StFms  0.0.0
FMS software in the STAR framework
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***************************************************************************
2  *
3  * $Id: StEventTypes.h,v 2.44 2014/04/10 16:00:13 jeromel Exp $
4  *
5  * Author: Thomas Ullrich, Sep 1999
6  ***************************************************************************
7  *
8  * Description:
9  *
10  ***************************************************************************
11  *
12  * $Log: StEventTypes.h,v $
13  * Revision 2.44 2014/04/10 16:00:13 jeromel
14  * Changes to inlcude Ist structure (Thomas OK-ed / may revisit some comments)
15  *
16  * Revision 2.43 2013/07/23 11:21:49 jeromel
17  * Undo past week changes
18  *
19  * Revision 2.41 2013/04/10 19:15:52 jeromel
20  * Step back from StEvent changes - previous change recoverable [Thomas OK-ed]
21  *
22  * Revision 2.39 2013/03/05 14:42:45 ullrich
23  * Added StPxl hits and Containers.
24  *
25  * Revision 2.38 2013/02/21 00:24:14 ullrich
26  * Added StMtdPidTraits.
27  *
28  * Revision 2.37 2012/11/07 21:37:54 fisyak
29  * Add includes for Fgt
30  *
31  * Revision 2.36 2012/05/07 14:42:57 fisyak
32  * Add handilings for Track to Fast Detectors Matching
33  *
34  * Revision 2.35 2011/04/27 22:28:56 ullrich
35  * Add MTD.
36  *
37  * Revision 2.34 2011/02/01 19:47:36 ullrich
38  * Added HLT branch and hooks.
39  *
40  * Revision 2.33 2010/08/31 19:56:04 fisyak
41  * Remove SoftwareMonitors
42  *
43  * Revision 2.32 2010/01/08 22:43:44 ullrich
44  * Updates needed to add StFmsCollection and related classes.
45  *
46  * Revision 2.31 2009/11/23 16:34:06 fisyak
47  * Cleanup, remove dependence on dst tables, clean up software monitors
48  *
49  * Revision 2.30 2007/07/02 20:45:04 ullrich
50  * Added FMS and MTD trigger detector classes.
51  *
52  * Revision 2.29 2006/01/19 21:52:57 ullrich
53  * Added RnD hits and collection.
54  *
55  * Revision 2.28 2005/04/11 22:35:25 calderon
56  * Tof Classes for Run 5. Modifications and additions from Xin to
57  * take care of new TOF daq and electronics. Added StTofRawData and
58  * modified containers and includes.
59  *
60  * Revision 2.27 2004/08/03 17:23:47 ullrich
61  * Added include file for StFpdTriggerDetector.
62  *
63  * Revision 2.26 2004/04/19 17:37:32 ullrich
64  * Updated to include recent additions to StEvent.
65  *
66  * Revision 2.25 2003/05/21 18:22:46 ullrich
67  * Major Revision of ToF classes (F. Geurts)
68  *
69  * Revision 2.24 2003/04/16 17:48:53 ullrich
70  * Added StTriggerData.
71  *
72  * Revision 2.23 2003/01/30 18:37:55 ullrich
73  * Added Phmd and TriggerId stuff.
74  *
75  * Revision 2.22 2002/04/18 23:38:21 jeromel
76  * Implementation of the SVT 2 tables scheme ...
77  *
78  * Revision 2.21 2002/02/19 04:24:03 lasiuk
79  * addition of StRichSpectra information for uDST purposes
80  *
81  * Revision 2.20 2002/01/03 20:59:33 ullrich
82  * Added BBC and FPD.
83  *
84  * Revision 2.19 2001/12/01 15:42:26 ullrich
85  * Added StDetectorState.h
86  *
87  * Revision 2.18 2001/11/10 23:53:23 ullrich
88  * Added calibration vertices.
89  *
90  * Revision 2.17 2001/11/07 21:19:43 ullrich
91  * Added L1 trigger.
92  *
93  * Revision 2.16 2001/10/01 19:40:31 ullrich
94  * Added StTofData.
95  *
96  * Revision 2.15 2001/09/18 00:14:55 ullrich
97  * Added StRunInfo.
98  *
99  * Revision 2.14 2001/09/13 03:04:21 ullrich
100  * Removed StRun and StRunSummary.
101  *
102  * Revision 2.13 2001/08/20 21:22:46 ullrich
103  * L3 classes added.
104  *
105  * Revision 2.12 2001/04/27 02:37:46 ullrich
106  * Added ToF include files.
107  *
108  * Revision 2.11 2001/03/14 03:50:42 ullrich
109  * Added StPsd.h
110  *
111  * Revision 2.10 2000/08/17 00:12:55 ullrich
112  * Added StTptTrack.h
113  *
114  * Revision 2.9 2000/06/19 01:32:16 perev
115  * Thomas StEvent branches added
116  *
117  * Revision 2.8 2000/05/22 21:43:06 ullrich
118  * Add RICH related containers.
119  *
120  * Revision 2.7 2000/04/26 20:29:50 ullrich
121  * Removed obsolete StBrowsableEvent.
122  *
123  * Revision 2.6 2000/03/29 16:54:19 ullrich
124  * Added L3 trigger.
125  *
126  * Revision 2.5 2000/02/23 17:36:05 ullrich
127  * Changes due to the addition of the EMC to StEvent
128  *
129  * Revision 2.4 2000/02/17 18:13:09 ullrich
130  * Changed the SVT hit storage model. Hits are now stored according
131  * to barrel/ladder/wafer not by layer/ladder/wafer.
132  *
133  * Revision 2.3 2000/01/14 13:48:52 ullrich
134  * Added RICH pixel collection.
135  *
136  * Revision 2.2 2000/01/05 16:02:30 ullrich
137  * SSD hits added to StEvent.
138  *
139  * Revision 2.1 1999/10/13 19:43:04 ullrich
140  * Initial Revision
141  *
142  **************************************************************************/
143 #ifndef StEventTypes_hh
144 #define StEventTypes_hh
146 #include "StBbcTriggerDetector.h"
147 #include "StCalibrationVertex.h"
148 #include "StCtbTriggerDetector.h"
149 #include "StDedxPidTraits.h"
150 #include "StDetectorState.h"
151 #include "StEmcCluster.h"
152 #include "StEmcClusterCollection.h"
153 #include "StEmcCollection.h"
154 #include "StEmcDetector.h"
155 #include "StEmcModule.h"
156 #include "StEmcPoint.h"
157 #include "StEmcRawHit.h"
158 #include "StEmcTriggerDetector.h"
159 #include "StEnumerations.h"
160 #include "StEvent.h"
161 #include "StEventClusteringHints.h"
162 #include "StEventInfo.h"
163 #include "StEventSummary.h"
164 #include "StFmsCollection.h"
165 #include "StFmsCluster.h"
166 #include "StFmsHit.h"
167 #include "StFmsPoint.h"
168 #include "StFmsTriggerDetector.h"
169 #include "StFpdCollection.h"
170 #include "StFpdTriggerDetector.h"
171 #include "StFtpcHit.h"
172 #include "StFtpcHitCollection.h"
173 #include "StFtpcPlaneHitCollection.h"
174 #include "StFtpcSectorHitCollection.h"
175 #include "StFunctional.h"
176 #include "StGlobalTrack.h"
177 #include "StHelixModel.h"
178 #include "StHit.h"
179 #include "StHltBEmcTowerHit.h"
180 #include "StHltBTofHit.h"
181 #include "StHltDiElectron.h"
182 #include "StHltEvent.h"
183 #include "StHltHeavyFragment.h"
184 #include "StHltHighPt.h"
185 #include "StHltTrack.h"
186 #include "StHltTrackNode.h"
187 #include "StHltTriggerReason.h"
188 #include "StHltTriggerReasonCapable.h"
189 #include "StHltVpdHit.h"
190 #include "StMtdCollection.h"
191 #include "StMtdHit.h"
192 #include "StMtdRawHit.h"
193 #include "StMtdHeader.h"
194 #include "StMtdPidTraits.h"
195 #include "StKinkVertex.h"
196 #include "StL0Trigger.h"
197 #include "StL1Trigger.h"
198 #include "StL3Trigger.h"
199 #include "StL3EventSummary.h"
200 #include "StL3AlgorithmInfo.h"
201 #include "StMeasuredPoint.h"
202 #include "StMtdTriggerDetector.h"
203 #include "StMwcTriggerDetector.h"
204 #include "StPhmdCollection.h"
205 #include "StPhmdDetector.h"
206 #include "StPhmdHit.h"
207 #include "StPhmdModule.h"
208 #include "StPhmdCluster.h"
209 #include "StPhmdClusterCollection.h"
210 #include "StPrimaryTrack.h"
211 #include "StPrimaryVertex.h"
212 #include "StPsd.h"
213 #include "StPxlHit.h"
214 #include "StPxlHitCollection.h"
215 #include "StPxlSensorHitCollection.h"
216 #include "StPxlSectorHitCollection.h"
217 #include "StPxlLadderHitCollection.h"
218 #include "StRichCluster.h"
219 #include "StRichCollection.h"
220 #include "StRichHit.h"
221 #include "StRichMCHit.h"
222 #include "StRichMCInfo.h"
223 #include "StRichMCPixel.h"
224 #include "StRichPhotonInfo.h"
225 #include "StRichPid.h"
226 #include "StRichPidTraits.h"
227 #include "StRichSpectra.h"
228 #include "StRichPixel.h"
229 #include "StRpsCluster.h"
230 #include "StRpsCollection.h"
231 #include "StRpsPlane.h"
232 #include "StRpsRomanPot.h"
233 #include "StRunInfo.h"
234 #include "StSsdHit.h"
235 #include "StSsdHitCollection.h"
236 #include "StSsdLadderHitCollection.h"
237 #include "StSsdWaferHitCollection.h"
238 #include "StSvtHit.h"
239 #include "StSvtHitCollection.h"
240 #include "StSvtLadderHitCollection.h"
241 #include "StSvtBarrelHitCollection.h"
242 #include "StSvtWaferHitCollection.h"
243 #include "StTofCollection.h"
244 #include "StTofHit.h"
245 #include "StTofMCHit.h"
246 #include "StTofMCCell.h"
247 #include "StTofMCSlat.h"
248 #include "StTofPidTraits.h"
249 #include "StTofSlat.h"
250 #include "StTofCell.h"
251 #include "StTofData.h"
252 #include "StTofRawData.h"
253 #include "StBTofHit.h"
254 #include "StBTofCollection.h"
255 #include "StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.h"
256 #include "StTpcHit.h"
257 #include "StTpcHitCollection.h"
258 #include "StTpcPadrowHitCollection.h"
259 #include "StTpcPixel.h"
260 #include "StTpcSectorHitCollection.h"
261 #include "StTptTrack.h"
262 #include "StTrack.h"
263 #include "StTrackDetectorInfo.h"
264 #include "StTrackFitTraits.h"
265 #include "StTrackGeometry.h"
266 #include "StTrackNode.h"
267 #include "StTrackPidTraits.h"
268 #include "StTrackTopologyMap.h"
269 #include "StTrigger.h"
270 #include "StTriggerData.h"
271 #include "StTriggerDetectorCollection.h"
272 #include "StTriggerIdCollection.h"
273 #include "StTriggerId.h"
274 #include "StV0Vertex.h"
275 #include "StVertex.h"
276 #include "StVpdTriggerDetector.h"
277 #include "StXiVertex.h"
278 #include "StZdcTriggerDetector.h"
279 #include "StRnDHit.h"
280 #include "StRnDHitCollection.h"
281 #include "StFgtCollection.h"
282 #include "StFgtHit.h"
283 #include "StFgtHitCollection.h"
284 #include "StFgtPoint.h"
285 #include "StFgtPointCollection.h"
286 #include "StIstHit.h"
287 #include "StIstSensorHitCollection.h"
288 #include "StIstLadderHitCollection.h"
289 #include "StIstHitCollection.h"
290 #endif
Declaration of StFmsCluster, a group of adjacent FMS hits.
Declaration of StFmsPoint, the StEvent FMS photon structure.