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How to extract SSD histograms from the hist branch

Here we assume that you were able to run the bfc chain with the SSD makers and to save the histo branch. There are several macros available in StRoot/macros directories (especially the analysis subdirectory) which are useful.

To list all the histograms in the hist branch one can use the bfcread_hist_list_all.C macros with the root file as argument :
root4star [0] .x bfcread_hist_list_all.C("st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001.hist.root")
bfcread_hist_list_all.C, input hist file = st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001.hist.root
bfcread_hist_list_all.C, top level directory in hist file = bfcTree
Warning in : no dictionary for class StChain is available
Note: File "/afs/rhic.bnl.gov/star/packages/DEV/.sl302_gcc323/lib/StarClassLibrary.so" already loaded
 TreeName = bfcTree
 FOUND Tree bfcTree in file st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001.hist.root
 Branch histBranch is MAIN in tree
 Branch=histBranch file /afs/rhic.bnl.gov/star/users/lmartin/FromCVS/st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001.hist.root
 Branch=dstBranch file /afs/rhic.bnl.gov/star/users/lmartin/FromCVS/st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001.dst.root
 Branch=runcoBranch file /afs/rhic.bnl.gov/star/users/lmartin/FromCVS/st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001.runco.root
**  Branch=histBranch   Mode=READ       File=/afs/rhic.bnl.gov/star/users/lmartin/FromCVS/st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001.hist.root       Opened **
StInfo: *********** Event Info **********************
StInfo:         Run:       -1  Event    -1  TimeStamp 20330101.     0  Bunch 0:0
StInfo:          EvtSize: 0     InpTrig:    0 OutTrig:    0
StInfo: *********************************************
Here is list of all histograms: 
  0 - IO/.make/IO_Root/.data/bfcTree/histBranch .StBranch
  1 - IO/.make/IO_Root/.data/bfcTree/histBranch/geantHist       Tag $Name:  $ $Id: St_geant_Maker.h,v 1.35 2005/04/13 22:27:11 fisyak Exp $ built Apr 26 2005 23:19:27
  1 - IO/.make/IO_Root/.data/bfcTree/histBranch/scm_sptHist     Tag $Name:  $ $Id: StSsdPointMaker.h,v 1.8 2005/06/07 11:55:09 reinnart Exp $ built Jun  7 2005 08:03:02
  1 - IO/.make/IO_Root/.data/bfcTree/histBranch/EventQAHist     Tag $Name:  $ $Id: StEventQAMaker.h,v 2.10 2004/12/13 15:52:36 genevb Exp $ built May 27 2005 23:25:13
 --- geantHist
 Hist name: GeantPVtxX ==> Title:  geant vertex: primary X (cm)
 Hist name: GeantPVtxY ==> Title:  geant vertex: primary Y (cm)
 Hist name: GeantPVtxZ ==> Title:  geant vertex: primary Z (cm)
 --- scm_sptHist
 Hist name: Noise_p ==> Title: Noise Distribution
 Hist name: SN_p ==> Title: Signal/Noise (p)
 Hist name: NumberOfStrips_p ==> Title: Strips per Cluster
 Hist name: ChargeElectron_p ==> Title: Total Cluster Charge
 Hist name: Noise_n ==> Title: Noise Distribution
 Hist name: SN_n ==> Title: Signal/Noise
 Hist name: NumberOfStrips_n ==> Title: Strips per Cluster
 Hist name: ChargeElectron_n ==> Title: Total Cluster Charge
 Hist name: matchingHisto ==> Title: Matching Adc (1p-1n)
 Hist name: ProjectionOrtho ==> Title: Perfect Matching Deviation
 Hist name: kind ==> Title: Kind of hits
 Hist name: matchingHisto_1 ==> Title: Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 1
 Hist name: matchingHisto_2 ==> Title: Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 2
 Hist name: matchingHisto_3 ==> Title: Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 3
 Hist name: matchingHisto_19 ==> Title: Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 19
 Hist name: matchingHisto_20 ==> Title: Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 20
 Hist name: occupancy_wafer ==> Title: occupancy per wafer
 Hist name: occupancy_chip ==> Title: occupancy per chip
 Hist name: noise_chip ==> Title: mean noise per chip
 Hist name: noise_wafer ==> Title: mean noise per wafer
 Hist name: noise_chip_P ==> Title: mean noise per chip for the P Side 
 Hist name: noise_chip_N ==> Title: mean noise per chip for the N Side
 --- EventQAHist
 Hist name: QaInnerSectorDeDx ==> Title: Inner Sector De/Dx Distribution
 Hist name: QaOuterSectorDeDx ==> Title: Outer Sector De/Dx Distribution
 Hist name: QaDedxAllSectors ==> Title: dE/dx for all TPC sectors
 Hist name: StEQaTrigWord ==> Title: StE trigger word
 Hist name: StEQaTrigBits ==> Title: StE trigger bits
One can clearly see that some SSD histograms are saved in the scm_sptHist directory.To extract them, one can use the bfcread_hist_extract.C with some arguments : the first one is the root filename, the second the subdirectory we want to extract the histograms from (scm_spt in our case) and the last is the name of the top directory (bfcTree) :
root4star [0] .x bfcread_hist_extract.C("st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001.hist.root","scm_spt","bfcTree")
bfcread_hist_extract.C, input hist file = st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001.hist.root
bfcread_hist_extract.C, directory name for hist = scm_spt
bfcread_hist_extract.C, top level directory in hist file = bfcTree
Warning in : no dictionary for class StChain is available
Warning in : no dictionary for class StIOMaker is available
Note: File "/afs/rhic.bnl.gov/star/packages/DEV/.sl302_gcc323/lib/StarClassLibrary.so" already loaded
 TreeName = bfcTree
 FOUND Tree bfcTree in file st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001.hist.root
 Branch histBranch is MAIN in tree
 Branch=histBranch file /afs/rhic.bnl.gov/star/users/lmartin/FromCVS/st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001.hist.root
 Branch=dstBranch file /afs/rhic.bnl.gov/star/users/lmartin/FromCVS/st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001.dst.root
 Branch=runcoBranch file /afs/rhic.bnl.gov/star/users/lmartin/FromCVS/st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001.runco.root
**  Branch=histBranch   Mode=READ       File=/afs/rhic.bnl.gov/star/users/lmartin/FromCVS/st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001.hist.root       Opened **
StInfo: *********** Event Info **********************
StInfo:         Run:       -1  Event    -1  TimeStamp 20330101.     0  Bunch 0:0
StInfo:          EvtSize: 0     InpTrig:    0 OutTrig:    0
StInfo: *********************************************
 Beg: FindHists, dList pointer = 0
 Mid: FindHists, dList pointer = 0
 Mid: FindHists, test pointer =  0
 Mid2: FindHists, dList pointer = 0
 Mid2: FindHists, test pointer =  0
 FindHists - found hist. in histBranch, with name:  scm_spt
 FindHists, dList pointer = 0xb3410d8
 ListHists: Total No. Histograms Copied  = 37
Output hist file: st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001_scm_spt.hist.root
Extracting: 1. Noise_p : Noise Distribution
Extracting: 2. SN_p : Signal/Noise (p)
Extracting: 3. NumberOfStrips_p : Strips per Cluster
Extracting: 4. ChargeElectron_p : Total Cluster Charge
Extracting: 5. Noise_n : Noise Distribution
Extracting: 6. SN_n : Signal/Noise
Extracting: 7. NumberOfStrips_n : Strips per Cluster
Extracting: 8. ChargeElectron_n : Total Cluster Charge
Extracting: 9. matchingHisto : Matching Adc (1p-1n)
Extracting: 10. ProjectionOrtho : Perfect Matching Deviation
Extracting: 11. kind : Kind of hits
Extracting: 12. matchingHisto_1 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 1
Extracting: 13. matchingHisto_2 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 2
Extracting: 14. matchingHisto_3 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 3
Extracting: 15. matchingHisto_4 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 4
Extracting: 16. matchingHisto_5 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 5
Extracting: 17. matchingHisto_6 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 6
Extracting: 18. matchingHisto_7 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 7
Extracting: 19. matchingHisto_8 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 8
Extracting: 20. matchingHisto_9 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 9
Extracting: 21. matchingHisto_10 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 10
Extracting: 22. matchingHisto_11 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 11
Extracting: 23. matchingHisto_12 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 12
Extracting: 24. matchingHisto_13 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 13
Extracting: 25. matchingHisto_14 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 14
Extracting: 26. matchingHisto_15 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 15
Extracting: 27. matchingHisto_16 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 16
Extracting: 28. matchingHisto_17 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 17
Extracting: 29. matchingHisto_18 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 18
Extracting: 30. matchingHisto_19 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 19
Extracting: 31. matchingHisto_20 : Matching Adc (1p-1n) for ladder 20
Extracting: 32. occupancy_wafer : occupancy per wafer
Extracting: 33. occupancy_chip : occupancy per chip
Extracting: 34. noise_chip : mean noise per chip
Extracting: 35. noise_wafer : mean noise per wafer
Extracting: 36. noise_chip_P : mean noise per chip for the P Side 
Extracting: 37. noise_chip_N : mean noise per chip for the N Side
The extracted histograms are listed and saved in a new root file with a filename equal to the input file plus the histogram dir name appended (st_pulser_6102005_raw_1090001_scm_spt.hist.root in our example).

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Wed, 17 Nov 2004 16:16:19 GMT
