Vtxeval Results

Tests with W embedding

Test of standard vs muDst vertex reconstruction, a704cb55 + "nolimit PPV"

no beamline beamline (aka 1D fit) beamline3D (aka 3D fit)
VFMinuit StEvent StEvent StEvent
PPV StEvent

muDst (older)
muDst v3.0

muDst (older)
muDst v3.0
sigma10, sigma20, sigma30, sigma40, sigma50

muDst (older)
muDst v3.0

Test of "no static obj" branch, 1b5bda26 vs 3e5901d4

no beamline beamline (aka 1D fit) beamline3D (aka 3D fit)
VFMinuit 1b5bda26, 3e5901d4 1b5bda26, 3e5901d4 1b5bda26, 3e5901d4
PPV 1b5bda26, 3e5901d4 1b5bda26, 3e5901d4 1b5bda26, 3e5901d4

Test of standard vs muDst vertex reconstruction, 9a5f3dea + "nolimit PPV"

no beamline beamline (aka 1D fit) beamline3D (aka 3D fit)
PPV StEvent
sigma 1.0
sigma 1.5
sigma 2.0
sigma 1.0
sigma 1.5
sigma 2.0
sigma 1.0
sigma 1.5
sigma 2.0

pp, signal, pile-up

pp with simulated pile-up

STAR Vertex Finders with different beamline options