StRoot  1
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1 #include <string.h>
2 #include <assert.h>
3 #include <StMessMgr.h>
5 #include <TH1.h>
6 #include <TH2.h>
7 #include <TObjArray.h>
8 #include <TList.h>
9 #include <TLine.h>
10 #include <TArrow.h>
11 #include <TEllipse.h>
13 #include <StEvent/StGlobalTrack.h>
15 #include <StBFChain/StBFChain.h> // for geant vertex
16 #include <tables/St_g2t_vertex_Table.h> //for geant vertex
18 #include "Vertex3D.h"
20 namespace StEvPPV {
22 //==========================================================
23 //==========================================================
24 Vertex3D::Vertex3D() {
25 }
27 //==========================================================
28 //==========================================================
29 void
30 Vertex3D::initRun(){
31  LOG_INFO <<Form("Vertex3D::initRun() params:track glob %.1f<PT(GeV/c)<%.1f, sigY<%.1fcm, nTrack>%d ", cut_pT1, cut_pT2, cut_sigY, cut_numTrack)<<endm;
32  }
34 //==========================================================
35 //==========================================================
36 Vertex3D::~Vertex3D(){
37 }
39 //==========================================================
40 //==========================================================
41 void
42 Vertex3D::clearEvent(){
43  hA[0]->Fill(1);
44  isFound=false;
45  track.clear();
46  // printf("ver3DclearEvt\n");
47 }
50 //==========================================================
51 //==========================================================
52 void
53 Vertex3D::clearTracks(){
54  hA[0]->Fill(2);
55  track.clear();
56  // printf("ver3DclearTrk\n");
57 }
60 //==========================================================
61 //==========================================================
62 void Vertex3D::addTrack(TrackData* trk)
63 {
64  if(isValid()) return; // block adding new track after 1st vertex is found
65  if( !trk->mTpc && !trk->mBtof && !trk->mCtb && !trk->mBemc && trk->mEemc ) return;
66  hA[0]->Fill(3);
67  // track is matched to any fast detector
69  float pt=trk->dcaTrack.gP.Pt();
70  hA[2]->Fill(pt);
71  if (pt <cut_pT1) return;
72  hA[0]->Fill(4);
73  if (pt >cut_pT2) return;
74  hA[0]->Fill(5);
76  float sY=trk->dcaTrack.sigYloc; //track extrapolation error in transverse direction
77  hA[3]->Fill(sY);
78  if(sY>cut_sigY) return;
79  hA[0]->Fill(6);
81  hA[4]->Fill(trk->dcaTrack.sigZ);
82  track.push_back(trk);
83 }
85 //==========================================================
86 //==========================================================
87 void Vertex3D::doExtrapolation()
88 { // study track cov matrix for individual tracks using my macro plTrCov.C
89 #if 0 // Looks like this function is doing nothing
90  for(unsigned int i=0;i<track.size();i++) {
91  const StiKalmanTrack* tr=track[i]->mother;
92  hA[5]->Fill(1);
93  if( fabs(tr->getChi2()-1.)>0.8) continue;
94  hA[5]->Fill(2);
95  if( tr->getFitPointCount()<20) continue;
96  hA[5]->Fill(3);
97  if( fabs(tr->getPseudoRapidity())>0.5) continue;
98  hA[5]->Fill(4);
99  if( fabs(tr->getPt())<1.) continue;
100  hA[5]->Fill(5);
102  printf("TTT global phi/rad=%.3f PT=%.2f curv=%f Rxy=%.1f nFitP=%d eta=%.2f chi2/dof=%.1f\n",tr->getPhi(),tr->getPt(),tr->getCurvature(),tr->getPoint().perp(),tr->getFitPointCount(),tr->getPseudoRapidity(),tr->getChi2());
103  printf("T: track position along nodes, N=%d\n",tr->getFitPointCount());
104  StiKTNIterator tNode = tr->rbegin();
105  StiKTNIterator eNode = tr->rend();
106  int iN=0;
107  float minLx=9999, maxLx=0.; // local coordinates of track
108  for (;tNode!=eNode;++tNode){
109  StiKalmanTrackNode *node = &(*tNode);
110  if(!node->isValid()) continue;
112  StiHit *stiHit = node->getHit();
113  if (!stiHit) continue;
115  if (node->getChi2()>1000) continue;
116  if (!node->isFitted()) continue;
117  iN++;
118  float Lx=node->x();
119  float Ly=node->y();
120  float Lz=node->z();
121  float sLy=sqrt(node->fitErrs()._cYY);
122  float sLz=sqrt(node->fitErrs()._cZZ);
123  float Rxy=sqrt(Lx*Lx+Ly*Ly);
124  if(minLx>Lx) minLx=Lx;
125  if(maxLx<Lx) maxLx=Lx;
126  printf("iN=%d Lx=%.2f Ly=%.2f %.2f Lz=%.2f %.2f Rxy=%.1f gX=%.2f gY=%.2f \n",iN,Lx,Ly,sLy,Lz,sLz,Rxy,node->x_g(),node->y_g());
127  printf("TTm %.2f %.2f %.3f %.2f %.3f %f\n",node->x_g(),node->y_g(),sLy,node->z_g(),sLz,node->getAlpha());
129  } // end of nodes w/ hits
131  for(int iDir=0;iDir<2;iDir++) {
132  if(iDir==0) printf("extrapolate track toward vertex, innLx=%.1f\n",minLx);
133  if(iDir==1) printf("extrapolate track toward BSMD, outLx=%.1f\n",maxLx);
134  for(int iI=0;iI<17;iI++) {
135  float Lx=100.;StiKalmanTrackNode* node=0; int ret=-2;
136  StiKalmanTrack track2=*tr; // clone track to allow extrapolation
137  if(iDir==0) {// toward vertex
138  Lx=minLx-iI*5;
139  node=track2.getInnerMostNode();
140  ret=node->propagate(Lx,kCylindrical,kOutsideIn);
141  } else {
142  Lx=maxLx+iI*2; if(Lx>250) break;
143  node=track2.getOuterMostNode();
144  ret=node->propagate(Lx,kCylindrical,kInsideOut);
145  }
146  if(iI==0)cout<<"TT track extrap node:"<< *node;
147  if(ret<0) {printf("prop in x=%f ret=%d, skip\n",Lx,ret); continue;}
148  float Ly=node->y();
149  float Lz=node->z();
150  if(fabs(Ly)>40.) break; // to not cross sector boundary ??
151  if(iDir==1 && fabs(Ly)>36.) break; // to not cross sector boundary ??
152  node->propagateError();
153  float sLy=sqrt(node->fitErrs()._cYY);
154  float sLz=sqrt(node->fitErrs()._cZZ);
155  printf("%diN=%d Lx=%.2f Ly=%.2f %.2f Lz=%.2f %.2f gX=%.2f gY=%.2f\n",iDir,iI,Lx,Ly,sLy,Lz,sLz,node->x_g(),node->y_g());
156  printf("TT%d %.2f %.2f %.3f %.2f %.3f %f\n",iDir,node->x_g(),node->y_g(),sLy,node->z_g(),sLz,node->getAlpha());
157  }
158  }
160  }
161 #endif
162 }
163 //head -n 4224 Lda83-618 | tail -n 150 | grep TT
165 //==========================================================
166 //==========================================================
167 void
168 Vertex3D::study(TVector3 r, int eveID){
169  float Z0=r.z();
171  hA[0]->Fill(10);
172  hA[1]->Fill(track.size());
173  dumpPrimTracks4beamLine(Z0, eveID);
174  trackChi2QA(Z0);
175  // doExtrapolation(); /* for cov-matrix study, activate by hand */
176  if (track.size()<cut_numTrack) return;
177  hA[0]->Fill(11);
179  // fill event plots .........
180  if(nHE<mxHE) {
181  TList *Lyx= hYX[nHE]->GetListOfFunctions();
182  TList *Lyz= hYZ[nHE]->GetListOfFunctions();
183  TArrow *ar=0;
184  //printf("Z0=%f, eveID=%d\n",Z0,eveID);
185  float D=2.5; // cm half length of tracklet
186  float mxPt=0;
187  for(unsigned int i=0;i<track.size();i++) {
188  DcaTrack tr=track[i]->dcaTrack;
189  float sig=tr.sigYloc;
190  float x=tr.R.x();
191  float y=tr.R.y();
192  float z=tr.R.z();
193  float px=tr.gP.x();
194  float py=tr.gP.y();
195  float pz=tr.gP.z();
196  float pt=tr.gP.Pt();
197  float pyz=sqrt(py*py+pz*pz);
198  float ux = D*px/pt; //formula uses unit vector in Y_Z plane
199  float uy = D*py/pt;
200  float vz = D*pz/pyz;//... in Y-Z plane
201  float vy = D*py/pyz;
202  float head=pt/100.;
203  int width=int(3.* (0.2*0.2)/sig/sig);
204  if(mxPt<pt) mxPt=pt;
205  // printf("tr PT=%f x=%f dx=%f y=%f dy=%f z=%f vz=%f head=%f width=%d sig=%f\n",pt, x,ux,y,uy,z,vz,head, width,sig);
207  ar=new TArrow(x-ux,y-uy,x+ux,y+uy,head,"|>");
208  ar->SetLineColor(kBlue); ar->SetLineWidth(width); Lyx->Add(ar);
210  ar=new TArrow(z-vz,y-vy,z+vz,y+vy,head,"|>");
211  ar->SetLineColor(kMagenta);ar->SetLineWidth(width); Lyz->Add(ar);
212  }
214  // draw reco vertex 3D , dashed
215  TEllipse *el=0;
216  float Rel=0.3;
217  el=new TEllipse(r.x(),r.y(),Rel,Rel); el->SetLineColor(kRed);el->SetLineStyle(2);
218  Lyx->Add(el);
219  el=new TEllipse(r.z(),r.y(),Rel,Rel); el->SetLineColor(kBlack);el->SetLineStyle(2);
220  Lyz->Add(el);
222  // try to add geant vertex to the plot
223  St_DataSet *gds=StMaker::GetChain()->GetDataSet("geant");
224  if(gds) {
225  St_g2t_vertex *g2t_ver=( St_g2t_vertex *)gds->Find("g2t_vertex");
226  if( g2t_ver) {
227  g2t_vertex_st *GVER= g2t_ver->GetTable();
228  float *GV=GVER->ge_x;
229  printf("#GGVER x=%.1f y=%.1f z=%.1f ",GV[0],GV[1],GV[2]);
230  TEllipse *el=0;
231  float Rel=0.25;
232  el=new TEllipse(GV[0],GV[1],Rel,Rel); el->SetLineColor(kRed);
233  Lyx->Add(el);
235  el=new TEllipse(GV[2],GV[1],Rel,Rel); el->SetLineColor(kBlack);
236  Lyz->Add(el);
237  }
238  }
240  // change title of Y_X
241  char tt[1000]; sprintf(tt,"%s, mxPt=%.1f GeV/c",hYX[nHE]->GetTitle(), mxPt);
242  hYX[nHE]->SetTitle(tt);
244  // change title of Y_Z
245  sprintf(tt,"%s, eveID=%d",hYZ[nHE]->GetTitle(), eveID);
246  hYZ[nHE]->SetTitle(tt);
248  // change Z_range for Y_Z
249  hYZ[nHE]->GetXaxis()->Set(2,Z0-3,Z0+3);
250  nHE++;
251  }
252 }
255 //==========================================================
256 void Vertex3D::dumpPrimTracks4beamLine(float z0, int eveID)
257 {
258 if (z0 || eveID) {}
259 #if 0
260  for(unsigned int i=0;i<track.size();i++) {
261  DcaTrack tr=track[i]->dcaTrack;
262  StiNodeErrs *er=&(tr.fitErr);
263  float x=tr.R.x();
264  float y=tr.R.y();
265  float z=tr.R.z();
266  float px=tr.gP.x();
267  float py=tr.gP.y();
268  float pz=tr.gP.z();
269  printf("track4beamLine %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %d %f %.1f %d \n",x,y,z,px,py,pz,er->_cYY,er->_cZY,er->_cZZ , tr.nFitPoint,tr.gChi2,z0,eveID);
270  }
271 #endif
272 }
275 //==========================================================
276 void
277 Vertex3D::trackChi2QA(float z0) {
278  for(unsigned int i=0;i<track.size();i++) {
279  DcaTrack tr=track[i]->dcaTrack;
280  float chi2dof=tr.gChi2;
281  hA[10]->Fill(chi2dof);
282  hA[11]->Fill(chi2dof,1./tr.gP.Pt());
283  hA[12]->Fill(chi2dof,tr.gP.Eta());
284  hA[13]->Fill(chi2dof,z0);
285  hA[14]->Fill(chi2dof,tr.nFitPoint);
286  hA[15]->Fill(chi2dof,tr.gP.Phi());
287  }
288 }
291 //==========================================================
292 //==========================================================
293 void
294 Vertex3D:: initHisto (TObjArray*HList){
295  TList *L=0; TLine *ln=0; float yMax=1e6; TH1* h=0;
297  memset(hA,0,sizeof(hA));
299  assert(HList);
300  hA[0]=new TH1F("v3D_myStat","3DVF my statistics;cases",15,0.5,15.5); // count cases
301  hA[1]=h=new TH1F("v3D_inTr","# of input tracks, 3DVF; # of tracks",30,-0.5,29.5);
302  ln=new TLine(cut_numTrack-0.5,0,cut_numTrack-0.5,yMax);
303  ln->SetLineColor(kRed); ln->SetLineStyle(2);
304  L= h->GetListOfFunctions(); L->Add(ln);
306  hA[2]=h=new TH1F("v3D_inPt","PT , input tracks 3DVF; global PT (GeV) ",100,0,25);
307  L= h->GetListOfFunctions();
308  ln=new TLine(cut_pT1,0,cut_pT1,yMax);
309  ln->SetLineColor(kRed); ln->SetLineStyle(2); L->Add(ln);
310  ln=new TLine(cut_pT2,0,cut_pT2,yMax);
311  ln->SetLineColor(kRed); ln->SetLineStyle(2); L->Add(ln);
313  hA[3]=h=new TH1F("v3D_inSigY","sig(Yloc) @DCA , input tracks 3DVF; sig(Ylocal) (cm) ",30,0,1.2);
314  ln=new TLine(cut_sigY,0,cut_sigY,yMax);
315  ln->SetLineColor(kRed); ln->SetLineStyle(2);
316  L= h->GetListOfFunctions(); L->Add(ln);
319  hA[4]=new TH1F("v3D_inSigZ","sig(Z) @DCA , input tracks 3DVF; sig(Z) (cm) ",30,0,1.5);
321  hA[5]=new TH1F("v3D_myStat2","3DVF track extrapolaton statistics;cases",15,0.5,15.5); // count cases
322  // free:6-9
324  hA[10]=new TH1F("v3D_chi1","#chi2/DOF best prim track candidates; #chi^{2}/DOF", 100,0,5);
325  hA[11]=new TH2F("v3D_chi2","#chi2(1/PT) best prim track candidates; #chi^{2}/DOF; 1GeV/PT ", 30,0,3,30,0,2);
326  hA[12]=new TH2F("v3D_chi3","#chi2(eta) best prim track candidates; #chi^{2}/DOF; eta ", 30,0,3,30,-2,2);
327  hA[13]=new TH2F("v3D_chi4","#chi2(zVert) best prim track candidates; #chi^{2}/DOF; zVertex(cm) ", 30,0,3,30,-150,150);
328  hA[14]=new TH2F("v3D_chi5","#chi2(nFitPoints) best prim track candidates; #chi^{2}/DOF; nFitPoints ", 30,0,3,25,0,50);
329  hA[15]=new TH2F("v3D_chi6","#chi2(phi) best prim track candidates; #chi^{2}/DOF; #phi (rad) ", 30,0,3,30,-3.2,3.2);
331  for(int i=0;i<mxHA;i++)
332  if(hA[i]) HList->Add(hA[i]);
335  // initialize event histograms..............
336  memset(hYX,0,sizeof(hYX));
337  memset(hYZ,0,sizeof(hYZ));
339  nHE=0; // clear counter
340  float mxR1=3; // cm
341  for(int i=0;i<mxHE;i++) {
342  char tt1[100], tt2[1000];
343  sprintf(tt1,"v3D_eve%dYX",i);
344  sprintf(tt2,"Y-X glob tracks at DCA, ieve=%d; X (cm); Y(cm); ",i);
345  hYX[i]=new TH2F(tt1,tt2,2,-mxR1,mxR1,2,-mxR1,mxR1);
346  HList->Add(hYX[i]);
348  sprintf(tt1,"v3D_eve%dYZ",i);
349  sprintf(tt2,"Y-Z glob tracks at DCA, ieve=%d; Z (cm); Y(cm); ",i);
350  hYZ[i]=new TH2F(tt1,tt2,2,-mxR1,mxR1,2,-mxR1,mxR1);
351  HList->Add(hYZ[i]);
353  }
354 }
355 }// end namespace StEvPPV
int propagate(StiKalmanTrackNode *p, const StiDetector *tDet, int dir)
Propagates a track encapsulated by the given node &quot;p&quot; to the given detector &quot;tDet&quot;.
Definition of Kalman Track.
approximtion of track as stright line @ DCA to beamLine=0,0
Definition: TrackData.h:18
Definition: StiHit.h:51
StiKalmanTrackNode * getOuterMostNode(int qua=0) const
Accessor method returns the outer most node associated with the track.
int getFitPointCount(int detectorId=0) const
Returns the number of hits associated and used in the fit of this track.
StiKalmanTrackNode * getInnerMostNode(int qua=0) const
Accessor method returns the inner most node associated with the track.
double getCurvature() const
Return the curvature of the track at its inner most point.
double getPseudoRapidity() const
Return the pseudorapidity of the track.
double getChi2() const
double getPhi() const
Return azimuthal angle at inner most point of the track.
virtual TDataSet * Find(const char *path) const
Definition: TDataSet.cxx:362
double getPt() const
Calculates and returns the transverse momentum of the track at the inner most node.