
class description - source file - inheritance tree

class MWavelet : public TObject

MWavelet MWavelet(Char_t* na) MWavelet MWavelet(MWavelet&) virtual void ~MWavelet() void CalcHaar(TH1* input_histo, Int_t jm = 0, Int_t ord = 0, Int_t option = 1) static TClass* Class() void Draw(TH1* input_histo, Int_t option = 0) void FillProf() Double_t GetMaxCoeff(Int_t ord) Double_t GetMaxCoeffSc(Int_t ord) TNtuple* GetOrd2() TNtuple* GetOrd3() TNtuple* GetOrd4() TProfile* GetProf_Ord2() TProfile* GetProf_Ord3() TProfile* GetProf_Ord4() Double_t GetWavMom(Int_t i, Int_t ord) virtual TClass* IsA() const void Mitteln_1dim(Double_t** matrix_1dim, Int_t j) void Mitteln_2dim(Double_t*** matrix_2dim, Int_t j) void Ord2_1dim(Double_t* ma_1dim, Double_t* psi_1dim) void Ord2_2dim(Double_t** ma_2dim, Double_t*** psi_2dim) void Ord3_1dim(Double_t* ma_1dim, Double_t* psi_1dim) void Ord3_2dim(Double_t** ma_2dim, Double_t*** psi_2dim) void Ord4_1dim(Double_t* ma_1dim, Double_t* psi_1dim) void Ord4_2dim(Double_t** ma_2dim, Double_t*** psi_2dim) void Reverse(TH1* input_histo) void SaveMom(TH1* input_histo, Text_t* name, TObject* obj1 = NULL, TObject* obj2 = NULL, TObject* obj3 = NULL, TObject* obj4 = NULL, TObject* obj5 = NULL) void SaveProf(Text_t* name, TObject* obj1 = NULL, TObject* obj2 = NULL, TObject* obj3 = NULL, TObject* obj4 = NULL, TObject* obj5 = NULL) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Double_t matrix_1dim[10][512] Double_t ma_1dim[2] Double_t psi_1dim[2] Double_t rho_1dim[9][256] Double_t matrix_2dim[7][64][64] Double_t ma_2dim[2][2] Double_t psi_2dim[3][2][2] Double_t rho_2dim[6][32][32] Double_t matrix_3dim[7][64][64][64] Double_t ma_3dim[2][2][2] Double_t psi_3dim[7][2][2][2] Double_t rho_3dim[6][32][32][32] Double_t mo[5][10] Double_t wertges Double_t max_coeff[10] Double_t max_coeff_scaled[10] Int_t jmax public:
TH1D* wav_mom_ord2 Histogram of factorial wavelet moments of 2nd order. TH1D* wav_mom_ord3 Histogram of factorial wavelet moments of 3rd order. TH1D* wav_mom_ord4 Histogram of factorial wavelet moments of 4th order. TH1D* coeff Wavelet coefficients of one histogram. TH1D* coeff_scaled Scaled wavelet coefficients of one histogram. TH1D* revert Histogram obtained from a histogram of wavelet coefficients. TCanvas* canvas Canvas. TPad* original Pad of the input histogram. TPad* wav2 Pad of factorial wavelet moments of 2nd order. TPad* wav3 Pad of factorial wavelet moments of 3rd order. TPad* wav4 Pad of factorial wavelet moments of 4th order. TProfile* prof_ord2 Profile histogram of factorial wavelet moments of 2nd order. TProfile* prof_ord3 Profile histogram of factorial wavelet moments of 3rd order. TProfile* prof_ord4 Profile histogram of factorial wavelet moments of 4th order. TNtuple* ord2 Ntuple of factorial wavelet moments of 2nd order. TNtuple* ord3 Ntuple of factorial wavelet moments of 3rd order. TNtuple* ord4 Ntuple of factorial wavelet moments of 4th order. Char_t* name ! Name of the input histogram. Char_t histo[512] String to do some nameing of histograms.

Class Description

 The MWavelet class calculates factorial wavelet moments of 2nd, 3rd    
 and 4th order and for one, two and three dimensional distributions.    
 It is also able to display the results in a fancy way. It can do the   
 inverse wavelet transformation and some histogramming of the facorial  
 wavelet moments of a whole set of distributions                        
 The class design itself isn't very good yet - actually it is no good   
 at all!

 20.05.1999 I had to remove all calculations for dimension = 3 due to   
            problems with cint. The code is still there but it is       
            commented out. Also I commented out the concerning          
            In the constructor the setting of all pointers to NULL was  
            commented out as well to avoid warnings like                
            "unused variable".                                          

MWavelet(Char_t *na)
 MWavelet constructor. Gives the new MWavelet object its name
 and sets several pointers to NULL.

 MWavelet destructor. Does nothing at all.

void CalcHaar(TH1 *input_histo, Int_t jm, Int_t ord_input, Int_t option)
 Calculates the factorial wavelet moments of the given
 input distribution (input_histo) up to the scale j (jm)
 and for the given order ord_input. By option=1 is specified if
 the output is drawn immediatly.

Double_t GetWavMom(Int_t i, Int_t ord)
 Returns the factorial wavelet moment of scale i and order ord.

Double_t GetMaxCoeff(Int_t ord)
 Returns the maximal coefficient of the factorial wavelet transform
 for a given order ord.

Double_t GetMaxCoeffSc(Int_t ord)
 Returns the scaled maximal wavelet coefficients of the wavelet transform
 for a given order ord.

void Mitteln_1dim(Double_t matrix_1dim[10][512], Int_t j)
 Calculates the mean of the given 1-dimensional distribution of
 wavelet coefficients of scale j.

void Mitteln_2dim(Double_t matrix[7][64][64], Int_t j)
 Calculates the mean of the given 2-dimensional distribution of
 wavelet coefficients of scale j.

void Ord2_1dim(Double_t ma_1dim[2], Double_t psi_1dim[2])
 Calculation for 2nd order (1-dimensional).

void Ord2_2dim(Double_t ma_2dim[2][2], Double_t psi_2dim[3][2][2])
 Calculation for 2nd order (2-dimensional).

void Ord3_1dim(Double_t ma_1dim[2], Double_t psi_1dim[2])
 Calculation for 3rd order (1-dimensional).

void Ord3_2dim(Double_t ma_2dim[2][2], Double_t psi_2dim[3][2][2])
 Calculation for 3rd order (2-dimensional).

void Ord4_1dim(Double_t ma_1dim[2], Double_t psi_1dim[2])
 Calculation for 4th order (1-dimensional).

void Ord4_2dim(Double_t ma_2dim[2][2], Double_t psi_2dim[3][2][2])
 Calculation for 4th order (2-dimensional).

void Reverse(TH1 *in)
 Calculates inverse wavelet transform. Generates out of a given
 wavelet coefficient distribution a histogram. Works only for 512 bins!

void Draw(TH1 *input_histo, Int_t option)
 Draw routine for the calculated wavelet moments.

void FillProf()
 Creates profile histograms for different orders.

void SaveMom(TH1 *input_histo, Text_t *name, TObject *obj1, TObject *obj2, TObject *obj3, TObject *obj4, TObject *obj5)
 Saves the input histogram, the different wavelet moments, and
 any additionally given objects (up to 5) under the given name into a ROOT-file.

void SaveProf(Text_t *name, TObject *obj1, TObject *obj2, TObject *obj3, TObject *obj4, TObject *obj5)
 Saves the different profile histograms, the ntuples of different orders, and
 any additionally given objects (up to 5) under the given name into a ROOT-file.

TProfile* GetProf_Ord2(void)
 Returns the pointer to the profile histogram prof_ord2.

TProfile* GetProf_Ord3(void)
 Returns the pointer to the profile histogram prof_ord3.

TProfile* GetProf_Ord4(void)
 Returns the pointer to the profile histogram prof_ord4.

TNtuple* GetOrd2(void)
 Returns the pointer to the ntuple ord2.

TNtuple* GetOrd3(void)
 Returns the pointer to the ntuple ord3.

TNtuple* GetOrd4(void)
 Returns the pointer to the ntuple ord4.

Inline Functions

            TClass* Class()
            TClass* IsA() const
               void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
               void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
           MWavelet MWavelet(MWavelet&)

Author: Markus D. Oldenburg
Last update: 05.03.1999
Copyright © MDO Production 1997

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