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This page contains usefull information related to the SSD software.


Who is working on what

A list of problems/errors related to the SSD software is tentatively maintained here.

Some pages on very specific informations :


SSD geometry in gstar

A page dedicated to the SSD simulations in gstar can be found here

SSD Simulation Maker

Empty at the moment...

Row data reading

The SSD row data are read from the daq files with the StSsdDaqMaker. This code is currently under review and will be soon accessible under cvs. This maker is using the StSSDReader and SSD_Reader classes developped by Herb Ward and accessible in StDaqMaker and StDaqLib.
This maker has two main goals :

Hit reconstruction

The SSD hit reconstruction is done by the StSsdPointMaker accessible from the software guide. This maker takes the ouput table of the StSsdDaqMaker, do the cluster finding and cluster matching in the wafers. The hits found are then filled in a StSsdHitCollection of StEvent.

The star note 427 contains some documentations on it. Jonathan is publishing is latest plots here


The SSD hits reconstructed are used in ITTF to build tracks in the STAR central region. A geometry specific to the SSD has been built in Sti for this purpose and stored in StiSsd. The tuning of the tracking in the SSD is just starting.

Histograms offline

This page gives an overview of the histograms that can be represented when running the bfc with the ssd option. Pedestal and physics features are explained.
OffLine plots

Officials Histograms offline

This page gives an overview of the histograms written in St_QA_Maker
OffLine plots

New pedestal & rms table

This page gives some explanation about the new pedestal & rms table used up to run 7
SSD Noise Table

Fast Simulator

This page gives some details about the Fast Simulator
SSD Fast Simulator


How to write tables in DB

Embedding procedure

Embedding with SSD : in construction


In this directory are some macros used for analysis, calibration.
ssd back button Jonathan Bouchet