000000; dz = 58.339951; pMatrix1823 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSD1_in_CSMD_2"); pMatrix1823->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSH2_in_CSM1_1 dx = -0.253400; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1821 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSH2_in_CSM1_1"); pMatrix1821->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSH3_in_CSM1_2 dx = -0.117500; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1822 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSH3_in_CSM1_2"); pMatrix1822->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSD2_in_CSMD_3 dx = 0.389300; dy = 0.000000; dz = -72.818553; // Rotation: rot_CSDA_in_CSMD thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1828 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSDA_in_CSMD",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1827 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSD2_in_CSMD_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1828); // Combi transformation: pos_CSH4_in_CSM2_1 dx = -0.253400; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1825 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSH4_in_CSM2_1"); pMatrix1825->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSH5_in_CSM2_2 dx = -0.117500; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1826 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSH5_in_CSM2_2"); pMatrix1826->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSD3_in_CSMD_4 dx = 0.389300; dy = 0.000000; dz = 58.339951; // Rotation: rot_CSDA_in_CSMD thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1833 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CSDA_in_CSMD",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1832 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSD3_in_CSMD_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1833); // Combi transformation: pos_CSH6_in_CSM3_1 dx = -0.253400; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1830 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSH6_in_CSM3_1"); pMatrix1830->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSH7_in_CSM3_2 dx = -0.117500; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1831 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSH7_in_CSM3_2"); pMatrix1831->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSMC_in_CSMD_1 dx = -0.389300; dy = 11.314400; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1834 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSMC_in_CSMD_1"); pMatrix1834->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSMC_in_CSMD_2 dx = -0.389300; dy = -11.314400; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1835 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSMC_in_CSMD_2"); pMatrix1835->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSMB_in_CSMD_1 dx = 0.389300; dy = 11.367800; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1836 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSMB_in_CSMD_1"); pMatrix1836->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSMB_in_CSMD_2 dx = 0.389300; dy = -11.367800; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix1837 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSMB_in_CSMD_2"); pMatrix1837->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSC5_in_CSU1_4 dx = 233.002203; dy = 0.000000; dz = 134.161039; pMatrix1839 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSC5_in_CSU1_4"); pMatrix1839->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPB5_in_CSU1_4 dx = 233.512203; dy = 0.000000; dz = 134.161039; pMatrix1840 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPB5_in_CSU1_4"); pMatrix1840->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSC6_in_CSU1_5 dx = 234.022207; dy = 0.000000; dz = 134.747491; pMatrix1841 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSC6_in_CSU1_5"); pMatrix1841->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPB6_in_CSU1_5 dx = 234.532207; dy = 0.000000; dz = 134.747491; pMatrix1842 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPB6_in_CSU1_5"); pMatrix1842->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSC7_in_CSU1_6 dx = 235.042211; dy = 0.000000; dz = 135.333942; pMatrix1843 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSC7_in_CSU1_6"); pMatrix1843->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPB7_in_CSU1_6 dx = 235.552211; dy = 0.000000; dz = 135.333942; pMatrix1844 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPB7_in_CSU1_6"); pMatrix1844->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSC8_in_CSU1_7 dx = 236.062216; dy = 0.000000; dz = 135.920393; pMatrix1845 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSC8_in_CSU1_7"); pMatrix1845->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPB8_in_CSU1_7 dx = 236.572216; dy = 0.000000; dz = 135.920393; pMatrix1846 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPB8_in_CSU1_7"); pMatrix1846->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSC9_in_CSU1_8 dx = 237.082220; dy = 0.000000; dz = 136.506844; pMatrix1847 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSC9_in_CSU1_8"); pMatrix1847->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPB9_in_CSU1_8 dx = 237.592220; dy = 0.000000; dz = 136.506844; pMatrix1848 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPB9_in_CSU1_8"); pMatrix1848->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSC0_in_CSU1_9 dx = 238.102224; dy = 0.000000; dz = 137.093295; pMatrix1849 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSC0_in_CSU1_9"); pMatrix1849->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPB0_in_CSU1_9 dx = 238.612224; dy = 0.000000; dz = 137.093295; pMatrix1850 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPB0_in_CSU1_9"); pMatrix1850->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSCa_in_CSU1_10 dx = 239.122228; dy = 0.000000; dz = 137.679746; pMatrix1851 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSCa_in_CSU1_10"); pMatrix1851->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPBa_in_CSU1_10 dx = 239.632228; dy = 0.000000; dz = 137.679746; pMatrix1852 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPBa_in_CSU1_10"); pMatrix1852->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSCb_in_CSU1_11 dx = 240.142233; dy = 0.000000; dz = 138.266197; pMatrix1853 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSCb_in_CSU1_11"); pMatrix1853->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPBb_in_CSU1_11 dx = 240.652233; dy = 0.000000; dz = 138.266197; pMatrix1854 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPBb_in_CSU1_11"); pMatrix1854->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSCc_in_CSU1_12 dx = 241.162237; dy = 0.000000; dz = 138.852648; pMatrix1855 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSCc_in_CSU1_12"); pMatrix1855->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPBc_in_CSU1_12 dx = 241.672237; dy = 0.000000; dz = 138.852648; pMatrix1856 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPBc_in_CSU1_12"); pMatrix1856->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSCd_in_CSU1_13 dx = 242.182241; dy = 0.000000; dz = 139.439099; pMatrix1857 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSCd_in_CSU1_13"); pMatrix1857->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPBd_in_CSU1_13 dx = 242.692241; dy = 0.000000; dz = 139.439099; pMatrix1858 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPBd_in_CSU1_13"); pMatrix1858->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSCe_in_CSU1_14 dx = 243.202245; dy = 0.000000; dz = 140.025550; pMatrix1859 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSCe_in_CSU1_14"); pMatrix1859->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPBe_in_CSU1_14 dx = 243.712245; dy = 0.000000; dz = 140.025550; pMatrix1860 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPBe_in_CSU1_14"); pMatrix1860->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSCf_in_CSU1_15 dx = 244.222250; dy = 0.000000; dz = 140.612001; pMatrix1861 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSCf_in_CSU1_15"); pMatrix1861->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPBf_in_CSU1_15 dx = 244.732250; dy = 0.000000; dz = 140.612001; pMatrix1862 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPBf_in_CSU1_15"); pMatrix1862->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSCg_in_CSU1_16 dx = 245.242254; dy = 0.000000; dz = 141.198452; pMatrix1863 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSCg_in_CSU1_16"); pMatrix1863->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPBg_in_CSU1_16 dx = 245.752254; dy = 0.000000; dz = 141.198452; pMatrix1864 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPBg_in_CSU1_16"); pMatrix1864->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSCh_in_CSU1_17 dx = 246.262258; dy = 0.000000; dz = 141.784903; pMatrix1865 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSCh_in_CSU1_17"); pMatrix1865->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPBh_in_CSU1_17 dx = 246.772258; dy = 0.000000; dz = 141.784903; pMatrix1866 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPBh_in_CSU1_17"); pMatrix1866->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSCi_in_CSU1_18 dx = 247.282263; dy = 0.000000; dz = 142.371354; pMatrix1867 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSCi_in_CSU1_18"); pMatrix1867->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPBi_in_CSU1_18 dx = 247.792263; dy = 0.000000; dz = 142.371354; pMatrix1868 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPBi_in_CSU1_18"); pMatrix1868->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CSCj_in_CSU1_19 dx = 248.302267; dy = 0.000000; dz = 142.957805; pMatrix1869 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CSCj_in_CSU1_19"); pMatrix1869->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CBT1_in_CPHI_2 dx = 249.514771; dy = 0.000000; dz = 143.149282; pMatrix1871 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CBT1_in_CPHI_2"); pMatrix1871->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CBT2_in_CPHI_3 dx = 252.370771; dy = 0.000000; dz = 143.149282; pMatrix1872 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CBT2_in_CPHI_3"); pMatrix1872->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CBT1_in_CPHI_4 dx = 254.910771; dy = 0.000000; dz = 143.149282; pMatrix1873 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CBT1_in_CPHI_4"); pMatrix1873->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 84.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 174.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1877 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1876 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1877); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 180.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1879 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1878 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1879); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 96.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 186.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1881 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1880 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1881); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 102.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 192.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1883 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1882 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1883); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_6 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 108.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 198.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1885 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1884 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1885); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_7 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 114.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 204.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1887 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1886 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1887); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_8 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 120.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 210.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1889 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1888 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1889); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_9 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 126.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 216.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1891 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1890 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1891); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_10 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 132.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 222.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1893 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1892 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1893); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_11 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 138.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 228.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1895 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1894 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1895); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_12 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 144.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 234.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1897 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1896 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1897); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_13 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 150.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 240.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1899 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1898 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_13", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1899); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_14 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 156.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 246.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1901 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1900 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_14", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1901); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_15 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 162.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 252.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1903 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1902 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_15", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1903); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_16 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 168.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 258.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1905 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1904 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_16", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1905); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_17 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 174.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 264.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1907 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1906 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_17", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1907); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_18 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 270.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1909 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1908 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_18", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1909); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_19 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 186.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 276.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1911 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1910 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_19", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1911); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_20 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 192.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 282.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1913 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1912 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_20", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1913); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_21 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 198.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 288.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1915 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1914 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_21", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1915); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_22 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 204.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 294.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1917 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1916 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_22", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1917); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_23 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 210.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 300.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1919 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1918 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_23", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1919); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_24 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 216.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 306.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1921 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1920 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_24", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1921); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_25 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 222.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 312.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1923 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1922 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_25", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1923); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_26 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 228.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 318.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1925 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1924 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_26", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1925); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_27 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 234.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 324.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1927 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1926 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_27", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1927); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_28 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 240.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 330.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1929 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1928 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_28", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1929); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_29 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 246.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 336.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1931 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1930 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_29", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1931); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_30 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 252.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 342.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1933 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1932 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_30", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1933); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_31 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 258.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 348.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1935 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1934 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_31", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1935); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_32 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 264.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 354.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1937 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1936 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_32", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1937); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_33 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 270.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 360.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1939 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1938 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_33", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1939); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_34 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 276.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 6.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1941 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1940 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_34", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1941); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_35 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 282.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 12.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1943 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1942 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_35", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1943); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_36 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 288.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 18.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1945 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1944 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_36", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1945); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_37 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 294.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 24.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1947 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1946 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_37", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1947); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_38 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 300.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 30.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1949 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1948 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_38", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1949); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_39 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 306.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 36.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1951 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1950 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_39", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1951); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_40 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 312.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 42.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1953 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1952 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_40", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1953); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_41 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 318.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 48.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1955 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1954 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_41", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1955); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_42 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 324.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 54.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1957 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1956 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_42", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1957); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_43 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 330.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 60.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1959 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1958 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_43", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1959); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_44 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 336.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 66.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1961 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1960 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_44", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1961); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_45 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 342.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 72.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1963 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1962 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_45", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1963); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_46 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1965 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1964 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_46", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1965); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_47 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1967 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1966 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_47", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1967); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_48 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 360.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1969 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1968 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_48", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1969); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_49 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1971 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1970 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_49", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1971); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_50 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1973 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1972 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_50", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1973); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_51 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 18.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 108.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1975 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1974 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_51", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1975); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_52 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 24.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 114.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1977 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1976 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_52", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1977); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_53 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 30.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 120.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1979 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1978 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_53", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1979); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_54 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 36.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 126.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1981 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1980 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_54", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1981); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_55 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 42.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 132.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1983 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1982 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_55", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1983); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_56 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 48.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 138.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1985 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1984 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_56", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1985); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_57 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 54.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 144.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1987 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1986 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_57", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1987); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_58 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 60.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 150.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1989 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1988 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_58", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1989); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_59 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 66.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 156.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1991 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1990 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_59", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1991); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_60 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 72.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 162.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1993 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1992 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHLV_60", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1993); // Combi transformation: pos_CHL1_in_CALB_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CHLV_in_CALB thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2116 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CHLV_in_CALB",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2115 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CHL1_in_CALB_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2116); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 108.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 198.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1996 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1995 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1996); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 114.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 204.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix1998 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1997 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix1998); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 120.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 210.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2000 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix1999 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2000); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 126.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 216.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2002 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2001 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2002); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 132.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 222.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2004 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2003 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2004); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_6 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 138.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 228.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2006 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2005 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2006); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_7 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 144.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 234.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2008 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2007 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2008); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_8 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 150.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 240.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2010 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2009 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2010); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_9 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 156.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 246.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2012 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2011 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2012); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_10 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 162.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 252.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2014 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2013 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2014); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_11 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 168.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 258.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2016 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2015 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2016); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_12 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 174.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 264.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2018 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2017 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2018); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_13 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 270.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2020 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2019 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_13", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2020); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_14 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 186.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 276.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2022 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2021 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_14", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2022); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_15 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 192.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 282.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2024 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2023 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_15", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2024); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_16 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 198.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 288.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2026 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2025 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_16", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2026); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_17 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 204.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 294.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2028 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2027 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_17", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2028); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_18 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 210.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 300.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2030 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2029 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_18", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2030); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_19 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 216.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 306.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2032 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2031 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_19", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2032); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_20 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 222.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 312.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2034 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2033 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_20", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2034); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_21 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 228.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 318.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2036 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2035 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_21", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2036); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_22 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 234.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 324.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2038 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2037 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_22", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2038); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_23 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 240.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 330.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2040 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2039 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_23", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2040); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_24 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 246.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 336.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2042 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2041 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_24", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2042); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_25 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 252.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 342.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2044 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2043 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_25", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2044); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_26 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 258.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 348.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2046 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2045 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_26", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2046); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_27 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 264.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 354.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2048 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2047 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_27", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2048); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_28 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 270.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 360.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2050 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2049 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_28", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2050); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_29 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 276.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 6.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2052 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2051 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_29", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2052); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_30 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 282.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 12.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2054 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2053 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_30", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2054); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_31 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 288.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 18.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2056 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2055 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_31", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2056); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_32 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 294.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 24.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2058 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2057 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_32", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2058); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_33 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 300.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 30.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2060 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2059 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_33", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2060); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_34 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 306.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 36.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2062 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2061 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_34", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2062); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_35 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 312.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 42.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2064 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2063 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_35", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2064); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_36 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 318.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 48.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2066 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2065 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_36", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2066); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_37 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 324.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 54.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2068 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2067 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_37", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2068); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_38 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 330.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 60.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2070 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2069 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_38", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2070); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_39 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 336.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 66.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2072 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2071 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_39", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2072); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_40 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 342.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 72.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2074 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2073 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_40", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2074); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_41 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2076 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2075 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_41", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2076); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_42 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2078 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2077 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_42", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2078); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_43 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 360.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2080 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2079 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_43", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2080); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_44 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2082 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2081 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_44", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2082); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_45 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2084 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2083 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_45", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2084); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_46 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 18.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 108.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2086 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2085 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_46", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2086); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_47 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 24.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 114.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2088 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2087 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_47", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2088); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_48 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 30.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 120.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2090 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2089 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_48", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2090); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_49 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 36.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 126.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2092 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2091 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_49", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2092); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_50 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 42.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 132.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2094 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2093 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_50", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2094); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_51 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 48.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 138.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2096 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2095 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_51", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2096); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_52 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 54.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 144.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2098 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2097 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_52", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2098); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_53 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 60.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 150.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2100 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2099 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_53", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2100); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_54 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 66.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 156.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2102 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2101 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_54", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2102); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_55 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 72.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 162.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2104 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2103 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_55", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2104); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_56 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 78.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 168.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2106 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2105 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_56", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2106); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_57 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 84.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 174.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2108 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2107 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_57", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2108); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_58 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 180.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2110 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2109 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_58", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2110); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_59 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 96.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 186.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2112 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2111 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_59", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2112); // Combi transformation: pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_60 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_CPHI_in_CHLV thx = 90.000000; phx = 102.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 192.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2114 = new TGeoRotation("rot_CPHI_in_CHLV",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2113 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_CPHI_in_CHL1_60", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2114); // Combi transformation: pos_ECAL_in_CAVE_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 289.385010; pMatrix9434 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ECAL_in_CAVE_1"); pMatrix9434->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EAGA_in_ECAL_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EAGA_in_ECAL thx = 90.000000; phx = 255.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 345.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9431 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EAGA_in_ECAL",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9430 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EAGA_in_ECAL_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9431); // Combi transformation: pos_ECGH_in_EAGA_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ECGH_in_EAGA thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 180.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9429 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ECGH_in_EAGA",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9428 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ECGH_in_EAGA_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9429); // Combi transformation: pos_ECHC_in_ECGH_1 dx = 147.874329; dy = -0.237500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9425 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ECHC_in_ECGH_1"); pMatrix9425->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ECHC_in_ECGH_2 dx = -147.874329; dy = -0.237500; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ECHC_in_ECGH thx = 90.000000; phx = 180.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 270.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9427 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ECHC_in_ECGH",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9426 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ECHC_in_ECGH_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9427); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLP_in_EMSS_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -20.145509; pMatrix2118 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLP_in_EMSS_1"); pMatrix2118->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ECVO_in_EMSS_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -15.656012; pMatrix2498 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ECVO_in_EMSS_1"); pMatrix2498->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMOD_in_ECVO_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EMOD_in_ECVO thx = 90.000000; phx = 75.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 165.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2487 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EMOD_in_ECVO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2486 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMOD_in_ECVO_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2487); // Combi transformation: pos_ESEC_in_EMOD_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -3.260500; pMatrix2180 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESEC_in_EMOD_1"); pMatrix2180->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMGT_in_ESEC_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.292500; pMatrix2177 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMGT_in_ESEC_1"); pMatrix2177->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPER_in_EMGT_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2168 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2167 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPER_in_EMGT_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2168); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAR_in_EPER_1 dx = 78.509445; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2122 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2121 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAR_in_EPER_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2122); // Combi transformation: pos_EALP_in_ETAR_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2119 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALP_in_ETAR_1"); pMatrix2119->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCI_in_ETAR_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2120 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCI_in_ETAR_1"); pMatrix2120->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETA1_in_EPER_2 dx = 86.859287; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2126 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2125 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETA1_in_EPER_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2126); // Combi transformation: pos_EAL1_in_ETA1_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2123 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EAL1_in_ETA1_1"); pMatrix2123->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESC1_in_ETA1_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2124 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESC1_in_ETA1_1"); pMatrix2124->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETA2_in_EPER_3 dx = 95.708038; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2130 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2129 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETA2_in_EPER_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2130); // Combi transformation: pos_EAL2_in_ETA2_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2127 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EAL2_in_ETA2_1"); pMatrix2127->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESC2_in_ETA2_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2128 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESC2_in_ETA2_1"); pMatrix2128->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETA3_in_EPER_4 dx = 105.051048; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2134 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2133 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETA3_in_EPER_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2134); // Combi transformation: pos_EAL3_in_ETA3_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2131 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EAL3_in_ETA3_1"); pMatrix2131->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESC3_in_ETA3_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2132 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESC3_in_ETA3_1"); pMatrix2132->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETA4_in_EPER_5 dx = 114.897011; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2138 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2137 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETA4_in_EPER_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2138); // Combi transformation: pos_EAL4_in_ETA4_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2135 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EAL4_in_ETA4_1"); pMatrix2135->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESC4_in_ETA4_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2136 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESC4_in_ETA4_1"); pMatrix2136->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETA5_in_EPER_6 dx = 125.255707; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2142 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2141 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETA5_in_EPER_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2142); // Combi transformation: pos_EAL5_in_ETA5_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2139 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EAL5_in_ETA5_1"); pMatrix2139->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESC5_in_ETA5_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2140 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESC5_in_ETA5_1"); pMatrix2140->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETA6_in_EPER_7 dx = 136.129349; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2146 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2145 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETA6_in_EPER_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2146); // Combi transformation: pos_EAL6_in_ETA6_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2143 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EAL6_in_ETA6_1"); pMatrix2143->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESC6_in_ETA6_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2144 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESC6_in_ETA6_1"); pMatrix2144->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETA7_in_EPER_8 dx = 147.536148; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2150 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2149 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETA7_in_EPER_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2150); // Combi transformation: pos_EAL7_in_ETA7_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2147 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EAL7_in_ETA7_1"); pMatrix2147->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESC7_in_ETA7_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2148 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESC7_in_ETA7_1"); pMatrix2148->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETA8_in_EPER_9 dx = 159.492882; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2154 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2153 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETA8_in_EPER_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2154); // Combi transformation: pos_EAL8_in_ETA8_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2151 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EAL8_in_ETA8_1"); pMatrix2151->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESC8_in_ETA8_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2152 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESC8_in_ETA8_1"); pMatrix2152->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETA9_in_EPER_10 dx = 172.011169; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2158 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2157 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETA9_in_EPER_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2158); // Combi transformation: pos_EAL9_in_ETA9_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2155 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EAL9_in_ETA9_1"); pMatrix2155->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESC9_in_ETA9_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2156 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESC9_in_ETA9_1"); pMatrix2156->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETA0_in_EPER_11 dx = 185.094467; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2162 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2161 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETA0_in_EPER_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2162); // Combi transformation: pos_EAL0_in_ETA0_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2159 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EAL0_in_ETA0_1"); pMatrix2159->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESC0_in_ETA0_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2160 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESC0_in_ETA0_1"); pMatrix2160->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAa_in_EPER_12 dx = 198.770897; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2166 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2165 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAa_in_EPER_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2166); // Combi transformation: pos_EALa_in_ETAa_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2163 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALa_in_ETAa_1"); pMatrix2163->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCa_in_ETAa_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2164 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCa_in_ETAa_1"); pMatrix2164->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPER_in_EMGT_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2170 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2169 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPER_in_EMGT_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2170); // Combi transformation: pos_EPER_in_EMGT_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2172 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2171 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPER_in_EMGT_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2172); // Combi transformation: pos_EPER_in_EMGT_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2174 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2173 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPER_in_EMGT_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2174); // Combi transformation: pos_EPER_in_EMGT_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2176 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2175 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPER_in_EMGT_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2176); // Combi transformation: pos_ERAD_in_ESEC_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.460000; pMatrix2179 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERAD_in_ESEC_1"); pMatrix2179->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESE1_in_EMOD_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -1.755496; pMatrix2242 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESE1_in_EMOD_2"); pMatrix2242->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMG1_in_ESE1_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.296700; pMatrix2239 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMG1_in_ESE1_1"); pMatrix2239->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE1_in_EMG1_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2230 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2229 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE1_in_EMG1_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2230); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAb_in_EPE1_1 dx = 78.946983; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2184 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2183 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAb_in_EPE1_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2184); // Combi transformation: pos_EALb_in_ETAb_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2181 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALb_in_ETAb_1"); pMatrix2181->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCb_in_ETAb_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2182 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCb_in_ETAb_1"); pMatrix2182->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAc_in_EPE1_2 dx = 87.343361; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2188 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2187 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAc_in_EPE1_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2188); // Combi transformation: pos_EALc_in_ETAc_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2185 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALc_in_ETAc_1"); pMatrix2185->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCc_in_ETAc_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2186 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCc_in_ETAc_1"); pMatrix2186->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAd_in_EPE1_3 dx = 96.241428; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2192 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2191 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAd_in_EPE1_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2192); // Combi transformation: pos_EALd_in_ETAd_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2189 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALd_in_ETAd_1"); pMatrix2189->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCd_in_ETAd_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2190 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCd_in_ETAd_1"); pMatrix2190->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAe_in_EPE1_4 dx = 105.636509; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2196 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2195 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAe_in_EPE1_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2196); // Combi transformation: pos_EALe_in_ETAe_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2193 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALe_in_ETAe_1"); pMatrix2193->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCe_in_ETAe_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2194 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCe_in_ETAe_1"); pMatrix2194->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAf_in_EPE1_5 dx = 115.537346; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2200 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2199 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAf_in_EPE1_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2200); // Combi transformation: pos_EALf_in_ETAf_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2197 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALf_in_ETAf_1"); pMatrix2197->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCf_in_ETAf_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2198 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCf_in_ETAf_1"); pMatrix2198->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAg_in_EPE1_6 dx = 125.953770; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2204 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2203 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAg_in_EPE1_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2204); // Combi transformation: pos_EALg_in_ETAg_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2201 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALg_in_ETAg_1"); pMatrix2201->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCg_in_ETAg_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2202 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCg_in_ETAg_1"); pMatrix2202->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAh_in_EPE1_7 dx = 136.888008; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2208 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2207 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAh_in_EPE1_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2208); // Combi transformation: pos_EALh_in_ETAh_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2205 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALh_in_ETAh_1"); pMatrix2205->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCh_in_ETAh_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2206 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCh_in_ETAh_1"); pMatrix2206->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAi_in_EPE1_8 dx = 148.358383; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2212 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2211 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAi_in_EPE1_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2212); // Combi transformation: pos_EALi_in_ETAi_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2209 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALi_in_ETAi_1"); pMatrix2209->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCi_in_ETAi_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2210 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCi_in_ETAi_1"); pMatrix2210->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAj_in_EPE1_9 dx = 160.381752; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2216 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2215 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAj_in_EPE1_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2216); // Combi transformation: pos_EALj_in_ETAj_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2213 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALj_in_ETAj_1"); pMatrix2213->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCj_in_ETAj_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2214 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCj_in_ETAj_1"); pMatrix2214->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAk_in_EPE1_10 dx = 172.969803; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2220 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2219 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAk_in_EPE1_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2220); // Combi transformation: pos_EALk_in_ETAk_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2217 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALk_in_ETAk_1"); pMatrix2217->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCk_in_ETAk_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2218 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCk_in_ETAk_1"); pMatrix2218->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAl_in_EPE1_11 dx = 186.126015; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2224 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2223 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAl_in_EPE1_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2224); // Combi transformation: pos_EALl_in_ETAl_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2221 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALl_in_ETAl_1"); pMatrix2221->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCl_in_ETAl_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2222 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCl_in_ETAl_1"); pMatrix2222->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAm_in_EPE1_12 dx = 199.878662; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2228 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2227 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAm_in_EPE1_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2228); // Combi transformation: pos_EALm_in_ETAm_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.322500; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2225 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALm_in_ETAm_1"); pMatrix2225->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCm_in_ETAm_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2226 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCm_in_ETAm_1"); pMatrix2226->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE1_in_EMG1_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2232 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2231 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE1_in_EMG1_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2232); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE1_in_EMG1_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2234 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2233 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE1_in_EMG1_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2234); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE1_in_EMG1_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2236 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2235 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE1_in_EMG1_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2236); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE1_in_EMG1_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2238 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2237 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE1_in_EMG1_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2238); // Combi transformation: pos_ERA1_in_ESE1_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.455800; pMatrix2241 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERA1_in_ESE1_1"); pMatrix2241->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESE2_in_EMOD_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 1.528509; pMatrix2485 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESE2_in_EMOD_3"); pMatrix2485->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMG2_in_ESE2_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -2.122000; pMatrix2301 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMG2_in_ESE2_1"); pMatrix2301->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE2_in_EMG2_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2292 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2291 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE2_in_EMG2_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2292); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAn_in_EPE2_1 dx = 79.373631; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2246 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2245 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAn_in_EPE2_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2246); // Combi transformation: pos_EALn_in_ETAn_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2243 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALn_in_ETAn_1"); pMatrix2243->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCn_in_ETAn_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2244 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCn_in_ETAn_1"); pMatrix2244->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAo_in_EPE2_2 dx = 87.815384; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2250 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2249 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAo_in_EPE2_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2250); // Combi transformation: pos_EALo_in_ETAo_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2247 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALo_in_ETAo_1"); pMatrix2247->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCo_in_ETAo_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2248 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCo_in_ETAo_1"); pMatrix2248->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAp_in_EPE2_3 dx = 96.761536; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2254 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2253 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAp_in_EPE2_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2254); // Combi transformation: pos_EALp_in_ETAp_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2251 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALp_in_ETAp_1"); pMatrix2251->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCp_in_ETAp_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2252 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCp_in_ETAp_1"); pMatrix2252->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAq_in_EPE2_4 dx = 106.207390; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2258 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2257 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAq_in_EPE2_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2258); // Combi transformation: pos_EALq_in_ETAq_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2255 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALq_in_ETAq_1"); pMatrix2255->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCq_in_ETAq_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2256 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCq_in_ETAq_1"); pMatrix2256->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAr_in_EPE2_5 dx = 116.161732; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2262 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2261 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAr_in_EPE2_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2262); // Combi transformation: pos_EALr_in_ETAr_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2259 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALr_in_ETAr_1"); pMatrix2259->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCr_in_ETAr_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2260 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCr_in_ETAr_1"); pMatrix2260->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAs_in_EPE2_6 dx = 126.634445; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2266 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2265 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAs_in_EPE2_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2266); // Combi transformation: pos_EALs_in_ETAs_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2263 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALs_in_ETAs_1"); pMatrix2263->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCs_in_ETAs_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2264 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCs_in_ETAs_1"); pMatrix2264->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAt_in_EPE2_7 dx = 137.627777; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2270 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2269 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAt_in_EPE2_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2270); // Combi transformation: pos_EALt_in_ETAt_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2267 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALt_in_ETAt_1"); pMatrix2267->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCt_in_ETAt_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2268 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCt_in_ETAt_1"); pMatrix2268->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAu_in_EPE2_8 dx = 149.160141; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2274 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2273 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAu_in_EPE2_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2274); // Combi transformation: pos_EALu_in_ETAu_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2271 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALu_in_ETAu_1"); pMatrix2271->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCu_in_ETAu_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2272 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCu_in_ETAu_1"); pMatrix2272->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAv_in_EPE2_9 dx = 161.248482; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2278 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2277 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAv_in_EPE2_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2278); // Combi transformation: pos_EALv_in_ETAv_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2275 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALv_in_ETAv_1"); pMatrix2275->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCv_in_ETAv_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2276 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCv_in_ETAv_1"); pMatrix2276->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAw_in_EPE2_10 dx = 173.904564; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2282 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2281 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAw_in_EPE2_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2282); // Combi transformation: pos_EALw_in_ETAw_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2279 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALw_in_ETAw_1"); pMatrix2279->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCw_in_ETAw_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2280 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCw_in_ETAw_1"); pMatrix2280->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAx_in_EPE2_11 dx = 187.131882; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2286 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2285 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAx_in_EPE2_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2286); // Combi transformation: pos_EALx_in_ETAx_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2283 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALx_in_ETAx_1"); pMatrix2283->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCx_in_ETAx_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2284 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCx_in_ETAx_1"); pMatrix2284->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAy_in_EPE2_12 dx = 200.958847; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2290 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2289 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAy_in_EPE2_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2290); // Combi transformation: pos_EALy_in_ETAy_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2287 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALy_in_ETAy_1"); pMatrix2287->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCy_in_ETAy_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2288 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCy_in_ETAy_1"); pMatrix2288->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE2_in_EMG2_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2294 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2293 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE2_in_EMG2_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2294); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE2_in_EMG2_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2296 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2295 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE2_in_EMG2_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2296); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE2_in_EMG2_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2298 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2297 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE2_in_EMG2_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2298); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE2_in_EMG2_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2300 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2299 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE2_in_EMG2_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2300); // Combi transformation: pos_ERA2_in_ESE2_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -1.419500; pMatrix2303 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERA2_in_ESE2_1"); pMatrix2303->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMG3_in_ESE2_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.717000; pMatrix2362 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMG3_in_ESE2_2"); pMatrix2362->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE3_in_EMG3_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2353 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2352 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE3_in_EMG3_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2353); // Combi transformation: pos_ETAz_in_EPE3_1 dx = 79.782097; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2307 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2306 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ETAz_in_EPE3_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2307); // Combi transformation: pos_EALz_in_ETAz_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2304 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EALz_in_ETAz_1"); pMatrix2304->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESCz_in_ETAz_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2305 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESCz_in_ETAz_1"); pMatrix2305->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1R_in_EPE3_2 dx = 88.267292; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2311 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2310 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1R_in_EPE3_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2311); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1P_in_ET1R_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2308 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1P_in_ET1R_1"); pMatrix2308->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1I_in_ET1R_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2309 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1I_in_ET1R_1"); pMatrix2309->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET11_in_EPE3_3 dx = 97.259483; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2315 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2314 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET11_in_EPE3_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2315); // Combi transformation: pos_EA11_in_ET11_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2312 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA11_in_ET11_1"); pMatrix2312->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES11_in_ET11_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2313 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES11_in_ET11_1"); pMatrix2313->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET12_in_EPE3_4 dx = 106.753944; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2319 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2318 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET12_in_EPE3_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2319); // Combi transformation: pos_EA12_in_ET12_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2316 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA12_in_ET12_1"); pMatrix2316->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES12_in_ET12_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2317 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES12_in_ET12_1"); pMatrix2317->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET13_in_EPE3_5 dx = 116.759510; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2323 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2322 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET13_in_EPE3_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2323); // Combi transformation: pos_EA13_in_ET13_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2320 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA13_in_ET13_1"); pMatrix2320->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES13_in_ET13_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2321 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES13_in_ET13_1"); pMatrix2321->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET14_in_EPE3_6 dx = 127.286118; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2327 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2326 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET14_in_EPE3_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2327); // Combi transformation: pos_EA14_in_ET14_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2324 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA14_in_ET14_1"); pMatrix2324->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES14_in_ET14_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2325 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES14_in_ET14_1"); pMatrix2325->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET15_in_EPE3_7 dx = 138.336021; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2331 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2330 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET15_in_EPE3_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2331); // Combi transformation: pos_EA15_in_ET15_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2328 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA15_in_ET15_1"); pMatrix2328->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES15_in_ET15_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2329 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES15_in_ET15_1"); pMatrix2329->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET16_in_EPE3_8 dx = 149.927734; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2335 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2334 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET16_in_EPE3_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2335); // Combi transformation: pos_EA16_in_ET16_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2332 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA16_in_ET16_1"); pMatrix2332->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES16_in_ET16_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2333 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES16_in_ET16_1"); pMatrix2333->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET17_in_EPE3_9 dx = 162.078293; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2339 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2338 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET17_in_EPE3_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2339); // Combi transformation: pos_EA17_in_ET17_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2336 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA17_in_ET17_1"); pMatrix2336->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES17_in_ET17_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2337 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES17_in_ET17_1"); pMatrix2337->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET18_in_EPE3_10 dx = 174.799500; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2343 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2342 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET18_in_EPE3_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2343); // Combi transformation: pos_EA18_in_ET18_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2340 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA18_in_ET18_1"); pMatrix2340->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES18_in_ET18_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2341 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES18_in_ET18_1"); pMatrix2341->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET19_in_EPE3_11 dx = 188.094879; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2347 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2346 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET19_in_EPE3_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2347); // Combi transformation: pos_EA19_in_ET19_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2344 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA19_in_ET19_1"); pMatrix2344->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES19_in_ET19_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2345 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES19_in_ET19_1"); pMatrix2345->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1a_in_EPE3_12 dx = 201.993004; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2351 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2350 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1a_in_EPE3_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2351); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1a_in_ET1a_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2348 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1a_in_ET1a_1"); pMatrix2348->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1a_in_ET1a_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2349 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1a_in_ET1a_1"); pMatrix2349->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE3_in_EMG3_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2355 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2354 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE3_in_EMG3_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2355); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE3_in_EMG3_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2357 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2356 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE3_in_EMG3_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2357); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE3_in_EMG3_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2359 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2358 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE3_in_EMG3_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2359); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE3_in_EMG3_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2361 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2360 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE3_in_EMG3_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2361); // Combi transformation: pos_ERA3_in_ESE2_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.014500; pMatrix2364 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERA3_in_ESE2_2"); pMatrix2364->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMG4_in_ESE2_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.688000; pMatrix2423 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMG4_in_ESE2_3"); pMatrix2423->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE4_in_EMG4_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2414 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2413 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE4_in_EMG4_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2414); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1b_in_EPE4_1 dx = 80.190559; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2368 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2367 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1b_in_EPE4_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2368); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1b_in_ET1b_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2365 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1b_in_ET1b_1"); pMatrix2365->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1b_in_ET1b_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2366 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1b_in_ET1b_1"); pMatrix2366->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1c_in_EPE4_2 dx = 88.719196; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2372 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2371 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1c_in_EPE4_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2372); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1c_in_ET1c_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2369 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1c_in_ET1c_1"); pMatrix2369->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1c_in_ET1c_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2370 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1c_in_ET1c_1"); pMatrix2370->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1d_in_EPE4_3 dx = 97.757427; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2376 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2375 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1d_in_EPE4_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2376); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1d_in_ET1d_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2373 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1d_in_ET1d_1"); pMatrix2373->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1d_in_ET1d_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2374 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1d_in_ET1d_1"); pMatrix2374->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1e_in_EPE4_4 dx = 107.300503; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2380 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2379 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1e_in_EPE4_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2380); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1e_in_ET1e_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2377 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1e_in_ET1e_1"); pMatrix2377->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1e_in_ET1e_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2378 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1e_in_ET1e_1"); pMatrix2378->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1f_in_EPE4_5 dx = 117.357296; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2384 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2383 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1f_in_EPE4_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2384); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1f_in_ET1f_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2381 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1f_in_ET1f_1"); pMatrix2381->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1f_in_ET1f_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2382 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1f_in_ET1f_1"); pMatrix2382->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1g_in_EPE4_6 dx = 127.937801; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2388 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2387 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1g_in_EPE4_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2388); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1g_in_ET1g_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2385 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1g_in_ET1g_1"); pMatrix2385->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1g_in_ET1g_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2386 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1g_in_ET1g_1"); pMatrix2386->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1h_in_EPE4_7 dx = 139.044281; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2392 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2391 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1h_in_EPE4_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2392); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1h_in_ET1h_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2389 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1h_in_ET1h_1"); pMatrix2389->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1h_in_ET1h_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2390 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1h_in_ET1h_1"); pMatrix2390->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1i_in_EPE4_8 dx = 150.695335; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2396 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2395 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1i_in_EPE4_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2396); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1i_in_ET1i_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2393 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1i_in_ET1i_1"); pMatrix2393->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1i_in_ET1i_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2394 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1i_in_ET1i_1"); pMatrix2394->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1j_in_EPE4_9 dx = 162.908096; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2400 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2399 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1j_in_EPE4_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2400); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1j_in_ET1j_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2397 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1j_in_ET1j_1"); pMatrix2397->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1j_in_ET1j_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2398 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1j_in_ET1j_1"); pMatrix2398->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1k_in_EPE4_10 dx = 175.694435; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2404 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2403 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1k_in_EPE4_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2404); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1k_in_ET1k_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2401 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1k_in_ET1k_1"); pMatrix2401->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1k_in_ET1k_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2402 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1k_in_ET1k_1"); pMatrix2402->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1l_in_EPE4_11 dx = 189.057884; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2408 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2407 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1l_in_EPE4_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2408); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1l_in_ET1l_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2405 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1l_in_ET1l_1"); pMatrix2405->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1l_in_ET1l_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2406 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1l_in_ET1l_1"); pMatrix2406->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1m_in_EPE4_12 dx = 203.027161; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2412 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2411 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1m_in_EPE4_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2412); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1m_in_ET1m_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2409 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1m_in_ET1m_1"); pMatrix2409->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1m_in_ET1m_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2410 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1m_in_ET1m_1"); pMatrix2410->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE4_in_EMG4_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2416 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2415 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE4_in_EMG4_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2416); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE4_in_EMG4_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2418 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2417 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE4_in_EMG4_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2418); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE4_in_EMG4_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2420 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2419 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE4_in_EMG4_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2420); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE4_in_EMG4_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2422 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2421 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE4_in_EMG4_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2422); // Combi transformation: pos_ERA4_in_ESE2_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 1.390500; pMatrix2425 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERA4_in_ESE2_3"); pMatrix2425->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMG5_in_ESE2_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 2.093000; pMatrix2484 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMG5_in_ESE2_4"); pMatrix2484->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE5_in_EMG5_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2475 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2474 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE5_in_EMG5_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2475); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1n_in_EPE5_1 dx = 80.599030; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2429 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2428 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1n_in_EPE5_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2429); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1n_in_ET1n_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2426 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1n_in_ET1n_1"); pMatrix2426->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1n_in_ET1n_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2427 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1n_in_ET1n_1"); pMatrix2427->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1o_in_EPE5_2 dx = 89.171108; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2433 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2432 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1o_in_EPE5_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2433); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1o_in_ET1o_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2430 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1o_in_ET1o_1"); pMatrix2430->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1o_in_ET1o_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2431 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1o_in_ET1o_1"); pMatrix2431->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1p_in_EPE5_3 dx = 98.255375; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2437 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2436 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1p_in_EPE5_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2437); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1p_in_ET1p_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2434 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1p_in_ET1p_1"); pMatrix2434->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1p_in_ET1p_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2435 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1p_in_ET1p_1"); pMatrix2435->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1q_in_EPE5_4 dx = 107.847057; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2441 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2440 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1q_in_EPE5_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2441); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1q_in_ET1q_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2438 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1q_in_ET1q_1"); pMatrix2438->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1q_in_ET1q_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2439 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1q_in_ET1q_1"); pMatrix2439->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1r_in_EPE5_5 dx = 117.955078; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2445 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2444 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1r_in_EPE5_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2445); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1r_in_ET1r_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2442 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1r_in_ET1r_1"); pMatrix2442->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1r_in_ET1r_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2443 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1r_in_ET1r_1"); pMatrix2443->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1s_in_EPE5_6 dx = 128.589478; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2449 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2448 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1s_in_EPE5_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2449); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1s_in_ET1s_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2446 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1s_in_ET1s_1"); pMatrix2446->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1s_in_ET1s_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2447 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1s_in_ET1s_1"); pMatrix2447->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1t_in_EPE5_7 dx = 139.752525; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2453 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2452 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1t_in_EPE5_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2453); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1t_in_ET1t_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2450 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1t_in_ET1t_1"); pMatrix2450->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1t_in_ET1t_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2451 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1t_in_ET1t_1"); pMatrix2451->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1u_in_EPE5_8 dx = 151.462929; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2457 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2456 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1u_in_EPE5_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2457); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1u_in_ET1u_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2454 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1u_in_ET1u_1"); pMatrix2454->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1u_in_ET1u_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2455 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1u_in_ET1u_1"); pMatrix2455->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1v_in_EPE5_9 dx = 163.737900; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2461 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2460 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1v_in_EPE5_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2461); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1v_in_ET1v_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2458 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1v_in_ET1v_1"); pMatrix2458->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1v_in_ET1v_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2459 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1v_in_ET1v_1"); pMatrix2459->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1w_in_EPE5_10 dx = 176.589363; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2465 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2464 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1w_in_EPE5_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2465); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1w_in_ET1w_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2462 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1w_in_ET1w_1"); pMatrix2462->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1w_in_ET1w_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2463 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1w_in_ET1w_1"); pMatrix2463->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1x_in_EPE5_11 dx = 190.020882; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2469 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2468 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1x_in_EPE5_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2469); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1x_in_ET1x_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2466 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1x_in_ET1x_1"); pMatrix2466->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1x_in_ET1x_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2467 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1x_in_ET1x_1"); pMatrix2467->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1y_in_EPE5_12 dx = 204.061317; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2473 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2472 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1y_in_EPE5_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2473); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1y_in_ET1y_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2470 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1y_in_ET1y_1"); pMatrix2470->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1y_in_ET1y_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix2471 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1y_in_ET1y_1"); pMatrix2471->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE5_in_EMG5_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2477 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2476 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE5_in_EMG5_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2477); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE5_in_EMG5_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2479 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2478 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE5_in_EMG5_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2479); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE5_in_EMG5_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2481 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2480 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE5_in_EMG5_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2481); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE5_in_EMG5_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2483 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2482 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE5_in_EMG5_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2483); // Combi transformation: pos_EMOD_in_ECVO_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EMOD_in_ECVO thx = 90.000000; phx = 45.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 135.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2489 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EMOD_in_ECVO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2488 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMOD_in_ECVO_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2489); // Combi transformation: pos_EMOD_in_ECVO_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EMOD_in_ECVO thx = 90.000000; phx = 15.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 105.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2491 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EMOD_in_ECVO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2490 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMOD_in_ECVO_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2491); // Combi transformation: pos_EMOD_in_ECVO_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EMOD_in_ECVO thx = 90.000000; phx = 345.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 75.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2493 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EMOD_in_ECVO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2492 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMOD_in_ECVO_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2493); // Combi transformation: pos_EMOD_in_ECVO_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EMOD_in_ECVO thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2495 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EMOD_in_ECVO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2494 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMOD_in_ECVO_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2495); // Combi transformation: pos_EMOD_in_ECVO_6 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EMOD_in_ECVO thx = 90.000000; phx = 285.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 15.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2497 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EMOD_in_ECVO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2496 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMOD_in_ECVO_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2497); // Combi transformation: pos_ECV1_in_EMSS_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 4.701996; pMatrix9400 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ECV1_in_EMSS_2"); pMatrix9400->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMO1_in_ECV1_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EMOD_in_ECVO thx = 90.000000; phx = 75.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 165.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9389 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EMOD_in_ECVO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9388 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMO1_in_ECV1_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9389); // Combi transformation: pos_ESE3_in_EMO1_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.523995; pMatrix9327 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESE3_in_EMO1_1"); pMatrix9327->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERA5_in_ESE3_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -11.908900; pMatrix8289 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERA5_in_ESE3_1"); pMatrix8289->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMG6_in_ESE3_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -11.206400; pMatrix8348 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMG6_in_ESE3_1"); pMatrix8348->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE6_in_EMG6_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8339 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8338 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE6_in_EMG6_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8339); // Combi transformation: pos_ET1z_in_EPE6_1 dx = 82.040440; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8293 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8292 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET1z_in_EPE6_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8293); // Combi transformation: pos_EA1z_in_ET1z_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8290 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA1z_in_ET1z_1"); pMatrix8290->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES1z_in_ET1z_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8291 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES1z_in_ET1z_1"); pMatrix8291->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2R_in_EPE6_2 dx = 90.765820; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8297 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8296 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2R_in_EPE6_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8297); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2P_in_ET2R_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8294 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2P_in_ET2R_1"); pMatrix8294->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2I_in_ET2R_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8295 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2I_in_ET2R_1"); pMatrix8295->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET21_in_EPE6_3 dx = 100.012547; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8301 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8300 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET21_in_EPE6_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8301); // Combi transformation: pos_EA21_in_ET21_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8298 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA21_in_ET21_1"); pMatrix8298->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES21_in_ET21_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8299 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES21_in_ET21_1"); pMatrix8299->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET22_in_EPE6_4 dx = 109.775761; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8305 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8304 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET22_in_EPE6_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8305); // Combi transformation: pos_EA22_in_ET22_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8302 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA22_in_ET22_1"); pMatrix8302->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES22_in_ET22_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8303 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES22_in_ET22_1"); pMatrix8303->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET23_in_EPE6_5 dx = 120.064548; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8309 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8308 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET23_in_EPE6_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8309); // Combi transformation: pos_EA23_in_ET23_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8306 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA23_in_ET23_1"); pMatrix8306->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES23_in_ET23_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8307 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES23_in_ET23_1"); pMatrix8307->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET24_in_EPE6_6 dx = 130.889133; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8313 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8312 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET24_in_EPE6_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8313); // Combi transformation: pos_EA24_in_ET24_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8310 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA24_in_ET24_1"); pMatrix8310->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES24_in_ET24_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8311 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES24_in_ET24_1"); pMatrix8311->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET25_in_EPE6_7 dx = 142.251823; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8317 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8316 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET25_in_EPE6_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8317); // Combi transformation: pos_EA25_in_ET25_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8314 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA25_in_ET25_1"); pMatrix8314->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES25_in_ET25_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8315 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES25_in_ET25_1"); pMatrix8315->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET26_in_EPE6_8 dx = 154.171646; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8321 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8320 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET26_in_EPE6_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8321); // Combi transformation: pos_EA26_in_ET26_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8318 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA26_in_ET26_1"); pMatrix8318->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES26_in_ET26_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8319 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES26_in_ET26_1"); pMatrix8319->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET27_in_EPE6_9 dx = 166.666138; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8325 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8324 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET27_in_EPE6_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8325); // Combi transformation: pos_EA27_in_ET27_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8322 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA27_in_ET27_1"); pMatrix8322->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES27_in_ET27_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8323 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES27_in_ET27_1"); pMatrix8323->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET28_in_EPE6_10 dx = 179.747437; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8329 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8328 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET28_in_EPE6_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8329); // Combi transformation: pos_EA28_in_ET28_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8326 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA28_in_ET28_1"); pMatrix8326->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES28_in_ET28_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8327 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES28_in_ET28_1"); pMatrix8327->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET29_in_EPE6_11 dx = 193.419159; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8333 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8332 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET29_in_EPE6_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8333); // Combi transformation: pos_EA29_in_ET29_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8330 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA29_in_ET29_1"); pMatrix8330->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES29_in_ET29_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8331 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES29_in_ET29_1"); pMatrix8331->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2a_in_EPE6_12 dx = 207.710693; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8337 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8336 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2a_in_EPE6_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8337); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2a_in_ET2a_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8334 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2a_in_ET2a_1"); pMatrix8334->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2a_in_ET2a_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8335 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2a_in_ET2a_1"); pMatrix8335->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE6_in_EMG6_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8341 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8340 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE6_in_EMG6_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8341); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE6_in_EMG6_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8343 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8342 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE6_in_EMG6_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8343); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE6_in_EMG6_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8345 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8344 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE6_in_EMG6_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8345); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE6_in_EMG6_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8347 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8346 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE6_in_EMG6_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8347); // Combi transformation: pos_ERA6_in_ESE3_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -10.503900; pMatrix8350 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERA6_in_ESE3_2"); pMatrix8350->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMG7_in_ESE3_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -9.801400; pMatrix8409 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMG7_in_ESE3_2"); pMatrix8409->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE7_in_EMG7_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8400 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8399 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE7_in_EMG7_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8400); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2b_in_EPE7_1 dx = 82.448902; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8354 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8353 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2b_in_EPE7_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8354); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2b_in_ET2b_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8351 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2b_in_ET2b_1"); pMatrix8351->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2b_in_ET2b_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8352 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2b_in_ET2b_1"); pMatrix8352->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2c_in_EPE7_2 dx = 91.217724; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8358 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8357 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2c_in_EPE7_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8358); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2c_in_ET2c_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8355 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2c_in_ET2c_1"); pMatrix8355->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2c_in_ET2c_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8356 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2c_in_ET2c_1"); pMatrix8356->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2d_in_EPE7_3 dx = 100.510490; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8362 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8361 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2d_in_EPE7_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8362); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2d_in_ET2d_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8359 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2d_in_ET2d_1"); pMatrix8359->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2d_in_ET2d_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8360 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2d_in_ET2d_1"); pMatrix8360->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2e_in_EPE7_4 dx = 110.322319; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8366 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8365 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2e_in_EPE7_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8366); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2e_in_ET2e_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8363 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2e_in_ET2e_1"); pMatrix8363->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2e_in_ET2e_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8364 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2e_in_ET2e_1"); pMatrix8364->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2f_in_EPE7_5 dx = 120.662334; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8370 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8369 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2f_in_EPE7_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8370); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2f_in_ET2f_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8367 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2f_in_ET2f_1"); pMatrix8367->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2f_in_ET2f_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8368 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2f_in_ET2f_1"); pMatrix8368->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2g_in_EPE7_6 dx = 131.540810; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8374 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8373 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2g_in_EPE7_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8374); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2g_in_ET2g_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8371 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2g_in_ET2g_1"); pMatrix8371->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2g_in_ET2g_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8372 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2g_in_ET2g_1"); pMatrix8372->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2h_in_EPE7_7 dx = 142.960068; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8378 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8377 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2h_in_EPE7_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8378); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2h_in_ET2h_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8375 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2h_in_ET2h_1"); pMatrix8375->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2h_in_ET2h_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8376 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2h_in_ET2h_1"); pMatrix8376->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2i_in_EPE7_8 dx = 154.939240; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8382 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8381 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2i_in_EPE7_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8382); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2i_in_ET2i_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8379 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2i_in_ET2i_1"); pMatrix8379->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2i_in_ET2i_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8380 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2i_in_ET2i_1"); pMatrix8380->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2j_in_EPE7_9 dx = 167.495941; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8386 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8385 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2j_in_EPE7_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8386); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2j_in_ET2j_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8383 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2j_in_ET2j_1"); pMatrix8383->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2j_in_ET2j_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8384 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2j_in_ET2j_1"); pMatrix8384->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2k_in_EPE7_10 dx = 180.642372; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8390 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8389 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2k_in_EPE7_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8390); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2k_in_ET2k_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8387 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2k_in_ET2k_1"); pMatrix8387->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2k_in_ET2k_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8388 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2k_in_ET2k_1"); pMatrix8388->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2l_in_EPE7_11 dx = 194.382164; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8394 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8393 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2l_in_EPE7_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8394); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2l_in_ET2l_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8391 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2l_in_ET2l_1"); pMatrix8391->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2l_in_ET2l_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8392 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2l_in_ET2l_1"); pMatrix8392->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2m_in_EPE7_12 dx = 208.744850; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8398 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8397 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2m_in_EPE7_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8398); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2m_in_ET2m_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8395 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2m_in_ET2m_1"); pMatrix8395->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2m_in_ET2m_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8396 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2m_in_ET2m_1"); pMatrix8396->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE7_in_EMG7_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8402 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8401 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE7_in_EMG7_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8402); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE7_in_EMG7_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8404 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8403 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE7_in_EMG7_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8404); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE7_in_EMG7_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8406 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8405 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE7_in_EMG7_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8406); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE7_in_EMG7_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8408 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8407 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE7_in_EMG7_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8408); // Combi transformation: pos_ERA7_in_ESE3_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -9.098900; pMatrix8411 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERA7_in_ESE3_3"); pMatrix8411->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMG8_in_ESE3_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -8.396400; pMatrix8470 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMG8_in_ESE3_3"); pMatrix8470->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE8_in_EMG8_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8461 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8460 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE8_in_EMG8_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8461); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2n_in_EPE8_1 dx = 82.857372; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8415 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8414 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2n_in_EPE8_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8415); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2n_in_ET2n_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8412 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2n_in_ET2n_1"); pMatrix8412->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2n_in_ET2n_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8413 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2n_in_ET2n_1"); pMatrix8413->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2o_in_EPE8_2 dx = 91.669636; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8419 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8418 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2o_in_EPE8_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8419); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2o_in_ET2o_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8416 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2o_in_ET2o_1"); pMatrix8416->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2o_in_ET2o_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8417 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2o_in_ET2o_1"); pMatrix8417->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2p_in_EPE8_3 dx = 101.008438; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8423 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8422 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2p_in_EPE8_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8423); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2p_in_ET2p_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8420 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2p_in_ET2p_1"); pMatrix8420->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2p_in_ET2p_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8421 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2p_in_ET2p_1"); pMatrix8421->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2q_in_EPE8_4 dx = 110.868874; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8427 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8426 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2q_in_EPE8_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8427); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2q_in_ET2q_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8424 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2q_in_ET2q_1"); pMatrix8424->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2q_in_ET2q_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8425 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2q_in_ET2q_1"); pMatrix8425->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2r_in_EPE8_5 dx = 121.260113; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8431 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8430 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2r_in_EPE8_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8431); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2r_in_ET2r_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8428 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2r_in_ET2r_1"); pMatrix8428->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2r_in_ET2r_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8429 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2r_in_ET2r_1"); pMatrix8429->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2s_in_EPE8_6 dx = 132.192482; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8435 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8434 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2s_in_EPE8_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8435); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2s_in_ET2s_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8432 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2s_in_ET2s_1"); pMatrix8432->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2s_in_ET2s_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8433 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2s_in_ET2s_1"); pMatrix8433->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2t_in_EPE8_7 dx = 143.668320; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8439 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8438 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2t_in_EPE8_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8439); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2t_in_ET2t_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8436 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2t_in_ET2t_1"); pMatrix8436->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2t_in_ET2t_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8437 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2t_in_ET2t_1"); pMatrix8437->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2u_in_EPE8_8 dx = 155.706841; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8443 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8442 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2u_in_EPE8_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8443); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2u_in_ET2u_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8440 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2u_in_ET2u_1"); pMatrix8440->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2u_in_ET2u_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8441 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2u_in_ET2u_1"); pMatrix8441->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2v_in_EPE8_9 dx = 168.325745; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8447 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8446 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2v_in_EPE8_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8447); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2v_in_ET2v_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8444 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2v_in_ET2v_1"); pMatrix8444->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2v_in_ET2v_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8445 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2v_in_ET2v_1"); pMatrix8445->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2w_in_EPE8_10 dx = 181.537308; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8451 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8450 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2w_in_EPE8_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8451); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2w_in_ET2w_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8448 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2w_in_ET2w_1"); pMatrix8448->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2w_in_ET2w_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8449 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2w_in_ET2w_1"); pMatrix8449->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2x_in_EPE8_11 dx = 195.345177; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8455 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8454 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2x_in_EPE8_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8455); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2x_in_ET2x_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8452 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2x_in_ET2x_1"); pMatrix8452->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2x_in_ET2x_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8453 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2x_in_ET2x_1"); pMatrix8453->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2y_in_EPE8_12 dx = 209.779015; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8459 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8458 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2y_in_EPE8_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8459); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2y_in_ET2y_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8456 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2y_in_ET2y_1"); pMatrix8456->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2y_in_ET2y_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8457 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2y_in_ET2y_1"); pMatrix8457->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE8_in_EMG8_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8463 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8462 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE8_in_EMG8_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8463); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE8_in_EMG8_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8465 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8464 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE8_in_EMG8_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8465); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE8_in_EMG8_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8467 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8466 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE8_in_EMG8_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8467); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE8_in_EMG8_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8469 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8468 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE8_in_EMG8_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8469); // Combi transformation: pos_ERA8_in_ESE3_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -7.693901; pMatrix8472 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERA8_in_ESE3_4"); pMatrix8472->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMG9_in_ESE3_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.991400; pMatrix8531 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMG9_in_ESE3_4"); pMatrix8531->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE9_in_EMG9_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8522 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8521 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE9_in_EMG9_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8522); // Combi transformation: pos_ET2z_in_EPE9_1 dx = 83.265835; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8476 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8475 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET2z_in_EPE9_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8476); // Combi transformation: pos_EA2z_in_ET2z_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8473 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA2z_in_ET2z_1"); pMatrix8473->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES2z_in_ET2z_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8474 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES2z_in_ET2z_1"); pMatrix8474->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3R_in_EPE9_2 dx = 92.121544; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8480 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8479 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3R_in_EPE9_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8480); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3P_in_ET3R_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8477 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3P_in_ET3R_1"); pMatrix8477->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3I_in_ET3R_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8478 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3I_in_ET3R_1"); pMatrix8478->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET31_in_EPE9_3 dx = 101.506386; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8484 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8483 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET31_in_EPE9_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8484); // Combi transformation: pos_EA31_in_ET31_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8481 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA31_in_ET31_1"); pMatrix8481->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES31_in_ET31_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8482 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES31_in_ET31_1"); pMatrix8482->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET32_in_EPE9_4 dx = 111.415432; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8488 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8487 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET32_in_EPE9_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8488); // Combi transformation: pos_EA32_in_ET32_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8485 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA32_in_ET32_1"); pMatrix8485->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES32_in_ET32_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8486 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES32_in_ET32_1"); pMatrix8486->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET33_in_EPE9_5 dx = 121.857899; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8492 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8491 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET33_in_EPE9_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8492); // Combi transformation: pos_EA33_in_ET33_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8489 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA33_in_ET33_1"); pMatrix8489->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES33_in_ET33_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8490 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES33_in_ET33_1"); pMatrix8490->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET34_in_EPE9_6 dx = 132.844158; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8496 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8495 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET34_in_EPE9_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8496); // Combi transformation: pos_EA34_in_ET34_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8493 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA34_in_ET34_1"); pMatrix8493->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES34_in_ET34_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8494 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES34_in_ET34_1"); pMatrix8494->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET35_in_EPE9_7 dx = 144.376564; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8500 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8499 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET35_in_EPE9_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8500); // Combi transformation: pos_EA35_in_ET35_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8497 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA35_in_ET35_1"); pMatrix8497->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES35_in_ET35_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8498 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES35_in_ET35_1"); pMatrix8498->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET36_in_EPE9_8 dx = 156.474434; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8504 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8503 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET36_in_EPE9_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8504); // Combi transformation: pos_EA36_in_ET36_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8501 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA36_in_ET36_1"); pMatrix8501->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES36_in_ET36_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8502 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES36_in_ET36_1"); pMatrix8502->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET37_in_EPE9_9 dx = 169.155548; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8508 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8507 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET37_in_EPE9_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8508); // Combi transformation: pos_EA37_in_ET37_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8505 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA37_in_ET37_1"); pMatrix8505->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES37_in_ET37_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8506 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES37_in_ET37_1"); pMatrix8506->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET38_in_EPE9_10 dx = 182.432236; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8512 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8511 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET38_in_EPE9_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8512); // Combi transformation: pos_EA38_in_ET38_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8509 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA38_in_ET38_1"); pMatrix8509->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES38_in_ET38_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8510 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES38_in_ET38_1"); pMatrix8510->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET39_in_EPE9_11 dx = 196.308174; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8516 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8515 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET39_in_EPE9_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8516); // Combi transformation: pos_EA39_in_ET39_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8513 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA39_in_ET39_1"); pMatrix8513->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES39_in_ET39_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8514 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES39_in_ET39_1"); pMatrix8514->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3a_in_EPE9_12 dx = 210.813171; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8520 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8519 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3a_in_EPE9_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8520); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3a_in_ET3a_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8517 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3a_in_ET3a_1"); pMatrix8517->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3a_in_ET3a_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8518 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3a_in_ET3a_1"); pMatrix8518->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE9_in_EMG9_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8524 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8523 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE9_in_EMG9_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8524); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE9_in_EMG9_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8526 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8525 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE9_in_EMG9_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8526); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE9_in_EMG9_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8528 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8527 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE9_in_EMG9_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8528); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE9_in_EMG9_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8530 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8529 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE9_in_EMG9_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8530); // Combi transformation: pos_ERA9_in_ESE3_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -6.288900; pMatrix8533 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERA9_in_ESE3_5"); pMatrix8533->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMG0_in_ESE3_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -5.586400; pMatrix8592 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMG0_in_ESE3_5"); pMatrix8592->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE0_in_EMG0_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8583 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8582 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE0_in_EMG0_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8583); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3b_in_EPE0_1 dx = 83.674301; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8537 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8536 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3b_in_EPE0_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8537); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3b_in_ET3b_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8534 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3b_in_ET3b_1"); pMatrix8534->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3b_in_ET3b_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8535 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3b_in_ET3b_1"); pMatrix8535->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3c_in_EPE0_2 dx = 92.573452; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8541 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8540 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3c_in_EPE0_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8541); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3c_in_ET3c_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8538 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3c_in_ET3c_1"); pMatrix8538->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3c_in_ET3c_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8539 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3c_in_ET3c_1"); pMatrix8539->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3d_in_EPE0_3 dx = 102.004333; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8545 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8544 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3d_in_EPE0_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8545); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3d_in_ET3d_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8542 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3d_in_ET3d_1"); pMatrix8542->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3d_in_ET3d_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8543 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3d_in_ET3d_1"); pMatrix8543->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3e_in_EPE0_4 dx = 111.961987; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8549 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8548 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3e_in_EPE0_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8549); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3e_in_ET3e_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8546 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3e_in_ET3e_1"); pMatrix8546->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3e_in_ET3e_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8547 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3e_in_ET3e_1"); pMatrix8547->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3f_in_EPE0_5 dx = 122.455681; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8553 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8552 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3f_in_EPE0_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8553); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3f_in_ET3f_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8550 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3f_in_ET3f_1"); pMatrix8550->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3f_in_ET3f_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8551 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3f_in_ET3f_1"); pMatrix8551->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3g_in_EPE0_6 dx = 133.495834; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8557 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8556 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3g_in_EPE0_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8557); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3g_in_ET3g_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8554 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3g_in_ET3g_1"); pMatrix8554->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3g_in_ET3g_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8555 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3g_in_ET3g_1"); pMatrix8555->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3h_in_EPE0_7 dx = 145.084816; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8561 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8560 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3h_in_EPE0_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8561); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3h_in_ET3h_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8558 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3h_in_ET3h_1"); pMatrix8558->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3h_in_ET3h_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8559 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3h_in_ET3h_1"); pMatrix8559->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3i_in_EPE0_8 dx = 157.242035; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8565 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8564 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3i_in_EPE0_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8565); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3i_in_ET3i_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8562 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3i_in_ET3i_1"); pMatrix8562->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3i_in_ET3i_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8563 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3i_in_ET3i_1"); pMatrix8563->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3j_in_EPE0_9 dx = 169.985352; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8569 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8568 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3j_in_EPE0_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8569); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3j_in_ET3j_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8566 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3j_in_ET3j_1"); pMatrix8566->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3j_in_ET3j_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8567 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3j_in_ET3j_1"); pMatrix8567->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3k_in_EPE0_10 dx = 183.327171; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8573 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8572 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3k_in_EPE0_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8573); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3k_in_ET3k_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8570 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3k_in_ET3k_1"); pMatrix8570->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3k_in_ET3k_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8571 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3k_in_ET3k_1"); pMatrix8571->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3l_in_EPE0_11 dx = 197.271179; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8577 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8576 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3l_in_EPE0_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8577); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3l_in_ET3l_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8574 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3l_in_ET3l_1"); pMatrix8574->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3l_in_ET3l_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8575 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3l_in_ET3l_1"); pMatrix8575->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3m_in_EPE0_12 dx = 211.847328; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8581 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8580 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3m_in_EPE0_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8581); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3m_in_ET3m_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8578 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3m_in_ET3m_1"); pMatrix8578->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3m_in_ET3m_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8579 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3m_in_ET3m_1"); pMatrix8579->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE0_in_EMG0_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8585 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8584 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE0_in_EMG0_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8585); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE0_in_EMG0_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8587 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8586 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE0_in_EMG0_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8587); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE0_in_EMG0_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8589 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8588 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE0_in_EMG0_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8589); // Combi transformation: pos_EPE0_in_EMG0_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8591 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8590 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPE0_in_EMG0_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8591); // Combi transformation: pos_ERA0_in_ESE3_6 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -4.883900; pMatrix8594 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERA0_in_ESE3_6"); pMatrix8594->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMGa_in_ESE3_6 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -4.181400; pMatrix8653 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMGa_in_ESE3_6"); pMatrix8653->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEa_in_EMGa_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8644 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8643 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEa_in_EMGa_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8644); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3n_in_EPEa_1 dx = 84.082771; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8598 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8597 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3n_in_EPEa_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8598); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3n_in_ET3n_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8595 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3n_in_ET3n_1"); pMatrix8595->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3n_in_ET3n_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8596 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3n_in_ET3n_1"); pMatrix8596->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3o_in_EPEa_2 dx = 93.025360; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8602 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8601 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3o_in_EPEa_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8602); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3o_in_ET3o_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8599 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3o_in_ET3o_1"); pMatrix8599->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3o_in_ET3o_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8600 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3o_in_ET3o_1"); pMatrix8600->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3p_in_EPEa_3 dx = 102.502274; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8606 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8605 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3p_in_EPEa_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8606); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3p_in_ET3p_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8603 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3p_in_ET3p_1"); pMatrix8603->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3p_in_ET3p_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8604 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3p_in_ET3p_1"); pMatrix8604->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3q_in_EPEa_4 dx = 112.508537; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8610 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8609 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3q_in_EPEa_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8610); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3q_in_ET3q_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8607 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3q_in_ET3q_1"); pMatrix8607->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3q_in_ET3q_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8608 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3q_in_ET3q_1"); pMatrix8608->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3r_in_EPEa_5 dx = 123.053459; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8614 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8613 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3r_in_EPEa_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8614); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3r_in_ET3r_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8611 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3r_in_ET3r_1"); pMatrix8611->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3r_in_ET3r_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8612 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3r_in_ET3r_1"); pMatrix8612->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3s_in_EPEa_6 dx = 134.147507; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8618 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8617 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3s_in_EPEa_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8618); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3s_in_ET3s_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8615 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3s_in_ET3s_1"); pMatrix8615->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3s_in_ET3s_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8616 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3s_in_ET3s_1"); pMatrix8616->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3t_in_EPEa_7 dx = 145.793060; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8622 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8621 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3t_in_EPEa_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8622); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3t_in_ET3t_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8619 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3t_in_ET3t_1"); pMatrix8619->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3t_in_ET3t_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8620 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3t_in_ET3t_1"); pMatrix8620->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3u_in_EPEa_8 dx = 158.009628; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8626 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8625 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3u_in_EPEa_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8626); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3u_in_ET3u_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8623 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3u_in_ET3u_1"); pMatrix8623->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3u_in_ET3u_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8624 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3u_in_ET3u_1"); pMatrix8624->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3v_in_EPEa_9 dx = 170.815155; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8630 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8629 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3v_in_EPEa_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8630); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3v_in_ET3v_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8627 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3v_in_ET3v_1"); pMatrix8627->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3v_in_ET3v_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8628 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3v_in_ET3v_1"); pMatrix8628->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3w_in_EPEa_10 dx = 184.222099; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8634 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8633 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3w_in_EPEa_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8634); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3w_in_ET3w_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8631 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3w_in_ET3w_1"); pMatrix8631->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3w_in_ET3w_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8632 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3w_in_ET3w_1"); pMatrix8632->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3x_in_EPEa_11 dx = 198.234177; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8638 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8637 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3x_in_EPEa_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8638); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3x_in_ET3x_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8635 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3x_in_ET3x_1"); pMatrix8635->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3x_in_ET3x_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8636 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3x_in_ET3x_1"); pMatrix8636->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3y_in_EPEa_12 dx = 212.881485; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8642 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8641 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3y_in_EPEa_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8642); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3y_in_ET3y_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8639 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3y_in_ET3y_1"); pMatrix8639->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3y_in_ET3y_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8640 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3y_in_ET3y_1"); pMatrix8640->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEa_in_EMGa_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8646 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8645 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEa_in_EMGa_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8646); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEa_in_EMGa_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8648 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8647 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEa_in_EMGa_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8648); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEa_in_EMGa_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8650 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8649 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEa_in_EMGa_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8650); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEa_in_EMGa_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8652 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8651 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEa_in_EMGa_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8652); // Combi transformation: pos_ERAa_in_ESE3_7 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -3.478900; pMatrix8655 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERAa_in_ESE3_7"); pMatrix8655->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMGb_in_ESE3_7 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -2.776400; pMatrix8714 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMGb_in_ESE3_7"); pMatrix8714->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEb_in_EMGb_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8705 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8704 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEb_in_EMGb_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8705); // Combi transformation: pos_ET3z_in_EPEb_1 dx = 84.491234; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8659 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8658 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET3z_in_EPEb_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8659); // Combi transformation: pos_EA3z_in_ET3z_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8656 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA3z_in_ET3z_1"); pMatrix8656->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES3z_in_ET3z_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8657 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES3z_in_ET3z_1"); pMatrix8657->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4R_in_EPEb_2 dx = 93.477268; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8663 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8662 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4R_in_EPEb_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8663); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4P_in_ET4R_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8660 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4P_in_ET4R_1"); pMatrix8660->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4I_in_ET4R_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8661 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4I_in_ET4R_1"); pMatrix8661->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET41_in_EPEb_3 dx = 103.000221; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8667 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8666 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET41_in_EPEb_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8667); // Combi transformation: pos_EA41_in_ET41_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8664 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA41_in_ET41_1"); pMatrix8664->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES41_in_ET41_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8665 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES41_in_ET41_1"); pMatrix8665->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET42_in_EPEb_4 dx = 113.055096; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8671 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8670 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET42_in_EPEb_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8671); // Combi transformation: pos_EA42_in_ET42_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8668 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA42_in_ET42_1"); pMatrix8668->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES42_in_ET42_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8669 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES42_in_ET42_1"); pMatrix8669->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET43_in_EPEb_5 dx = 123.651241; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8675 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8674 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET43_in_EPEb_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8675); // Combi transformation: pos_EA43_in_ET43_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8672 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA43_in_ET43_1"); pMatrix8672->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES43_in_ET43_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8673 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES43_in_ET43_1"); pMatrix8673->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET44_in_EPEb_6 dx = 134.799187; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8679 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8678 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET44_in_EPEb_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8679); // Combi transformation: pos_EA44_in_ET44_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8676 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA44_in_ET44_1"); pMatrix8676->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES44_in_ET44_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8677 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES44_in_ET44_1"); pMatrix8677->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET45_in_EPEb_7 dx = 146.501312; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8683 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8682 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET45_in_EPEb_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8683); // Combi transformation: pos_EA45_in_ET45_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8680 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA45_in_ET45_1"); pMatrix8680->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES45_in_ET45_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8681 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES45_in_ET45_1"); pMatrix8681->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET46_in_EPEb_8 dx = 158.777222; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8687 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8686 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET46_in_EPEb_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8687); // Combi transformation: pos_EA46_in_ET46_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8684 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA46_in_ET46_1"); pMatrix8684->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES46_in_ET46_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8685 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES46_in_ET46_1"); pMatrix8685->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET47_in_EPEb_9 dx = 171.644966; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8691 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8690 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET47_in_EPEb_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8691); // Combi transformation: pos_EA47_in_ET47_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8688 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA47_in_ET47_1"); pMatrix8688->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES47_in_ET47_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8689 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES47_in_ET47_1"); pMatrix8689->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET48_in_EPEb_10 dx = 185.117043; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8695 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8694 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET48_in_EPEb_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8695); // Combi transformation: pos_EA48_in_ET48_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8692 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA48_in_ET48_1"); pMatrix8692->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES48_in_ET48_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8693 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES48_in_ET48_1"); pMatrix8693->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET49_in_EPEb_11 dx = 199.197182; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8699 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8698 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET49_in_EPEb_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8699); // Combi transformation: pos_EA49_in_ET49_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8696 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA49_in_ET49_1"); pMatrix8696->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES49_in_ET49_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8697 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES49_in_ET49_1"); pMatrix8697->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4a_in_EPEb_12 dx = 213.915642; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8703 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8702 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4a_in_EPEb_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8703); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4a_in_ET4a_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8700 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4a_in_ET4a_1"); pMatrix8700->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4a_in_ET4a_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8701 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4a_in_ET4a_1"); pMatrix8701->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEb_in_EMGb_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8707 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8706 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEb_in_EMGb_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8707); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEb_in_EMGb_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8709 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8708 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEb_in_EMGb_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8709); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEb_in_EMGb_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8711 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8710 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEb_in_EMGb_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8711); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEb_in_EMGb_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8713 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8712 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEb_in_EMGb_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8713); // Combi transformation: pos_ERAb_in_ESE3_8 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -2.073900; pMatrix8716 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERAb_in_ESE3_8"); pMatrix8716->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMGc_in_ESE3_8 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -1.371400; pMatrix8775 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMGc_in_ESE3_8"); pMatrix8775->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEc_in_EMGc_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8766 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8765 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEc_in_EMGc_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8766); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4b_in_EPEc_1 dx = 84.899700; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8720 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8719 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4b_in_EPEc_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8720); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4b_in_ET4b_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8717 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4b_in_ET4b_1"); pMatrix8717->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4b_in_ET4b_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8718 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4b_in_ET4b_1"); pMatrix8718->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4c_in_EPEc_2 dx = 93.929176; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8724 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8723 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4c_in_EPEc_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8724); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4c_in_ET4c_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8721 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4c_in_ET4c_1"); pMatrix8721->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4c_in_ET4c_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8722 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4c_in_ET4c_1"); pMatrix8722->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4d_in_EPEc_3 dx = 103.498169; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8728 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8727 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4d_in_EPEc_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8728); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4d_in_ET4d_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8725 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4d_in_ET4d_1"); pMatrix8725->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4d_in_ET4d_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8726 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4d_in_ET4d_1"); pMatrix8726->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4e_in_EPEc_4 dx = 113.601650; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8732 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8731 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4e_in_EPEc_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8732); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4e_in_ET4e_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8729 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4e_in_ET4e_1"); pMatrix8729->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4e_in_ET4e_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8730 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4e_in_ET4e_1"); pMatrix8730->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4f_in_EPEc_5 dx = 124.249027; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8736 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8735 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4f_in_EPEc_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8736); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4f_in_ET4f_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8733 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4f_in_ET4f_1"); pMatrix8733->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4f_in_ET4f_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8734 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4f_in_ET4f_1"); pMatrix8734->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4g_in_EPEc_6 dx = 135.450867; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8740 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8739 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4g_in_EPEc_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8740); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4g_in_ET4g_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8737 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4g_in_ET4g_1"); pMatrix8737->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4g_in_ET4g_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8738 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4g_in_ET4g_1"); pMatrix8738->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4h_in_EPEc_7 dx = 147.209564; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8744 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8743 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4h_in_EPEc_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8744); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4h_in_ET4h_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8741 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4h_in_ET4h_1"); pMatrix8741->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4h_in_ET4h_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8742 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4h_in_ET4h_1"); pMatrix8742->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4i_in_EPEc_8 dx = 159.544815; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8748 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8747 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4i_in_EPEc_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8748); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4i_in_ET4i_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8745 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4i_in_ET4i_1"); pMatrix8745->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4i_in_ET4i_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8746 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4i_in_ET4i_1"); pMatrix8746->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4j_in_EPEc_9 dx = 172.474762; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8752 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8751 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4j_in_EPEc_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8752); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4j_in_ET4j_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8749 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4j_in_ET4j_1"); pMatrix8749->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4j_in_ET4j_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8750 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4j_in_ET4j_1"); pMatrix8750->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4k_in_EPEc_10 dx = 186.011971; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8756 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8755 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4k_in_EPEc_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8756); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4k_in_ET4k_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8753 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4k_in_ET4k_1"); pMatrix8753->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4k_in_ET4k_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8754 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4k_in_ET4k_1"); pMatrix8754->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4l_in_EPEc_11 dx = 200.160179; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8760 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8759 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4l_in_EPEc_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8760); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4l_in_ET4l_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8757 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4l_in_ET4l_1"); pMatrix8757->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4l_in_ET4l_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8758 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4l_in_ET4l_1"); pMatrix8758->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4m_in_EPEc_12 dx = 214.949799; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8764 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8763 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4m_in_EPEc_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8764); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4m_in_ET4m_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8761 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4m_in_ET4m_1"); pMatrix8761->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4m_in_ET4m_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8762 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4m_in_ET4m_1"); pMatrix8762->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEc_in_EMGc_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8768 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8767 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEc_in_EMGc_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8768); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEc_in_EMGc_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8770 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8769 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEc_in_EMGc_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8770); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEc_in_EMGc_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8772 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8771 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEc_in_EMGc_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8772); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEc_in_EMGc_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8774 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8773 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEc_in_EMGc_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8774); // Combi transformation: pos_ERAc_in_ESE3_9 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -0.668900; pMatrix8777 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERAc_in_ESE3_9"); pMatrix8777->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMGd_in_ESE3_9 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.033600; pMatrix8836 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMGd_in_ESE3_9"); pMatrix8836->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEd_in_EMGd_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8827 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8826 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEd_in_EMGd_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8827); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4n_in_EPEd_1 dx = 85.308167; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8781 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8780 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4n_in_EPEd_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8781); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4n_in_ET4n_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8778 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4n_in_ET4n_1"); pMatrix8778->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4n_in_ET4n_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8779 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4n_in_ET4n_1"); pMatrix8779->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4o_in_EPEd_2 dx = 94.381084; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8785 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8784 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4o_in_EPEd_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8785); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4o_in_ET4o_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8782 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4o_in_ET4o_1"); pMatrix8782->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4o_in_ET4o_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8783 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4o_in_ET4o_1"); pMatrix8783->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4p_in_EPEd_3 dx = 103.996113; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8789 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8788 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4p_in_EPEd_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8789); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4p_in_ET4p_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8786 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4p_in_ET4p_1"); pMatrix8786->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4p_in_ET4p_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8787 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4p_in_ET4p_1"); pMatrix8787->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4q_in_EPEd_4 dx = 114.148209; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8793 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8792 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4q_in_EPEd_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8793); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4q_in_ET4q_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8790 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4q_in_ET4q_1"); pMatrix8790->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4q_in_ET4q_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8791 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4q_in_ET4q_1"); pMatrix8791->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4r_in_EPEd_5 dx = 124.846809; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8797 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8796 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4r_in_EPEd_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8797); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4r_in_ET4r_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8794 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4r_in_ET4r_1"); pMatrix8794->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4r_in_ET4r_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8795 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4r_in_ET4r_1"); pMatrix8795->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4s_in_EPEd_6 dx = 136.102539; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8801 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8800 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4s_in_EPEd_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8801); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4s_in_ET4s_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8798 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4s_in_ET4s_1"); pMatrix8798->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4s_in_ET4s_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8799 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4s_in_ET4s_1"); pMatrix8799->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4t_in_EPEd_7 dx = 147.917809; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8805 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8804 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4t_in_EPEd_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8805); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4t_in_ET4t_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8802 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4t_in_ET4t_1"); pMatrix8802->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4t_in_ET4t_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8803 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4t_in_ET4t_1"); pMatrix8803->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4u_in_EPEd_8 dx = 160.312408; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8809 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8808 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4u_in_EPEd_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8809); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4u_in_ET4u_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8806 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4u_in_ET4u_1"); pMatrix8806->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4u_in_ET4u_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8807 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4u_in_ET4u_1"); pMatrix8807->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4v_in_EPEd_9 dx = 173.304565; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8813 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8812 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4v_in_EPEd_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8813); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4v_in_ET4v_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8810 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4v_in_ET4v_1"); pMatrix8810->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4v_in_ET4v_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8811 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4v_in_ET4v_1"); pMatrix8811->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4w_in_EPEd_10 dx = 186.906906; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8817 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8816 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4w_in_EPEd_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8817); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4w_in_ET4w_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8814 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4w_in_ET4w_1"); pMatrix8814->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4w_in_ET4w_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8815 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4w_in_ET4w_1"); pMatrix8815->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4x_in_EPEd_11 dx = 201.123184; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8821 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8820 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4x_in_EPEd_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8821); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4x_in_ET4x_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8818 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4x_in_ET4x_1"); pMatrix8818->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4x_in_ET4x_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8819 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4x_in_ET4x_1"); pMatrix8819->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4y_in_EPEd_12 dx = 215.983955; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8825 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8824 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4y_in_EPEd_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8825); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4y_in_ET4y_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8822 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4y_in_ET4y_1"); pMatrix8822->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4y_in_ET4y_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8823 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4y_in_ET4y_1"); pMatrix8823->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEd_in_EMGd_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8829 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8828 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEd_in_EMGd_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8829); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEd_in_EMGd_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8831 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8830 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEd_in_EMGd_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8831); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEd_in_EMGd_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8833 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8832 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEd_in_EMGd_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8833); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEd_in_EMGd_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8835 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8834 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEd_in_EMGd_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8835); // Combi transformation: pos_ERAd_in_ESE3_10 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.736100; pMatrix8838 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERAd_in_ESE3_10"); pMatrix8838->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMGe_in_ESE3_10 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 1.438600; pMatrix8897 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMGe_in_ESE3_10"); pMatrix8897->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEe_in_EMGe_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8888 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8887 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEe_in_EMGe_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8888); // Combi transformation: pos_ET4z_in_EPEe_1 dx = 85.716633; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8842 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8841 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET4z_in_EPEe_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8842); // Combi transformation: pos_EA4z_in_ET4z_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8839 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA4z_in_ET4z_1"); pMatrix8839->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES4z_in_ET4z_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8840 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES4z_in_ET4z_1"); pMatrix8840->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5R_in_EPEe_2 dx = 94.832993; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8846 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8845 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5R_in_EPEe_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8846); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5P_in_ET5R_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8843 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5P_in_ET5R_1"); pMatrix8843->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5I_in_ET5R_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8844 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5I_in_ET5R_1"); pMatrix8844->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET51_in_EPEe_3 dx = 104.494061; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8850 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8849 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET51_in_EPEe_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8850); // Combi transformation: pos_EA51_in_ET51_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8847 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA51_in_ET51_1"); pMatrix8847->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES51_in_ET51_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8848 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES51_in_ET51_1"); pMatrix8848->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET52_in_EPEe_4 dx = 114.694763; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8854 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8853 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET52_in_EPEe_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8854); // Combi transformation: pos_EA52_in_ET52_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8851 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA52_in_ET52_1"); pMatrix8851->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES52_in_ET52_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8852 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES52_in_ET52_1"); pMatrix8852->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET53_in_EPEe_5 dx = 125.444588; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8858 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8857 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET53_in_EPEe_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8858); // Combi transformation: pos_EA53_in_ET53_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8855 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA53_in_ET53_1"); pMatrix8855->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES53_in_ET53_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8856 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES53_in_ET53_1"); pMatrix8856->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET54_in_EPEe_6 dx = 136.754211; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8862 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8861 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET54_in_EPEe_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8862); // Combi transformation: pos_EA54_in_ET54_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8859 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA54_in_ET54_1"); pMatrix8859->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES54_in_ET54_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8860 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES54_in_ET54_1"); pMatrix8860->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET55_in_EPEe_7 dx = 148.626060; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8866 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8865 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET55_in_EPEe_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8866); // Combi transformation: pos_EA55_in_ET55_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8863 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA55_in_ET55_1"); pMatrix8863->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES55_in_ET55_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8864 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES55_in_ET55_1"); pMatrix8864->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET56_in_EPEe_8 dx = 161.080009; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8870 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8869 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET56_in_EPEe_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8870); // Combi transformation: pos_EA56_in_ET56_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8867 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA56_in_ET56_1"); pMatrix8867->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES56_in_ET56_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8868 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES56_in_ET56_1"); pMatrix8868->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET57_in_EPEe_9 dx = 174.134369; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8874 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8873 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET57_in_EPEe_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8874); // Combi transformation: pos_EA57_in_ET57_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8871 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA57_in_ET57_1"); pMatrix8871->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES57_in_ET57_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8872 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES57_in_ET57_1"); pMatrix8872->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET58_in_EPEe_10 dx = 187.801842; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8878 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8877 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET58_in_EPEe_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8878); // Combi transformation: pos_EA58_in_ET58_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8875 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA58_in_ET58_1"); pMatrix8875->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES58_in_ET58_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8876 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES58_in_ET58_1"); pMatrix8876->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET59_in_EPEe_11 dx = 202.086197; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8882 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8881 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET59_in_EPEe_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8882); // Combi transformation: pos_EA59_in_ET59_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8879 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA59_in_ET59_1"); pMatrix8879->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES59_in_ET59_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8880 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES59_in_ET59_1"); pMatrix8880->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5a_in_EPEe_12 dx = 217.018120; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8886 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8885 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5a_in_EPEe_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8886); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5a_in_ET5a_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8883 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5a_in_ET5a_1"); pMatrix8883->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5a_in_ET5a_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8884 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5a_in_ET5a_1"); pMatrix8884->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEe_in_EMGe_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8890 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8889 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEe_in_EMGe_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8890); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEe_in_EMGe_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8892 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8891 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEe_in_EMGe_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8892); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEe_in_EMGe_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8894 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8893 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEe_in_EMGe_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8894); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEe_in_EMGe_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8896 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8895 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEe_in_EMGe_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8896); // Combi transformation: pos_ERAe_in_ESE3_11 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 2.141100; pMatrix8899 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERAe_in_ESE3_11"); pMatrix8899->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMGf_in_ESE3_11 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 2.843600; pMatrix8958 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMGf_in_ESE3_11"); pMatrix8958->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEf_in_EMGf_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8949 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8948 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEf_in_EMGf_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8949); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5b_in_EPEf_1 dx = 86.125095; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8903 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8902 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5b_in_EPEf_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8903); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5b_in_ET5b_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8900 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5b_in_ET5b_1"); pMatrix8900->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5b_in_ET5b_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8901 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5b_in_ET5b_1"); pMatrix8901->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5c_in_EPEf_2 dx = 95.284901; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8907 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8906 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5c_in_EPEf_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8907); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5c_in_ET5c_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8904 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5c_in_ET5c_1"); pMatrix8904->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5c_in_ET5c_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8905 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5c_in_ET5c_1"); pMatrix8905->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5d_in_EPEf_3 dx = 104.992008; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8911 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8910 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5d_in_EPEf_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8911); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5d_in_ET5d_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8908 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5d_in_ET5d_1"); pMatrix8908->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5d_in_ET5d_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8909 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5d_in_ET5d_1"); pMatrix8909->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5e_in_EPEf_4 dx = 115.241318; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8915 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8914 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5e_in_EPEf_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8915); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5e_in_ET5e_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8912 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5e_in_ET5e_1"); pMatrix8912->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5e_in_ET5e_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8913 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5e_in_ET5e_1"); pMatrix8913->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5f_in_EPEf_5 dx = 126.042374; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8919 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8918 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5f_in_EPEf_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8919); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5f_in_ET5f_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8916 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5f_in_ET5f_1"); pMatrix8916->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5f_in_ET5f_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8917 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5f_in_ET5f_1"); pMatrix8917->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5g_in_EPEf_6 dx = 137.405891; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8923 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8922 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5g_in_EPEf_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8923); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5g_in_ET5g_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8920 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5g_in_ET5g_1"); pMatrix8920->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5g_in_ET5g_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8921 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5g_in_ET5g_1"); pMatrix8921->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5h_in_EPEf_7 dx = 149.334305; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8927 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8926 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5h_in_EPEf_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8927); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5h_in_ET5h_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8924 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5h_in_ET5h_1"); pMatrix8924->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5h_in_ET5h_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8925 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5h_in_ET5h_1"); pMatrix8925->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5i_in_EPEf_8 dx = 161.847603; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8931 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8930 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5i_in_EPEf_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8931); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5i_in_ET5i_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8928 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5i_in_ET5i_1"); pMatrix8928->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5i_in_ET5i_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8929 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5i_in_ET5i_1"); pMatrix8929->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5j_in_EPEf_9 dx = 174.964172; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8935 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8934 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5j_in_EPEf_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8935); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5j_in_ET5j_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8932 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5j_in_ET5j_1"); pMatrix8932->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5j_in_ET5j_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8933 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5j_in_ET5j_1"); pMatrix8933->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5k_in_EPEf_10 dx = 188.696770; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8939 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8938 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5k_in_EPEf_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8939); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5k_in_ET5k_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8936 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5k_in_ET5k_1"); pMatrix8936->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5k_in_ET5k_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8937 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5k_in_ET5k_1"); pMatrix8937->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5l_in_EPEf_11 dx = 203.049194; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8943 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8942 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5l_in_EPEf_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8943); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5l_in_ET5l_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8940 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5l_in_ET5l_1"); pMatrix8940->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5l_in_ET5l_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8941 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5l_in_ET5l_1"); pMatrix8941->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5m_in_EPEf_12 dx = 218.052277; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8947 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8946 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5m_in_EPEf_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8947); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5m_in_ET5m_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8944 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5m_in_ET5m_1"); pMatrix8944->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5m_in_ET5m_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8945 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5m_in_ET5m_1"); pMatrix8945->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEf_in_EMGf_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8951 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8950 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEf_in_EMGf_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8951); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEf_in_EMGf_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8953 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8952 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEf_in_EMGf_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8953); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEf_in_EMGf_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8955 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8954 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEf_in_EMGf_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8955); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEf_in_EMGf_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8957 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8956 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEf_in_EMGf_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8957); // Combi transformation: pos_ERAf_in_ESE3_12 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 3.546100; pMatrix8960 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERAf_in_ESE3_12"); pMatrix8960->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMGg_in_ESE3_12 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 4.248600; pMatrix9019 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMGg_in_ESE3_12"); pMatrix9019->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEg_in_EMGg_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9010 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9009 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEg_in_EMGg_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9010); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5n_in_EPEg_1 dx = 86.533566; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8964 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8963 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5n_in_EPEg_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8964); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5n_in_ET5n_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8961 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5n_in_ET5n_1"); pMatrix8961->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5n_in_ET5n_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8962 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5n_in_ET5n_1"); pMatrix8962->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5o_in_EPEg_2 dx = 95.736813; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8968 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8967 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5o_in_EPEg_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8968); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5o_in_ET5o_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8965 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5o_in_ET5o_1"); pMatrix8965->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5o_in_ET5o_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8966 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5o_in_ET5o_1"); pMatrix8966->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5p_in_EPEg_3 dx = 105.489956; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8972 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8971 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5p_in_EPEg_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8972); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5p_in_ET5p_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8969 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5p_in_ET5p_1"); pMatrix8969->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5p_in_ET5p_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8970 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5p_in_ET5p_1"); pMatrix8970->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5q_in_EPEg_4 dx = 115.787876; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8976 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8975 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5q_in_EPEg_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8976); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5q_in_ET5q_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8973 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5q_in_ET5q_1"); pMatrix8973->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5q_in_ET5q_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8974 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5q_in_ET5q_1"); pMatrix8974->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5r_in_EPEg_5 dx = 126.640156; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8980 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8979 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5r_in_EPEg_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8980); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5r_in_ET5r_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8977 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5r_in_ET5r_1"); pMatrix8977->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5r_in_ET5r_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8978 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5r_in_ET5r_1"); pMatrix8978->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5s_in_EPEg_6 dx = 138.057571; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8984 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8983 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5s_in_EPEg_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8984); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5s_in_ET5s_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8981 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5s_in_ET5s_1"); pMatrix8981->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5s_in_ET5s_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8982 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5s_in_ET5s_1"); pMatrix8982->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5t_in_EPEg_7 dx = 150.042564; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8988 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8987 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5t_in_EPEg_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8988); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5t_in_ET5t_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8985 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5t_in_ET5t_1"); pMatrix8985->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5t_in_ET5t_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8986 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5t_in_ET5t_1"); pMatrix8986->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5u_in_EPEg_8 dx = 162.615204; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8992 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8991 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5u_in_EPEg_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8992); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5u_in_ET5u_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8989 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5u_in_ET5u_1"); pMatrix8989->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5u_in_ET5u_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8990 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5u_in_ET5u_1"); pMatrix8990->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5v_in_EPEg_9 dx = 175.793976; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix8996 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8995 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5v_in_EPEg_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix8996); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5v_in_ET5v_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8993 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5v_in_ET5v_1"); pMatrix8993->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5v_in_ET5v_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8994 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5v_in_ET5v_1"); pMatrix8994->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5w_in_EPEg_10 dx = 189.591705; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9000 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix8999 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5w_in_EPEg_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9000); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5w_in_ET5w_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8997 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5w_in_ET5w_1"); pMatrix8997->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5w_in_ET5w_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8998 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5w_in_ET5w_1"); pMatrix8998->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5x_in_EPEg_11 dx = 204.012199; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9004 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9003 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5x_in_EPEg_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9004); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5x_in_ET5x_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9001 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5x_in_ET5x_1"); pMatrix9001->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5x_in_ET5x_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9002 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5x_in_ET5x_1"); pMatrix9002->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5y_in_EPEg_12 dx = 219.086433; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9008 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9007 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5y_in_EPEg_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9008); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5y_in_ET5y_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9005 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5y_in_ET5y_1"); pMatrix9005->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5y_in_ET5y_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9006 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5y_in_ET5y_1"); pMatrix9006->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEg_in_EMGg_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9012 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9011 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEg_in_EMGg_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9012); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEg_in_EMGg_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9014 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9013 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEg_in_EMGg_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9014); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEg_in_EMGg_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9016 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9015 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEg_in_EMGg_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9016); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEg_in_EMGg_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9018 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9017 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEg_in_EMGg_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9018); // Combi transformation: pos_ERAg_in_ESE3_13 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 4.951100; pMatrix9021 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERAg_in_ESE3_13"); pMatrix9021->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMGh_in_ESE3_13 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 5.653600; pMatrix9080 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMGh_in_ESE3_13"); pMatrix9080->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEh_in_EMGh_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9071 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9070 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEh_in_EMGh_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9071); // Combi transformation: pos_ET5z_in_EPEh_1 dx = 86.942032; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9025 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9024 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET5z_in_EPEh_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9025); // Combi transformation: pos_EA5z_in_ET5z_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9022 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA5z_in_ET5z_1"); pMatrix9022->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES5z_in_ET5z_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9023 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES5z_in_ET5z_1"); pMatrix9023->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6R_in_EPEh_2 dx = 96.188717; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9029 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9028 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6R_in_EPEh_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9029); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6P_in_ET6R_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9026 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6P_in_ET6R_1"); pMatrix9026->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6I_in_ET6R_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9027 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6I_in_ET6R_1"); pMatrix9027->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET61_in_EPEh_3 dx = 105.987900; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9033 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9032 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET61_in_EPEh_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9033); // Combi transformation: pos_EA61_in_ET61_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9030 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA61_in_ET61_1"); pMatrix9030->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES61_in_ET61_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9031 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES61_in_ET61_1"); pMatrix9031->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET62_in_EPEh_4 dx = 116.334431; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9037 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9036 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET62_in_EPEh_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9037); // Combi transformation: pos_EA62_in_ET62_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9034 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA62_in_ET62_1"); pMatrix9034->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES62_in_ET62_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9035 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES62_in_ET62_1"); pMatrix9035->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET63_in_EPEh_5 dx = 127.237934; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9041 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9040 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET63_in_EPEh_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9041); // Combi transformation: pos_EA63_in_ET63_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9038 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA63_in_ET63_1"); pMatrix9038->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES63_in_ET63_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9039 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES63_in_ET63_1"); pMatrix9039->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET64_in_EPEh_6 dx = 138.709244; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9045 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9044 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET64_in_EPEh_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9045); // Combi transformation: pos_EA64_in_ET64_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9042 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA64_in_ET64_1"); pMatrix9042->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES64_in_ET64_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9043 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES64_in_ET64_1"); pMatrix9043->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET65_in_EPEh_7 dx = 150.750809; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9049 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9048 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET65_in_EPEh_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9049); // Combi transformation: pos_EA65_in_ET65_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9046 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA65_in_ET65_1"); pMatrix9046->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES65_in_ET65_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9047 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES65_in_ET65_1"); pMatrix9047->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET66_in_EPEh_8 dx = 163.382797; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9053 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9052 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET66_in_EPEh_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9053); // Combi transformation: pos_EA66_in_ET66_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9050 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA66_in_ET66_1"); pMatrix9050->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES66_in_ET66_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9051 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES66_in_ET66_1"); pMatrix9051->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET67_in_EPEh_9 dx = 176.623787; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9057 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9056 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET67_in_EPEh_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9057); // Combi transformation: pos_EA67_in_ET67_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9054 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA67_in_ET67_1"); pMatrix9054->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES67_in_ET67_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9055 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES67_in_ET67_1"); pMatrix9055->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET68_in_EPEh_10 dx = 190.486641; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9061 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9060 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET68_in_EPEh_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9061); // Combi transformation: pos_EA68_in_ET68_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9058 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA68_in_ET68_1"); pMatrix9058->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES68_in_ET68_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9059 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES68_in_ET68_1"); pMatrix9059->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET69_in_EPEh_11 dx = 204.975197; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9065 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9064 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET69_in_EPEh_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9065); // Combi transformation: pos_EA69_in_ET69_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9062 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA69_in_ET69_1"); pMatrix9062->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES69_in_ET69_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9063 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES69_in_ET69_1"); pMatrix9063->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6a_in_EPEh_12 dx = 220.120590; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9069 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9068 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6a_in_EPEh_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9069); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6a_in_ET6a_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9066 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6a_in_ET6a_1"); pMatrix9066->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6a_in_ET6a_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9067 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6a_in_ET6a_1"); pMatrix9067->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEh_in_EMGh_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9073 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9072 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEh_in_EMGh_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9073); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEh_in_EMGh_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9075 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9074 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEh_in_EMGh_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9075); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEh_in_EMGh_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9077 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9076 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEh_in_EMGh_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9077); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEh_in_EMGh_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9079 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9078 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEh_in_EMGh_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9079); // Combi transformation: pos_ERAh_in_ESE3_14 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 6.356100; pMatrix9082 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERAh_in_ESE3_14"); pMatrix9082->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMGi_in_ESE3_14 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 7.058600; pMatrix9141 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMGi_in_ESE3_14"); pMatrix9141->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEi_in_EMGi_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9132 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9131 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEi_in_EMGi_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9132); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6b_in_EPEi_1 dx = 87.350494; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9086 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9085 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6b_in_EPEi_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9086); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6b_in_ET6b_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9083 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6b_in_ET6b_1"); pMatrix9083->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6b_in_ET6b_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9084 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6b_in_ET6b_1"); pMatrix9084->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6c_in_EPEi_2 dx = 96.640625; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9090 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9089 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6c_in_EPEi_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9090); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6c_in_ET6c_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9087 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6c_in_ET6c_1"); pMatrix9087->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6c_in_ET6c_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9088 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6c_in_ET6c_1"); pMatrix9088->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6d_in_EPEi_3 dx = 106.485847; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9094 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9093 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6d_in_EPEi_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9094); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6d_in_ET6d_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9091 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6d_in_ET6d_1"); pMatrix9091->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6d_in_ET6d_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9092 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6d_in_ET6d_1"); pMatrix9092->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6e_in_EPEi_4 dx = 116.880989; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9098 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9097 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6e_in_EPEi_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9098); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6e_in_ET6e_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9095 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6e_in_ET6e_1"); pMatrix9095->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6e_in_ET6e_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9096 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6e_in_ET6e_1"); pMatrix9096->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6f_in_EPEi_5 dx = 127.835716; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9102 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9101 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6f_in_EPEi_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9102); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6f_in_ET6f_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9099 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6f_in_ET6f_1"); pMatrix9099->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6f_in_ET6f_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9100 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6f_in_ET6f_1"); pMatrix9100->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6g_in_EPEi_6 dx = 139.360916; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9106 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9105 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6g_in_EPEi_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9106); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6g_in_ET6g_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9103 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6g_in_ET6g_1"); pMatrix9103->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6g_in_ET6g_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9104 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6g_in_ET6g_1"); pMatrix9104->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6h_in_EPEi_7 dx = 151.459053; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9110 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9109 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6h_in_EPEi_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9110); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6h_in_ET6h_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9107 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6h_in_ET6h_1"); pMatrix9107->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6h_in_ET6h_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9108 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6h_in_ET6h_1"); pMatrix9108->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6i_in_EPEi_8 dx = 164.150391; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9114 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9113 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6i_in_EPEi_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9114); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6i_in_ET6i_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9111 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6i_in_ET6i_1"); pMatrix9111->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6i_in_ET6i_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9112 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6i_in_ET6i_1"); pMatrix9112->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6j_in_EPEi_9 dx = 177.453590; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9118 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9117 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6j_in_EPEi_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9118); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6j_in_ET6j_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9115 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6j_in_ET6j_1"); pMatrix9115->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6j_in_ET6j_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9116 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6j_in_ET6j_1"); pMatrix9116->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6k_in_EPEi_10 dx = 191.381577; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9122 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9121 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6k_in_EPEi_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9122); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6k_in_ET6k_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9119 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6k_in_ET6k_1"); pMatrix9119->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6k_in_ET6k_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9120 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6k_in_ET6k_1"); pMatrix9120->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6l_in_EPEi_11 dx = 205.938202; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9126 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9125 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6l_in_EPEi_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9126); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6l_in_ET6l_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9123 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6l_in_ET6l_1"); pMatrix9123->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6l_in_ET6l_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9124 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6l_in_ET6l_1"); pMatrix9124->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6m_in_EPEi_12 dx = 221.154747; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9130 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9129 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6m_in_EPEi_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9130); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6m_in_ET6m_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9127 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6m_in_ET6m_1"); pMatrix9127->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6m_in_ET6m_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9128 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6m_in_ET6m_1"); pMatrix9128->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEi_in_EMGi_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9134 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9133 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEi_in_EMGi_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9134); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEi_in_EMGi_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9136 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9135 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEi_in_EMGi_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9136); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEi_in_EMGi_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9138 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9137 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEi_in_EMGi_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9138); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEi_in_EMGi_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9140 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9139 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEi_in_EMGi_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9140); // Combi transformation: pos_ERAi_in_ESE3_15 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 7.761100; pMatrix9143 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERAi_in_ESE3_15"); pMatrix9143->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMGj_in_ESE3_15 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 8.463601; pMatrix9202 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMGj_in_ESE3_15"); pMatrix9202->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEj_in_EMGj_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9193 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9192 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEj_in_EMGj_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9193); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6n_in_EPEj_1 dx = 87.758965; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9147 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9146 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6n_in_EPEj_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9147); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6n_in_ET6n_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9144 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6n_in_ET6n_1"); pMatrix9144->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6n_in_ET6n_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9145 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6n_in_ET6n_1"); pMatrix9145->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6o_in_EPEj_2 dx = 97.092537; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9151 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9150 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6o_in_EPEj_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9151); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6o_in_ET6o_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9148 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6o_in_ET6o_1"); pMatrix9148->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6o_in_ET6o_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9149 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6o_in_ET6o_1"); pMatrix9149->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6p_in_EPEj_3 dx = 106.983795; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9155 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9154 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6p_in_EPEj_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9155); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6p_in_ET6p_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9152 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6p_in_ET6p_1"); pMatrix9152->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6p_in_ET6p_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9153 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6p_in_ET6p_1"); pMatrix9153->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6q_in_EPEj_4 dx = 117.427544; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9159 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9158 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6q_in_EPEj_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9159); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6q_in_ET6q_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9156 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6q_in_ET6q_1"); pMatrix9156->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6q_in_ET6q_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9157 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6q_in_ET6q_1"); pMatrix9157->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6r_in_EPEj_5 dx = 128.433502; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9163 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9162 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6r_in_EPEj_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9163); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6r_in_ET6r_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9160 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6r_in_ET6r_1"); pMatrix9160->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6r_in_ET6r_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9161 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6r_in_ET6r_1"); pMatrix9161->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6s_in_EPEj_6 dx = 140.012596; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9167 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9166 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6s_in_EPEj_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9167); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6s_in_ET6s_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9164 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6s_in_ET6s_1"); pMatrix9164->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6s_in_ET6s_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9165 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6s_in_ET6s_1"); pMatrix9165->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6t_in_EPEj_7 dx = 152.167305; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9171 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9170 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6t_in_EPEj_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9171); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6t_in_ET6t_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9168 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6t_in_ET6t_1"); pMatrix9168->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6t_in_ET6t_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9169 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6t_in_ET6t_1"); pMatrix9169->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6u_in_EPEj_8 dx = 164.917992; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9175 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9174 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6u_in_EPEj_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9175); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6u_in_ET6u_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9172 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6u_in_ET6u_1"); pMatrix9172->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6u_in_ET6u_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9173 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6u_in_ET6u_1"); pMatrix9173->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6v_in_EPEj_9 dx = 178.283394; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9179 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9178 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6v_in_EPEj_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9179); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6v_in_ET6v_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9176 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6v_in_ET6v_1"); pMatrix9176->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6v_in_ET6v_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9177 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6v_in_ET6v_1"); pMatrix9177->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6w_in_EPEj_10 dx = 192.276505; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9183 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9182 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6w_in_EPEj_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9183); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6w_in_ET6w_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9180 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6w_in_ET6w_1"); pMatrix9180->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6w_in_ET6w_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9181 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6w_in_ET6w_1"); pMatrix9181->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6x_in_EPEj_11 dx = 206.901199; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9187 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9186 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6x_in_EPEj_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9187); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6x_in_ET6x_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9184 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6x_in_ET6x_1"); pMatrix9184->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6x_in_ET6x_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9185 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6x_in_ET6x_1"); pMatrix9185->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6y_in_EPEj_12 dx = 222.188904; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9191 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9190 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6y_in_EPEj_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9191); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6y_in_ET6y_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9188 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6y_in_ET6y_1"); pMatrix9188->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6y_in_ET6y_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9189 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6y_in_ET6y_1"); pMatrix9189->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEj_in_EMGj_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9195 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9194 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEj_in_EMGj_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9195); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEj_in_EMGj_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9197 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9196 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEj_in_EMGj_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9197); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEj_in_EMGj_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9199 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9198 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEj_in_EMGj_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9199); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEj_in_EMGj_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9201 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9200 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEj_in_EMGj_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9201); // Combi transformation: pos_ERAj_in_ESE3_16 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 9.166100; pMatrix9204 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERAj_in_ESE3_16"); pMatrix9204->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMGk_in_ESE3_16 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 9.868600; pMatrix9263 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMGk_in_ESE3_16"); pMatrix9263->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEk_in_EMGk_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9254 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9253 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEk_in_EMGk_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9254); // Combi transformation: pos_ET6z_in_EPEk_1 dx = 88.167427; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9208 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9207 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET6z_in_EPEk_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9208); // Combi transformation: pos_EA6z_in_ET6z_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9205 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA6z_in_ET6z_1"); pMatrix9205->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES6z_in_ET6z_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9206 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES6z_in_ET6z_1"); pMatrix9206->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7R_in_EPEk_2 dx = 97.544441; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9212 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9211 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7R_in_EPEk_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9212); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7P_in_ET7R_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9209 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7P_in_ET7R_1"); pMatrix9209->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7I_in_ET7R_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9210 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7I_in_ET7R_1"); pMatrix9210->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET71_in_EPEk_3 dx = 107.481739; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9216 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9215 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET71_in_EPEk_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9216); // Combi transformation: pos_EA71_in_ET71_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9213 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA71_in_ET71_1"); pMatrix9213->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES71_in_ET71_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9214 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES71_in_ET71_1"); pMatrix9214->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET72_in_EPEk_4 dx = 117.974098; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9220 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9219 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET72_in_EPEk_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9220); // Combi transformation: pos_EA72_in_ET72_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9217 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA72_in_ET72_1"); pMatrix9217->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES72_in_ET72_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9218 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES72_in_ET72_1"); pMatrix9218->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET73_in_EPEk_5 dx = 129.031281; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9224 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9223 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET73_in_EPEk_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9224); // Combi transformation: pos_EA73_in_ET73_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9221 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA73_in_ET73_1"); pMatrix9221->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES73_in_ET73_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9222 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES73_in_ET73_1"); pMatrix9222->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET74_in_EPEk_6 dx = 140.664268; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9228 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9227 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET74_in_EPEk_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9228); // Combi transformation: pos_EA74_in_ET74_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9225 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA74_in_ET74_1"); pMatrix9225->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES74_in_ET74_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9226 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES74_in_ET74_1"); pMatrix9226->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET75_in_EPEk_7 dx = 152.875549; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9232 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9231 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET75_in_EPEk_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9232); // Combi transformation: pos_EA75_in_ET75_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9229 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA75_in_ET75_1"); pMatrix9229->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES75_in_ET75_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9230 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES75_in_ET75_1"); pMatrix9230->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET76_in_EPEk_8 dx = 165.685585; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9236 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9235 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET76_in_EPEk_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9236); // Combi transformation: pos_EA76_in_ET76_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9233 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA76_in_ET76_1"); pMatrix9233->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES76_in_ET76_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9234 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES76_in_ET76_1"); pMatrix9234->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET77_in_EPEk_9 dx = 179.113197; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9240 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9239 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET77_in_EPEk_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9240); // Combi transformation: pos_EA77_in_ET77_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9237 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA77_in_ET77_1"); pMatrix9237->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES77_in_ET77_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9238 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES77_in_ET77_1"); pMatrix9238->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET78_in_EPEk_10 dx = 193.171440; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9244 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9243 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET78_in_EPEk_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9244); // Combi transformation: pos_EA78_in_ET78_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9241 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA78_in_ET78_1"); pMatrix9241->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES78_in_ET78_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9242 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES78_in_ET78_1"); pMatrix9242->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET79_in_EPEk_11 dx = 207.864204; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9248 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9247 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET79_in_EPEk_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9248); // Combi transformation: pos_EA79_in_ET79_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9245 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA79_in_ET79_1"); pMatrix9245->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES79_in_ET79_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9246 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES79_in_ET79_1"); pMatrix9246->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7a_in_EPEk_12 dx = 223.223061; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9252 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9251 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7a_in_EPEk_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9252); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7a_in_ET7a_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9249 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7a_in_ET7a_1"); pMatrix9249->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7a_in_ET7a_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9250 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7a_in_ET7a_1"); pMatrix9250->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEk_in_EMGk_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9256 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9255 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEk_in_EMGk_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9256); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEk_in_EMGk_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9258 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9257 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEk_in_EMGk_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9258); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEk_in_EMGk_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9260 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9259 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEk_in_EMGk_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9260); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEk_in_EMGk_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9262 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9261 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEk_in_EMGk_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9262); // Combi transformation: pos_ERAk_in_ESE3_17 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 10.571100; pMatrix9265 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERAk_in_ESE3_17"); pMatrix9265->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMGl_in_ESE3_17 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 11.273600; pMatrix9324 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMGl_in_ESE3_17"); pMatrix9324->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEl_in_EMGl_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9315 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9314 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEl_in_EMGl_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9315); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7b_in_EPEl_1 dx = 88.575897; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9269 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9268 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7b_in_EPEl_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9269); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7b_in_ET7b_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9266 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7b_in_ET7b_1"); pMatrix9266->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7b_in_ET7b_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9267 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7b_in_ET7b_1"); pMatrix9267->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7c_in_EPEl_2 dx = 97.996353; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9273 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9272 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7c_in_EPEl_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9273); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7c_in_ET7c_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9270 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7c_in_ET7c_1"); pMatrix9270->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7c_in_ET7c_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9271 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7c_in_ET7c_1"); pMatrix9271->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7d_in_EPEl_3 dx = 107.979687; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9277 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9276 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7d_in_EPEl_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9277); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7d_in_ET7d_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9274 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7d_in_ET7d_1"); pMatrix9274->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7d_in_ET7d_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9275 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7d_in_ET7d_1"); pMatrix9275->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7e_in_EPEl_4 dx = 118.520657; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9281 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9280 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7e_in_EPEl_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9281); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7e_in_ET7e_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9278 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7e_in_ET7e_1"); pMatrix9278->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7e_in_ET7e_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9279 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7e_in_ET7e_1"); pMatrix9279->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7f_in_EPEl_5 dx = 129.629063; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9285 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9284 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7f_in_EPEl_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9285); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7f_in_ET7f_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9282 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7f_in_ET7f_1"); pMatrix9282->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7f_in_ET7f_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9283 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7f_in_ET7f_1"); pMatrix9283->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7g_in_EPEl_6 dx = 141.315941; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9289 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9288 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7g_in_EPEl_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9289); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7g_in_ET7g_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9286 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7g_in_ET7g_1"); pMatrix9286->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7g_in_ET7g_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9287 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7g_in_ET7g_1"); pMatrix9287->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7h_in_EPEl_7 dx = 153.583801; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9293 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9292 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7h_in_EPEl_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9293); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7h_in_ET7h_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9290 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7h_in_ET7h_1"); pMatrix9290->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7h_in_ET7h_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9291 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7h_in_ET7h_1"); pMatrix9291->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7i_in_EPEl_8 dx = 166.453186; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9297 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9296 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7i_in_EPEl_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9297); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7i_in_ET7i_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9294 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7i_in_ET7i_1"); pMatrix9294->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7i_in_ET7i_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9295 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7i_in_ET7i_1"); pMatrix9295->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7j_in_EPEl_9 dx = 179.943001; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9301 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9300 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7j_in_EPEl_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9301); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7j_in_ET7j_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9298 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7j_in_ET7j_1"); pMatrix9298->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7j_in_ET7j_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9299 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7j_in_ET7j_1"); pMatrix9299->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7k_in_EPEl_10 dx = 194.066376; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9305 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9304 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7k_in_EPEl_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9305); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7k_in_ET7k_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9302 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7k_in_ET7k_1"); pMatrix9302->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7k_in_ET7k_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9303 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7k_in_ET7k_1"); pMatrix9303->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7l_in_EPEl_11 dx = 208.827217; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9309 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9308 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7l_in_EPEl_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9309); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7l_in_ET7l_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9306 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7l_in_ET7l_1"); pMatrix9306->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7l_in_ET7l_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9307 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7l_in_ET7l_1"); pMatrix9307->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7m_in_EPEl_12 dx = 224.257225; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9313 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9312 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7m_in_EPEl_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9313); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7m_in_ET7m_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.285000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9310 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7m_in_ET7m_1"); pMatrix9310->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7m_in_ET7m_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9311 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7m_in_ET7m_1"); pMatrix9311->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEl_in_EMGl_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9317 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9316 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEl_in_EMGl_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9317); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEl_in_EMGl_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9319 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9318 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEl_in_EMGl_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9319); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEl_in_EMGl_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9321 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9320 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEl_in_EMGl_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9321); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEl_in_EMGl_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9323 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9322 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEl_in_EMGl_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9323); // Combi transformation: pos_ERAl_in_ESE3_18 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 11.976100; pMatrix9326 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERAl_in_ESE3_18"); pMatrix9326->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESE4_in_EMO1_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 12.170991; pMatrix9387 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESE4_in_EMO1_2"); pMatrix9387->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EMGm_in_ESE4_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.036000; pMatrix9386 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMGm_in_ESE4_1"); pMatrix9386->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEm_in_EMGm_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 12.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 102.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9377 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9376 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEm_in_EMGm_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9377); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7n_in_EPEm_1 dx = 88.998894; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9331 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9330 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7n_in_EPEm_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9331); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7n_in_ET7n_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.335000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9328 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7n_in_ET7n_1"); pMatrix9328->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7n_in_ET7n_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9329 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7n_in_ET7n_1"); pMatrix9329->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7o_in_EPEm_2 dx = 98.464340; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9335 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9334 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7o_in_EPEm_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9335); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7o_in_ET7o_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.335000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9332 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7o_in_ET7o_1"); pMatrix9332->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7o_in_ET7o_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9333 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7o_in_ET7o_1"); pMatrix9333->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7p_in_EPEm_3 dx = 108.495350; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9339 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9338 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7p_in_EPEm_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9339); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7p_in_ET7p_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.335000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9336 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7p_in_ET7p_1"); pMatrix9336->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7p_in_ET7p_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9337 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7p_in_ET7p_1"); pMatrix9337->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7q_in_EPEm_4 dx = 119.086655; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9343 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9342 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7q_in_EPEm_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9343); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7q_in_ET7q_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.335000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9340 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7q_in_ET7q_1"); pMatrix9340->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7q_in_ET7q_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9341 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7q_in_ET7q_1"); pMatrix9341->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7r_in_EPEm_5 dx = 130.248116; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9347 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9346 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7r_in_EPEm_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9347); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7r_in_ET7r_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.335000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9344 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7r_in_ET7r_1"); pMatrix9344->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7r_in_ET7r_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9345 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7r_in_ET7r_1"); pMatrix9345->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7s_in_EPEm_6 dx = 141.990807; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9351 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9350 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7s_in_EPEm_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9351); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7s_in_ET7s_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.335000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9348 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7s_in_ET7s_1"); pMatrix9348->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7s_in_ET7s_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9349 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7s_in_ET7s_1"); pMatrix9349->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7t_in_EPEm_7 dx = 154.317245; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9355 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9354 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7t_in_EPEm_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9355); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7t_in_ET7t_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.335000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9352 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7t_in_ET7t_1"); pMatrix9352->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7t_in_ET7t_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9353 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7t_in_ET7t_1"); pMatrix9353->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7u_in_EPEm_8 dx = 167.248085; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9359 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9358 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7u_in_EPEm_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9359); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7u_in_ET7u_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.335000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9356 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7u_in_ET7u_1"); pMatrix9356->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7u_in_ET7u_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9357 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7u_in_ET7u_1"); pMatrix9357->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7v_in_EPEm_9 dx = 180.802322; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9363 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9362 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7v_in_EPEm_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9363); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7v_in_ET7v_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.335000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9360 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7v_in_ET7v_1"); pMatrix9360->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7v_in_ET7v_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9361 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7v_in_ET7v_1"); pMatrix9361->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7w_in_EPEm_10 dx = 194.993149; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9367 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9366 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7w_in_EPEm_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9367); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7w_in_ET7w_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.335000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9364 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7w_in_ET7w_1"); pMatrix9364->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7w_in_ET7w_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9365 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7w_in_ET7w_1"); pMatrix9365->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7x_in_EPEm_11 dx = 209.824478; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9371 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9370 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7x_in_EPEm_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9371); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7x_in_ET7x_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.335000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9368 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7x_in_ET7x_1"); pMatrix9368->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7x_in_ET7x_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9369 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7x_in_ET7x_1"); pMatrix9369->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ET7y_in_EPEm_12 dx = 225.328178; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_ETAR_in_EPER thx = 90.000000; phx = 90.000000; thy = 0.000000; phy = 0.000000; thz = 90.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9375 = new TGeoRotation("rot_ETAR_in_EPER",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9374 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ET7y_in_EPEm_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9375); // Combi transformation: pos_EA7y_in_ET7y_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.335000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9372 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EA7y_in_ET7y_1"); pMatrix9372->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ES7y_in_ET7y_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = -0.060000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9373 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ES7y_in_ET7y_1"); pMatrix9373->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEm_in_EMGm_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 6.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 96.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9379 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9378 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEm_in_EMGm_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9379); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEm_in_EMGm_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 0.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 90.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9381 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9380 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEm_in_EMGm_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9381); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEm_in_EMGm_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 354.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 84.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9383 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9382 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEm_in_EMGm_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9383); // Combi transformation: pos_EPEm_in_EMGm_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPER_in_EMGT thx = 90.000000; phx = 348.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 78.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9385 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPER_in_EMGT",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9384 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPEm_in_EMGm_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9385); // Combi transformation: pos_EMO1_in_ECV1_2 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EMOD_in_ECVO thx = 90.000000; phx = 45.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 135.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9391 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EMOD_in_ECVO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9390 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMO1_in_ECV1_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9391); // Combi transformation: pos_EMO1_in_ECV1_3 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EMOD_in_ECVO thx = 90.000000; phx = 15.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 105.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9393 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EMOD_in_ECVO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9392 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMO1_in_ECV1_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9393); // Combi transformation: pos_EMO1_in_ECV1_4 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EMOD_in_ECVO thx = 90.000000; phx = 345.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 75.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9395 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EMOD_in_ECVO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9394 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMO1_in_ECV1_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9395); // Combi transformation: pos_EMO1_in_ECV1_5 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EMOD_in_ECVO thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9397 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EMOD_in_ECVO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9396 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMO1_in_ECV1_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9397); // Combi transformation: pos_EMO1_in_ECV1_6 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EMOD_in_ECVO thx = 90.000000; phx = 285.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 15.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9399 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EMOD_in_ECVO",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9398 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EMO1_in_ECV1_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9399); // Combi transformation: pos_ESSP_in_EMSS_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 19.034491; pMatrix9401 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESSP_in_EMSS_1"); pMatrix9401->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_1 dx = 79.999992; dy = -138.564072; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9402 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_1"); pMatrix9402->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_2 dx = 138.564056; dy = -80.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9403 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_2"); pMatrix9403->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_3 dx = 160.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9404 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_3"); pMatrix9404->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_4 dx = 138.564056; dy = 80.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9405 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_4"); pMatrix9405->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_5 dx = 79.999992; dy = 138.564072; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9406 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_5"); pMatrix9406->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_6 dx = 97.499992; dy = -168.874954; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9407 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_6"); pMatrix9407->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_7 dx = 168.874954; dy = -97.500000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9408 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_7"); pMatrix9408->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_8 dx = 195.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9409 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_8"); pMatrix9409->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_9 dx = 168.874954; dy = 97.500000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9410 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_9"); pMatrix9410->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_10 dx = 97.499992; dy = 168.874954; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix9411 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERCM_in_EMSS_10"); pMatrix9411->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EPSB_in_EMSS_1 dx = 57.810772; dy = -215.752716; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPSB_in_EMSS thx = 90.000000; phx = 285.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 15.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9413 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPSB_in_EMSS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9412 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPSB_in_EMSS_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9413); // Combi transformation: pos_EPSB_in_EMSS_2 dx = 157.941940; dy = -157.941956; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPSB_in_EMSS thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9415 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPSB_in_EMSS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9414 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPSB_in_EMSS_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9415); // Combi transformation: pos_EPSB_in_EMSS_3 dx = 215.752716; dy = -57.810768; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPSB_in_EMSS thx = 90.000000; phx = 345.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 75.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9417 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPSB_in_EMSS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9416 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPSB_in_EMSS_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9417); // Combi transformation: pos_EPSB_in_EMSS_4 dx = 215.752716; dy = 57.810768; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPSB_in_EMSS thx = 90.000000; phx = 15.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 105.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9419 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPSB_in_EMSS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9418 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPSB_in_EMSS_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9419); // Combi transformation: pos_EPSB_in_EMSS_5 dx = 157.941940; dy = 157.941956; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPSB_in_EMSS thx = 90.000000; phx = 45.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 135.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9421 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPSB_in_EMSS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9420 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPSB_in_EMSS_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9421); // Combi transformation: pos_EPSB_in_EMSS_6 dx = 57.810772; dy = 215.752716; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EPSB_in_EMSS thx = 90.000000; phx = 75.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 165.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix9423 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EPSB_in_EMSS",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix9422 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EPSB_in_EMSS_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix9423); // Combi transformation: pos_ESHM_in_EMSS_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -9.843005; pMatrix8287 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESHM_in_EMSS_1"); pMatrix8287->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_1 dx = 79.999992; dy = -138.564072; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8277 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_1"); pMatrix8277->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_2 dx = 138.564056; dy = -80.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8278 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_2"); pMatrix8278->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_3 dx = 160.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8279 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_3"); pMatrix8279->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_4 dx = 138.564056; dy = 80.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8280 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_4"); pMatrix8280->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_5 dx = 79.999992; dy = 138.564072; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8281 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_5"); pMatrix8281->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_6 dx = 97.499992; dy = -168.874954; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8282 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_6"); pMatrix8282->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_7 dx = 168.874954; dy = -97.500000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8283 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_7"); pMatrix8283->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_8 dx = 195.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8284 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_8"); pMatrix8284->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_9 dx = 168.874954; dy = 97.500000; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8285 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_9"); pMatrix8285->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_10 dx = 97.499992; dy = 168.874954; dz = 0.000000; pMatrix8286 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ERSM_in_ESHM_10"); pMatrix8286->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_ESPL_in_ESHM_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = -1.215000; pMatrix4804 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_ESPL_in_ESHM_1"); pMatrix4804->SetTranslation(dx,dy,dz); // Combi transformation: pos_EXSG_in_ESPL_1 dx = 0.000000; dy = 0.000000; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EXSG_in_ESPL thx = 90.000000; phx = 75.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 345.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3640 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EXSG_in_ESPL",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3639 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EXSG_in_ESPL_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3640); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMS_in_EXSG_1 dx = 74.494095; dy = 17.844566; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2500 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2499 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMS_in_EXSG_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2500); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLS_in_EXSG_1 dx = 74.494095; dy = 17.844566; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2502 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2501 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLS_in_EXSG_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2502); // Combi transformation: pos_EHM1_in_EXSG_2 dx = 75.046585; dy = 17.682880; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2504 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2503 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHM1_in_EXSG_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2504); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLS_in_EXSG_1 dx = 75.046585; dy = 17.682880; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2506 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2505 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLS_in_EXSG_1", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2506); // Combi transformation: pos_EHM2_in_EXSG_3 dx = 75.597122; dy = 17.519238; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2508 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2507 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHM2_in_EXSG_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2508); // Combi transformation: pos_EBL1_in_EXSG_2 dx = 75.597122; dy = 17.519238; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2510 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2509 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBL1_in_EXSG_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2510); // Combi transformation: pos_EHM3_in_EXSG_4 dx = 76.145660; dy = 17.353605; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2512 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2511 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHM3_in_EXSG_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2512); // Combi transformation: pos_EFL1_in_EXSG_2 dx = 76.145660; dy = 17.353605; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2514 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2513 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFL1_in_EXSG_2", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2514); // Combi transformation: pos_EHM4_in_EXSG_5 dx = 76.692200; dy = 17.185955; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2516 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2515 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHM4_in_EXSG_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2516); // Combi transformation: pos_EBL2_in_EXSG_3 dx = 76.692200; dy = 17.185955; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2518 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2517 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBL2_in_EXSG_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2518); // Combi transformation: pos_EHM5_in_EXSG_6 dx = 77.236664; dy = 17.016256; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2520 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2519 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHM5_in_EXSG_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2520); // Combi transformation: pos_EFL2_in_EXSG_3 dx = 77.236664; dy = 17.016256; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2522 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2521 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFL2_in_EXSG_3", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2522); // Combi transformation: pos_EHM6_in_EXSG_7 dx = 77.779068; dy = 16.844471; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2524 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2523 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHM6_in_EXSG_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2524); // Combi transformation: pos_EBL3_in_EXSG_4 dx = 77.779068; dy = 16.844471; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2526 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2525 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBL3_in_EXSG_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2526); // Combi transformation: pos_EHM7_in_EXSG_8 dx = 78.319336; dy = 16.670568; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2528 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2527 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHM7_in_EXSG_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2528); // Combi transformation: pos_EFL3_in_EXSG_4 dx = 78.319336; dy = 16.670568; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2530 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2529 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFL3_in_EXSG_4", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2530); // Combi transformation: pos_EHM8_in_EXSG_9 dx = 78.857452; dy = 16.494511; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2532 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2531 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHM8_in_EXSG_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2532); // Combi transformation: pos_EBL4_in_EXSG_5 dx = 78.857452; dy = 16.494511; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2534 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2533 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBL4_in_EXSG_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2534); // Combi transformation: pos_EHM9_in_EXSG_10 dx = 79.393387; dy = 16.316259; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2536 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2535 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHM9_in_EXSG_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2536); // Combi transformation: pos_EFL4_in_EXSG_5 dx = 79.393387; dy = 16.316259; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2538 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2537 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFL4_in_EXSG_5", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2538); // Combi transformation: pos_EHM0_in_EXSG_11 dx = 79.927078; dy = 16.135777; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2540 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2539 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHM0_in_EXSG_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2540); // Combi transformation: pos_EBL5_in_EXSG_6 dx = 79.927078; dy = 16.135777; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2542 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2541 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBL5_in_EXSG_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2542); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMa_in_EXSG_12 dx = 80.458504; dy = 15.953021; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2544 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2543 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMa_in_EXSG_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2544); // Combi transformation: pos_EFL5_in_EXSG_6 dx = 80.458504; dy = 15.953021; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2546 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2545 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFL5_in_EXSG_6", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2546); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMb_in_EXSG_13 dx = 80.987610; dy = 15.767952; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2548 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2547 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMb_in_EXSG_13", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2548); // Combi transformation: pos_EBL6_in_EXSG_7 dx = 80.987610; dy = 15.767952; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2550 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2549 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBL6_in_EXSG_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2550); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMc_in_EXSG_14 dx = 81.514359; dy = 15.580523; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2552 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2551 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMc_in_EXSG_14", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2552); // Combi transformation: pos_EFL6_in_EXSG_7 dx = 81.514359; dy = 15.580523; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2554 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2553 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFL6_in_EXSG_7", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2554); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMd_in_EXSG_15 dx = 82.038704; dy = 15.390686; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2556 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2555 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMd_in_EXSG_15", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2556); // Combi transformation: pos_EBL7_in_EXSG_8 dx = 82.038704; dy = 15.390686; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2558 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2557 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBL7_in_EXSG_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2558); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMe_in_EXSG_16 dx = 82.560593; dy = 15.198399; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2560 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2559 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMe_in_EXSG_16", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2560); // Combi transformation: pos_EFL7_in_EXSG_8 dx = 82.560593; dy = 15.198399; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2562 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2561 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFL7_in_EXSG_8", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2562); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMf_in_EXSG_17 dx = 83.079971; dy = 15.003604; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2564 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2563 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMf_in_EXSG_17", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2564); // Combi transformation: pos_EBL8_in_EXSG_9 dx = 83.079971; dy = 15.003604; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2566 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2565 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBL8_in_EXSG_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2566); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMg_in_EXSG_18 dx = 83.596802; dy = 14.806252; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2568 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2567 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMg_in_EXSG_18", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2568); // Combi transformation: pos_EFL8_in_EXSG_9 dx = 83.596802; dy = 14.806252; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2570 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2569 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFL8_in_EXSG_9", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2570); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMh_in_EXSG_19 dx = 84.111023; dy = 14.606288; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2572 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2571 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMh_in_EXSG_19", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2572); // Combi transformation: pos_EBL9_in_EXSG_10 dx = 84.111023; dy = 14.606288; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2574 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2573 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBL9_in_EXSG_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2574); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMi_in_EXSG_20 dx = 84.622559; dy = 14.403654; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2576 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2575 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMi_in_EXSG_20", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2576); // Combi transformation: pos_EFL9_in_EXSG_10 dx = 84.622559; dy = 14.403654; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2578 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2577 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFL9_in_EXSG_10", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2578); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMj_in_EXSG_21 dx = 85.131371; dy = 14.198289; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2580 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2579 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMj_in_EXSG_21", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2580); // Combi transformation: pos_EBL0_in_EXSG_11 dx = 85.131371; dy = 14.198289; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2582 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2581 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBL0_in_EXSG_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2582); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMk_in_EXSG_22 dx = 85.637390; dy = 13.990128; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2584 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2583 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMk_in_EXSG_22", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2584); // Combi transformation: pos_EFL0_in_EXSG_11 dx = 85.637390; dy = 13.990128; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2586 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2585 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFL0_in_EXSG_11", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2586); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMl_in_EXSG_23 dx = 86.140541; dy = 13.779107; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2588 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2587 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMl_in_EXSG_23", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2588); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLa_in_EXSG_12 dx = 86.140541; dy = 13.779107; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2590 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2589 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLa_in_EXSG_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2590); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMm_in_EXSG_24 dx = 86.640762; dy = 13.565153; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2592 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2591 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMm_in_EXSG_24", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2592); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLa_in_EXSG_12 dx = 86.640762; dy = 13.565153; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2594 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2593 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLa_in_EXSG_12", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2594); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMn_in_EXSG_25 dx = 87.137985; dy = 13.348193; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2596 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2595 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMn_in_EXSG_25", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2596); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLb_in_EXSG_13 dx = 87.137985; dy = 13.348193; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2598 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2597 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLb_in_EXSG_13", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2598); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMo_in_EXSG_26 dx = 87.632126; dy = 13.128150; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2600 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2599 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMo_in_EXSG_26", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2600); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLb_in_EXSG_13 dx = 87.632126; dy = 13.128150; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2602 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2601 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLb_in_EXSG_13", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2602); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMp_in_EXSG_27 dx = 88.123093; dy = 12.904943; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2604 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2603 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMp_in_EXSG_27", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2604); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLc_in_EXSG_14 dx = 88.123093; dy = 12.904943; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2606 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2605 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLc_in_EXSG_14", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2606); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMq_in_EXSG_28 dx = 88.610809; dy = 12.678482; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2608 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2607 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMq_in_EXSG_28", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2608); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLc_in_EXSG_14 dx = 88.610809; dy = 12.678482; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2610 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2609 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLc_in_EXSG_14", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2610); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMr_in_EXSG_29 dx = 89.095184; dy = 12.448678; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2612 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2611 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMr_in_EXSG_29", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2612); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLd_in_EXSG_15 dx = 89.095184; dy = 12.448678; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2614 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2613 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLd_in_EXSG_15", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2614); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMs_in_EXSG_30 dx = 89.576111; dy = 12.215436; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2616 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2615 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMs_in_EXSG_30", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2616); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLd_in_EXSG_15 dx = 89.576111; dy = 12.215436; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2618 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2617 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLd_in_EXSG_15", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2618); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMt_in_EXSG_31 dx = 90.053513; dy = 11.978651; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2620 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2619 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMt_in_EXSG_31", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2620); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLe_in_EXSG_16 dx = 90.053513; dy = 11.978651; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2622 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2621 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLe_in_EXSG_16", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2622); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMu_in_EXSG_32 dx = 90.527252; dy = 11.738214; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2624 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2623 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMu_in_EXSG_32", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2624); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLe_in_EXSG_16 dx = 90.527252; dy = 11.738214; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2626 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2625 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLe_in_EXSG_16", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2626); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMv_in_EXSG_33 dx = 90.997231; dy = 11.494013; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2628 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2627 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMv_in_EXSG_33", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2628); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLf_in_EXSG_17 dx = 90.997231; dy = 11.494013; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2630 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2629 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLf_in_EXSG_17", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2630); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMw_in_EXSG_34 dx = 91.463318; dy = 11.245926; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2632 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2631 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMw_in_EXSG_34", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2632); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLf_in_EXSG_17 dx = 91.463318; dy = 11.245926; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2634 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2633 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLf_in_EXSG_17", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2634); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMx_in_EXSG_35 dx = 91.925385; dy = 10.993816; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2636 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2635 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMx_in_EXSG_35", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2636); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLg_in_EXSG_18 dx = 91.925385; dy = 10.993816; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2638 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2637 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLg_in_EXSG_18", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2638); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMy_in_EXSG_36 dx = 92.383301; dy = 10.737551; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2640 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2639 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMy_in_EXSG_36", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2640); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLg_in_EXSG_18 dx = 92.383301; dy = 10.737551; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2642 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2641 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLg_in_EXSG_18", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2642); // Combi transformation: pos_EHMz_in_EXSG_37 dx = 92.836914; dy = 10.476978; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2644 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2643 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EHMz_in_EXSG_37", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2644); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLh_in_EXSG_19 dx = 92.836914; dy = 10.476978; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2646 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2645 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLh_in_EXSG_19", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2646); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1S_in_EXSG_38 dx = 93.286049; dy = 10.211943; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2648 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2647 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1S_in_EXSG_38", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2648); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLh_in_EXSG_19 dx = 93.286049; dy = 10.211943; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2650 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2649 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLh_in_EXSG_19", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2650); // Combi transformation: pos_EH11_in_EXSG_39 dx = 93.730553; dy = 9.942268; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2652 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2651 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH11_in_EXSG_39", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2652); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLi_in_EXSG_20 dx = 93.730553; dy = 9.942268; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2654 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2653 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLi_in_EXSG_20", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2654); // Combi transformation: pos_EH12_in_EXSG_40 dx = 94.170242; dy = 9.667774; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2656 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2655 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH12_in_EXSG_40", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2656); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLi_in_EXSG_20 dx = 94.170242; dy = 9.667774; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2658 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2657 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLi_in_EXSG_20", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2658); // Combi transformation: pos_EH13_in_EXSG_41 dx = 94.604904; dy = 9.388266; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2660 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2659 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH13_in_EXSG_41", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2660); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLj_in_EXSG_21 dx = 94.604904; dy = 9.388266; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2662 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2661 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLj_in_EXSG_21", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2662); // Combi transformation: pos_EH14_in_EXSG_42 dx = 95.034340; dy = 9.103524; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2664 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2663 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH14_in_EXSG_42", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2664); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLj_in_EXSG_21 dx = 95.034340; dy = 9.103524; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2666 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2665 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLj_in_EXSG_21", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2666); // Combi transformation: pos_EH15_in_EXSG_43 dx = 95.458321; dy = 8.813322; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2668 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2667 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH15_in_EXSG_43", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2668); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLk_in_EXSG_22 dx = 95.458321; dy = 8.813322; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2670 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2669 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLk_in_EXSG_22", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2670); // Combi transformation: pos_EH16_in_EXSG_44 dx = 95.876587; dy = 8.517408; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2672 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2671 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH16_in_EXSG_44", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2672); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLk_in_EXSG_22 dx = 95.876587; dy = 8.517408; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2674 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2673 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLk_in_EXSG_22", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2674); // Combi transformation: pos_EH17_in_EXSG_45 dx = 96.288864; dy = 8.215513; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2676 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2675 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH17_in_EXSG_45", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2676); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLl_in_EXSG_23 dx = 96.288864; dy = 8.215513; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2678 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2677 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLl_in_EXSG_23", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2678); // Combi transformation: pos_EH18_in_EXSG_46 dx = 96.694862; dy = 7.907336; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2680 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2679 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH18_in_EXSG_46", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2680); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLl_in_EXSG_23 dx = 96.694862; dy = 7.907336; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2682 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2681 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLl_in_EXSG_23", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2682); // Combi transformation: pos_EH19_in_EXSG_47 dx = 97.094254; dy = 7.592554; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2684 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2683 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH19_in_EXSG_47", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2684); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLm_in_EXSG_24 dx = 97.094254; dy = 7.592554; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2686 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2685 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLm_in_EXSG_24", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2686); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1a_in_EXSG_48 dx = 97.486694; dy = 7.270803; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2688 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2687 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1a_in_EXSG_48", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2688); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLm_in_EXSG_24 dx = 97.486694; dy = 7.270803; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2690 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2689 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLm_in_EXSG_24", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2690); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1b_in_EXSG_49 dx = 97.871765; dy = 6.941702; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2692 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2691 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1b_in_EXSG_49", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2692); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLn_in_EXSG_25 dx = 97.871765; dy = 6.941702; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2694 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2693 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLn_in_EXSG_25", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2694); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1c_in_EXSG_50 dx = 98.249039; dy = 6.604807; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2696 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2695 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1c_in_EXSG_50", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2696); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLn_in_EXSG_25 dx = 98.249039; dy = 6.604807; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2698 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2697 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLn_in_EXSG_25", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2698); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1d_in_EXSG_51 dx = 98.618050; dy = 6.259629; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2700 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2699 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1d_in_EXSG_51", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2700); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLo_in_EXSG_26 dx = 98.618050; dy = 6.259629; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2702 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2701 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLo_in_EXSG_26", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2702); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1e_in_EXSG_52 dx = 99.238785; dy = 6.166196; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2704 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2703 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1e_in_EXSG_52", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2704); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLo_in_EXSG_26 dx = 99.238785; dy = 6.166196; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2706 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2705 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLo_in_EXSG_26", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2706); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1f_in_EXSG_53 dx = 100.008217; dy = 6.221438; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2708 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2707 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1f_in_EXSG_53", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2708); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLp_in_EXSG_27 dx = 100.008217; dy = 6.221438; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2710 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2709 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLp_in_EXSG_27", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2710); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1g_in_EXSG_54 dx = 100.777634; dy = 6.276680; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2712 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2711 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1g_in_EXSG_54", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2712); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLp_in_EXSG_27 dx = 100.777634; dy = 6.276680; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2714 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2713 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLp_in_EXSG_27", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2714); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1h_in_EXSG_55 dx = 101.547050; dy = 6.331922; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2716 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2715 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1h_in_EXSG_55", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2716); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLq_in_EXSG_28 dx = 101.547050; dy = 6.331922; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2718 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2717 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLq_in_EXSG_28", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2718); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1i_in_EXSG_56 dx = 102.316467; dy = 6.387164; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2720 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2719 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1i_in_EXSG_56", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2720); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLq_in_EXSG_28 dx = 102.316467; dy = 6.387164; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2722 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2721 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLq_in_EXSG_28", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2722); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1j_in_EXSG_57 dx = 103.085892; dy = 6.442406; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2724 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2723 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1j_in_EXSG_57", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2724); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLr_in_EXSG_29 dx = 103.085892; dy = 6.442406; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2726 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2725 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLr_in_EXSG_29", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2726); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1k_in_EXSG_58 dx = 103.855309; dy = 6.497647; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2728 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2727 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1k_in_EXSG_58", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2728); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLr_in_EXSG_29 dx = 103.855309; dy = 6.497647; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2730 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2729 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLr_in_EXSG_29", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2730); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1l_in_EXSG_59 dx = 104.624733; dy = 6.552890; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2732 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2731 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1l_in_EXSG_59", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2732); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLs_in_EXSG_30 dx = 104.624733; dy = 6.552890; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2734 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2733 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLs_in_EXSG_30", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2734); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1m_in_EXSG_60 dx = 105.394150; dy = 6.608131; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2736 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2735 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1m_in_EXSG_60", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2736); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLs_in_EXSG_30 dx = 105.394150; dy = 6.608131; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2738 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2737 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLs_in_EXSG_30", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2738); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1n_in_EXSG_61 dx = 106.163559; dy = 6.663373; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2740 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2739 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1n_in_EXSG_61", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2740); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLt_in_EXSG_31 dx = 106.163559; dy = 6.663373; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2742 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2741 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLt_in_EXSG_31", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2742); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1o_in_EXSG_62 dx = 106.932991; dy = 6.718616; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2744 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2743 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1o_in_EXSG_62", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2744); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLt_in_EXSG_31 dx = 106.932991; dy = 6.718616; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2746 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2745 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLt_in_EXSG_31", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2746); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1p_in_EXSG_63 dx = 107.702408; dy = 6.773857; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2748 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2747 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1p_in_EXSG_63", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2748); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLu_in_EXSG_32 dx = 107.702408; dy = 6.773857; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2750 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2749 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLu_in_EXSG_32", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2750); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1q_in_EXSG_64 dx = 108.471817; dy = 6.829099; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2752 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2751 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1q_in_EXSG_64", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2752); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLu_in_EXSG_32 dx = 108.471817; dy = 6.829099; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2754 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2753 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLu_in_EXSG_32", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2754); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1r_in_EXSG_65 dx = 109.241257; dy = 6.884341; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2756 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2755 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1r_in_EXSG_65", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2756); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLv_in_EXSG_33 dx = 109.241257; dy = 6.884341; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2758 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2757 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLv_in_EXSG_33", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2758); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1s_in_EXSG_66 dx = 110.010666; dy = 6.939583; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2760 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2759 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1s_in_EXSG_66", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2760); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLv_in_EXSG_33 dx = 110.010666; dy = 6.939583; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2762 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2761 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLv_in_EXSG_33", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2762); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1t_in_EXSG_67 dx = 110.780090; dy = 6.994824; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2764 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2763 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1t_in_EXSG_67", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2764); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLw_in_EXSG_34 dx = 110.780090; dy = 6.994824; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2766 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2765 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLw_in_EXSG_34", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2766); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1u_in_EXSG_68 dx = 111.549500; dy = 7.050066; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2768 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2767 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1u_in_EXSG_68", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2768); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLw_in_EXSG_34 dx = 111.549500; dy = 7.050066; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2770 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2769 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLw_in_EXSG_34", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2770); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1v_in_EXSG_69 dx = 112.318924; dy = 7.105308; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2772 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2771 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1v_in_EXSG_69", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2772); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLx_in_EXSG_35 dx = 112.318924; dy = 7.105308; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2774 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2773 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLx_in_EXSG_35", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2774); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1w_in_EXSG_70 dx = 113.088348; dy = 7.160550; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2776 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2775 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1w_in_EXSG_70", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2776); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLx_in_EXSG_35 dx = 113.088348; dy = 7.160550; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2778 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2777 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLx_in_EXSG_35", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2778); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1x_in_EXSG_71 dx = 113.857765; dy = 7.215792; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2780 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2779 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1x_in_EXSG_71", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2780); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLy_in_EXSG_36 dx = 113.857765; dy = 7.215792; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2782 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2781 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLy_in_EXSG_36", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2782); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1y_in_EXSG_72 dx = 114.627182; dy = 7.271033; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2784 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2783 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1y_in_EXSG_72", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2784); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLy_in_EXSG_36 dx = 114.627182; dy = 7.271033; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2786 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2785 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLy_in_EXSG_36", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2786); // Combi transformation: pos_EH1z_in_EXSG_73 dx = 115.396606; dy = 7.326276; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2788 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2787 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH1z_in_EXSG_73", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2788); // Combi transformation: pos_EBLz_in_EXSG_37 dx = 115.396606; dy = 7.326276; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2790 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2789 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EBLz_in_EXSG_37", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2790); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2S_in_EXSG_74 dx = 116.166023; dy = 7.381517; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2792 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2791 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2S_in_EXSG_74", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2792); // Combi transformation: pos_EFLz_in_EXSG_37 dx = 116.166023; dy = 7.381517; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2794 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2793 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EFLz_in_EXSG_37", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2794); // Combi transformation: pos_EH21_in_EXSG_75 dx = 116.935440; dy = 7.436759; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2796 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2795 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH21_in_EXSG_75", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2796); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1S_in_EXSG_38 dx = 116.935440; dy = 7.436759; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2798 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2797 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1S_in_EXSG_38", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2798); // Combi transformation: pos_EH22_in_EXSG_76 dx = 117.704865; dy = 7.492002; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2800 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2799 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH22_in_EXSG_76", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2800); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1S_in_EXSG_38 dx = 117.704865; dy = 7.492002; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2802 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2801 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1S_in_EXSG_38", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2802); // Combi transformation: pos_EH23_in_EXSG_77 dx = 118.474289; dy = 7.547241; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2804 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2803 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH23_in_EXSG_77", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2804); // Combi transformation: pos_EB11_in_EXSG_39 dx = 118.474289; dy = 7.547241; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2806 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2805 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB11_in_EXSG_39", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2806); // Combi transformation: pos_EH24_in_EXSG_78 dx = 119.243698; dy = 7.602483; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2808 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2807 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH24_in_EXSG_78", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2808); // Combi transformation: pos_EF11_in_EXSG_39 dx = 119.243698; dy = 7.602483; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2810 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2809 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF11_in_EXSG_39", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2810); // Combi transformation: pos_EH25_in_EXSG_79 dx = 120.013123; dy = 7.657725; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2812 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2811 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH25_in_EXSG_79", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2812); // Combi transformation: pos_EB12_in_EXSG_40 dx = 120.013123; dy = 7.657725; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2814 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2813 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB12_in_EXSG_40", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2814); // Combi transformation: pos_EH26_in_EXSG_80 dx = 120.782532; dy = 7.712967; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2816 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2815 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH26_in_EXSG_80", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2816); // Combi transformation: pos_EF12_in_EXSG_40 dx = 120.782532; dy = 7.712967; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2818 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2817 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF12_in_EXSG_40", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2818); // Combi transformation: pos_EH27_in_EXSG_81 dx = 121.551971; dy = 7.768209; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2820 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2819 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH27_in_EXSG_81", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2820); // Combi transformation: pos_EB13_in_EXSG_41 dx = 121.551971; dy = 7.768209; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2822 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2821 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB13_in_EXSG_41", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2822); // Combi transformation: pos_EH28_in_EXSG_82 dx = 122.321381; dy = 7.823451; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2824 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2823 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH28_in_EXSG_82", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2824); // Combi transformation: pos_EF13_in_EXSG_41 dx = 122.321381; dy = 7.823451; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2826 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2825 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF13_in_EXSG_41", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2826); // Combi transformation: pos_EH29_in_EXSG_83 dx = 123.090797; dy = 7.878693; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2828 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2827 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH29_in_EXSG_83", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2828); // Combi transformation: pos_EB14_in_EXSG_42 dx = 123.090797; dy = 7.878693; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2830 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2829 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB14_in_EXSG_42", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2830); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2a_in_EXSG_84 dx = 123.860229; dy = 7.933935; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2832 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2831 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2a_in_EXSG_84", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2832); // Combi transformation: pos_EF14_in_EXSG_42 dx = 123.860229; dy = 7.933935; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2834 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2833 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF14_in_EXSG_42", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2834); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2b_in_EXSG_85 dx = 124.629639; dy = 7.989177; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2836 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2835 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2b_in_EXSG_85", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2836); // Combi transformation: pos_EB15_in_EXSG_43 dx = 124.629639; dy = 7.989177; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2838 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2837 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB15_in_EXSG_43", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2838); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2c_in_EXSG_86 dx = 125.399055; dy = 8.044418; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2840 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2839 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2c_in_EXSG_86", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2840); // Combi transformation: pos_EF15_in_EXSG_43 dx = 125.399055; dy = 8.044418; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2842 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2841 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF15_in_EXSG_43", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2842); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2d_in_EXSG_87 dx = 126.168480; dy = 8.099661; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2844 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2843 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2d_in_EXSG_87", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2844); // Combi transformation: pos_EB16_in_EXSG_44 dx = 126.168480; dy = 8.099661; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2846 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2845 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB16_in_EXSG_44", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2846); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2e_in_EXSG_88 dx = 126.937897; dy = 8.154902; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2848 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2847 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2e_in_EXSG_88", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2848); // Combi transformation: pos_EF16_in_EXSG_44 dx = 126.937897; dy = 8.154902; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2850 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2849 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF16_in_EXSG_44", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2850); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2f_in_EXSG_89 dx = 127.707321; dy = 8.210144; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2852 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2851 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2f_in_EXSG_89", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2852); // Combi transformation: pos_EB17_in_EXSG_45 dx = 127.707321; dy = 8.210144; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2854 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2853 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB17_in_EXSG_45", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2854); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2g_in_EXSG_90 dx = 128.476746; dy = 8.265387; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2856 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2855 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2g_in_EXSG_90", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2856); // Combi transformation: pos_EF17_in_EXSG_45 dx = 128.476746; dy = 8.265387; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2858 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2857 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF17_in_EXSG_45", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2858); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2h_in_EXSG_91 dx = 129.246155; dy = 8.320628; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2860 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2859 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2h_in_EXSG_91", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2860); // Combi transformation: pos_EB18_in_EXSG_46 dx = 129.246155; dy = 8.320628; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2862 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2861 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB18_in_EXSG_46", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2862); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2i_in_EXSG_92 dx = 130.015579; dy = 8.375871; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2864 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2863 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2i_in_EXSG_92", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2864); // Combi transformation: pos_EF18_in_EXSG_46 dx = 130.015579; dy = 8.375871; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2866 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2865 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF18_in_EXSG_46", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2866); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2j_in_EXSG_93 dx = 130.785004; dy = 8.431112; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2868 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2867 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2j_in_EXSG_93", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2868); // Combi transformation: pos_EB19_in_EXSG_47 dx = 130.785004; dy = 8.431112; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2870 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2869 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB19_in_EXSG_47", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2870); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2k_in_EXSG_94 dx = 131.554413; dy = 8.486354; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2872 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2871 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2k_in_EXSG_94", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2872); // Combi transformation: pos_EF19_in_EXSG_47 dx = 131.554413; dy = 8.486354; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2874 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2873 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF19_in_EXSG_47", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2874); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2l_in_EXSG_95 dx = 132.323837; dy = 8.541595; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2876 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2875 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2l_in_EXSG_95", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2876); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1a_in_EXSG_48 dx = 132.323837; dy = 8.541595; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2878 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2877 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1a_in_EXSG_48", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2878); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2m_in_EXSG_96 dx = 133.093262; dy = 8.596837; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2880 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2879 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2m_in_EXSG_96", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2880); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1a_in_EXSG_48 dx = 133.093262; dy = 8.596837; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2882 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2881 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1a_in_EXSG_48", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2882); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2n_in_EXSG_97 dx = 133.862671; dy = 8.652079; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2884 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2883 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2n_in_EXSG_97", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2884); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1b_in_EXSG_49 dx = 133.862671; dy = 8.652079; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2886 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2885 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1b_in_EXSG_49", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2886); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2o_in_EXSG_98 dx = 134.632111; dy = 8.707321; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2888 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2887 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2o_in_EXSG_98", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2888); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1b_in_EXSG_49 dx = 134.632111; dy = 8.707321; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2890 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2889 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1b_in_EXSG_49", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2890); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2p_in_EXSG_99 dx = 135.401520; dy = 8.762563; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2892 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2891 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2p_in_EXSG_99", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2892); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1c_in_EXSG_50 dx = 135.401520; dy = 8.762563; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2894 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2893 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1c_in_EXSG_50", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2894); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2q_in_EXSG_100 dx = 136.170929; dy = 8.817804; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2896 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2895 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2q_in_EXSG_100", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2896); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1c_in_EXSG_50 dx = 136.170929; dy = 8.817804; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2898 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2897 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1c_in_EXSG_50", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2898); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2r_in_EXSG_101 dx = 136.940369; dy = 8.873047; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2900 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2899 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2r_in_EXSG_101", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2900); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1d_in_EXSG_51 dx = 136.940369; dy = 8.873047; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2902 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2901 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1d_in_EXSG_51", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2902); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2s_in_EXSG_102 dx = 137.709778; dy = 8.928288; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2904 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2903 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2s_in_EXSG_102", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2904); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1d_in_EXSG_51 dx = 137.709778; dy = 8.928288; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2906 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2905 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1d_in_EXSG_51", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2906); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2t_in_EXSG_103 dx = 138.479187; dy = 8.983530; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2908 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2907 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2t_in_EXSG_103", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2908); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1e_in_EXSG_52 dx = 138.479187; dy = 8.983530; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2910 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2909 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1e_in_EXSG_52", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2910); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2u_in_EXSG_104 dx = 139.248611; dy = 9.038773; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2912 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2911 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2u_in_EXSG_104", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2912); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1e_in_EXSG_52 dx = 139.248611; dy = 9.038773; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2914 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2913 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1e_in_EXSG_52", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2914); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2v_in_EXSG_105 dx = 140.018036; dy = 9.094014; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2916 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2915 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2v_in_EXSG_105", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2916); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1f_in_EXSG_53 dx = 140.018036; dy = 9.094014; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2918 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2917 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1f_in_EXSG_53", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2918); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2w_in_EXSG_106 dx = 140.787460; dy = 9.149257; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2920 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2919 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2w_in_EXSG_106", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2920); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1f_in_EXSG_53 dx = 140.787460; dy = 9.149257; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2922 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2921 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1f_in_EXSG_53", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2922); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2x_in_EXSG_107 dx = 141.556870; dy = 9.204498; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2924 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2923 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2x_in_EXSG_107", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2924); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1g_in_EXSG_54 dx = 141.556870; dy = 9.204498; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2926 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2925 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1g_in_EXSG_54", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2926); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2y_in_EXSG_108 dx = 142.326294; dy = 9.259740; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2928 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2927 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2y_in_EXSG_108", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2928); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1g_in_EXSG_54 dx = 142.326294; dy = 9.259740; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2930 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2929 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1g_in_EXSG_54", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2930); // Combi transformation: pos_EH2z_in_EXSG_109 dx = 143.095718; dy = 9.314982; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2932 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2931 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH2z_in_EXSG_109", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2932); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1h_in_EXSG_55 dx = 143.095718; dy = 9.314982; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2934 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2933 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1h_in_EXSG_55", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2934); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3S_in_EXSG_110 dx = 143.865143; dy = 9.370224; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2936 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2935 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3S_in_EXSG_110", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2936); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1h_in_EXSG_55 dx = 143.865143; dy = 9.370224; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2938 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2937 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1h_in_EXSG_55", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2938); // Combi transformation: pos_EH31_in_EXSG_111 dx = 144.634552; dy = 9.425466; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2940 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2939 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH31_in_EXSG_111", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2940); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1i_in_EXSG_56 dx = 144.634552; dy = 9.425466; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2942 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2941 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1i_in_EXSG_56", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2942); // Combi transformation: pos_EH32_in_EXSG_112 dx = 145.403976; dy = 9.480708; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2944 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2943 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH32_in_EXSG_112", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2944); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1i_in_EXSG_56 dx = 145.403976; dy = 9.480708; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2946 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2945 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1i_in_EXSG_56", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2946); // Combi transformation: pos_EH33_in_EXSG_113 dx = 146.173401; dy = 9.535950; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2948 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2947 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH33_in_EXSG_113", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2948); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1j_in_EXSG_57 dx = 146.173401; dy = 9.535950; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2950 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2949 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1j_in_EXSG_57", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2950); // Combi transformation: pos_EH34_in_EXSG_114 dx = 146.942810; dy = 9.591191; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2952 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2951 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH34_in_EXSG_114", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2952); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1j_in_EXSG_57 dx = 146.942810; dy = 9.591191; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2954 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2953 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1j_in_EXSG_57", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2954); // Combi transformation: pos_EH35_in_EXSG_115 dx = 147.712234; dy = 9.646434; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2956 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2955 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH35_in_EXSG_115", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2956); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1k_in_EXSG_58 dx = 147.712234; dy = 9.646434; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2958 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2957 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1k_in_EXSG_58", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2958); // Combi transformation: pos_EH36_in_EXSG_116 dx = 148.481644; dy = 9.701674; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2960 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2959 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH36_in_EXSG_116", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2960); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1k_in_EXSG_58 dx = 148.481644; dy = 9.701674; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2962 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2961 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1k_in_EXSG_58", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2962); // Combi transformation: pos_EH37_in_EXSG_117 dx = 149.251068; dy = 9.756916; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2964 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2963 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH37_in_EXSG_117", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2964); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1l_in_EXSG_59 dx = 149.251068; dy = 9.756916; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2966 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2965 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1l_in_EXSG_59", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2966); // Combi transformation: pos_EH38_in_EXSG_118 dx = 150.020493; dy = 9.812158; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2968 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2967 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH38_in_EXSG_118", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2968); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1l_in_EXSG_59 dx = 150.020493; dy = 9.812158; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2970 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2969 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1l_in_EXSG_59", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2970); // Combi transformation: pos_EH39_in_EXSG_119 dx = 150.789902; dy = 9.867399; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2972 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2971 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH39_in_EXSG_119", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2972); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1m_in_EXSG_60 dx = 150.789902; dy = 9.867399; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2974 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2973 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1m_in_EXSG_60", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2974); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3a_in_EXSG_120 dx = 151.559341; dy = 9.922642; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2976 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2975 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3a_in_EXSG_120", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2976); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1m_in_EXSG_60 dx = 151.559341; dy = 9.922642; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2978 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2977 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1m_in_EXSG_60", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2978); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3b_in_EXSG_121 dx = 152.328751; dy = 9.977883; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2980 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2979 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3b_in_EXSG_121", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2980); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1n_in_EXSG_61 dx = 152.328751; dy = 9.977883; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2982 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2981 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1n_in_EXSG_61", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2982); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3c_in_EXSG_122 dx = 153.098175; dy = 10.033125; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2984 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2983 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3c_in_EXSG_122", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2984); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1n_in_EXSG_61 dx = 153.098175; dy = 10.033125; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2986 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2985 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1n_in_EXSG_61", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2986); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3d_in_EXSG_123 dx = 153.867584; dy = 10.088367; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2988 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2987 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3d_in_EXSG_123", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2988); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1o_in_EXSG_62 dx = 153.867584; dy = 10.088367; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2990 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2989 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1o_in_EXSG_62", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2990); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3e_in_EXSG_124 dx = 154.637009; dy = 10.143608; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2992 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2991 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3e_in_EXSG_124", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2992); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1o_in_EXSG_62 dx = 154.637009; dy = 10.143608; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2994 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2993 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1o_in_EXSG_62", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2994); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3f_in_EXSG_125 dx = 155.406433; dy = 10.198850; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2996 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2995 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3f_in_EXSG_125", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2996); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1p_in_EXSG_63 dx = 155.406433; dy = 10.198850; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix2998 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2997 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1p_in_EXSG_63", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix2998); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3g_in_EXSG_126 dx = 156.175842; dy = 10.254092; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3000 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix2999 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3g_in_EXSG_126", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3000); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1p_in_EXSG_63 dx = 156.175842; dy = 10.254092; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3002 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3001 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1p_in_EXSG_63", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3002); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3h_in_EXSG_127 dx = 156.945267; dy = 10.309334; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3004 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3003 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3h_in_EXSG_127", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3004); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1q_in_EXSG_64 dx = 156.945267; dy = 10.309334; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3006 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3005 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1q_in_EXSG_64", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3006); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3i_in_EXSG_128 dx = 157.714676; dy = 10.364575; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3008 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3007 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3i_in_EXSG_128", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3008); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1q_in_EXSG_64 dx = 157.714676; dy = 10.364575; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3010 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3009 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1q_in_EXSG_64", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3010); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3j_in_EXSG_129 dx = 158.484100; dy = 10.419818; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3012 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3011 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3j_in_EXSG_129", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3012); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1r_in_EXSG_65 dx = 158.484100; dy = 10.419818; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3014 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3013 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1r_in_EXSG_65", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3014); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3k_in_EXSG_130 dx = 159.253525; dy = 10.475060; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3016 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3015 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3k_in_EXSG_130", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3016); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1r_in_EXSG_65 dx = 159.253525; dy = 10.475060; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3018 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3017 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1r_in_EXSG_65", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3018); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3l_in_EXSG_131 dx = 160.022949; dy = 10.530302; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3020 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3019 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3l_in_EXSG_131", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3020); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1s_in_EXSG_66 dx = 160.022949; dy = 10.530302; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3022 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3021 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1s_in_EXSG_66", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3022); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3m_in_EXSG_132 dx = 160.792374; dy = 10.585545; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3024 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3023 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3m_in_EXSG_132", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3024); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1s_in_EXSG_66 dx = 160.792374; dy = 10.585545; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3026 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3025 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1s_in_EXSG_66", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3026); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3n_in_EXSG_133 dx = 161.561783; dy = 10.640785; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3028 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3027 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3n_in_EXSG_133", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3028); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1t_in_EXSG_67 dx = 161.561783; dy = 10.640785; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3030 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3029 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1t_in_EXSG_67", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3030); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3o_in_EXSG_134 dx = 162.416580; dy = 10.781404; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3032 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3031 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3o_in_EXSG_134", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3032); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1t_in_EXSG_67 dx = 162.416580; dy = 10.781404; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3034 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3033 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1t_in_EXSG_67", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3034); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3p_in_EXSG_135 dx = 162.771317; dy = 10.421957; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3036 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3035 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3p_in_EXSG_135", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3036); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1u_in_EXSG_68 dx = 162.771317; dy = 10.421957; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3038 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3037 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1u_in_EXSG_68", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3038); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3q_in_EXSG_136 dx = 163.125366; dy = 10.061846; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3040 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3039 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3q_in_EXSG_136", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3040); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1u_in_EXSG_68 dx = 163.125366; dy = 10.061846; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3042 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3041 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1u_in_EXSG_68", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3042); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3r_in_EXSG_137 dx = 163.478775; dy = 9.701065; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3044 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3043 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3r_in_EXSG_137", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3044); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1v_in_EXSG_69 dx = 163.478775; dy = 9.701065; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3046 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3045 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1v_in_EXSG_69", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3046); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3s_in_EXSG_138 dx = 163.831512; dy = 9.339621; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3048 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3047 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3s_in_EXSG_138", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3048); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1v_in_EXSG_69 dx = 163.831512; dy = 9.339621; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3050 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3049 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1v_in_EXSG_69", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3050); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3t_in_EXSG_139 dx = 164.183563; dy = 8.977507; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3052 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3051 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3t_in_EXSG_139", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3052); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1w_in_EXSG_70 dx = 164.183563; dy = 8.977507; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3054 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3053 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1w_in_EXSG_70", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3054); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3u_in_EXSG_140 dx = 164.534958; dy = 8.614710; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3056 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3055 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3u_in_EXSG_140", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3056); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1w_in_EXSG_70 dx = 164.534958; dy = 8.614710; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3058 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3057 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1w_in_EXSG_70", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3058); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3v_in_EXSG_141 dx = 164.885651; dy = 8.251240; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3060 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3059 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3v_in_EXSG_141", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3060); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1x_in_EXSG_71 dx = 164.885651; dy = 8.251240; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3062 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3061 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1x_in_EXSG_71", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3062); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3w_in_EXSG_142 dx = 165.235687; dy = 7.887089; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3064 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3063 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3w_in_EXSG_142", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3064); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1x_in_EXSG_71 dx = 165.235687; dy = 7.887089; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3066 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3065 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1x_in_EXSG_71", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3066); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3x_in_EXSG_143 dx = 165.585022; dy = 7.522247; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3068 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3067 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3x_in_EXSG_143", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3068); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1y_in_EXSG_72 dx = 165.585022; dy = 7.522247; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3070 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3069 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1y_in_EXSG_72", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3070); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3y_in_EXSG_144 dx = 165.933670; dy = 7.156721; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3072 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3071 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3y_in_EXSG_144", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3072); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1y_in_EXSG_72 dx = 165.933670; dy = 7.156721; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3074 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3073 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1y_in_EXSG_72", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3074); // Combi transformation: pos_EH3z_in_EXSG_145 dx = 166.281631; dy = 6.790497; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3076 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3075 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH3z_in_EXSG_145", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3076); // Combi transformation: pos_EB1z_in_EXSG_73 dx = 166.281631; dy = 6.790497; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3078 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3077 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB1z_in_EXSG_73", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3078); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4S_in_EXSG_146 dx = 166.628891; dy = 6.423584; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3080 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3079 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4S_in_EXSG_146", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3080); // Combi transformation: pos_EF1z_in_EXSG_73 dx = 166.628891; dy = 6.423584; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3082 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3081 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF1z_in_EXSG_73", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3082); // Combi transformation: pos_EH41_in_EXSG_147 dx = 166.975449; dy = 6.055967; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3084 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3083 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH41_in_EXSG_147", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3084); // Combi transformation: pos_EB2S_in_EXSG_74 dx = 166.975449; dy = 6.055967; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3086 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3085 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB2S_in_EXSG_74", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3086); // Combi transformation: pos_EH42_in_EXSG_148 dx = 167.321320; dy = 5.687645; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3088 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3087 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH42_in_EXSG_148", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3088); // Combi transformation: pos_EF2S_in_EXSG_74 dx = 167.321320; dy = 5.687645; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3090 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3089 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF2S_in_EXSG_74", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3090); // Combi transformation: pos_EH43_in_EXSG_149 dx = 167.666458; dy = 5.318619; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3092 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3091 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH43_in_EXSG_149", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3092); // Combi transformation: pos_EB21_in_EXSG_75 dx = 167.666458; dy = 5.318619; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3094 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3093 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB21_in_EXSG_75", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3094); // Combi transformation: pos_EH44_in_EXSG_150 dx = 168.010895; dy = 4.948881; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3096 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3095 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH44_in_EXSG_150", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3096); // Combi transformation: pos_EF21_in_EXSG_75 dx = 168.010895; dy = 4.948881; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3098 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3097 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF21_in_EXSG_75", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3098); // Combi transformation: pos_EH45_in_EXSG_151 dx = 168.354630; dy = 4.578423; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3100 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3099 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH45_in_EXSG_151", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3100); // Combi transformation: pos_EB22_in_EXSG_76 dx = 168.354630; dy = 4.578423; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3102 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3101 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB22_in_EXSG_76", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3102); // Combi transformation: pos_EH46_in_EXSG_152 dx = 168.697632; dy = 4.207253; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3104 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3103 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH46_in_EXSG_152", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3104); // Combi transformation: pos_EF22_in_EXSG_76 dx = 168.697632; dy = 4.207253; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3106 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3105 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF22_in_EXSG_76", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3106); // Combi transformation: pos_EH47_in_EXSG_153 dx = 169.039902; dy = 3.835356; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3108 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3107 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH47_in_EXSG_153", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3108); // Combi transformation: pos_EB23_in_EXSG_77 dx = 169.039902; dy = 3.835356; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3110 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3109 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB23_in_EXSG_77", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3110); // Combi transformation: pos_EH48_in_EXSG_154 dx = 169.381454; dy = 3.462729; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3112 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3111 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH48_in_EXSG_154", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3112); // Combi transformation: pos_EF23_in_EXSG_77 dx = 169.381454; dy = 3.462729; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3114 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3113 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF23_in_EXSG_77", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3114); // Combi transformation: pos_EH49_in_EXSG_155 dx = 169.722290; dy = 3.089375; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3116 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3115 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH49_in_EXSG_155", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3116); // Combi transformation: pos_EB24_in_EXSG_78 dx = 169.722290; dy = 3.089375; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3118 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3117 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB24_in_EXSG_78", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3118); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4a_in_EXSG_156 dx = 170.062378; dy = 2.715281; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3120 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3119 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4a_in_EXSG_156", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3120); // Combi transformation: pos_EF24_in_EXSG_78 dx = 170.062378; dy = 2.715281; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3122 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3121 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF24_in_EXSG_78", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3122); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4b_in_EXSG_157 dx = 170.401718; dy = 2.340450; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3124 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3123 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4b_in_EXSG_157", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3124); // Combi transformation: pos_EB25_in_EXSG_79 dx = 170.401718; dy = 2.340450; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3126 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3125 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB25_in_EXSG_79", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3126); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4c_in_EXSG_158 dx = 170.740326; dy = 1.964878; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3128 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3127 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4c_in_EXSG_158", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3128); // Combi transformation: pos_EF25_in_EXSG_79 dx = 170.740326; dy = 1.964878; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3130 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3129 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF25_in_EXSG_79", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3130); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4d_in_EXSG_159 dx = 171.078171; dy = 1.588551; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3132 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3131 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4d_in_EXSG_159", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3132); // Combi transformation: pos_EB26_in_EXSG_80 dx = 171.078171; dy = 1.588551; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3134 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3133 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB26_in_EXSG_80", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3134); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4e_in_EXSG_160 dx = 171.415283; dy = 1.211475; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3136 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3135 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4e_in_EXSG_160", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3136); // Combi transformation: pos_EF26_in_EXSG_80 dx = 171.415283; dy = 1.211475; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3138 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3137 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF26_in_EXSG_80", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3138); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4f_in_EXSG_161 dx = 171.751617; dy = 0.833643; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3140 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3139 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4f_in_EXSG_161", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3140); // Combi transformation: pos_EB27_in_EXSG_81 dx = 171.751617; dy = 0.833643; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3142 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3141 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB27_in_EXSG_81", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3142); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4g_in_EXSG_162 dx = 172.087204; dy = 0.455042; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3144 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3143 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4g_in_EXSG_162", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3144); // Combi transformation: pos_EF27_in_EXSG_81 dx = 172.087204; dy = 0.455042; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3146 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3145 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF27_in_EXSG_81", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3146); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4h_in_EXSG_163 dx = 172.422012; dy = 0.075682; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3148 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3147 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4h_in_EXSG_163", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3148); // Combi transformation: pos_EB28_in_EXSG_82 dx = 172.422012; dy = 0.075682; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3150 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3149 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB28_in_EXSG_82", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3150); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4i_in_EXSG_164 dx = 172.756058; dy = -0.304449; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3152 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3151 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4i_in_EXSG_164", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3152); // Combi transformation: pos_EF28_in_EXSG_82 dx = 172.756058; dy = -0.304449; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3154 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3153 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF28_in_EXSG_82", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3154); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4j_in_EXSG_165 dx = 173.089325; dy = -0.685364; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3156 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3155 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4j_in_EXSG_165", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3156); // Combi transformation: pos_EB29_in_EXSG_83 dx = 173.089325; dy = -0.685364; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3158 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3157 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB29_in_EXSG_83", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3158); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4k_in_EXSG_166 dx = 173.421814; dy = -1.067053; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3160 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3159 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4k_in_EXSG_166", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3160); // Combi transformation: pos_EF29_in_EXSG_83 dx = 173.421814; dy = -1.067053; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3162 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3161 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF29_in_EXSG_83", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3162); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4l_in_EXSG_167 dx = 173.753510; dy = -1.449528; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3164 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3163 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4l_in_EXSG_167", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3164); // Combi transformation: pos_EB2a_in_EXSG_84 dx = 173.753510; dy = -1.449528; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3166 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3165 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB2a_in_EXSG_84", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3166); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4m_in_EXSG_168 dx = 174.084427; dy = -1.832798; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3168 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3167 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4m_in_EXSG_168", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3168); // Combi transformation: pos_EF2a_in_EXSG_84 dx = 174.084427; dy = -1.832798; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3170 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3169 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF2a_in_EXSG_84", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3170); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4n_in_EXSG_169 dx = 174.414536; dy = -2.216858; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3172 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3171 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4n_in_EXSG_169", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3172); // Combi transformation: pos_EB2b_in_EXSG_85 dx = 174.414536; dy = -2.216858; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3174 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3173 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB2b_in_EXSG_85", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3174); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4o_in_EXSG_170 dx = 174.743866; dy = -2.601725; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3176 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3175 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4o_in_EXSG_170", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3176); // Combi transformation: pos_EF2b_in_EXSG_85 dx = 174.743866; dy = -2.601725; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3178 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3177 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF2b_in_EXSG_85", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3178); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4p_in_EXSG_171 dx = 175.072372; dy = -2.987391; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3180 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3179 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4p_in_EXSG_171", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3180); // Combi transformation: pos_EB2c_in_EXSG_86 dx = 175.072372; dy = -2.987391; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3182 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3181 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB2c_in_EXSG_86", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3182); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4q_in_EXSG_172 dx = 175.400055; dy = -3.373869; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3184 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3183 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4q_in_EXSG_172", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3184); // Combi transformation: pos_EF2c_in_EXSG_86 dx = 175.400055; dy = -3.373869; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3186 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3185 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF2c_in_EXSG_86", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3186); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4r_in_EXSG_173 dx = 175.726944; dy = -3.761165; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3188 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3187 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4r_in_EXSG_173", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3188); // Combi transformation: pos_EB2d_in_EXSG_87 dx = 175.726944; dy = -3.761165; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3190 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3189 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB2d_in_EXSG_87", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3190); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4s_in_EXSG_174 dx = 176.053009; dy = -4.149286; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3192 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3191 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4s_in_EXSG_174", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3192); // Combi transformation: pos_EF2d_in_EXSG_87 dx = 176.053009; dy = -4.149286; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3194 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3193 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF2d_in_EXSG_87", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3194); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4t_in_EXSG_175 dx = 176.378235; dy = -4.538236; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3196 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3195 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4t_in_EXSG_175", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3196); // Combi transformation: pos_EB2e_in_EXSG_88 dx = 176.378235; dy = -4.538236; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3198 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3197 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB2e_in_EXSG_88", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3198); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4u_in_EXSG_176 dx = 176.702621; dy = -4.928006; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3200 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3199 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4u_in_EXSG_176", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3200); // Combi transformation: pos_EF2e_in_EXSG_88 dx = 176.702621; dy = -4.928006; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3202 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3201 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF2e_in_EXSG_88", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3202); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4v_in_EXSG_177 dx = 177.026199; dy = -5.318627; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3204 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3203 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4v_in_EXSG_177", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3204); // Combi transformation: pos_EB2f_in_EXSG_89 dx = 177.026199; dy = -5.318627; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3206 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3205 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB2f_in_EXSG_89", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3206); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4w_in_EXSG_178 dx = 177.348907; dy = -5.710093; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3208 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3207 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4w_in_EXSG_178", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3208); // Combi transformation: pos_EF2f_in_EXSG_89 dx = 177.348907; dy = -5.710093; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3210 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3209 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF2f_in_EXSG_89", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3210); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4x_in_EXSG_179 dx = 177.670776; dy = -6.102396; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3212 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3211 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4x_in_EXSG_179", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3212); // Combi transformation: pos_EB2g_in_EXSG_90 dx = 177.670776; dy = -6.102396; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3214 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3213 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB2g_in_EXSG_90", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3214); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4y_in_EXSG_180 dx = 177.991791; dy = -6.495567; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3216 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3215 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4y_in_EXSG_180", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3216); // Combi transformation: pos_EF2g_in_EXSG_90 dx = 177.991791; dy = -6.495567; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3218 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3217 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF2g_in_EXSG_90", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3218); // Combi transformation: pos_EH4z_in_EXSG_181 dx = 178.311935; dy = -6.889601; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3220 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3219 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH4z_in_EXSG_181", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3220); // Combi transformation: pos_EB2h_in_EXSG_91 dx = 178.311935; dy = -6.889601; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3222 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3221 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB2h_in_EXSG_91", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3222); // Combi transformation: pos_EH5S_in_EXSG_182 dx = 178.631210; dy = -7.284491; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3224 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3223 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH5S_in_EXSG_182", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3224); // Combi transformation: pos_EF2h_in_EXSG_91 dx = 178.631210; dy = -7.284491; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3226 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3225 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF2h_in_EXSG_91", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3226); // Combi transformation: pos_EH51_in_EXSG_183 dx = 178.949615; dy = -7.680266; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3228 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3227 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH51_in_EXSG_183", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3228); // Combi transformation: pos_EB2i_in_EXSG_92 dx = 178.949615; dy = -7.680266; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3230 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3229 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB2i_in_EXSG_92", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3230); // Combi transformation: pos_EH52_in_EXSG_184 dx = 179.267151; dy = -8.076923; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3232 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3231 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH52_in_EXSG_184", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3232); // Combi transformation: pos_EF2i_in_EXSG_92 dx = 179.267151; dy = -8.076923; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3234 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3233 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF2i_in_EXSG_92", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3234); // Combi transformation: pos_EH53_in_EXSG_185 dx = 179.583786; dy = -8.474455; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3236 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3235 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH53_in_EXSG_185", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3236); // Combi transformation: pos_EB2j_in_EXSG_93 dx = 179.583786; dy = -8.474455; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3238 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3237 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB2j_in_EXSG_93", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3238); // Combi transformation: pos_EH54_in_EXSG_186 dx = 179.899521; dy = -8.872892; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3240 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3239 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH54_in_EXSG_186", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3240); // Combi transformation: pos_EF2j_in_EXSG_93 dx = 179.899521; dy = -8.872892; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3242 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3241 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF2j_in_EXSG_93", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3242); // Combi transformation: pos_EH55_in_EXSG_187 dx = 180.214371; dy = -9.272230; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3244 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3243 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH55_in_EXSG_187", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3244); // Combi transformation: pos_EB2k_in_EXSG_94 dx = 180.214371; dy = -9.272230; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3246 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3245 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB2k_in_EXSG_94", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3246); // Combi transformation: pos_EH56_in_EXSG_188 dx = 180.528320; dy = -9.672474; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3248 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3247 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH56_in_EXSG_188", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3248); // Combi transformation: pos_EF2k_in_EXSG_94 dx = 180.528320; dy = -9.672474; dz = -0.430500; // Rotation: rot_EFLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3250 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EFLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3249 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EF2k_in_EXSG_94", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3250); // Combi transformation: pos_EH57_in_EXSG_189 dx = 180.936630; dy = -9.978320; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3252 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EHMS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3251 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EH57_in_EXSG_189", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3252); // Combi transformation: pos_EB2l_in_EXSG_95 dx = 180.936630; dy = -9.978320; dz = 0.455000; // Rotation: rot_EBLS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 45.000000; thz = 0.000000; phz = 0.000000; TGeoRotation *pMatrix3254 = new TGeoRotation("rot_EBLS_in_EXSG",thx,phx,thy,phy,thz,phz); pMatrix3253 = new TGeoCombiTrans("pos_EB2l_in_EXSG_95", dx,dy,dz,pMatrix3254); // Combi transformation: pos_EH58_in_EXSG_190 dx = 181.454910; dy = -10.174232; dz = 0.000000; // Rotation: rot_EHMS_in_EXSG thx = 90.000000; phx = 315.000000; thy = 90.000000; phy = 225.000000; thz = 180.0000