
Contains classes that define, parse, and validate user request, both in JDL and RDL.


Class Summary
JDLHandler Reads a STAR scheduler XML request and creates a Request with the specified information.
RDLHandler Get RDL request parse events from SAXParser and create a Request object
Request Holds all the informations describing a job to be executed by the scheduler.
RequestHandler Abstract parent class to read STAR scheduler job request elements and create a Request.
RequestType Contains the RequestType enumerated data type
RequestTypeHandler Reads a STAR scheduler job request to determine its format and version.
ValidateXMLSchema Compares the user's xml request to an XML schema for validation.

Exception Summary
RequestTypeException Subclass of SAXException thrown by RequestTypeParser to stop parsing once the RequestType is found

Package Description

Contains classes that define, parse, and validate user request, both in JDL and RDL.

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