20th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics
Starfish Resort
Trelawny Beach, Jamaica
15-20 March, 2004
Workshop Topics
Previous Workshops

We are planning to have electonic and written proceedings for this workshop.
EP Systema in Hungary has agreed to publish our proceedings. The proceedings will be published in LaTeX using EPS figures. We plan to publish the paper in the journal of Heavy Ion Physics. Workshop organizers will act as referees to ensure quality control.
The page limit is 6 pages, but in exceptional circumstances we can talk about longer papers as well.

Deadline for contributions is: April 20, 2004.

Notes from Publisher

The TeX template & style files for the Workshop can be found at the publisher's web site:

Both files that you see at that web site have the same content, but are just prepared to use in different platforms (Unices or PC). Download one, please. After decompressing, you will see several files, one of them a .tex file that is the template, which you can use as a starting point for your article.
jamaica04-template.tex is a template article, used along with the style jamaica04.sty, prepared for manuscripts to the Proceedings of the 20th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Trelawny Beach, Jamaica, March 15-20, 2004.
Articles so prepared are suitable for submissions also to the LANL preprint server.

Local copy of templates is available here in a zip file.

Individual Contributions can be found HERE