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SSD simulations in gstar

This page contains information related to the simulation of the SSD in GSTAR.

SSD Geometry

The SSD geometry for GSTAR formely described in the svttgeo.g file has been decoupled from the SVT and is now described in the sisdgeo directory
How to convert the geant Geometry into a root geometry ?
Type the following commands :
unix> staf -w 0
staf> make sisdgeo
staf> rz/file 21 sisdgeo.geom on
staf> quit
unix> g2root sisdgeom.geom sisdgeom.C
unix> root4star
root4star> .x sisdgeo.C
root4star> gGeoManager->SetVisLevel(10);
root4star> gGeoManager->SetVisOption(0);
root4star> gGeoManager->GetVolume("SFMO")->Draw();
which successively : At this point, a TPad should be opened with a TView that can be manipulated (Front, Top, Side, Perspective, Parallel,...)
ssd back button Lilian.Martin