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GSTAR/STAF application technical info (OLD)

This page is intended for people directly involved in the support of the GSTAR/STAF software and the Monte Carlo production runs.

Since Staf is being replaced by the Starsim application, the users are discouraged from using this page, which is kept here as a reference only, useful in debugging some old code.

Propagating the event generator data through reconstruction

In addition to the "normal" output of an event generator, which is the list of particles and their momenta, there is often additional information available at the event generation stage, which may be useful for further analysis. An example of such data is the "subprocess id" in the Pythia event generator.

In order to propagate this to the reconstruction stage, code changes should be made that would affect both STAF/GSTAR application proper as well as root4star. In particular, the following needs to be accomplished:

  • First, the file heperead.age in the Pythia simulation package should be modified in order to actually create an additional data bank which will hold the data. While this bank can be planted in a few different location withing the ZEBRA hierarchy, the following location was chosen as optimal:
         Fill /EVNT/PASS/MPAR  ! comment
           SBPR = MSTI(1)   ! Pythia subprocess ID

    Before it can be filled, we also need to declare this struct:

    Structure MPAR { int SBPR }
    Besides, the actual Pythia data such as MSTI(1) should be made accessible via the use of a COMMON block:
    All of these changes are in the same source file heperead.age.

  • Second, the container that will receive these data during reconstruction should have additional storage. The "g2t_event" structure should be augmented with requisite fileds, i.e. it would now look something like:
      struct g2t_event {             /* G2t_event */ 
         long      eg_label;         /* Event label from event generator */
         long      event_type;       /* specifies trigger, pileup, cosmic, laser */
         long      ge_rndm[2];       /* geant random seeds at start of event */
         long      merge_info[10];   /* as yet unspecified */
         long      n_event;          /* Event number */
         long      n_part_neut_east; /* number of participant neutrons */
         long      n_part_neut_west; /* number of participant neutrons */
         long      n_part_prot_east; /* number of participant protons */
         long      n_part_prot_west; /* number of participant protons */
         long      n_run;            /* Run number */
         long      n_track_eg_fs;    /* Number of final state event gen. tracks */
         long      n_track_prim;     /* Number of primary tracks (w/o parent) */
         long      polarization[10]; /* polarization info, as yet unspecified */
         long      prim_vertex_p;    /* Id of first primary vertex in event */
         float     b_impact;         /* Impact parameter */
         float     phi_impact;       /* Azimuth of reaction plane */
         float     time_offset;      /* time offset in seconds wrt trigger event */
         long      subprocess_id;    /* Pythia subprocess Id */
    This change should be made in the requisite idl file, in the directory pams/sim/idl.

  • The file pams/sim/g2t/g2t_get_event.F has the functionality to fill the structure described in the previous item. It should be augmented like this:
          call MHEADRD(SUB_ID)
          g2t_event(1).subprocess_id = SUB_ID
    Here, of course, we are populating the structure that we added to in the previous item. The subroutine name MHEADRD is arbitrary. Passing the data is done via the subroutine argument, however it may be be necessary to employ a COMMON block for that purpose in case there are multiple parameters to be extracted from the bank.
  • A piece of code, containing the aforementioned subroutione, should be placed in a file residing in the directory pams/sim/g2t. The purpose of this code is to provide access to the data that may be present in the added bank. Basic error checking is in order here:
          integer SUB_ID, ISTAT
          data ISTAT/0/
          STRUCTURE MPAR {int SBPR}
          USE /EVNT/PASS/MPAR stat=ISTAT
          IF(ISTAT.GE.0) THEN

This Page Is Under Construction!

GEANT 4 components

CLHEP releases:
  • /afs/
  • /afs/
  • /afs/
  • /afs/
  • /afs/
  • /afs/ (Solaris-7)
  • /afs/ (Solaris-8)
  • /afs/ (Solaris-8)

Building the GSTAR/STAF application

The GSTAR/STAF software at the time of this writing is undergoing infrastructure changes, so the following should be considered "work in progress". Certain features such as CMZ based source file management are of historical origin and will eventually go away.

Requisite files

  • starsim.cmz -- the main source code archive (self-extracting)
  • staf.makefile -- the makefile used to build libstaf.a
  • libgcalor.a -- the library providing the GCALOR functionality in GEANT simulations. At the time of writing, the library we use is not build locally at STAR but copied from this location:
  • The following CERNLIB components:
    • geant321.cmz
    • geang321.cmz
    • zebpack.cmz
    • zebra.cmz
    • comis.cmz
    These can be found in /afs/rhic/asis/share/cern/95a/src/cmz and should either be copied to, or linked from, the build directory.

The staf.makefile targets

  • headerlinks -- if necessary, creates the include directory, makes sure it's emptied in case it already existed and establishes symbolic links for the header files found in staf/*/inc, to facilitate compilaton
  • cernlinks -- if necessary, establishes symbolic links for the CMZ files mentioned above, which contain the CERNLIB components.


Roughly, there are two steps that need to be taken in order to build the application.

Last updated by Maxim Potekhin on 12/04/2004