STAR  Computing  Simulation  
GSTAR : STAR detector simulation tool
  Maintained by MaximPotekhin, Olga Barannikova


GSTAR is a framework designed for the STAR detector simulation using the GEANT simulation package. The simulation program is an enhanced version of the interactive GEANT (GPAW), controled via KUIP interface.  The GSTAR package consists of a set of .g modules (text files), each providing description of the:
  • geometry of different subsystems of the STAR detector , like Beam pipe, Silicon Vertex Tracker, TPC etc...
  • procedure to perform operations like i/o, particle generation, on-flight analysis etc. under user control.
GSTAR accepts interactive commands or KUIP kumac files. There are few examples of kumac files in $STAR/kumacs/sim directory. Among these, have a look in the material.kumac - it allows to get material distribution plots in any STAR subsystem or combination of subsystems. GSTAR accepts different types of input files. GSTAR produces output in a file, which have a platform independent FZ format. The content of FZ files can be read as tables in STAF by the G2T module, or in ROOT.

STAR Geometry

GSTAR user manual


Use this link for useful info concerning the HIJING event generator. For a quick start, this will be useful: Please note that we no longer support Hijing running within the staf/gstar application.

Examples of GSTAR KUMAC macros

Advanced Geometry Interface

Also available in Postscript version

Various Notes and Additional information

E-mail the author of the GSTAR package: Pavel Nevski, or the STAR simulation leader Maxim Potekhin
Last updated by Maxim Potekhin on 12/12/2003