STAR  Computing  Simulation  
The Simulation Data Status

This page is intended for posting general notes on the current status of the simulation data sets and is subject to frequent updates. Please note that the data listed here is the output of the GEANT simulation. Inquires about reconstructed data should be directed to Lidia Didenko.

Current Simulation Runs (2004)

Description Dataset name Current Statistics Status Moved to HPSS Comment
Hijing 1.382 AuAu 62.4 GeV minbias
0< b < 20 fm
rcf1206 100,000 Finished Yes Geometry: Y2004
Hijing 1.382 AuAu 62.4 GeV central
0< b < 3 fm
rcf1207 50,000 62K done 46K moved on HPSS Geometry: Y2004a
Hijing 1.382 AuAu 200 GeV minbias
0< b < 20 fm
rcf1208 100,000 49K done No Geometry: Y2004a
Hijing 1.382 AuAu 200 GeV central
0< b < 3 fm
rcf1209 50,000 52K done 20K moved to HPSS Geometry: Y2004a
Pythia 6.205 200 GeV rcf1210 1,100,000 Finished No Y2004A Estruct
Pythia 6.205 200 GeV rcf1211 450,000 Finished No Y2004X Spin/hi-PT
Pythia 6.205 200 GeV pds1212 765,000 Finished No Y2004X Spin/hi-PT
(MSEL 0, sub=11,12,13,28,53,68) PT> 3 GeV
Pythia 6.205 200 GeV rcf1213 450,000 Finished No Y2004X Spin/hi-PT
(MSEL 0, sub=11,12,13,28,53,68) PT> 7 GeV
Pythia 6.205 200 GeV pds1214 345,000 Finished No Y2004X Spin/hi-PT
(MSEL 0, sub=11,12,13,28,53,68) PT> 15 GeV

Recent Simulation Runs (2003)

Description Dataset name Current Statistics Status Moved to HPSS Comment
Hard scattering on, 6 GeV scattering energy. rcf0194 300,000 Finished Yes  
Hard scattering on, 6 GeV scattering energy. pds0195 1,500,000 Finished Yes Contact Eric Hjort
Hard scattering on, 3 GeV scattering energy rcf0196 120,000 Finished Yes  
"Min bias" run, Hijing 1.33 rcf1197 1,300,000 Finished Yes Additional 3+ million events at PDSF
"Min bias" run, Hijing 1.382 rcf1198 2,500,000 Finished Yes BBC fixed, GHEISHA on.
Additional 2.5 million events at PDSF
"Min bias" run, Hijing 1.382, "Wide Z" rcf1199 180,000 Finished Yes 80 cm sigma in vertex Z, with no cuts
"Min bias" run, Pythia 6.203 rcf1200 1,300,000 Finished No GCALOR
Heavy flavor embedding in AuAu,
Hijing 1.382
rcf1201 40,000 Finished Yes Special geometry (2003+full calorimeters):
decays of J/Psi and Upsilon superimposed
on the underlying Hijing events.
Pythia 6.203, Pt>5 GeV rcf1202 500,000 Finished Yes  
Mevsim fitted to 200 GeV AuAu,
year_1e geometry
rcf1203 40,000 Finished Yes Contact Ron Longacre for physics detail
Mevsim fitted to 200 GeV AuAu,
year2001 geometry
rcf1204 40,000 Finished Yes Contact Ron Longacre for physics detail
Pythia 6.203, Pt>15 GeV rcf1205 500,000 Finished Yes  

Last updated by Maxim Potekhin on 09/21/2004