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On-line Analysis

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Starting the On-line Analysis

You may need to define the environmental variable STAR_REF:

     setenv STAR_REF /afs/rhic/star/starlib/ref

On deneb, in ~staronl/ana, type trkStaf to bring up Staf. You want to bring up a HIGZ window, so give a carriage return to accept the window when you get the ``Workstation type'' query.


     exec init

to initialize.

The other defaults should work.

If you have trouble connecting to netfeed1, clear it: exit Staf, then close netfeed1.

To take data,

     exec go N

where N=number of events to analyze. If N=1, a detailed picture of the event is produced. If N>1, various (faster) plots are displayed every 10 events. Use cntl-C to exit go.kumac at any time.

Next: Data Output Up: On-line Analysis Previous: Starting on-line analysis


Histograms are created by histos.kumac and filled by go.kumac.

An output file of histograms is named with the date and time in its title by default in init.kumac. The files are written into ~staronl/ana/histos. The file is updated every 50 events in go.kumac, and also when go.kumac returns. The present method creates one file for every Staf session; to create a new file requires exiting and restarting Staf.

Up: On-line Analysis Previous: Histograms

Data Output

All read events are written in raw form to /home/deneb/star7/sys_test for sector testing or /home/deneb/star7/tpc_test for data taken on the TPC. Files created in this way will, in general, contain a subset of the events written to tape.

Written: Eric Hjort, 08-AUG-1997

Page maintenance:

Roy Bossingham, LBNL