//----------Author:        Markus D. Oldenburg
//----------Last Modified: 05.03.1999
//----------Copyright:     &copy MDO Production 1997

#include "MWavelet.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TPad.h"
#include "TAxis.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TProfile.h"
#include "TObject.h"

// MWavelet                                                               //
//                                                                        //
// The MWavelet class calculates factorial wavelet moments of 2nd, 3rd    //
// and 4th order and for one, two and three dimensional distributions.    //
// It is also able to display the results in a fancy way. It can do the   //
// inverse wavelet transformation and some histogramming of the facorial  //
// wavelet moments of a whole set of distributions                        //
// The class design itself isn't very good yet - actually it is no good   //
// at all!               
// 20.05.1999 I had to remove all calculations for dimension = 3 due to   //
//            problems with cint. The code is still there but it is       //
//            commented out. Also I commented out the concerning          //
//            variabels.                                                  //
//            In the constructor the setting of all pointers to NULL was  //
//            commented out as well to avoid warnings like                //
//            "unused variable".                                          //


 MWavelet::MWavelet(Char_t *na) {
  // MWavelet constructor. Gives the new MWavelet object its name 
  // and sets several pointers to NULL.

  name = na;

  TH1D *wav_mom_ord2 = NULL;
  TH1D *wav_mom_ord3 = NULL;
  TH1D *wav_mom_ord4 = NULL;

  TH1D *coeff = NULL;
  TH1D *coeff_scaled = NULL;
  TH1D *revert = NULL;

  TProfile *prof_ord2 = NULL;
  TProfile *prof_ord3 = NULL;
  TProfile *prof_ord4 = NULL;
  TCanvas *canvas = NULL;
  TPad *original = NULL;
  TPad *wav2 = NULL;
  TPad *wav3 = NULL;
  TPad *wav4 = NULL;

  TNtuple *ord2 = NULL;
  TNtuple *ord3 = NULL;
  TNtuple *ord4 = NULL;   

 MWavelet::~MWavelet() {
  // MWavelet destructor. Does nothing at all.

 void MWavelet::CalcHaar(TH1 *input_histo, Int_t jm, Int_t ord_input, Int_t option) {
  // Calculates the factorial wavelet moments of the given
  // input distribution (input_histo) up to the scale j (jm)
  // and for the given order ord_input. By option=1 is specified if
  // the output is drawn immediatly.

  Int_t j, jend;
  Int_t i1, i1end, i2 /*, i3*/;
  Int_t l1, l1end, l2 /*, l3*/;
  Int_t k1, k1end, k2 /*, k3*/;
  //  Int_t x, y, z;
  Int_t ord, ord_end = 0, min_maxbin;
  Int_t dim;

  Int_t bin_x, bin_y/*, bin_z */;
  Int_t maxbin;
  Int_t maxbin_histo_x, maxbin_histo_y/*,  maxbin_histo_z */;
  Double_t eintrag1, eintrag2;

  //  Double_t phi[2], psi1d[2];

  for (j=0;j<10; j++) 	{
    max_coeff[j] = 0.;
    max_coeff_scaled[j] = 0;
  if (!coeff) {
    TH1D *a = new TH1D("coeff", "Wavelet Koeffizienten", 512, 0., 512.);
    TH1D *b = new TH1D("coeff_scaled", "Wavelet Koeffizienten (skaliert)", 512, 0., 512.);

    coeff = a;
    coeff_scaled = b;
  else {
  // Evaluation of the dimension of the histogram

  dim = input_histo->GetDimension();

  // Evaluation of the order of the histogram
  if (ord_input < 0 || ord_input == 1 || ord_input > 4) {
    printf("Only wavelet moments of range 2 to 4 supported!n");

  // Dimension = 1  -----

  if (dim==1) {
    // Set jmax. If it is not set, calculate maximal possible value.

    maxbin_histo_x = input_histo->GetNbinsX();

    if (jm == 0) {
      while (((Int_t) pow(2, jm))<=maxbin_histo_x) jm++;

    jmax = jm;
    maxbin = (Int_t) pow(2, jmax);

    // Restrict jmax to 512 (which equals 9 orders).

    if (maxbin > 512) {
      maxbin = 512;
      jmax = 9;
    if (maxbin_histo_x < maxbin) {
      printf("pow(2, jmax = %d) > #bins of histogram!n", jmax);

    else if (maxbin_histo_x > maxbin) {
      printf("Take into account only the first %d bins!n", maxbin);
    for (bin_x=1; bin_x<=maxbin; bin_x++) {
      matrix_1dim[jmax][bin_x-1] = input_histo->GetBinContent(bin_x);

    // Allocate psi.
    psi_1dim[0] = 1.;
    psi_1dim[1] = -1.;

    // Loop over different orders.

    if (ord_input==0) {
      ord_end = 4;

    else {

    for (ord=2; ord<=ord_end; ord++) {
      // Set correlations rho to zero.

      for (j=0; j<jmax; j++) {     
	i1end = (Int_t) pow(2, j);
	for (i1=0; i1<i1end; i1++) {       
	  rho_1dim[j][i1] = 0.;
      // Loop over different scales.
      for (j=jmax; j>0; j--) {
	this->Mitteln_1dim(matrix_1dim, j);
	l1end = (Int_t) pow(2, j);
	for (l1=0; l1<l1end; l1+=2) {
	  for (i1=0; i1<=1; i1++) {
	    ma_1dim[i1] = matrix_1dim[j][i1 + l1];

	  if (ord==2) {

	    eintrag1 = (matrix_1dim[j][l1]-matrix_1dim[j][l1+1])/
	    eintrag2 = (matrix_1dim[j][l1]-matrix_1dim[j][l1+1])/2.;
	    if (TMath::Abs(eintrag1) > max_coeff[j]) 
	      max_coeff[j] = TMath::Abs(eintrag1);
	    if (TMath::Abs(eintrag2) > max_coeff_scaled[j]) 
	      max_coeff_scaled[j] = TMath::Abs(eintrag2);
	    coeff->SetBinContent(Int_t(coeff->GetBin(Int_t(pow(2., Double_t(j)-1.) + Double_t(l1/2.+1.)))), eintrag1);
	    coeff_scaled->SetBinContent(Int_t(coeff_scaled->GetBin(Int_t(pow(2., Double_t(j)-1.) + Double_t(l1/2.+1.)))), eintrag2);
	  if (ord==2) {
	    this->Ord2_1dim(ma_1dim, psi_1dim);
	  else if (ord==3) {
	    this->Ord3_1dim(ma_1dim, psi_1dim);
	  else if (ord==4) {
	    this->Ord4_1dim(ma_1dim, psi_1dim);
	  rho_1dim[j-1][l1/2] += wertges;

	  eintrag1 = (matrix_1dim[1][0]+matrix_1dim[1][1])/
	    pow(2., jmax);
	  eintrag2 = (matrix_1dim[1][0]+matrix_1dim[1][1])/2.;

	  coeff->SetBinContent(1, eintrag1);
	  coeff_scaled->SetBinContent(1, eintrag2);

	  max_coeff[0] = eintrag1;
	  max_coeff_scaled[0] = eintrag2;
      // Calculation of wavelet moments.
      for (j=0; j<jmax; j++) {
	mo[ord][j] = 0.;
	k1end = (Int_t) pow(2, j);
	for (k1=0; k1<k1end; k1++) {
	  mo[ord][j] += (rho_1dim[j][k1] / k1end);



  // Dimesion = 2   --------

  else if (dim==2) { 

    // Set jmax. If it is not set, calculate maximal possible value.
    maxbin_histo_x = input_histo->GetNbinsX();
    maxbin_histo_y = input_histo->GetNbinsY();

    min_maxbin = (maxbin_histo_x < maxbin_histo_y) 
      ? maxbin_histo_x : maxbin_histo_y;

    if (jm == 0) {
      while (((Int_t) pow(2, jm))<=min_maxbin) jm++;

    jmax = jm;

    maxbin = (Int_t) pow(2, jmax);

    // Restrict jmax to 64 (which equals 6 orders).

    if (maxbin > 64) {
      maxbin = 64;
      jmax = 6;
    if (maxbin_histo_x < maxbin || maxbin_histo_y < maxbin) {
      printf("pow(2, jmax = %d) > #bins of histogram in one direction!n", jmax);
    if (maxbin_histo_x > maxbin) {
      printf("Take into account only the first %d bins of x!n", maxbin);
    if (maxbin_histo_y > maxbin) {
      printf("Take into account only the first %d bins of y!n", maxbin);
    for (bin_x=1; bin_x<=maxbin; bin_x++) {
      for (bin_y=1; bin_y<=maxbin; bin_y++) {
	matrix_2dim[jmax][bin_x-1][bin_y-1] = input_histo->GetBinContent(input_histo->GetBin(bin_x, bin_y));

    // Allocate psi.
    psi_2dim[0][0][0] = 1.;
    psi_2dim[0][0][1] = 1.;
    psi_2dim[0][1][0] = -1.;
    psi_2dim[0][1][1] = -1.;
    psi_2dim[1][0][0] = 1.;
    psi_2dim[1][0][1] = -1.;
    psi_2dim[1][1][0] = 1.;
    psi_2dim[1][1][1] = -1.;
    psi_2dim[2][0][0] = 1.;
    psi_2dim[2][0][1] = -1.;
    psi_2dim[2][1][0] = -1.;
    psi_2dim[2][1][1] = 1.;

    // Loop over different orders.

    if (ord_input==0) ord_end = 4;
    else ord_end=ord_input;

    for (ord=2; ord<=ord_end; ord++) {

      // Set correlations rho to zero.
      for (j=0; j<jmax; j++) {
	jend = (Int_t) pow(2 ,j);
	for (i1=0; i1<jend; i1++) {
	  for (i2=0; i2<jend; i2++) {
	    rho_2dim[j][i1][i2] = 0.;
      // Loop over different scales.
      for (j=jmax; j>0; j--) {
	this->Mitteln_2dim(matrix_2dim, j);
	l1end = (Int_t) pow(2, jmax)-1;
	for (l1=0; l1<l1end; l1+=2) {
	  for (l2=0; l2<l1end; l2+=2) {
	    for (i1=0; i1<=1; i1++) {
	      for (i2=0; i2<=1; i2++) {
		ma_2dim[i1][i2] = matrix_2dim[j][i1+l1][i2+l2];
	    if (ord==2) {
	      this->Ord2_2dim(ma_2dim, psi_2dim);
	    else if (ord==3) {
	      this->Ord3_2dim(ma_2dim, psi_2dim);
	    else if (ord==4) {
	      this->Ord4_2dim(ma_2dim, psi_2dim);
	    rho_2dim[j-1][l1/2][l2/2] += wertges;
      // Calculation of wavelet moments.
      for (j=0; j<jmax; j++) {
	mo[ord][j] = 0.;
	k1end = (Int_t) pow(2,j);
	for (k1=0; k1<k1end; k1++) {
	  for (k2=0; k2<k1end; k2++) {
	    mo[ord][j] += (rho_2dim[j][k1][k2] / (3 * pow(2, 2*j)));

  // Dimension = 3   ------

  else if (dim==3) {

    // Set jmax. If it is not set, calculate maximal possible value.

    maxbin_histo_x = input_histo->GetNbinsX();
    maxbin_histo_y = input_histo->GetNbinsY();
    maxbin_histo_z = input_histo->GetNbinsZ();    

    min_maxbin = (maxbin_histo_x < maxbin_histo_y) ? maxbin_histo_x : maxbin_histo_y;
    min_maxbin = (min_maxbin < maxbin_histo_z) ? min_maxbin : maxbin_histo_z;

    if (jm == 0) {
      while (((Int_t) pow(2, jmax))<=min_maxbin) jm++;

    jmax = jm;

    maxbin = (Int_t) pow(2, jmax);

    // Restrict jmax to 64 (which equals 6 orders).

    if (maxbin > 64 ) {
      maxbin = 64;
      jmax = 6;
    if (maxbin_histo_x < maxbin || maxbin_histo_y < maxbin || maxbin_histo_z < maxbin) {
      printf("pow(2, jmax = %d) > #bins of histogram in one direction!n", jmax);
    if (maxbin_histo_x > maxbin) {
      printf("Take into account only the first %d bins of x!n", maxbin);
    if (maxbin_histo_y > maxbin) {
      printf("Take into account only the first %d bins of y!n", maxbin);
    if (maxbin_histo_z > maxbin) {
      printf("Take into account only the first %d bins of z!n", maxbin);
    for (bin_x=1; bin_x<=maxbin; bin_x++) {
      for (bin_y=1; bin_y<=maxbin; bin_y++) {
	for (bin_z=1; bin_z<=maxbin; bin_z++) {
	  matrix_3dim[jmax][bin_x-1][bin_y-1][bin_z-1] = input_histo->GetBinContent(input_histo->GetBin(bin_x, bin_y, bin_z));

    // Allocate psi.
    phi[0] = 1;
    phi[1] = 1;
    for (x=0; x<=1; x++) {
      for (y=0; y<=1; y++) {
	for (z=0; z<=1; z++) {
	  psi_3dim[0][x][y][z] = phi[x] * phi[y] * psi1d[z];
	  psi_3dim[1][x][y][z] = phi[x] * psi1d[y] * phi[z];
	  psi_3dim[2][x][y][z] = psi1d[x] * phi[y] * phi[z];
	  psi_3dim[3][x][y][z] = phi[x] * psi1d[y] * psi1d[z];
	  psi_3dim[4][x][y][z] = psi1d[x] * phi[y] * psi1d[z];
	  psi_3dim[5][x][y][z] = psi1d[x] * psi1d[y] * phi[z];
	  psi_3dim[6][x][y][z] = psi1d[x] * psi1d[y] * psi1d[z];

    // Loop over different orders.

    if (ord_input==0) ord_end = 4;
    else ord_end=ord_input;

    for (ord=2; ord<=ord_end; ord++) {

      // Set correlations rho to zero.
      for (j=0; j<jmax; j++) {
	i1end = (Int_t) pow(2, j);
	for (i1=0; i1<i1end; i1++) {
	  for (i2=0; i2<i1end; i2++) {
	    for (i3=0; i3<i1end; i3++) {
	      rho_3dim[j][i1][i1][i3] = 0.;
      // Loop over different scales.
      for (j=jmax; j>=1; j--) {
	this->Mitteln_3dim(matrix_3dim, j);
	l1end = (Int_t) pow(2, j) - 1;
	for (l1=0; l1<l1end; l1+=2) {
	  for (l2=0; l2<l1end; l2+=2) {
	    for (l3=0; l3<l1end; l3+=2) {
	      for (i1=0; i1<=1; i1++) {
		for (i2=0; i2<=1; i2++) {
		  for (i3=0; i3<=1; i3++) {
		    ma_3dim[i1][i2][i3] = matrix_3dim[j][i1+l1][i2+l2][i3+l3];
	      if (ord==2) {
		this->Ord2_3dim(ma_3dim, psi_3dim);
	      else if (ord==3) {
		this->Ord3_3dim(ma_3dim, psi_3dim);
	      else if (ord==4) {
		this->Ord4_3dim(ma_3dim, psi_3dim);
	      rho_3dim[j-1][l1/2][l2/2][l3/2] += wertges;
      // Calculation of wavelet moments.
      for (j=0; j<jmax; j++) {
	mo[ord][j] = 0.;
	k1end = (Int_t) pow(2, j);
	for (k1=0; k1<k1end; k1++) {
	  for (k2=0; k2<k1end; k2++) {
	    for (k3=0; k3<k1end; k3++) {
	      mo[ord][j] += (rho_3dim[j][k1][k2][k3] / (7 * pow(2, 3*j)));


  // Generates output.
  for (ord=2; ord<=ord_end; ord++) {
    if (ord==2) {

      if(wav_mom_ord2) {
	delete wav_mom_ord2;

      sprintf(histo, "%s__wav_mom_ord2", name);
      wav_mom_ord2 = new TH1D(histo, "Wavelet Momente 2. Ordnung", jmax, 0., jmax);

      for (j=0; j<jmax; j++) {
	wav_mom_ord2->SetBinContent(j+1, (Stat_t)mo[ord][j]);

    if (ord==3) {

      if(wav_mom_ord3) {
	delete wav_mom_ord3;

      sprintf(histo, "%s__wav_mom_ord3", name);
      wav_mom_ord3 = new TH1D(histo, "Wavelet Momente 3. Ordnung", jmax, 0., jmax);

      for (j=0; j<jmax; j++) {
	wav_mom_ord3->SetBinContent(j+1, (Stat_t)mo[ord][j]);


    if (ord==4) {

      if(wav_mom_ord4) {
	delete wav_mom_ord4;

      sprintf(histo, "%s__wav_mom_ord4", name);
      wav_mom_ord4 = new TH1D(histo, "Wavelet Momente 4. Ordnung", jmax, 0., jmax);

      for (j=0; j<jmax; j++) {
	wav_mom_ord4->SetBinContent(j+1, (Stat_t)mo[ord][j]);



  if (option == 1 && ord_input == 0) {
    this->Draw(input_histo, option);



 Double_t MWavelet::GetWavMom(Int_t i, Int_t ord) {
  // Returns the factorial wavelet moment of scale i and order ord.
  return mo[ord][i];

 Double_t MWavelet::GetMaxCoeff(Int_t ord) {
  // Returns the maximal coefficient of the factorial wavelet transform 
  // for a given order ord.
  return max_coeff[ord];


 Double_t MWavelet::GetMaxCoeffSc(Int_t ord) {
  // Returns the scaled maximal wavelet coefficients of the wavelet transform
  // for a given order ord.
  return max_coeff_scaled[ord];


 void MWavelet::Mitteln_1dim(Double_t matrix_1dim[10][512], Int_t j) {
  // Calculates the mean of the given 1-dimensional distribution of 
  // wavelet coefficients of scale j.

  Int_t k1, m1, end;
  Double_t mamittel;
  end = (Int_t) pow(2, j-1);
  for (k1=0; k1<end; k1++) {
    for (m1=0; m1<=1; m1++) {
      mamittel += matrix_1dim[j][m1+2*k1];
    matrix_1dim[j-1][k1] = mamittel;

 void MWavelet::Mitteln_2dim(Double_t matrix[7][64][64], Int_t j) {
  // Calculates the mean of the given 2-dimensional distribution of
  // wavelet coefficients of scale j.

  Int_t k1, k2, m1, m2, end;
  Double_t mamittel;
  end = (Int_t) pow(2, j-1);
  for (k1=0; k1<end; k1++) {
    for (k2=0; k2<end; k2++) {      
      mamittel = 0.;
      for (m1=0; m1<=1; m1++) {
	for (m2=0; m2<=1; m2++) {	
	  mamittel += matrix_2dim[j][m1+2*k1][m2+2*k2];
      matrix[j-1][k1][k2] = mamittel;

void MWavelet::Mitteln_3dim(Double_t matrix[7][64][64][64], Int_t j) {
  // Calculates the mean of the given 3-dimensional distribution of
  // wavelet coefficients of scale j.
  Int_t k1, k1end, k2, k3, m1, m2, m3;
  Double_t mamittel;
  k1end = (Int_t) pow(2, j-1);
  for (k1=0; k1<k1end; k1++) {
    for (k2=0; k2<k1end; k2++) {
      for (k3=0; k3<k1end; k3++) {
	mamittel = 0.;
	for (m1=0; m1<=1; m1++) {
	  for (m2=0; m2<=1; m2++) {
	    for (m3=0; m3<=1; m3++) {
	      mamittel += matrix_3dim[j][m1+2*k1][m2+2*k2][m3+2*k3];

 void MWavelet::Ord2_1dim(Double_t ma_1dim[2], Double_t psi_1dim[2]) {
  // Calculation for 2nd order (1-dimensional).
  Double_t wert=0., rest=0.;
  Int_t n1;
  for (n1=0; n1<=1; n1++) {
    wert += ma_1dim[n1] * psi_1dim[n1];
    rest += ma_1dim[n1];
  wertges = wert * wert - rest;

 void MWavelet::Ord2_2dim(Double_t ma_2dim[2][2], Double_t psi_2dim[3][2][2]) {
  // Calculation for 2nd order (2-dimensional).

  Int_t n1, n2, n;
  Double_t wert, rest;
  for (n=0; n<3; n++) {
    wert = rest =0.;
    for (n1=0; n1<=1; n1++) {
      for (n2=0; n2<=1; n2++) {
	wert += ma_2dim[n1][n2] * psi_2dim[n][n1][n2];
	rest += ma_2dim[n1][n2];
    wert = wert * wert - rest;
    wertges += wert;

void MWavelet::Ord2_3dim(Double_t ma[2][2][2], Double_t psi_3dim[7][2][2][2]) {
  // Calculation for 2nd order (3-dimensional).  
  Int_t n, n1, n2, n3;
  Double_t rest, wert;
  for (n=0; n<7; n++) {
    wert = rest = 0.;
    for (n1=0; n1<=1; n1++) {
      for (n2=0; n2<=1; n2++) {
	for (n3=0; n3<=1; n3++) {
	  wert += ma_3dim[n1][n2][n3] * psi_3dim[n][n1][n2][n3];
	  rest += ma_3dim[n1][n2][n3];
    wert = wert*wert - rest;
    wertges += wert;

 void MWavelet::Ord3_1dim(Double_t ma_1dim[2], Double_t psi_1dim[2]) {
  // Calculation for 3rd order (1-dimensional).  
  Double_t wert, wert1, wert2=0;
  Int_t n1, k1, m1;
  for (n1=0; n1<=1; n1++) {
    for (k1=0; k1<=1; k1++) {
      for (m1=0; m1<=1; m1++) {
        wert += ma_1dim[m1] * psi_1dim[m1];
      wert *= ma_1dim[k1] * psi_1dim[k1];
      wert1 += wert;
    wert1 *= ma_1dim[n1] * psi_1dim[n1];
    wert2 += wert1;
  wertges = wert2;

 void MWavelet::Ord3_2dim(Double_t ma_2dim[2][2], Double_t psi_2dim[3][2][2]) {
  // Calculation for 3rd order (2-dimensional).  
  Int_t n1, n2, k1, k2, m1, m2, n;
  Double_t wert, wert1, wert2;
  for (n=0; n<3; n++) {
    wert2 = 0.;
    for (n1=0; n1<=1; n1++) {
      for (n2=0; n2<=1; n2++) {
	wert1 = 0.;
	for (k1=0; k1<=1; k1++) {
	  for (k2=0; k2<=1; k2++) {	    
	    wert = 0.;
	    for (m1=0; m1<=1; m1++) {
	      for (m2=0; m2<=1; m2++) {		
		wert += ma_2dim[m1][m2] * psi_2dim[n][m1][m2];
	    wert *= ma_2dim[k1][k2] * psi_2dim[n][k1][k2];
	    wert1 += wert;
	wert1 *= ma_2dim[n1][n2] * psi_2dim[n][n1][n2];
	wert2 += wert1;
    wertges += wert2;

void MWavelet::Ord3_3dim(Double_t ma_3dim[2][2][2], Double_t psi_3dim[7][2][2][2]) {
  // Calculation for 3rd order (3-dimensional).  

  Int_t n, n1, n2, n3, k1, k2, k3, m1, m2, m3;
  Double_t wert, wert1, wert2;

  wertges = 0.;
  for (n=0; n<7; n++) {
    wert2 = 0.;
    for (n1=0; n1<=1; n1++) {
      for (n2=0; n2<=1; n2++) {
	for (n3=0; n3<=1; n3++) {
	  wert1 = 0.;
	  for (k1=0; k1<=1; k1++) {
	    for (k2=0; k2<=1; k2++) {
	      for (k3=0; k3<=1; k3++) {
		wert = 0.;
		for (m1=0; m1<=1; m1++) {
		  for (m2=0; m2<=1; m2++) {
		    for (m3=0; m3<=1; m3++) {
		      wert += ma_3dim[m1][m2][m3] * psi_3dim[n][m1][m2][m3];
		wert *= ma_3dim[m1][m2][m3] * psi_3dim[n][k1][k2][k3];
		wert1 += wert;
	  wert1 *= ma_3dim[n1][n2][n3] * psi_3dim[n][n1][n2][n3];
    wertges += wert2;

 void MWavelet::Ord4_1dim(Double_t ma_1dim[2], Double_t psi_1dim[2]) {
   // Calculation for 4th order (1-dimensional).  
  Int_t n1, k1, l1, m1;
  Double_t wert, wert1, wert2 ,wert3;
  wert3 = 0.;
  for (l1=0; l1<=1; l1++) {
    wert2 = 0.;
    for (n1=0; n1<=1; n1++) {      
      for (k1=0; k1<=1; k1++) {	
	for (m1=0; m1<=1; m1++) {
	  wert += ma_1dim[m1] * psi_1dim[m1];
	wert *= ma_1dim[k1] * psi_1dim[k1];
	wert1 +=  wert;
      wert1 *= ma_1dim[n1] * psi_1dim[n1];
      wert2 += wert1;
    wert2 *= ma_1dim[l1] * psi_1dim[l1];
    wert3 += wert2;
  wertges = wert3;

 void MWavelet::Ord4_2dim(Double_t ma_2dim[2][2], Double_t psi_2dim[3][2][2]) {
   // Calculation for 4th order (2-dimensional).  
  Int_t k1, k2, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, n;
  Double_t wert, wert1, wert2, wert3;
  for (n=0; n<3; n++) {
    wert3 = 0.;
    for (l1=0; l1<=1; l1++) {
      for (l2=0; l2<=1; l2++) {	
	wert2 = 0.;
	for (n1=0; n1<=1; n1++) {
	  for (n2=0; n2<=1; n2++) {
	    wert1 = 0.;
	    for (k1=0; k1<=1; k1++) {
	      for (k2=0; k2<=1; k2++) {
		wert = 0.;
		for (m1=0; m1<=1; m1++) {

		  for (m2=0; m2<=1; m2++) {
		    wert += ma_2dim[m1][m2] * psi_2dim[n][m1][m2];

		wert *= ma_2dim[k1][k2] * psi_2dim[n][k1][k2];
		wert1 += wert;
	    wert1 *= ma_2dim[n1][n2] * psi_2dim[n][n1][n2];
	    wert2 += wert1;
	wert2 *= ma_2dim[l1][l2] * psi_2dim[n][l1][l2];
	wert3 += wert2;
    wertges += wert3;

void MWavelet::Ord4_3dim(Double_t ma_3dim[2][2][2], Double_t psi_3dim[7][2][2][2]) {
  // Calculation for 4th order (3-dimensional).  
  Int_t n, n1, n2, n3, k1, k2, k3, l1, l2, l3, m1, m2 ,m3;
  Double_t wert, wert1, wert2, wert3;
  wertges = 0.;
  for (n=0; n<7; n++) {
    wert3 = 0.;
    for (l1=0; l1<=1; l1++) {
      for (l2=0; l2<=1; l2++) {
	for (l3=0; l3<=1; l3++) {
	  wert2 = 0.;
	  for (n1=0; n1<=1; n1++) {
	    for (n2=0; n2<=1; n2++) {

	      for (n3=0; n3<=1; n3++) {
		wert1 = 0.;
		for (k1=0; k1<=1; k1++) {

		  for (k2=0; k2<=1; k2++) {
		    for (k3=0; k3<=1; k3++) {
		      wert = 0.;
		      for (m1=0; m1<=1; m1++) {
			for (m2=0; m2<=1; m2++) {
			  for (m3=0; m3<=1; m3++) {
			    wert += ma_3dim[m1][m2][m3] * psi_3dim[n][m1][m2][m3];
		      wert *= ma_3dim[k1][k2][k3] * psi_3dim[n][k1][k2][k3];
		      wert1 += wert;
		wert1 *= ma_3dim[n1][n2][n3] * psi_3dim[n][n1][n2][n3];
		wert2 += wert1;
	  wert2 *= ma_3dim[l1][l2][l3] * psi_3dim[n][l1][l2][l3];
	  wert3 += wert2;

    wertges = wert3;


// Umkehrung der Transformation (nur fuer 512 bins!)

 void MWavelet::Reverse(TH1 *in) {
  // Calculates inverse wavelet transform. Generates out of a given 
  // wavelet coefficient distribution a histogram. Works only for 512 bins!
  Int_t durchlauf, vorzeichenwechsler, lesebin, schreibbin, teil;
  Double_t wert;

  if (revert) { 
    delete revert;
    revert = NULL;

  if (!revert) {
    revert = new TH1D("revert", "berechnete Originalfunktion", 512, 0., 1.);

  // Fill global mean.

  wert = in->GetBinContent(1);
  for (schreibbin=1; schreibbin<=512; schreibbin++) {

    revert->SetBinContent(schreibbin, wert);


  // Fill scales.

  for (durchlauf=1; durchlauf<=9; durchlauf++) {      


    for (lesebin=Int_t(pow(2, durchlauf-1)+1); lesebin<=pow(2, durchlauf); lesebin++) {

      for (vorzeichenwechsler=0; vorzeichenwechsler<=1; vorzeichenwechsler++) {


	for (schreibbin=1; schreibbin<=pow(2, 9-durchlauf); schreibbin++) {

	  wert = in->GetBinContent(lesebin);
	  revert->AddBinContent(Int_t(schreibbin+teil*pow(2, 9-durchlauf)), pow(-1., vorzeichenwechsler)*wert);






 void MWavelet::Draw(TH1 *input_histo, Int_t option) {
  // Draw routine for the calculated wavelet moments.

  if (original) delete original;
  if (wav2) delete wav2;
  if (wav3) delete wav3;
  if (wav4) delete wav4;

  if (canvas) canvas->Clear();
  else {
    canvas = new TCanvas("Wavelets");
  original = new TPad("original", "original", 0.025, 0.525, 0.475, 0.975);
  wav2 = new TPad("wav2", "wav2", 0.525, 0.525, 0.975, 0.975);
  wav3 = new TPad("wav3", "wav3", 0.025, 0.025, 0.475, 0.475);
  wav4 = new TPad("wav4", "wav4", 0.525, 0.025, 0.975, 0.475);




 void MWavelet::FillProf() {
  // Creates profile histograms for different orders.

  Int_t j;

  if (!prof_ord2 /* accordingly other profiles shouldn't be there, either */) {

    sprintf(histo, "%s__prof_ord2", name);
    prof_ord2 = new TProfile(histo, "Wavelet Momente Profile 2. Ordnung", jmax, 0., (Double_t)jmax);
    sprintf(histo, "%s__prof_ord3", name);
    prof_ord3 = new TProfile(histo, "Wavelet Momente Profile 3. Ordnung", jmax, 0., (Double_t)jmax);
    sprintf(histo, "%s__prof_ord4", name);
    prof_ord4 = new TProfile(histo, "Wavelet Momente Profile 4. Ordnung", jmax, 0., (Double_t)jmax);
    sprintf(histo, "%s__ord2", name);
    ord2 = new TNtuple(histo, "ord2", "scale1:scale2:scale3:scale4:scale5:scale6:scale7:scale8:scale9");
    sprintf(histo, "%s__ord3", name);
    ord3 = new TNtuple(histo, "ord3", "scale1:scale2:scale3:scale4:scale5:scale6:scale7:scale8:scale9");
    sprintf(histo, "%s__ord4", name);
    ord4 = new TNtuple(histo, "ord4", "scale1:scale2:scale3:scale4:scale5:scale6:scale7:scale8:scale9");  

  ord2->Fill(mo[2][0], mo[2][1], mo[2][2], mo[2][3], mo[2][4], mo[2][5], mo[2][6], mo[2][7], mo[2][8]);
  ord3->Fill(mo[3][0], mo[3][1], mo[3][2], mo[3][3], mo[3][4], mo[3][5], mo[3][6], mo[3][7], mo[3][8]);
  ord4->Fill(mo[4][0], mo[4][1], mo[4][2], mo[4][3], mo[4][4], mo[4][5], mo[4][6], mo[4][7], mo[4][8]); 
  for (j = 0; j < jmax; j++) {
    prof_ord2->Fill((Axis_t)j, (Axis_t)mo[2][j]);
    prof_ord3->Fill((Axis_t)j, (Axis_t)mo[3][j]);
    prof_ord4->Fill((Axis_t)j, (Axis_t)mo[4][j]);  

 void MWavelet::SaveMom(TH1 *input_histo, Text_t *name, TObject *obj1, TObject *obj2, TObject *obj3, TObject *obj4, TObject *obj5) {
  // Saves the input histogram, the different wavelet moments, and 
  // any additionally given objects (up to 5) under the given name into a ROOT-file.

  TFile *file_mom = new TFile(name, "RECREATE", "Wavelet Momente");

  if (obj1) obj1->Write();
  if (obj2) obj2->Write();
  if (obj3) obj3->Write();
  if (obj4) obj4->Write();
  if (obj5) obj5->Write();



 void MWavelet::SaveProf(Text_t *name, TObject *obj1,  TObject *obj2, TObject *obj3, TObject *obj4, TObject *obj5) {
  // Saves the different profile histograms, the ntuples of different orders, and 
  // any additionally given objects (up to 5) under the given name into a ROOT-file.

  TFile *file_prof = new TFile(name, "RECREATE", "Wavelet Momente (Profiles, Bins)");



  if (obj1) obj1->Write();
  if (obj2) obj2->Write();
  if (obj3) obj3->Write();
  if (obj4) obj4->Write();
  if (obj5) obj5->Write();



 TProfile* MWavelet::GetProf_Ord2(void) {
  // Returns the pointer to the profile histogram prof_ord2.

  return prof_ord2;

 TProfile* MWavelet::GetProf_Ord3(void) {
  // Returns the pointer to the profile histogram prof_ord3.

  return prof_ord3;

 TProfile* MWavelet::GetProf_Ord4(void) {
  // Returns the pointer to the profile histogram prof_ord4.

  return prof_ord4;

 TNtuple* MWavelet::GetOrd2(void) {
  // Returns the pointer to the ntuple ord2.

  return ord2;

 TNtuple* MWavelet::GetOrd3(void) {
  // Returns the pointer to the ntuple ord3.

  return ord3;

 TNtuple* MWavelet::GetOrd4(void) {
  // Returns the pointer to the ntuple ord4.

  return ord4;

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