Offline QA Shift Report Preparation and Instructions

Purpose of Form:

The main purpose of the shift report form is to guide the shift crew through the principal tasks which must be performed during the offline QA shifts. The QA team has made every effort to keep this form simple and compact. It is in the form of a check list which is easy to fill out and which can be quickly comprehended by others. Suspected problems which may show up in the histograms or scalers are reported by placing a letter (e.g. a,b,c...) in the appropriate column of the check list. Detailed comments may be included following the check list. Comments should be succinct, but lucid enough so that anyone reading the report can understand the reason(s) for marking the job as suspect. The check list has only 19 fields which represent over 100 histogram plots as well as the scaler run summaries. The compactness of the report form does not however diminish the responsibility of each shift crew member to carefully scrutinize all the available information about each production job and to write a clear, verbal description of suspected problems.

Web Based QA Shift Report Form:

An Offline QA Web based report form is provided. The fields are described on the form and should be self explanatory. Upon completion of this form an ASCII text version is automatically generated and emailed to 'starqa-hn' for distribution and archived as a permanent record. If the web page is unavailable an ASCII text template is also available (see following).

ASCII Template QA Shift Report Form:

An ASCII text form template is available at /afs/rhic/star/doc_public/www/comp/qa/shifts/offline_qa_report_example.txt. This should be used whenever the web based report form is unavailable. It is both a template and an example. The data filled in are for illustrative purposes only. Copy the file to a local working directory and edit it. Upon completion the new file should be emailed to 'starqa-hn'.

Instead of this older ASCII template, you may use a previous web generated ASCII report form as a template for your report in the event that the web based report form is unavailable. The Offline QA web based reports are archived in the 'starqa-hn' hypernews starting from July 25, 2001.

Line-by-Line Description of the Offline QA Report Form, ASCII Text Version:

Last modified: Thu June 7 12:14:34 EDT 2001