Mini-DAQ operations

This is a computer in a VME crate that can read data from the TDC and make it available for processing on eemc-sc with paw (mini) or write eztrees for analysis with root (miniroot).

To start it up

log into the account "online" on eemc-sc pw:[ ] and get into the subdirectory mini. (should just have to type mini to the first question you get XDATDIR=/HOME/online/mini A cd mini later does not do the same thing!) You will want to use 2-3 xterm windows. In one type

vrctl restart warm ;This reboots the VME computer eemc-mdvme in crate 91
vrctl init ;and this initializes it.

(vrctl restart cold is a harsher reboot and can be tried if warm doesn't work satisfactorily.)

Next start up the sorting program, miniroot, (runs on eemc-sc)

. ./ ;sets up root environment
miniroot ;start miniroot program
open ;connects to VME computer data stream

or to start mini, for real time analysis with paw(runs on eemc-sc)

mini ;start mini program
@mini.spec ;define spectra in which to sort
open ;connects to VME computer data stream

Additional commands in mini(root)

clear all ;clears spectra\
wrt 'filename' all ;writes a paw rz file to filename
tape 'name' ;opens two files to write data
;name'run number'.evt is an iucf xsys event file
;run'run number'.root is a root file in which goes
;into mini/root by default

Note that it is easy to get files with the same name since the run number starts at 1 by default when miniroot is started. (You can set the run number when starting runs.)

Run control is done from another window. At the unix prompt type:
vrctl begin 'rn' ; starts a run. The run number increments if
; 'rn' is absent or is set to 'rn' if present
; rn can be 4 digits in length
vrctl halt ; stops a run.

From the prompt you can run xstat which opens a window that shows you run status information, e.g. time it started number of events, data on/off etc.

There are 3 commands that set bits in a register using CNAF commands to allow for laser or LED data to be generated with our local clock. To take beam data you should type at a prompt in mini directory

off_bit ;no bits set

If you want to enable laser data type

laser_bit ;bit 1 set

and if you want LED spectra type

led_bit ;bit 2 set ~100 Hz
leddiv16 ;bit 3 set ~6 Hz

If you have just done a "vrctl init" you are in the off_bit state.
