StFms  0.0.0
FMS software in the STAR framework
Todo List
Class FMSCluster::StFmsClusterFitter
It may be safer to make StFmsClusterFitter a singleton class, or something like that. The shower shape fit function is shared across all objects (by necessity, in order to interface with TMinuit), but each object updates the function itself with different parameters. Therefore bad things would happen if there were more than one object in existence at any time. There isn't ever more than one instance created in this code, but I think it would be good to enforce that.
Member FMSCluster::StFmsClusterFitter::energyDepositionDistribution (Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
Provide LaTeX math function in documentation
Member FMSCluster::StFmsClusterFitter::energyDepositionInTower (Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
Provide LaTeX math function in documentation
Member FMSCluster::StFmsClusterFitter::StFmsClusterFitter ()
Actually initialize things!
Member FMSCluster::StFmsEventClusterer::cluster (std::vector< FMSCluster::StFmsTower > *towers)
Test of number of towers should be detector-dependent
Member FMSCluster::StFmsEventClusterer::fitEvent ()
Change return type to bool.
Member FMSCluster::StFmsEventClusterer::globalFit (const Int_t, const Int_t, ClusterIter first)
Improve this implementation? This approach is necessary because the original code uses a pointer to a StFmsTowerCluster in the fitting routines as both a pointer to a single cluster, and an array of clusters .
Member FMSCluster::TowerClusterAssociation::add (StFmsTowerCluster *cluster, const ETowerClusterDistance distance)
I don't like using simple float comparison here, look into a more robust method
Member StMuFmsUtil::fillFmsClusters (StFmsCollection *, StMuFmsCollection *)

fill 4-momentum. Requires adding z field to StMuFmsPoint

propagate hit- and photon-in-cluster information