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Info in the Cyclone Processor Windows

On deneb's MiniDAQ desktop, check the three windows for the Cyclone i960 processors: scoter, wigeon and gadwall:

  1. At the start of a run, each Cyclone should locate any Rosies enabled on it, and acknowledge this with the messages ``Rosie 0 present'' and ``Rosie 1 present.'' Verify that these messages exist and record this.

  2. Each Cyclone checks the configuration information from Run Control and the Cyclone Parameters table (accessed via Table Browser) at the start of a run. Usually, illegal or inconsistent parameters are simply reset with a warning, but a fatal error is forced, if no safe resolution is possible. This happens, for example, if zero-suppressed data is requested when no pedestal table is available. Record any fatal errors.

  3. If Rosie errors occur during the run, these will be logged in the Cyclone windows. Soft errors (e.g., event header length errors) should not hang the run, but hard errors (e.g., Glink connection) can. Record any such errors, noting which Cyclone board reported them.

  4. Check for warning messages about illegal event length, illegal header data, inconsistent FEE location information, etc.

Page maintenance:

Roy Bossingham, LBNL