Uses of Class

Packages that use Location Contains all the classes to execute the file catalog queries on various file catalog implementations. Contains all the policies being developed for the Scheduler. 

Uses of Location in

Methods in with parameters of type Location
 java.util.List QueryResult.getPhysicalOnLocation(Location location)

Uses of Location in

Methods in that return Location
static Location Location.getHPSS()
static Location Location.getLocation(PhysicalFile file)
static Location Location.getLocation( url)
static Location Location.getNFS()
static Location Location.getNode(java.lang.String node)
 Location Location.mergeLocations(Location loc)

Methods in with parameters of type Location
 void FileAssignment.add(Location location, PhysicalFile file)
          Assigns the file to the location.
 void FileAssignment.addAllPhysical(Location location, java.util.Collection col)
          Adds a list of files to the specified location.
 int FileAssignment.canAdd(Location location)
          Returns how many files can be assigned to the location without changing the number of processes.
 int FileAssignment.canRemove(Location location)
          Returns how many files can be deassigned to the location without changing the number of processes.
static java.util.List QueryResultToolkit.getFileOnLocation(QueryResult fileList, Location location)
 java.util.List FileAssignment.getFiles(Location location)
          Returns a list of URL of the files assigned to that location (a location can be a set of nodes).
 java.util.List FileAssignment.getFiles(Location location, int processIndex)
          Returns the list of files assigned to a particular process of one location.
 boolean FileAssignment.isValid(Location location)
          True if the files assigned to the location can be divided in to a valid process.
 Location Location.mergeLocations(Location loc)
 int FileAssignment.minProcs(Location location)
          Returns the minimum number of process to dispatch on the location to cover all the files.
 int FileAssignment.needsLessFiles(Location location)
          Returns how many files are to be deassigned from the location to make the assignment valid.
 int FileAssignment.needsMoreFiles(Location location)
          Returns how many are to be assigned to the location to make the assignment valid.
 void FileAssignment.remove(Location location, PhysicalFile file)
          Removes the file from the location.
 void FileAssignment.removeAllPhysical(Location location, java.util.Collection col)
          Removes a set of file a location.

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