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1 // @(#)root/table:$Id$
2 // Author: Valery Fine( 25/12/98
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
13 #include "Riostream.h"
14 #include <assert.h>
15 #include <stdlib.h>
17 #include "TCanvas.h"
18 #include "TPad.h"
19 #include "TCernLib.h"
20 #include "TBrowser.h"
21 #include "TVolumeView.h"
22 #include "TVolumeViewIter.h"
23 #include "TVolumePosition.h"
24 #include "TROOT.h"
25 #include "TView.h"
26 #include "TTablePadView3D.h"
27 #include "TGeometry.h"
28 #include "TVirtualPad.h"
29 #include "TObjArray.h"
30 #include "TVirtualViewer3D.h"
31 #include "TBuffer3D.h"
34 // //
35 // TVolumeView //
36 // //
37 // TVolumeView class is a special kind of TDataSet with one extra //
38 // pointer to wrap any TObject onto TDataSet object //
39 // //
40 // BE CAREFUL !!! //
41 // One has to use it carefully no control over that extra object //
42 // is performed. This means: the object m_Obj data-member points to can//
43 // be destroyed with no this kbject notifying. //
44 // There is no tool /protection to check whether m_Obj is till alive. //
45 // It is one's code responsilitiy //
46 // //
49 ClassImp(TVolumeView);
54  : TObjectSet(viewNode->GetName(),(TObject *)nodePosition),fListOfShapes(0)
55  // ,fListOfAttributes(0)
56 {
57  //
58  // This ctor creates a TVolumeView structure from the "marked" nodes
59  // of the "viewNode" input structure
60  // It re-calculates all positions according of the new topology
61  // All new TVolume became UNMARKED though
62  //
63  if (!gGeometry) new TGeometry;
64  if (viewNode) {
65  SetTitle(viewNode->GetTitle());
66  EDataSetPass mode = kContinue;
67  TVolumeViewIter next(viewNode,0);
68  TVolumeView *nextView = 0;
69  while ( (nextView = (TVolumeView *)next(mode)) ){
70  mode = kContinue;
71  if (nextView->IsMarked()) {
72  TVolumePosition *position =next[0];
73  if (!position->GetNode()) {
74  Error("TVolumeView ctor","%s %s ",GetName(),nextView->GetName());
75  }
76  Add(new TVolumeView(nextView,position));
77  mode = kPrune;
78  }
79  }
80  }
81 }
86  : TObjectSet(viewNode->GetName(),(TObject *)0),fListOfShapes(0)
87  // ,fListOfAttributes(0)
88 {
89  //
90  // This ctor creates a TVolumeView structure containing:
91  //
92  // - viewNode on the top
93  // - skip ALL node from the original viewNode untill topNode found
94  // - include all "marked" node below "topNode" if any
95  // topNode is always included
96  //
97  // It re-calculates all positions according of the new topology
98  //
99  if (!gGeometry) new TGeometry;
100  if (viewNode && topNode) {
101  SetTitle(viewNode->GetTitle());
102  // define the depth of the "top" Node
103  EDataSetPass mode = kContinue;
104  TVolumeViewIter next(viewNode,0);
105  TVolumeView *nextView = 0;
106  while ( (nextView = (TVolumeView *)next(mode)) ){
107  mode = kContinue;
108  // Skip till "top Node" found
109  if (topNode != nextView) continue;
110  TVolumePosition *position = next[0];
111  if (!position->GetNode()) {
112  Error("TVolumeView ctor","%s %s ",GetName(),nextView->GetName());
113  }
114  Add(new TVolumeView(nextView,position));
115  break;
116  }
117  }
118 }
122 TVolumeView::TVolumeView(TVolumeView *viewNode,const Char_t *nodeName1,const Char_t *nodeName2)
123  : TObjectSet(viewNode->GetName(),(TObject *)0),fListOfShapes(0)
124  // ,fListOfAttributes(0)
125 {
126  //
127  // This ctor creates a TVolumeView structure containing:
128  //
129  // - viewNode on the top
130  // - skip ALL node from the original viewNode untill topNodeName found
131  // - include all "marked" node below "topNodename" if any
132  // topNodeName is always included
133  //
134  // It re-calculates all positions according of the new topology
135  //
136  const Char_t *foundName[2] = {nodeName1, nodeName2};
137  Bool_t found = kFALSE;
138  if (!gGeometry) new TGeometry;
139  if (viewNode && nodeName1 && nodeName1[0]) {
140  SetTitle(viewNode->GetTitle());
141  // define the depth of the "top" Node
142  EDataSetPass mode = kContinue;
143  TVolumeViewIter next(viewNode,0);
144  TVolumeView *nextView = 0;
145  while ( (nextView = (TVolumeView *)next(mode)) ){
146  mode = kContinue;
147  // Skip till "top Node" found
148  Int_t i = 0;
149  found = kFALSE;
150  for (i=0;i<2;i++) {
151  if (foundName[i]) {
152  if (strcmp(nextView->GetName(),foundName[i])) continue;
153  foundName[i] = 0;
154  found = kTRUE;
155  break;
156  }
157  }
158  if (!found) continue;
159  TVolumePosition *position = next[0];
160  if (!position->GetNode()) {
161  Error("TVolumeView ctor","%s %s ",GetName(),nextView->GetName());
162  }
163  Add(new TVolumeView(nextView,position));
164  mode = kPrune;
165  }
166  }
167 }
171 TVolumeView::TVolumeView(TVolumeView *viewNode,const TVolumeView *node1,const TVolumeView *node2)
172  : TObjectSet(viewNode->GetName(),(TObject *)0),fListOfShapes(0)
173  // ,fListOfAttributes(0)
174 {
175  //
176  // This ctor creates a TVolumeView structure containing:
177  //
178  // - viewNode on the top
179  // - skip ALL node from the original viewNode untill topNodeName found
180  // - include all "marked" node below "topNodename" if any
181  // topNodeName is always included
182  //
183  // It re-calculates all positions according of the new topology
184  //
185  const TVolumeView *foundView[2] = {node1, node2};
186  const Int_t nViews = sizeof(foundView)/sizeof(const TVolumeView *);
187  Bool_t found = kFALSE;
188  if (!gGeometry) new TGeometry;
189  if (viewNode) {
190  SetTitle(viewNode->GetTitle());
191  // define the depth of the "top" Node
192  EDataSetPass mode = kContinue;
193  TVolumeViewIter next(viewNode,0);
194  TVolumeView *nextView = 0;
195  while ( (nextView = (TVolumeView *)next(mode)) ){
196  mode = kContinue;
197  // Skip till "top Node" found
198  Int_t i = 0;
199  found = kFALSE;
200  for (i=0;i<nViews;i++) {
201  if (foundView[i]) {
202  if (nextView != foundView[i]) continue;
203  foundView[i] = 0;
204  found = kTRUE;
205  break;
206  }
207  }
208  if (!found) continue;
209  TVolumePosition *position = next[0];
210  if (!position->GetNode()) {
211  Error("TVolumeView ctor","%s %s ",GetName(),nextView->GetName());
212  }
213  Add(new TVolumeView(nextView,position));
214  mode = kPrune;
215  }
216  }
217 }
235 TVolumeView::TVolumeView(TVolume &pattern,Int_t maxDepLevel,
236  const TVolumePosition *nodePosition,EDataSetPass iopt, TVolumeView *rootVolume)
237  : TObjectSet(pattern.GetName(),(TObject *)nodePosition),fListOfShapes(0)
238 {
239  if (!gGeometry) new TGeometry;
240  if (!nodePosition) {
241  // Create the trivial position if any
242  nodePosition = new TVolumePosition(&pattern);
243  SetObject((TObject*)nodePosition);
244  }
245  if (!rootVolume) {
246  rootVolume = this;
247  nodePosition = 0;
248  }
249  SetTitle(pattern.GetTitle());
250  if ( pattern.IsMarked() ) Mark();
251  TVolumePosition *position = 0;
252  const TList *list = pattern.GetListOfPositions();
253  if (!list || maxDepLevel == 1 || maxDepLevel < 0) return;
255  TIter nextPosition(list);
256  Bool_t optSel = (iopt == kStruct);
257 // Bool_t optAll = (iopt == kAll);
258  Bool_t optMarked = (iopt == kMarked);
260  const TRotMatrix *thisMatrix = 0;
261  Double_t thisTranslation[3] = {0,0,0};
262  if (nodePosition ) {
263  thisMatrix = nodePosition->GetMatrix();
264  for (int i =0; i< 3; i++) thisTranslation[i]= nodePosition->GetX(i);
265  }
266  while ( (position = (TVolumePosition *)nextPosition()) ) {
267  // define the the related TVolume
268  TVolume *node = position->GetNode();
269  Double_t *positionMatrix = ((TRotMatrix *)position->GetMatrix())->GetMatrix();
270  if (node) {
271  UInt_t positionId = position->GetId();
272  Double_t newTranslation[3] = {position->GetX(),position->GetY(),position->GetZ()};
273  Double_t newMatrix[9];
274  TRotMatrix currentMatrix;
276  if (nodePosition) {
277  if (positionMatrix) {
278  TGeometry::UpdateTempMatrix(thisTranslation,thisMatrix?((TRotMatrix *)thisMatrix)->GetMatrix():0
279  ,position->GetX(),position->GetY(),position->GetZ(),positionMatrix
280  ,newTranslation,newMatrix);
281  currentMatrix.SetMatrix(newMatrix);
282  } else {
283  TCL::vadd(thisTranslation, newTranslation,newTranslation,3);
284  currentMatrix.SetMatrix(((TRotMatrix *)thisMatrix)->GetMatrix());
285  }
286  } else {
287  if (positionMatrix)
288  currentMatrix.SetMatrix(positionMatrix);
289  else {
290  TCL::ucopy(thisTranslation,newTranslation,3);
291  currentMatrix.SetMatrix(TVolume::GetIdentity()->GetMatrix());
292  }
293  }
294  TVolumePosition nextPos(node,newTranslation[0],newTranslation[1],
295  newTranslation[2], &currentMatrix);
296  nextPos.SetId(positionId);
297  if (optMarked && !node->IsMarked()) {
298  TVolumeView fakeView(*node,maxDepLevel,&nextPos,iopt,rootVolume);
299  fakeView.DoOwner(kFALSE);
300  continue;
301  }
303  if (optSel) {
304  TDataSet *parent = node->GetParent();
305  if ( parent && (parent != (TDataSet *)&pattern) ) continue;
306  }
307  TRotMatrix *newRotation = new TRotMatrix();
308  newRotation->SetMatrix(currentMatrix.GetMatrix());
309  TVolumePosition *nP = new TVolumePosition(node,newTranslation[0],newTranslation[1],
310  newTranslation[2], newRotation);
311  nP->SetId(positionId);
312  rootVolume->Add(new TVolumeView(*node,maxDepLevel?maxDepLevel-1:0,nP,iopt));
313  } else
314  Error("TVolumeView ctor","Position with NO node attached has been supplied");
316  }
317 }
322  TObjectSet(viewNode.GetName(),(TObject *)viewNode.GetPosition())
323  ,TAtt3D()
324  ,fListOfShapes(viewNode.GetListOfShapes())
325 {
326  if (viewNode.IsOwner()) {
327  viewNode.DoOwner(kFALSE); DoOwner();
328  }
329 }
333 TVolumeView::TVolumeView(Double_t *translate, Double_t *rotate, UInt_t positionId, TVolume *topNode,
334  const Char_t *thisNodePath, const Char_t *matrixName, Int_t matrixType)
335  // : fListOfAttributes(0)
336 {
337  // Special ctor to back TVolumeView::SavePrimitive() method
338  if (!gGeometry) new TGeometry;
339  fListOfShapes = 0;
340  TVolume *thisNode = 0;
341  Double_t thisX = translate[0];
342  Double_t thisY = translate[1];
343  Double_t thisZ = translate[2];
345  // Find TVolume by path;
346  if (topNode) {
347  thisNode = (TVolume *)topNode->Find(thisNodePath);
348  if (!thisNode->InheritsFrom(TVolume::Class())) {
349  Error("TVolumeView","wrong node <%s> on path: \"%s\"",thisNode->GetName(),thisNodePath);
350  thisNode = 0;
351  }
352  }
354  TRotMatrix *thisRotMatrix = 0;
355  if (matrixName && strlen(matrixName)) thisRotMatrix = gGeometry->GetRotMatrix(matrixName);
356  TVolumePosition *thisPosition = 0;
357  if (thisRotMatrix)
358  thisPosition = new TVolumePosition(thisNode,thisX, thisY, thisZ, matrixName);
359  else if (matrixType==2)
360  thisPosition = new TVolumePosition(thisNode,thisX, thisY, thisZ);
361  else if (rotate) {
362  const Char_t *title = "rotation";
363  thisRotMatrix = new TRotMatrix((char *)matrixName,(char *)title,rotate);
364  thisPosition = new TVolumePosition(thisNode,thisX, thisY, thisZ, thisRotMatrix);
365  } else
366  Error("TVolumeView"," No rotation matrix is defined");
367  if (thisPosition) thisPosition->SetId(positionId);
368  SetObject(thisPosition);
369  if (thisNode) {
370  SetName(thisNode->GetName());
371  SetTitle(thisNode->GetTitle());
372  }
373 }
379  : TObjectSet(thisNode?thisNode->GetName():"",(TObject *)nodePosition),fListOfShapes(0)
380 {
381  if (!gGeometry) new TGeometry;
382  SafeDelete(fListOfShapes);
383  if (thisNode)
384  SetTitle(thisNode->GetTitle());
385 }
391 {
392 }
400 {
401  TVolume *closedNode = 0;
402  TVolumePosition *pos ;
403  if ( node && (pos = GetPosition() ) && (closedNode = pos->GetNode()) )
404  closedNode->Add(node);
405  return closedNode;
406 }
411 void TVolumeView::Add(TShape *shape, Bool_t IsMaster)
412 {
413  if (!shape) return;
414  if (!fListOfShapes) fListOfShapes = new TList;
415  if (IsMaster)
416  fListOfShapes->AddFirst(shape);
417  else
418  fListOfShapes->Add(shape);
419 }
424 void TVolumeView::Browse(TBrowser *b)
425 {
427 // TVolumePosition *pos = GetPosition();
428 // if (pos) pos->Browse(b);
429 // b->Add(pos);
430 }
441 Int_t TVolumeView::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
442 {
443  const Int_t big = 9999;
444  const Int_t inaxis = 7;
445  const Int_t maxdist = 5;
447  Int_t dist = big;
449  Int_t puxmin = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUxmin());
450  Int_t puymin = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUymin());
451  Int_t puxmax = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUxmax());
452  Int_t puymax = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUymax());
454 //*-*- return if point is not in the user area
455  if (px < puxmin - inaxis) return big;
456  if (py > puymin + inaxis) return big;
457  if (px > puxmax + inaxis) return big;
458  if (py < puymax - inaxis) return big;
460  TView *view =gPad->GetView();
461  if (!view) return big;
463  TVolumePosition *position = GetPosition();
464  TVolume *thisNode = 0;
465  TShape *thisShape = 0;
466  if (position) {
467  thisNode = position->GetNode();
468  position->UpdatePosition();
469  if (thisNode) {
470  thisShape = thisNode->GetShape();
471  if (!(thisNode->GetVisibility() & TVolume::kThisUnvisible) &&
472  thisShape && thisShape->GetVisibility()) {
473  dist = thisShape->DistancetoPrimitive(px,py);
474  if (dist < maxdist) {
475  gPad->SetSelected(this);
476  return 0;
477  }
478  }
479  }
480  }
482 // if ( TestBit(kSonsInvisible) ) return dist;
484 //*-*- Loop on all sons
485  TSeqCollection *fNodes = GetCollection();
486  Int_t nsons = fNodes?fNodes->GetSize():0;
487  Int_t dnode = dist;
488  if (nsons) {
489  gGeometry->PushLevel();
490  TVolume *node;
491  TIter next(fNodes);
492  while ((node = (TVolume *)next())) {
493  dnode = node->DistancetoPrimitive(px,py);
494  if (dnode <= 0) break;
495  if (dnode < dist) dist = dnode;
496  if (gGeometry->GeomLevel() > 2) break;
497  }
498  gGeometry->PopLevel();
499  }
501  if (gGeometry->GeomLevel()==0 && dnode > maxdist) {
502  gPad->SetSelected(view);
503  return 0;
504  } else
505  return dnode;
506 }
511 void TVolumeView::Draw(Option_t *option)
512 {
513  TString opt = option;
514  opt.ToLower();
515 //*-*- Clear pad if option "same" not given
516  if (!gPad) {
517  gROOT->MakeDefCanvas();
518  }
519  if (!opt.Contains("same")) gPad->Clear();
521 //*-*- Draw Referenced node
522  gGeometry->SetGeomLevel();
523  gGeometry->UpdateTempMatrix();
525  // Check geometry level
527  Int_t iopt = atoi(option);
528  TDataSet *parent = 0;
529  char buffer[12];
530  if (iopt < 0) {
531  snprintf(buffer,12,"%d",-iopt);
532  option = buffer;
533  // select parent to draw
534  parent = this;
535  do parent = parent->GetParent();
536  while (parent && ++iopt);
537  }
538  if (parent) parent->AppendPad(option);
539  else AppendPad(option);
542  // the new (4.03/05) way to active 3D viewer
543  // Create a 3-D view
544  TView *view = gPad->GetView();
545  if (!view) {
546  view = TView::CreateView(1,0,0);
547  // Set the view to perform a first autorange (frame) draw.
548  // TViewer3DPad will revert view to normal painting after this
549  view->SetAutoRange(kTRUE);
550  }
552  // Create a 3D viewer to draw us
553  gPad->GetViewer3D(option);
554 #else
555  Paint(option);
556 #endif
557 }
563 {
564  TVolumePosition *pos = GetPosition();
565  if (pos)
566  return pos->GetNode();
567  return 0;
568 }
576 Int_t TVolumeView::GetGlobalRange(const TVolumeView *rootNode,Float_t *globalMin,Float_t *globalMax)
577 {
578  if (rootNode) {
579  SetTitle(rootNode->GetTitle());
580  EDataSetPass mode = kContinue;
581  TVolumeViewIter next((TVolumeView *)rootNode,0);
582  TVolumeView *nextView = 0;
583  // Find itself.
584  while ( (nextView = (TVolumeView *)next(mode)) && nextView != this ){}
585  if (nextView == this) {
586  TVolumePosition *position = next[0];
587  if (!position->GetNode()) {
588  Error("TVolumeView ctor","%s %s ",GetName(),nextView->GetName());
589  }
590  // Calculate the range of the outlined cube verteces.
591  GetLocalRange(globalMin,globalMax);
592  Float_t offSet[3] = {Float_t(position->GetX()),Float_t(position->GetY()),Float_t(position->GetZ())};
593  for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++) {
594  globalMin[i] += offSet[i];
595  globalMax[i] += offSet[i];
596  }
597  }
598  return next.GetDepth();
599  }
600  else return -1;
601 }
612 void TVolumeView::GetLocalRange(Float_t *min, Float_t *max)
613 {
614  TVirtualPad *savePad = gPad;
615  // Create a dummy TPad;
616  TCanvas dummyPad("--Dumm--","dum",1,1);
617  // Assing 3D TView
618  TView *view = TView::CreateView(1,0,0);
620  gGeometry->SetGeomLevel();
621  gGeometry->UpdateTempMatrix();
622  view->SetAutoRange(kTRUE);
623  Paint("range");
624  view->GetRange(&min[0],&max[0]);
625  delete view;
626  // restore "current pad"
627  if (savePad) savePad->cd();
628 }
633 char *TVolumeView::GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const
634 {
635  if (!gPad) return 0;
636  static char info[512];
637  Double_t x[3] = {0,0,0.5};
638  ((TPad *)gPad)->AbsPixeltoXY(px,py,x[0],x[1]);
639  TView *view =gPad->GetView();
640  if (view) {
641  Double_t min[3], max[3];
642  view->GetRange(min,max);
643  for (int i =0; i<3;i++) min[i] = (max[i]+min[i])/2;
644  view->WCtoNDC(min,max);
645  min[0] = x[0]; min[1] = x[1];
646  min[2] = max[2];
647  view->NDCtoWC(min, x);
648  }
649  TShape *shape = GetShape();
650  if (shape)
651  snprintf(info,512,"%6.2f/%6.2f/%6.2f: %s/%s, shape=%s/%s",x[0],x[1],x[2],GetName(),GetTitle(),shape->GetName(),shape->ClassName());
652  else
653  snprintf(info,512,"%6.2f/%6.2f/%6.2f: %s/%s",x[0],x[1],x[2],GetName(),GetTitle());
654  return info;
655 }
660 TVolumePosition *TVolumeView::Local2Master(const Char_t *localName, const Char_t *masterName)
661 {
662  TVolumeView *masterNode = this;
663  TVolumePosition *position = 0;
664  if (masterName && masterName[0]) masterNode = (TVolumeView *)Find(masterName);
665  if (masterNode) {
666  TVolumeViewIter transform(masterNode,0);
667  if (transform(localName)) position = transform[0];
668  }
669  return position;
670 }
676 {
677  TVolumePosition *position = 0;
678  if (!masterNode) masterNode = this;
679  if (masterNode && localNode) {
680  TVolumeViewIter transform((TVolumeView *)masterNode,0);
681  TVolumeView *nextNode = 0;
682  while ((nextNode = (TVolumeView *)transform()) && nextNode != localNode) { }
683  if (nextNode) position = transform[0];
684  }
685  return position;
686 }
699 Float_t *TVolumeView::Local2Master(const Float_t *local, Float_t *master,
700  const Char_t *localName, const Char_t *masterName, Int_t nVector)
701 {
702  Float_t *trans = 0;
703  TVolumePosition *position = 0;
704  TVolumeView *masterNode = this;
705  if (masterName && masterName[0]) masterNode = (TVolumeView *)Find(masterName);
706  if (masterNode) {
707  TVolumeViewIter transform(masterNode,0);
708  if (transform(localName) && (position = (TVolumePosition *) transform.GetPosition()) )
709  trans = position->Local2Master(local,master,nVector);
710  }
711  return trans;
712 }
725 Float_t *TVolumeView::Local2Master(const Float_t *local, Float_t *master,
726  const TVolumeView *localNode,
727  const TVolumeView *masterNode, Int_t nVector)
728 {
729  Float_t *trans = 0;
730  TVolumePosition *position = 0;
731  if (!masterNode) masterNode = this;
732  if (masterNode && localNode) {
733  TVolumeViewIter transform((TVolumeView *)masterNode,0);
734  TVolumeView *nextNode = 0;
735  while ((nextNode = (TVolumeView *)transform()) && nextNode != localNode) { }
736  if (nextNode && (position = (TVolumePosition *) transform.GetPosition()) )
737  trans = position->Local2Master(local,master,nVector);
738  }
739  return trans;
740 }
755 void TVolumeView::Paint(Option_t *option)
756 {
757  Int_t level = gGeometry->GeomLevel();
758  if (!option) return;
759  if (option[0]=='r' && level > 3 ) return;
761  Int_t iFirst = atoi(option);
762  Int_t iLast = 0;
763  const char *delim = strpbrk( option,":-,");
764  if (delim) iLast = atoi(delim+1);
765  if (iLast < iFirst) {
766  iLast = iFirst-1;
767  iFirst = 0;
768  }
770  if ( (0 < iLast) && (iLast < level) ) return;
772  TTablePadView3D *view3D = (TTablePadView3D*)gPad->GetView3D();
774  TVolume *thisNode = 0;
775  TVolumePosition *position = GetPosition();
777  // UpdatePosition does change the current matrix and it MUST be called FIRST !!!
778  if (position) {
779  thisNode = position->GetNode();
780  position->UpdatePosition(option);
781  }
783  // if (option[0] !='r' ) printf(" Level %d first = %d iLast %d \n",level, iFirst, iLast);
784  if (level >= iFirst) {
785  PaintShape(option);
786  if (thisNode) thisNode->PaintShape(option);
787  }
788  // if ( thisNode->TestBit(kSonsInvisible) ) return;
790 //*-*- Paint all sons
791  TSeqCollection *nodes = GetCollection();
792  Int_t nsons = nodes?nodes->GetSize():0;
794  if(!nsons) return;
796  gGeometry->PushLevel();
797  TVolumeView *node;
798  TIter next(nodes);
799  while ((node = (TVolumeView *)next())) {
800  if (view3D) view3D->PushMatrix();
802  node->Paint(option);
804  if (view3D) view3D->PopMatrix();
805  }
806  gGeometry->PopLevel();
807 }
813 void TVolumeView::PaintShape(Option_t *option)
814 {
815  Bool_t rangeView = option && option[0]=='r';
817  TIter nextShape(fListOfShapes);
818  TShape *shape = 0;
819  while( (shape = (TShape *)nextShape()) ) {
820  if (!shape->GetVisibility()) continue;
821  if (!rangeView) {
822  TTablePadView3D *view3D = (TTablePadView3D*)gPad->GetView3D();
823  if (view3D)
824  view3D->SetLineAttr(shape->GetLineColor(),shape->GetLineWidth(),option);
825  }
827  // It MUST be the TShape::PAint method:
828  Bool_t viewerWantsSons = kTRUE;
829  TVirtualViewer3D * viewer3D = gPad->GetViewer3D();
830  if (viewer3D) {
831  // We only provide master frame positions in these shapes
832  // so don't ask viewer preference
834  // Ask all shapes for kCore/kBoundingBox/kShapeSpecific
835  // Not all will support the last two - which is fine
836  const TBuffer3D & buffer =
837  shape->GetBuffer3D(TBuffer3D::kCore|TBuffer3D::kBoundingBox|TBuffer3D::kShapeSpecific);
839  // TShape sets buffer id based on TNode * gNode
840  // As we not using TNode we need to override this
841  const_cast<TBuffer3D &>(buffer).fID = this;
843  Int_t reqSections = viewer3D->AddObject(buffer, &viewerWantsSons);
844  if (reqSections != TBuffer3D::kNone) {
845  shape->GetBuffer3D(reqSections);
846  viewer3D->AddObject(buffer);
847  }
848  }
849 #else
850  shape->Paint(option);
851 #endif
852  }
853 }
858 TString TVolumeView::PathP() const
859 {
860  TString str;
861  TVolumeView *parent = (TVolumeView *)GetParent();
862  if (parent) {
863  str = parent->PathP();
864  str += "/";
865  }
866  str += GetName();
867  TVolumePosition *p = GetPosition();
868  if (p) {
869  char buffer[10];
870  snprintf(buffer,10,";%d",p->GetId());
871  str += buffer;
872  }
873  return str;
874 }
879 void TVolumeView::SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t * /*= ""*/)
880 {
881  const Char_t *sceleton[] = {
882  "TVolumeView *CreateNodeView(TVolume *topNode) {"
883  ," TString thisNodePath = "
884  ," UInt_t thisPositionId = "
885  ," Double_t thisTranslate[3] = "
886  ," "
887  ," TString matrixName = "
888  ," Int_t matrixType = "
889  ," Double_t thisMatrix[] = { "
890  ," "
891  ," "
892  ," };"
893  ," return = new TVolumeView(thisTranslate, thisMatrix, thisPositionId, topNode,"
894  ," thisNodePath.Data(),matrixName.Data(), matrixType);"
895  ,"}"
896  };
897 //------------------- end of sceleton ---------------------
898  Int_t sceletonSize = sizeof(sceleton)/sizeof(const Char_t*);
899  TVolumePosition *thisPosition = GetPosition();
900  TVolume *thisFullNode = GetNode();
901  TString thisNodePath = thisFullNode ? thisFullNode->Path() : TString("");
902  // Define position
903  UInt_t thisPositionId = thisPosition ? thisPosition->GetId():0;
904  Double_t thisX = thisPosition ? thisPosition->GetX():0;
905  Double_t thisY = thisPosition ? thisPosition->GetY():0;
906  Double_t thisZ = thisPosition ? thisPosition->GetZ():0;
908  const TRotMatrix *matrix = thisPosition ? thisPosition->GetMatrix():0;
909  Int_t matrixType = 2;
910  TString matrixName = " ";
911  Double_t thisMatrix[] = { 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0 };
912  if (matrix) {
913  matrixName = matrix->GetName();
914  memcpy(thisMatrix,((TRotMatrix *)matrix)->GetMatrix(),9*sizeof(Double_t));
915  matrixType = matrix->GetType();
916  }
917  Int_t im = 0;
918  for (Int_t lineNumber =0; lineNumber < sceletonSize; lineNumber++) {
919  out << sceleton[lineNumber]; // std::cout << lineNumber << ". " << sceleton[lineNumber];
920  switch (lineNumber) {
921  case 1: out << "\"" << thisNodePath.Data() << "\";" ; // std::cout << "\"" << thisNodePath.Data() << "\";" ;
922  break;
923  case 2: out << thisPositionId << ";" ; // std::cout << "\"" << thisNodePath.Data() << "\";" ;
924  break;
925  case 3: out << "{" << thisX << ", " << thisY << ", "<< thisZ << "};"; // std::cout << thisX << ";" ;
926  break;
927  case 5: out << "\"" << matrixName << "\";" ; // std::cout << "\"" << matrixName << "\";" ;
928  break;
929  case 6: out << matrixType << ";" ; // std::cout << matrixType << ";" ;
930  break;
931  case 7: out << thisMatrix[im++] << ", "; out << thisMatrix[im++] << ", "; out << thisMatrix[im++] << ", ";
932  break;
933  case 8: out << thisMatrix[im++] << ", "; out << thisMatrix[im++] << ", "; out << thisMatrix[im++] << ", ";
934  break;
935  case 9: out << thisMatrix[im++] << ", "; out << thisMatrix[im++] << ", "; out << thisMatrix[im++];
936  break;
937  default:
938  break;
939  };
940 // std::cout << " " << std::endl;
941  out << " " << std::endl;
942  }
943 }
949 {
950  TVolume *thisNode = GetNode();
951  if (thisNode) thisNode->SetLineAttributes();
952 }
958 {
959  TVolume *node = GetNode();
960  if (node) node->SetVisibility(TVolume::ENodeSEEN(vis));
961 }
967 {
968  if (GetListOfShapes()) {
969  TIter nextShape(GetListOfShapes());
970  TShape *shape = 0;
971  while( (shape = (TShape *)nextShape()) ) {
972  if (shape->GetVisibility()) shape->Sizeof3D();
973  }
974  }
976  TVolume *thisNode = GetNode();
977  if (thisNode && !(thisNode->GetVisibility()&TVolume::kThisUnvisible) ) {
978  TIter nextShape(thisNode->GetListOfShapes());
979  TShape *shape = 0;
980  while( (shape = (TShape *)nextShape()) ) {
981  if (shape->GetVisibility()) shape->Sizeof3D();
982  }
983  }
985 // if ( TestBit(kSonsInvisible) ) return;
987  TVolumeView *node;
988  TDataSetIter next((TVolumeView *)this);
989  while ((node = (TVolumeView *)next())) node->Sizeof3D();
990 }
Definition: FJcore.h:367
virtual Bool_t DoOwner(Bool_t done=kTRUE)
Definition: TObjectSet.cxx:85
TVolumeView(TVolumeView &viewNode)
to be documented
virtual void PaintShape(Option_t *option="")
Definition: TVolume.cxx:641
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual void SetVisibility(ENodeSEEN vis=TVolume::kBothVisible)
Definition: TVolume.cxx:753
virtual TVolumePosition * Local2Master(const TVolumeView *localNode, const TVolumeView *masterNode=0)
to be documented
virtual Double_t * Local2Master(const Double_t *local, Double_t *master, Int_t nPoints=1) const
virtual void Paint(Option_t *option="")
static TRotMatrix * GetIdentity()
Return a pointer the &quot;identity&quot; matrix.
Definition: TVolume.cxx:507
virtual void Sizeof3D() const
Return total size of this 3-D Node with its attributes.
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
to be documented
Definition: TVolume.cxx:345
virtual void GetLocalRange(Float_t *min, Float_t *max)
virtual void SetObject(TObject *obj)
The depricated method (left here for the sake of the backward compatibility)
Definition: TObjectSet.h:59
virtual TVolume * AddNode(TVolume *node)
virtual void SetLineAttributes()
to be documented
virtual void UpdatePosition(Option_t *option="")
to be documented
virtual const TVolumePosition * GetPosition(Int_t level=0) const
to be documented
virtual TString PathP() const
return the full path of this data set
virtual void Browse(TBrowser *b)
to be documented
virtual void PaintShape(Option_t *option)
virtual char * GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const
to be documented
virtual void Browse(TBrowser *b)
Browse this dataset (called by TBrowser).
Definition: TObjectSet.cxx:65
virtual TVolume * GetNode() const
to be documented
virtual ~TVolumeView()
default dtor (empty for this class)
virtual void Draw(Option_t *depth="3")
Draw Referenced node with current parameters.
virtual TString Path() const
return the full path of this data set
Definition: TDataSet.cxx:626
virtual void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
to be documented
virtual Int_t GetGlobalRange(const TVolumeView *rootNode, Float_t *min, Float_t *max)
virtual void SetVisibility(Int_t vis=1)
to be documented
virtual TDataSet * Find(const char *path) const
Definition: TDataSet.cxx:362
virtual const Char_t * GetName() const
return VolumePosition name