Pedestals & Noises
First data

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Run XIV data analysis

Analysis on the Run XIV SSD data can be found in these pages.

News for this run

March 11, 2014
SSD RDO ID1 (the ID appears in the data header) got replaced with a different RDO with ID6
The new RDO ID6 has the same Ladder Card mapping as RDO ID1 had.
ALL runs after 3PM EDT will show the ID for the first RDO as 6.
Thorsten Stezelberger, Luis Ardila

Ladder specifications

mapping RDO/Fiber to Ladder Id or here
mapping RDO channels to Silicon Strips

Commissioning run

first run : analysis by Long : January,16th
second run : analysis by Long : January,18th

Cosmic runs

Luis took several cosmic run with a delay in the TCD :

RUN # Delay setting in microseconds

15025008 0
15025009 0.4 this run had an odd high rate and buffers went full, i restarted it
15025010 0.4
15025011 0.8
15025013 1.2
15025014 1.6
15025015 2
15025016 2.4
15025017 2.8

Pulser runs to test RDO channels/silicon strip mapping

run number offset HV on
15034111 1 no
15034112 16 no
15034113 32 no
15034119 1 yes
15034120 16 yes
15034121 32 yes

Data packer correction

The details of all the runs taken Feb,24th is here The following plots show the mean ADC values for ladders on P side(left) and N side(right) vs. the number of events (triggers).
run 15055028
run 15055095
run 15055106
run 15055107
run 15055108
run 15055109
run 15055110
run 15055112
run 15055113
run 15055114
run 15055116
run 15055117
run 15055118
run 15055119
run 15055123
run 15055124
run 15055125


Only run 15055095 does not show bad events (events for which the mean ADC is around 1000). All the other shows some bad events.
Looking at the run log, the only differences are :
run 15055095 :
  1. DaqRunType : PedAsPhys
  2. Clock Source : Rhic Clock
  3. Trigger : pedAsPhys
  4. Clock Frequency : 9.307 MHz
  5. number of events in the DAQ file : 1k
and all the other runs are :
  1. DaqRunType : PedAsPhys_tcd_only
  2. Clock Source : Local Clock
  3. Trigger : pedAsPhys
  4. Clock Frequency : 9.4 MHz
  5. number of events in the DAQ file : 2k

Pedestal runs

I looked at one of the pedestal run : run 15055099.
The pedestal and rms values are now computing by Tonko's code in StRoot/RTS/src/DAQ_SST/sstPed.cxx and decoded in StSstDaqMaker by accessing the sst/pedrms bank.
The plots are there : run 15055099 : each page has the pedestal values on top (left=sideP, right=sideN) and rms (left=sideP, right=sideN)


  1. Some ped values are still negative (due to the wrap around 1024)
  2. rms values are much higher than previous run (~ 40-50 ADC)

List of pedestal run

This page lists the pedestal run and gives plots of <pedestal> and <rms> per chip for P and N side ladders.

Pedestals & Noises

A first look at the pedestal and noise is shown below. Document to explain the procedure calculation (Jim Thomas) : here .
First test to apply the procedure calculation (Long Zhou) : here .

pedestal run vs. SSD readout rate

note : each pdf file has 8 slides, 1 per ladder, 1 slide for pedestal (left panel) and rms (right panel)vs. rdo channel
Pedestal run 01102844 (1Hz) : sector 1, RDO 1 , sector 1, RDO 2 , sector 1, RDO 3 , sector 2, RDO 1 , sector 2, RDO 2
Pedestal run 01102845 (10Hz) : sector 1, RDO 1 , sector 1, RDO 2 , sector 1, RDO 3 , sector 2, RDO 1 , sector 2, RDO 2
Pedestal run 01102846 (100Hz) : sector 1, RDO 1 , sector 1, RDO 2 , sector 1, RDO 3 , sector 2, RDO 1 , sector 2, RDO 2
Pedestal run 01102848 (1000Hz) : sector 1, RDO 1 , sector 1, RDO 2 , sector 1, RDO 3 , sector 2, RDO 1 , sector 2, RDO 2

Calibration with DAQ

List of bad chips

I made the plots ADC vs. rdo channels (without the signal wrapped-around) for all the wafers. The idea was to identify chips for which all their channels saturating at ~1000 ADC ( example ). It is a different behavior than the signal wraped-around 1024 ADC.
The list of chips (per side, ladder,wafer) is here : table (if no chip # is specified, it means that all chips for that wafer saturate) (excel file)
The details per ladder can be found in this directory : example for ladder 1, sideN
(please change ladder from 1 to 20 in your browser search window, N to P to see all the other pdf files)

Offline chain

I looked at the offline reconstruction for a cosmic run. The goal is to test it with the new DAQ maker. Also it's a cosmic run where almost all signal is some pedestal value, so don't expect meaningful quantities.
run st_cosmic_15025008_raw_2000001.daq .


excel file with details of run taken with the SSD . as of the date of :

ssd back button

jonathan bouchet